Haste_2 5/24/2017 9:36:52 PM#401
Leonhart, double-check your 2016 and 1993 x-stats.

Here are some adjusted x-stats! The following multipliers were applied:
1992 - 1.1
2003 - 1.3
2006 - 1.2
2008 - 1.15
1987 - .85
1985 - 1.3
1997 - 1.1
1996 - 1.3
2000 - 1.1
1990 - 1.2

Only one year was adjusted down:
1987 - .85

Keep in mind that these adjustments affect all the losers underneath those years. For instance, 1996 was actually adjusted up 10% (due to 1997's adjustment), then 30%. I didn't adjust some of the round 1 years that lost, such as 1999 or 1988. If you want to adjust those, be my guest. (but probably nobody would bother)

Be warned, I didn't create the x-stats from the votes cast... I was lazy and only used the match percentages. Try not to complain when the rounding is .01% off...

Adjusted Extrapolated Standings
1) 1998 - 50.00%
2) 1997 - 35.90%
3) 2001 - 33.81%
4) 1994 - 33.65%
5) 1995 - 32.38%
6) 1991 - 31.38%
7) 2000 - 30.80%
8) 1992 - 29.87%
9) 1996 - 28.79%
10) 2002 - 28.29%
11) 2004 - 27.80%
12) 2006 - 27.69%
13) 1987 - 26.21%
14) 1990 - 25.65%
15) 2011 - 25.56%
16) 2008 - 24.57%
17) 2003 - 24.25%
18) 2007 - 20.83%
19) 2005 - 20.53%
20) 2013 - 20.35%
21) 1985 - 17.45%
22) 2015 - 16.82%
23) 2010 - 16.77%
24) 1999 - 16.33%
25) 2016 - 16.17%
26) 1981 - 14.24%
27) 1993 - 14.08%
28) 2009 - 13.84%
29) 2014 - 11.38%
30) 2012 - 9.77%
31) 1989 - 9.39%
32) 1988 - 7.82%
33) 1986 - 7.12%
34) 1978 - 5.94%
35) 1983 - 5.69%
36) 1979 - 5.23%
Time to throw a complicated party for the mighty prophet and seer BKSheikah!
(edited 5/24/2017 9:37:21 PM)report
I think 1997 would've broken 40% if it had actually beaten 2001.
My reaction when I read BKSheikah won the Guru Contest:
Haste_2 5/24/2017 9:42:51 PM#403
Yeah, I was pretty conservative on that 1997 adjustment... I just thought, how much would the removal of MK64 be, and placing SF64 down further? Oh, wait... Goldeneye was missing, too right? I will change the multiplier to 1.2. That will then require a re-adjusting of 2000, 1996, and 1990.
Time to throw a complicated party for the mighty prophet and seer BKSheikah!
(edited 5/24/2017 9:46:13 PM)report
I'd be interested in seeing the other Vote-In years (that didn't make the contest) included in your adjusted X-Stats. Here's a link to the 2 Vote-In polls:

Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as BK_Sheikah00, Guru Champ!
The answer is still "no." I gave you the very worst result and that's all you need.
My reaction when I read BKSheikah won the Guru Contest:
(edited 5/24/2017 9:57:24 PM)report
LeonhartFour posted...
The answer is still "no." I gave you the very worst result and that's all you need.

You're not even the one doing the adjusted X-Stats, so you have no authority to speak for someone else. Haste_2 did the adjusted X-Stats.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as BK_Sheikah00, Guru Champ!
Including the vote-ins is pointless because (to the surprise of no one) they weren't consistent with actual contest results.
My reaction when I read BKSheikah won the Guru Contest:
1979 and 1983 were a bit messed up in the raw X-Stats because they were in the upper half of the bracket that had most of the bad match pictures which overrated (or underrated) the strengths of some years. So 1979 and 1983 finished lower than 1978 in the raw X-Stats.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as BK_Sheikah00, Guru Champ!
pjbasis 5/24/2017 10:47:04 PM#409
Can we really adjust things to be above things they lost to directly?
So I updated the "Most Surprising Results" page on the wiki.

Not because anything from this contest made it on there, mind you. It simply hadn't been updated since the 2013 contest.

Here's the lists:

All matches:
1. Draven's title
2. Undertale's title
3. Draven reaching the finals
4. L-Block's title
5. Undertale reaching the finals
6. Draven winning Division 1
7. L-Block reaching the finals
8. Undertale reaching the semifinals
9. Squirtle winning Division 5
10. L-Block reaching the semifinals
11. Undertale winning its division
12. Super Mario RPG reaching the semifinals
13. Charizard winning his division in 2010
14. L-Block reaching the quarterfinals
15. Mewtwo reaching the quarterfinals in 2008
16. Undertale reaching the division finals
17. Red winning Division 8
18. Majora's Mask winning GotD
19. Vivi > Mario 2015
20. FFX reaching the finals of BGE2
21. Cloud's CBII title
22. Samus reaching the finals in 2013
23. Kirby reaching the semifinals in 2008
24. SMRPG winning its division
t25. L-Block reaching Round 3
t25. Melee reaching the semifinals in 2015

And for 1v1s only:
1-11. See above.
12. Undertale reaching Round 3
13. Brawl reaching the finals in GotD
14. Melee winning Division 128
15. Majora's Mask reaching the finals in GotD
16. StarCraft reaching the Division 128 finals
17. Charizard reaching the division finals in 2010
18. Brawl reaching the semifinals in GotD
19. KH2 > KH1 in GotD
20. Vincent > Squall 2005
21. Samus winning the main bracket in 2006
22. Link winning CBI
23. MGS3 winning its division in GotD
24. Sonic > Crono 2006
25. Cloud > Link in the CBII semis

And the Round 1 list:

1. Yuna turning around the 2007 results on Master Chief in 2013
2. Tales of Symphonia escaping that clusterf*** where only 3.39% separated first and fourth in 2009
3. Secret of Monkey Island coming in second in that match where SMB3 literally broke 75% in a fourway
4. Sub-Zero > Master Chief 2010
5. Crono loses to a glitch
6. Undertale
7. Urdnot Wrex over Cecil and Pit in 2013
8. (16) StarCraft over (1) Halo
9. Pokémon RSE over GTA IV in GotD
10. Game & Watch over Lee Everett and Meat Boy
11. Chrono Cross over WoW in 2015
12. TTYD over Gears of War in GotD
13. KOS-MOS over the Blizzard duo for second place behind Mega Man in 2007
14. Catherine over Neku and Vaas in 2013
15. Castlevania over Halo in the Series Contest
16. Portal over BioShock for second place behind MGS4
17. Morrowind over Warcraft III in GotD
18. L-Block
19. Blue over Fox and Wolf in 2013
20. Magus loses to a literal punching bag
21. HK-47 escapes the "Jakpack of Suck"
22. Diablo II winning the other clusterf*** of 2009 with only 5.32% between first and last place
23. Big Boss > Pac-Man for second behind Mario in 2007
24. Warcraft over GTA in the Series Contest
25. so i herd u like mudkipz

...Yep, those are lists. Common themes seem to be "not understanding how SFF works" and "overestimating Halo". (Halo was also the 2nd-place finisher in the Diablo II match). Though I find it absolutely hilarious that with how badly Warcraft has burned casuals for picking it, it's also burned them for not picking it. I guess GTA is even bigger casual bait.

Conspicuous by his absence: Draven on the R1 list, given that he seemed to be the biggest "surprise" of the three surprise champs. Just goes to show you just how awful his first-round competition really was.
Congratulations to BKSheikah, 2017 Guru
(edited 5/25/2017 12:36:08 AM)report
LeonhartFour posted...
I think 1997 would've broken 40% if it had actually beaten 2001.

I would be pretty surprised by that.
swirIdude 5/25/2017 5:41:07 AM#412
Yuna/Chief 2013 is the number 1 first round result? A lot of people here got the sense that Yuna was going to do that.
"The people who play Final Fantasy 7 actually have lives and dont NEED polls" ~MajinUltima
BKSheikah won Guru, but you know that.
Yuna > Master Chief was the guru favourite in 2013

Master Chief always has strong bracket support, he's usually up there with the noble nine.
Congratulations to BKSheikah for winning the guru
Safer_777 5/25/2017 10:00:41 AM#414
So LTTP won? I am surprised. I don't get it.
Congrats to BKSheikah, best Guru of the 2017 Contst of Best Gaming Year ever! He is worthy!
Safer_777 posted...
So LTTP won? I am surprised. I don't get it.

BotW took a big chunk of the total vote, probably mainly from OoT. Also, I feel that OoT is slowly losing its stranglehold as the "defining title" of the series. More people are starting to look back on games like Majora and Wind Waker fondly and regarding those as their favorites. Plus, that was the fifth poll in six days to feature OoT front and center. Maybe some voters had just gotten tired of it.

BKSheikah:The Real Deal
(edited 5/25/2017 10:06:36 AM)report
Not_Wylvane 5/25/2017 12:49:37 PM#416
Sounds like the best way to dethrone OoT is to just have game contests nonstop until it loses.
The last contest already showed that OoT has lost a lot of strength here. Even 1 v 1, LTTP did very well against it. People still have this perception that it's still an unstoppable godslayer but it's really not.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.

You don't even have to go quite that far back to get very "looks bad for OoT" results; CT/LttP were projected to get 45% on it in 2004.

Just like with FFVII vs. FFVI/CT, the further this site retreats back into its core old-school Nintendo and Square voting base, the worse Ocarina of Time will probably do against Link to the Past.
(edited 5/25/2017 2:04:09 PM)report
pjbasis posted...
Can we really adjust things to be above things they lost to directly?

Not based on any actual data, at least not in this type of contest. Any adjustments in this contest are just guesses, and that's why I'm not bothering with them.

That, and we'll never need them anyway.
My reaction when I read BKSheikah won the Guru Contest:
LusterSoldier posted...
No 1v1 Zelda poll today. Instead, it's a s***ty poll about Microsoft Game Pass.

I was definitely right to call it a s***ty poll, since it's going to be our first ever non-GotY or non-Super Bowl poll to get under 10000 votes in a full 24 hours in over 15 years (last time it happened was on 11/27/2001).
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as BK_Sheikah00, Guru Champ!
Haste_2 5/25/2017 9:52:10 PM#421
I went and applied a few more multipliers to years that clearly were missing/lowly placed pictures or suffered SFF. I used a multipler of 1.2 for 1997, which makes a good compromise between the disagreement over whether 1997 could have broken 40% on 1998.

And... (fine!) I've put in some x-stats for the older years from the vote-in polls... however, the linear x-stat model was used. The 70's years were extrapolated from 1979, and the 80's years were based off of 1981. I will post those tomorrow, assuming I don't forget.

1985 - 1.30
1987 - 0.85
1988 - 1.50
1989 - 1.30
1990 - 1.20
1992 - 1.10
1993 - 1.50
1996 - 1.20
1997 - 1.20
1999 - 1.40
2000 - 1.10
2003 - 1.30
2005 - 1.10
2006 - 1.20
2008 - 1.15
2014 - 1.50
2015 - 1.10

Newly Adjusted Extrapolated Standings
1998 - 50.00%
1997 - 39.16%
2001- 3.81%
1994 - 33.65%
1995 - 32.38%
1991 - 31.38%
2000- 31.01%
1992- 29.87%
1996- 28.99%
2002- 28.29%
2004- 27.80%
2006- 27.69%
1987- 26.21%
1990- 25.83%
2011- 25.56%
1999- 24.94%
2008- 24.57%
2003- 24.25%
2007- 22.73%
2005- 22.58%
1993- 21.12%
2015- 20.36%
2013- 20.35%
1985- 17.45%
2014- 17.07%
2010- 16.77%
2016- 16.17%
1981- 14.24%
2009- 13.84%
1989- 12.30%
1988- 11.73%
2012- 10.66%
1983- 7.45%
1986- 7.12%
1978- 6.53%
1979- 5.23%
Time to throw a complicated party for the mighty prophet and seer BKSheikah!
2001- 3.81%

Man, pictures mean a lot huh?

Adjusting this contest seems like a fun exercise. I had a lot of fun adjusting 2015 although it was a huge pain in the ass sometimes. 2013 was like 10x easier.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
Safer_777 5/26/2017 4:40:52 AM#423
Obviously he means 33.81.
Congrats to BKSheikah, best Guru of the 2017 Contst of Best Gaming Year ever! He is worthy!
gearofages 5/26/2017 7:31:10 AM#424
2013 was missing A Link Between Worlds, probably it's strongest game.
"I come through this life a stumbler, friend. I expect to die that way. " - Townes Van Zandt
why would you adjust 2015 above 2013?
All the stars in the sky belong to BKSheikah
I love how the BYIG link on the front page, that once shared space along two Taimanin Yukikaze links at a time when the contest really could have used more promotion, is now taking more space than it really needs now that the contest is done.
Agent Triple Zero at your service!
BKSheikah is the new greatone.
Not_Wylvane 5/27/2017 4:43:23 AM#427
I'm glad it's still there so I can always relive my favorite Best Year in Gaming moments, such as
HaRRicH 5/27/2017 6:13:49 AM#428
Was there any advancement on the theory of each year's strength being the average of its games represented in its pics? If that was proven accurate (enough), I'd feel more comfortable with adjustments since we have values for game-strength already. If we're just guessing though...like, I don't disagree that some adjustments are appropriate, but it doesn't feel based on much.
Posted using GameFlux
Get it now for Android from Google Play!
foxhead84 5/27/2017 8:21:39 AM#429
Anyone doing a PCA this year? Ulti?
Congratulation to DpOblivion for winning Tumblr's BGE 3 guru contest
(edited 5/27/2017 8:22:03 AM)report
Not_Wylvane 5/27/2017 8:33:05 AM#430
PCA: It sucked.
Big Bob 5/27/2017 9:29:58 AM#431
87's the big outlier to the "average game strength" theory. It's clear it got a massive respect boost, because none of its games are particularly strong.

I'm still amazed that Earthbound of all things almost put it over 2001.
Come watch me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gameryogi
Not necessarily, we just don't know their strength. It sucks that only SMB3 and Tetris made it to the last games contest.

The Legend of Zelda has strength and wasn't the worst anchor game. Using Tetris as a base and what it got against SMB3 in 2004 as a ceiling the range for The Legend of Zelda against Chrono Trigger is 26.28% to 34.79%.

Using what Mega Man 2 got against Tetris places the original at 23.53% against Chrono Trigger. While Mega Man 2 and 3 are often cited as the best games I doubt the original is that far off from them. Plus the series may be stronger given what Mega Man X did during the 2015 contest.

Metroid is a bit hard to calculate. If we assume the same degree of SFF between Metroid and Contra in 2009 and then calculate through Contra's performance in 2004 we get Metroid expected to get 24.03% against Chrono Trigger

Castlevania is impossible to calculate, but even taking an average for LoZ the three games combined are expected to score over 50% against Chrono Trigger according to the x-stat estimator.

There are a lot of assumptions with these numbers so take it with a grain of salt.
Congratulations to BKSheikah for winning the guru
(edited 5/27/2017 10:17:35 AM)report
foxhead84 posted...
Anyone doing a PCA this year? Ulti?

PCA: Sailor Bacon's obscene match pic choices cost BT the contest
BKSheikah, my hat is off to you. Welcome to the Guru Champions Club
lol xstats
Ultii 5/27/2017 10:25:51 AM#434
foxhead84 posted...
Anyone doing a PCA this year? Ulti?

Already a topic up brother.
Ulti at work.
HaRRicH posted...
Was there any advancement on the theory of each year's strength being the average of its games represented in its pics?

the advancement was that it didn't work
My reaction when I read BKSheikah won the Guru Contest:
Haste_2 5/27/2017 2:17:53 PM#436
Mac Arrowny posted...
why would you adjust 2015 above 2013?

I boosted 2015 because I felt that Fallout 4 was placed too low and MGSV would have benefiited that year. The Witcher has decent strength, at least.

However, I failed to take Link Between Worlds into account for 2013.
Time to throw a complicated party for the mighty prophet and seer BKSheikah!
We need to have that all fictional character contest soon so Captain Jack Sparrow can capitalize on the new movie boost
My reaction when I read BKSheikah won the Guru Contest:
Safer_777 5/28/2017 2:17:21 AM#438
Can I ask something? Why there are limits in USA Internet connections? I never understood that.
Congrats to BKSheikah, best Guru of the 2017 Contst of Best Gaming Year ever! He is worthy!
Not_Wylvane 5/28/2017 4:42:17 AM#439
spooky96 5/28/2017 4:58:45 AM#440
I'm pretty sure band caps are in other parts of the world too. Most of my friends have a limited cap. Once used up, their internet becomes super slow.
Congrats BKSheikah, the Guru winner!
From the place of your birth to the ends of the Earth~
Safer_777 5/28/2017 5:53:05 AM#441
Money eh? At least things here are simple. If you download all day every day you pay around 25 € per month. If you just see Facebook and Youtube and nothing else you pay around 25 € per month.
Guess we have something better than USA...
Congrats to BKSheikah, best Guru of the 2017 Contst of Best Gaming Year ever! He is worthy!
LeonhartFour posted...
We need to have that all fictional character contest soon so Captain Jack Sparrow can capitalize on the new movie boost

Hell no, that sounds boring! We should have a "Best Civilization (not the series by Sid Meier) Ever" contest, complete with the scrolling pics of their greatest achievements. Ancient Rome vs North Korea, the Mongol Empire vs ISIS, and everybody's favorite Germany vs France. I would love to see all the funny topics and trolling.
Final BYG Stats: 26/35 correct match picks and 59/84 points. Damn 2000, 2006, and 1997 match pics (cost me 11 points).
Finished in top 25% (8% if not for pics)
Not_Wylvane 5/28/2017 9:44:48 AM#443
A GameFAQs contest on the best GameFAQs contests.
Safer_777 5/28/2017 12:04:22 PM#444
I think it is time to have a Character battle BUT allowing ALL characters that have appeared in video games.

Bruce Willis VS Joker
Batman VS Link
Superman VS Darth Vader

Don't tell me you dont' want to see these matches!
Congrats to BKSheikah, best Guru of the 2017 Contst of Best Gaming Year ever! He is worthy!
Not_Wylvane posted...
A GameFAQs contest on the best GameFAQs contests.

we've had enough of them to do a 16 entrant bracket so let's do it
My reaction when I read BKSheikah won the Guru Contest:
Not_Wylvane posted...
A GameFAQs contest on the best GameFAQs contests.

Pointless. The contest closer to 1998 will win most of the time.
I am strong... I am wise... I am handsome... But not right! BKSheikah beat me in the 2017 guru contest.
GranzonEx 5/28/2017 12:57:07 PM#447
spoilers Link wins
2 line break(s), 160 characters allowed
HaRRicH 5/28/2017 1:06:31 PM#448
OrangeCrush980 posted...
Not_Wylvane posted...
A GameFAQs contest on the best GameFAQs contests.

Pointless. The contest closer to 1998 will win most of the time.

A 2002 VS 2003 final would be one of the most reasonable results. I have a few contests I prefer a bit more, maybe, but they were both top-tier. At least nothing from the '90s could win!
Posted using GameFlux
SwiftyDC 5/28/2017 1:26:48 PM#449
What if we had mini contests for GOTY each year instead of those usual polls we get
Dilated Chemist
Tears from BKSheikah's eyes cure cancer, too bad he never cries.
We've mentioned it a few times.

A 16 game contest would be fine, even if SBAllen doesn't want to do a proper nomination/predicting period it would at least be interesting.
Congratulations to BKSheikah for winning the guru

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