ADAM BOZON - TRAIN DLTK 17:44 FIRST CARRIAGE: The first carriage is quite easy apart from the first guard who I have to be really careful on. All of the guards in this room have body armour so I need the equivalent of five head hits before I can blow them up. When you hear a guard go "Ugh!" then that means their body armour is gone. When you blow up a crate to kill a guard then the final bullet has to be close to the guard otherwise he'll survive the explosion. I laser through the crate on the way to the fourth guard to give myself a boost which speeds me up for a moment and makes me invincible for a few moments. A guard can't shoot you during a boost so that gives me enough time to reach my next hiding place safely. It's safe for me to take fire damage on LTK/DLTK because the one hit kills settings used on LTK/DLTK only apply to guard hits and not to explosions or drone gun hits. SECOND CARRIAGE FIRST HALF: This is one of the hardest parts of the level, especially the guard in the middle so it was better for me to have a few tries at getting into a safe position to kill him from. There is a chance that I can get shot when I boost myself through the crate on the way to the third and fourth guards but I don't mind taking the risk because the D5K ammo that I save is useful for the second half of the room. The third guard doesn't always get blown up there so I have to be ready to quickly stand up and shoot him before he gets me. The fourth guard can be tricky because he likes to move closer and can shoot you through the crate if he gets too close. SECOND CARRIAGE SECOND HALF: This part is one of the hardest parts of the level too but I had been really consistent at it recently. The two guards in the black clothes have more health but they don't have body armour so I can blow them up. Their positions are randomly chosen, one has two different starting positions and the other has three different starting positions. Four of those five positions allow me to blow them up which is what I did on this run. I wait behind the crate for a while because this causes the guards to start shooting at me. When that happens, the guards will sometimes blow themselves or each other up in the crate explosions and they'll also hopefully come closer to me now that the crates aren't blocking them any more. The guard who starts on the right is a bit different to the others as he has body armour and will go across to the left instead of coming closer to me. The guards hold their guns in their right hands so I can take advantage of this and carefully look around the edge of a crate and shoot them without them being able to see me. THIRD CARRIAGE FIRST HALF: There are five guards here who will run towards me when I pass certain trigger points on the way to the end of the second carriage. The first two will be activated when I get close to the final four crates in the second carriage and the other three will be activated when I go past the final crate. I just pass the first trigger point to begin with and kill the first two guards and then I run into the third carriage to activate the next three guards. The first two guards are easy to kill but I sometimes have problems with the next three guards because their timings are a bit random and if more than one guard appears at the same time then they can sometimes kill me. The guard in the toilet cubicle will sometimes randomly open the door too which is what happened on this run. The last two guards in this part are quite easy to kill because I can use the trick again where I take advantage on them holding their guns in their right hands. THIRD CARRIAGE SECOND HALF: This part isn't too hard. I weaken the brake first because it's possible to blow up a guard in the brake explosion if he's standing really close to it. The one before last door in this carriage is locked but there is a trick that can be used on GoldenEye and Perfect Dark where you can open a locked door from the other side if you can get close enough to it, even if there is a wall in the way so that's what I am doing when I go into the far toilet cubicle. There are two trigger points as you approach the end of this carriage which activate two guards each. You need to spend a certain amount of time past each trigger point to activate them and it seems random how long you have to spend past the point to activate the guards. The second trigger point is just past the room I am hiding in but the guards were being really slow to activate on this run and it took me three attempts to lure them. Another advantage to doing this strategy is that the next guard from the fourth carriage will often get lured closer to the door or even into the third carriage which makes him much easier to kill. He is one of the hardest guards on the level to kill when he is still in his starting position. FOURTH CARRIAGE: I had seen that the first guard was behind the door so I started shooting as I opened the door however he was closer than I thought he was and I wasn't expecting him to be crouched down either. The next guard is quite easy to kill because if I stand in the left corner of the doorway with the door shut behind me then I'm in a good position to start killing him from. I can shoot him in the arm once to make him start doing shooting animations but he can't see me so he won't shoot back. I now just have to wait for him to do a longer crouching animation and then I can go in and kill him. I can't go in too close though because there is another trigger point just in front of him which will activate the next three guards. I now activate the next three trigger guards and quickly run into the room at the side. The guards aren't able to shoot through the windows so that helps me here. If the guards manage to get the door open and I have more than one appear at the same time then I can get killed here so the strategy is a bit risky. FIFTH CARRIAGE: This carriage is the second hardest on the level after the second carriage. In this carriage, all the guards have more health than normal guards and you know which ones have the most health by looking at their hat colours. The blue hatted guards take the equivalent of about 30 head hits to kill, the purple hatted guards take about 25 head hits to kill and the black hatted guards take about 20 head hits to kill. There are four guards whose positions are randomly selected. They can be in any of the two larger rooms or the small corridors at the start and end of the carriage. One of them has two possible starting positions and the other three have three possible starting positions. Some of the guard layouts that you get are much harder than the others so there is some luck involved here although even the hardest layout is still possible to complete. I got a good layout on this run. I was late getting the 2 x ZMGs which would have been useful and I wasn't sure whether there were one or two guards in the room with the golden chair which made that room harder but apart from that I didn't have any problems there. There are also another three guards who get activated when I go past the front of the table in the first of the two larger rooms in this carriage. They all have body armour so I can't stun those guards until their body armour is gone so therefore it's safer for me to lure them back to the fourth carriage so that I can laser them through the window. The part where you go into the trigger zone is very random because you sometimes have to run in and out of the trigger zone several times before any of the guards get activated and then you might only get one or two of them which makes the next part very unpredictable. I find that if you go all the way into the middle corridor and back out again then that usually activates all three guards straightaway. It's not as risky as it looks to run into the middle corridor as the guards don't usually react instantly like on this run. I'd estimate that I die on about 1 in 3 runs here on the lure though. I was very fortunate to survive on this run, when I watched it back frame-by-frame then it looked to me that the left guard shot first and his bullets went behind me and then the right guard started shooting but not until a fraction of a second after I had gone back past him on the way out and his bullets went in front of me. When I go back to the fourth carriage I have to wait for the guards, sometimes they're fairly quick to come like on this run and sometimes they can take several minutes to appear. I leave the door open to lure them into doing a shooting animation and then I quickly shut the door. After the guards have seen me then they'll start doing a repeated animation where they stand around for a few moments before running to another position nearby and they'll keep doing that until they're dead so I hopefully have enough time to kill them when they've stopped running. If more than one guard comes at the save time or if one of them opens the door then there is a chance that I can die there. SIXTH CARRIAGE PART 1: This part of the level is really easy. When I have blown up all the brakes then I get two heavily body armoured guards in black clothes coming after me. They will run to the position that I was standing in when I destroyed the final brake and then come after me and there's no way of hiding from them because they'll find you wherever you are. They do the same animation that the guards were doing earlier where they stand around for a few moments before running to another position nearby. I know that if I blow up the final brake from that exact position then they'll run there first and then run and wait just outside the window so they're really easy to kill. ENDING: The ending can go wrong or fail if you don't have enough ammo left, you take too long killing the guards outside or you stand too close or too far away from Ouromov when you're killing him. There are three guards outside, the left and right guards are heavily body armoured but the one in the middle can be blown up with a crate which is what I do on this run. I switch to the PP7 because it's more accurate and I want the explosion to be as close as I can get it to the middle guard to make sure he dies. The guard on the right was being really annoying on this run and kept crouching down so that I couldn't shoot him. The left guard can be blown up by shooting the left side of the crate next to him if you're low on ammo as long as his body armour is gone but I had loads of ammo left here so I didn't need to do that. For those of you who haven't seen a Train DLTK ending before then this is how if works... It doesn't matter if Trev sees you, nothing else will happen until you actually enter the final room so this gives you a good chance to laser as many locks as you can from the previous room. After that you now have to enter the room to finish the locks off. Trev will now say "That's close enough!" and you have about 27 seconds from the start of that message before Ouromov shoots Natalya which makes her freeze up so she won't complete her objectives. During those 27 seconds, you can finish lasering the locks and start killing the guards outside. Natalya won't follow you outside yet so it's safe to do this. Ouromov will shoot Natalya soon after the "Come on James, don't try to be clever" message disappears so you need to go back inside and kill Ouromov during that message. It's safe to stand on the right side of the room when you're killing Ouromov because Trev and Xenia can't shoot through the table on the right. You then need to go back outside and finish killing the guards. To stop Natalya following you outside straightaway and failing her objectives then you need to start running towards the front of the train before or during the "Good luck with the floor, James" message. Now you can wait near the front of the train for Natalya to complete her objectives and then exit the level when she's finished.