Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 1326
GameFAQs Contests
Not enough nominations. Link isn't the only one who kicks ass. Congrats to Advokaiser for winning the CBX Guru Contest! |
Fate/Grand Order is all we need for the mobile game rep. | F/GO: 271551102; FFRK: 9k6d; FFBE: 886783216 |
LeonhartFour posted... also did Doki Doki Literature Club really not make itThere's quite a few things about the VN genre's representation that threw me for a loop, but that's probably the big one. Agent Triple Zero at your service! This line reserved for the true greatone, Advokaiser, the 2018 Guru Contest winner. |
WhiteLens posted... Fate/Grand Order is all we need for the mobile game rep. I've played it, so many waifus! ![]() this is one of my favorites from FGO(Atalanta) Advokaiser |
Oh man so many unknown, weak games, this is gonna be hard. Congrats to Advokaiser, the Guru Champ! |
Odyssey and Dark Souls should've switched spots, but I see why they didn't want that. Probably have a BOTW/Ody final. dilateDChemist |
red sox 777 posted... So I'm not sure if I can really participate in this contest. I have played a grand total of zero of these games. I may have played SSBU for all of an hour. I watched some videos of the cutscenes of Skyward Sword. But I really have no idea what these games are or how strong they should be. @red_sox_777 Don't worry about that. My first ever GameFAQs contest was GotD1 and, since I didn't consider myself a true gamer then, I had only played a whopping total of two games back then, yet I had a blast with the contest itself. I now have a better understanding of the site's tastes, demographics, past results, etc., so maybe I can enjoy it a bit more, but it's not a requirement really. It's an honor being part of Board 8's community. (edited 2/28/2020 10:20:56 PM)report |
I'm looking forward to seeing HeartGold/SoulSilver in action. Considering those games are the holy grail of Pokémon by the big majority of Pokéfans, this is gonna be very, very interesting to see. It's an honor being part of Board 8's community. | The HGSS effect. Link isn't the only one who kicks ass. Congrats to Advokaiser for winning the CBX Guru Contest! |
really don't know what to expect from HGSS, because while it's going to
be weaker than the original GSC, there's still the whole remake factor
in play too. We've also never seen a Pokemon remake in a contest
before. HGSS was more than doubled by ME2 in the GotY polls, while also being weaker than Galaxy 2 (57.94% on HGSS). Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as Advokaiser, Guru Champ! |
Yeah, but let's not forget this overwhelmingly monstruous result: It's an honor being part of Board 8's community. |
not really a representative sample or RBY would have stomped everyone
else. HGSS has the problem that many people had quit Pokemon long before
it came out. Link isn't the only one who kicks ass. Congrats to Advokaiser for winning the CBX Guru Contest! |
OH! I just noticed: VVVVVV was a consideration of mine for the Guru, but seeing as it already had a 9-seed alone, it probably would've end up with like a 2-seed, lol. It feels nice seeing my Guru nom up there. It feels like watching my little baby competing. Thanks to all. It's an honor being part of Board 8's community. |
Team Rocket Elite posted... That's not really a representative sample or RBY would have stomped everyone else. HGSS has the problem that many people had quit Pokemon long before it came out. That's correct, but considering we're talking about the past 10 years of Pokémon, the contest can get rid of the power of Generations 1, 2, and 3, so the "casual" fanbase that got rid of Pokémon early on is entirely off, and the faithful remainder is what has the power now. I'm willing to bet HG/SS has only gotten stronger over time, especially taking into account the progressive amount of backlash that the series has received with each passing Gen after 4. They're starting to realize Pokémon has only gotten worse in quality after the success of HG/SS. It's an honor being part of Board 8's community. (edited 2/28/2020 10:46:28 PM)report |
what have we here Yoblazer |
LeonhartFour posted... Assassin's Creed Odyssey is in the contestThanks for pointing this out; it's corrected now. I goofed it in the first place because I was thinking of Origins, which wasn't actually in any of the mock brackets, so I typed Odyssey instead. MetalmindStats on mobile, and also as a Pokemon. |
my bracket. Probably gonna be my worst Contest performance ever tbh. I
really need to play more recent games. There were so many titles I had
no clue on about potential strength. POKEFEAR to the finals bay bay! Submit your bracket for the GameFAQs Game of the Decade contest!: (edited 2/29/2020 2:22:25 AM)report |
I feel like every match DK is in is tough for me to predict. dilateDChemist |
The Witcher III beat Skyrim and make it to the finals? Conventional
wisdom says Skyrim is number two, but when you think about it Witcher
III has all the momentum - the show, the Switch port, its increased
reputation and even Cyberpunk, while Bethesda have just tanked their
reputation over the last few years, though maybe Skyrim is immune to
that. I really like this bracket, thiugh I do find Persona 4 Golden’s inclusion pretty questionable! I guess the Vita needed something. I just decided to change this sig. Blaaaaaaargh Advokaiser |
Why we still have the double register user bonus thing? So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing? |
Safer_777 posted... Why we still have the double register user bonus thing? It makes our pathetic vote totals look slightly less pathetic. |
Lightning Strikes posted... I really like this bracket, thiugh I do find Persona 4 Golden’s inclusion pretty questionable! I guess the Vita needed something. Allen never strictly said upgraded ports aren't allowed! |
Wow, Super Meat Boy has a guaranteed R1 win! It has no chance against Ys VIII/Sonic Mania, though... Also, no To The Moon... 😔 It's an honor being part of Board 8's community. |
played at least a few minutes of 48/128 games in the bracket and have
heard of all of them, so I at least like the look of this bracket! It'll be fun to see how the big indie names compare with the big non-Nintendo/SE studio games, as well as watching some seldom-seen franchises shine, and just seeing how much the tastes of GameFAQs has shifted in the past 10-15 years. Should be a fun one! . . |
Ludicrous potential upset: Would you take Last of Us over God of War? I would. Now consider the implications that would have on these goty results: UM. That’s probably a misleading comparison for a few reasons but it may not be completely insane! [NO BARKLEY NO PEACE] [NO Advokaiser NO PEACE] (edited 2/29/2020 6:57:03 AM)report |
It's not crazy at all. God of War put up a very good performance on SSBU. Link isn't the only one who kicks ass. Congrats to Advokaiser for winning the CBX Guru Contest! |
poll is very interesting as the past 2 appearances of this poll proved
the existence of an After Work Vote, but those earlier re-runs were both
on a weekday. Today's poll is on a weekend, which changes things up as
for the trends. So far, it seems like the work option is getting about
one third of the percentage it received in the 2016 poll, so it seems
like far less people are working today compared to a normal weekday. I
am tracking this poll to see if the AWV shows up at any point during the
poll. Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as Advokaiser, Guru Champ! |
Not_Wylvane posted... I've played at least a few minutes of 48/128 games in the bracket and have heard of all of them, so I at least like the look of this bracket! Can you do a quick ranking of them? Opinion of an experienced gamer is always appreciated (and useful). It's an honor being part of Board 8's community. |
of War vs The Last of Us should have more votes than that GotY poll,
plus there's the double registered user bonus. I think that's an
interesting match and don't just give it to God of War because of its
GotY performance. Advokaiser picked Cloud in Guru and rained on my bracket. At least I finished 20th overall! |
TLOU has the seed advantage as well for what it's worth. |
Wait... KH3 isn't in? But FFXV has a 5-seed? Well, that's something... It's an honor being part of Board 8's community. |
is in. Look at Division 6 again. It'll probably win its first match
even. And heck, who knows what this site this of Portal now. | F/GO: 271551102; FFRK: 9k6d; FFBE: 886783216 |
Too bad KH3 was snubbed from GotY polls so we have no idea what it will even look like |
don't trust KH3 against something as half decent as Portal 2. Might've
stood a chance against a few of the other 3 seeds but not Portal. |
swordz9 posted... Too bad KH3 was snubbed from GotY polls so we have no idea what it will even look like That's probably good enough to beat Portal 2 but it might not. Link isn't the only one who kicks ass. Congrats to Advokaiser for winning the CBX Guru Contest! |
Do people still care for KH 3? So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing? |
never cared for KH3 lol, it released to immediate lackadaisical
disappointment. There are tons of matches in this bracket that stump me,
but I'm pretty confident in Portal 2 > KH. Yoblazer |
KH3 did just have a big piece of DLC drop. I wonder how much people still care about Portal. |
Minecraft vs Dota is like two Magikarp fighting. I wonder which one of is going to fail less than the other one There is some potential for evolving into Gyriados (rally) but I don't really expect it for those two. |
matches like that, I just take the one with more name recognition and
the higher seed since they'll have brackets and default votes. |
take Dota because I feel the 30 year olds who come here may have a more
visceral reaction of wanting to protect their hobbies from the casual
invasion upon seeing Minecraft. |
Minecraft didn't do bad against Halo. Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
Leonhart4 posted... KH3 did just have a big piece of DLC drop. I wonder how much people still care about Portal. People hate the DLC though, it will likely make matters worse. It is glorified cut content they charged half the price of the game for. It may hurt the game not help it. I think if you redo that first match five years from now Disco straight up wins. There has been talk of snubs, and someone earlier said it was odd to not see so many Square games here. The truth is this has been a bad decade for them. I can’t think of any worthy snubs from them, maybe Birth by Sleep (a 2010 PSP game!) at a push. There is Hitman but that’s not them any more... Rise of the Tomb Raider perhaps but that’s arguably represented by Tomb Raider. Rough, rough time for them. ...But at least we get to say that Nier Automata is the strongest Square game in here! I just decided to change this sig. Blaaaaaaargh Advokaiser |
KamikazePotato posted... Minecraft didn't do bad against Halo. Yeah, but Halo proceeded to get quadrupled by FFVII next round. It definitely wasn't at the same level of strength in 2015 it was for GotD1. Lightning Strikes posted... People hate the DLC though Do they? I feel like the reception on B8 has been mostly positive, but I haven't really been paying attention to it elsewhere. |
Sora is the number #1 requested character in smush so I wouldn't count out KH. People still care about it. dilateDChemist |
feeling pretty okay about KHIII > Portal 2 for no other reason than
Portal 2 just feels like the kind of game that would drop off hard as it
gets older? Not a stinky alien. :( Nintendo Switch Code: SW-5719-6555-8388 (edited 2/29/2020 2:08:16 PM)report |
WarThaNemesis2 posted... I'm feeling pretty okay about KHIII > Portal 2 for no other reason than Portal 2 just feels like the kind of game that would drop off hard as it gets older? Portal 2 did pretty good in 2015! Portal 1 is the game that looked like it fell off a cliff. |
LeonhartFour posted... Portal 2 did pretty good in 2015! Yeah, and Portal 2 now is older than Portal 1 was when falling off a cliff happened. It's just a combination of gut and "Kingdom Hearts III looked pretty good in those non-GotY polls for whatever little those are worth". I realize that the easy counter to this is "No War do not take Kingdom Hearts in a debated match IT WILL NOT GO WELL" Not a stinky alien. :( Nintendo Switch Code: SW-5719-6555-8388 |
You can count on KH2! Unfortunately, it is not in this contest. |
POKEFEAR! l dilateDChemist |