My GoldenEye Records

Times gotten by failing the level as fast as you can, aborting/dying/completing not allowed
All times (1.1) unless noted otherwise
(CC) means 1.1 with cruise control

23 June 2005

Untied WR's are in gold and bigger

Tied WR's are in blue and suck very much

Times which are very bad and suck very much are in red

Times with a ' behind it are NTSC, times with a * behind it aren't on tape

Level: Agent: Secret Agent: 00 Agent:
Dam: N/A 0:54 (1.2) 0:54 (1.2)
Facility: 0:40' 0:51' 0:51'
Runway: N/A N/A (AKA useless) 0:23 (1.2)
Surface 1: 0:51' 0:51' 0:51'
Bunker 1: 0:10 0:10 0:10
Silo: N/A (AKA Who Cares?) 1:12' 1:13'
Frigate: 0:04 0:04 0:04
Surface 2: 0:45' 0:45' 0:45'
Bunker 2: 0:21' 0:21' 0:21'
Statue: 0:04 0:04 0:04
Archives: 0:08 0:08' 0:08'
Streets: 2:23' (1.2) 1:14 1:14
Depot: N/A 0:26 0:26
Train: N/A (AKA useless) 1:16 1:17
Jungle: 0:50' 0:51' 0:52'
Control: 0:40' 0:52' 0:52'
Caverns: N/A (AKA slowness) 1:04 1:04
Cradle: 0:32 0:32 0:32
Aztec: N/A (AKA useless) N/A (AKA useless) N/A (AKA useless)
Egyptian: N/A N/A N/A
Total: N/A N/A N/A

Total Time: N/A

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