Waluigi > Aerith let's go
Singing my song for my dream
abdou 10/20/2018 5:02:49 PM#102
Zidan and Noctis both will lose? LOL FF is joke now.
davidponte 10/20/2018 5:03:08 PM#103
there goes bracket
The final Undisputed Champion in UCA history.
Nintendo is f***ing fuego this year, my God.
Now crack that combination:
27 99 23.
Janus5k 10/20/2018 5:03:14 PM#105
Glove winning the board/early vote wouldn't surprise me, although this is a bad look for Noctis regardless
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
Glover for CBXI!!!!!!!
If I only consulted the Gossip Stones like BKSheikah, instead of listening to Tingle, maybe I could have been the 2017 Guru Champ!
Had Master Hand and Knuckles in my original bracket and changed after reading all the analysis!

Oh well lol when's the next contest
If I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.
Called the hand, screwed up with Zidane. What the hell FF.
This sentence has five words. This sentence has eight words. Only one sentence in this signature is true.
If Zidane loses easy, then it might be time to sound the alarms on some other early matches like Sora/Red. I'll start kicking myself so hard for switching that one.
Ranticoot 10/20/2018 5:04:11 PM#111
How in the f*** is Noctis not only worse than Kuja

He's a lot worse than Kuja
Born to lose, live to win!
CaptainOfCrush posted...
If Zidane loses easy, then it might be time to sound the alarms on some other early matches like Sora/Red. I'll start kicking myself so hard for switching that one.


(Drake is so boned)
Ugh Zidane

At least I went with the glove...
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
ZeldaTPLink 10/20/2018 5:04:39 PM#114
Wario can barely double Monika with power hour and no rally.

davidponte 10/20/2018 5:05:00 PM#115
I have faith in Zidane and Noctis, based on nothing at all.
The final Undisputed Champion in UCA history.
ZeldaTPLink 10/20/2018 5:05:07 PM#116
Ranticoot posted...
How in the f*** is Noctis not only worse than Kuja

He's a lot worse than Kuja

Lol modern FF
Hbthebattle 10/20/2018 5:05:30 PM#117
Sora is not a Final Fantasy character, his next game has massive hype both here and everywhere else.

He will not necessarily drop because of FF weakness.
Still hoping.
I'll be 12/12 after today if these results hold but have a lot of Square characters going far
Started from the bottom now we here
davidponte 10/20/2018 5:05:49 PM#119
190 vote lead for Wario at the freeze. Nothing can stop him at this point.
The final Undisputed Champion in UCA history.
Vote totals are a little higher at the freeze than they've been the first two days, but not much, so if the rally actually is in effect, it's not doing anything.
Things like Master Hand winning are far worse than rallies imo and I didn't even play FF15
FSABot 10/20/2018 5:06:15 PM#122
Gonna be sad to see how far Crono has dropped at this point based on these other old Square characters
The Albion Hero
Playing: Assassins Creed: Origins (PC), Da Capo III (PC)
Hbthebattle 10/20/2018 5:06:36 PM#123
When the f*** has a round 1 rally taken hold in the first 5 minutes?
Still hoping.
Mac Arrowny 10/20/2018 5:06:47 PM#124
Noctis is one of the worst characters of all time. Most MH votes are probably anti-votes.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Nanis23 10/20/2018 5:07:07 PM#125
Bye 3 points
I knew I needed to go wth MH and Knuckles
3DS FC : 3411-1762-0066
I love how everyone's calling it over 5 minutes in
ZeldaTPLink posted...
Wario can barely double Monika with power hour and no rally.


Guessing there are quite a few people bracket-voting Monika, but yeah
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
davidponte 10/20/2018 5:07:42 PM#128
Maybe the rally is happening but it's not actually making a difference, however they all also voted for Knuckles/Hand, which means once the finite supply of votes runs out, we'll see Zidane/Noctis start to cut.

That's what I'm choosing to believe.
The final Undisputed Champion in UCA history.
LeonhartFour posted...
a friggin' GLOVE

Don't disrespect the glove

Better than sissy boy noctis
-~get rich or drunk trying ~-
Ranticoot 10/20/2018 5:07:50 PM#130
Hbthebattle posted...
When the f*** has a round 1 rally taken hold in the first 5 minutes?

Missingno maybe

Crono was leading by 1 vote at the freeze and never led the rest of the match, that match had real prep behind it
Born to lose, live to win!
It's gonna be something else if Monika fizzles and Master Hand ends up getting a bandwagon instead.
Now crack that combination:
27 99 23.
im317 10/20/2018 5:07:58 PM#132
is Master Hand or Crazy Hand stronger?
"L-Block 2007 Character Battle Champion"Always remember
"L-Block, shaped like a boot to kick your ass"
Well at least I took Zelda > Squall, but I chickened out on Red > Sora...
Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.
ShatteredElysium posted...
Things like Master Hand winning are far worse than rallies imo and I didn't even play FF15

I felt a rush of Hand confidence (I already had a ton) when I recalled that 15 was the FF that didnt have a female character in the party.

I'd never trust that game to do anything.
Ugh, that Dissidia art
Character Battle X
Current Score: 8/8 A hand, an echidna may hinder us...
tennisboy213 posted...
I love how everyone's calling it over 5 minutes in

that's what we do
Averia 10/20/2018 5:09:04 PM#137
davidponte posted...
Maybe the rally is happening but it's not actually making a difference, however they all also voted for Knuckles/Hand, which means once the finite supply of votes runs out, we'll see Zidane/Noctis start to cut.

That's what I'm choosing to believe.

They are so distracted by the Hand they forgot they were there for Monika !
(edited 10/20/2018 5:09:26 PM)report
I cannot believe that a freaking glove is doing this again
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
Knuckles Almost Never Loses In The First Round ya'll
"Balthier will be passable"

"Lightning will be passable"

"Noctis will be passable"
RIP Paul Bearer. Ohhhh nooooo. :(
WarThaNemesis2 posted...
"Balthier will be passable"

"Lightning will be passable"

"Noctis will be passable"

Lightning does indeed appear to be passable though...!
OrangeCrush980 posted...
Well at least I took Zelda > Squall, but I chickened out on Red > Sora...

Never disbelieve in pokefear
-~get rich or drunk trying ~-
Zidane and Noctis stall, at least.

also someone needs to get cn on the job so we can have the updaters working properly
KamikazePotato posted...
I cannot believe that a freaking glove is doing this again

It's up against a pile of s***
-~get rich or drunk trying ~-
Team Rocket Elite 10/20/2018 5:11:07 PM#145
43 people fell off the Top 50 Former first place Jay_Solano, former second place IhatethisCPU, Steiner, RyoCaliente, ProfessorLupin, lordloki12, beavis666x2, KingdomBartz, KingdomMarche, Brayze_II, Dels, Wanglicious, Peridiam, GoogleChrom, HanOfTheNekos, Mega_Mana, Claude_Rena, TheKnightOfNee, beautifuldreams, Giggsalot, SecksThaNemesis, King_Jasper, silentsephiroth, DaZettaiRyouiki, RPGlord95, TheKoolAidShoto, franmars, armitage999, samsoknight, charmander6000, LetsGoMew151, RySenkari, DeepsPraw, illuminatusbubu, SegavsCapcom, Django191, MhkaCHemistry, MrMallard, DarkVeritas217, MICHALECOLE, trueOgre_Killer, Old_Rat and BurningFlareX did not have Vivi, Aya Brea, Donkey Kong and Leon Kennedy winning.

Congrats to the 7 users who got all 4 matches right. Tirofog, SantaRPidgey, transcience, kingofjamaica, CraiCrushna, Polygonsilikon and Jaded_Dragon are still perfect and make up the new Top 7.
This was not the best year for my bracket.
Congrats to BK_Sheikah00 for winning the BYIG Guru Contest!
okay now I'll say the glove got this
Aaaaand we're done with the non-Monika matches.

You know, Hand > Wario wouldn't be the most ridiculous result we've ever had...
I hope Allen adds back in the distribution of overall scores.
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
CaptainOfCrush posted...
Aaaaand we're done with the non-Monika matches.

You know, Hand > Wario wouldn't be the most ridiculous result we've ever had...

I went with it

Like who actually cares about Wario?
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
I feel like again too quick to signal the death knell for all the big Square players like Aeris/Squall.

Noctis is modern FF so that can be put down to 90s reigning supreme and Knuckles is from that 16 bit sweet spot while Zidane is quite low on the totem pole within Square
Started from the bottom now we here

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