Team Rocket Elite posted...
creativename posted...
A couple rounds back I'd done some stats, can't remember through what, that had CT putting 60% on FF7.

Based on the early Power Hour and Melee's frontloaded natural trends, FF7 could be assumed to get mid to high 50's today. CT was heading to mid 60's.

So CT 60/40ing FF7 seems like it was actually possible. Amazing.

I'm still confused as to what causes CT's rise.

Out of interest, what do you think CT would get against OoT in a match without rallying?

Rallying and dwellers?

48% now probably. clear #2 on the site.
FFVII Remake >>>> Original. Deal With it.
Why are people still getting their hopes up
It's UT's contest

Melee can rally, but UT will just rally more. It doesn't really matter what any opponent does.

Besides, I don't want to see OOT > Melee in the final. I would like Melee to win, it's a game I like a lot, but it won't beat OoT. And Undertale beating the site's biggest hero would be what the place deserves after yesterday's disaster.
Such a lust for revenge
Undertale is the biggest villain since round 1 bro
Yeah, Melee shouldn't win unless it's going to win it all. OoT doesn't deserve a free pass after all of this.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail
Nah people antivoted ME3 that's why Undertale was able to win R1 in the first place

and what a shame considering it's gonna end up as #2 in the x-stats

As for Melee I am excited for it to get hit with the biggest chokeslam yet. This site hasn't forgotten that it took down its favorite game, after all.
Goddamn Metal Gear Solid 3
Scarlettail posted...
Yeah, Melee shouldn't win unless it's going to win it all. OoT doesn't deserve a free pass after all of this.

Yes that does. Its the LAW
CT would definitely not 60/40 FFVII. That match is 52/48 at most. FFVII is just getting destroyed by rally crossfire here.
I don't know how much you know about women, but Dr. Pizza is an expert. - The Mana Sword
Lol I actually get a rally on the front page of r/WiiU and Mario starts s***ting the bed. How bad would this be if I didn't do that? Christ.
"This is all we have... when we die.."
OoT totally deserves the win in the absence of CT. Link's hands are clean!

Or we could let MGS3 win. I'd be fine with that too given that my bracket's dying either way
I don't know how much you know about women, but Dr. Pizza is an expert. - The Mana Sword
I guess it's all part of Link's plan. Having Melee take down FFVII, the last remaining threat, then have Melee either beat UT and die to OoT or, if UT wins, OoT will have massive rallies.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail
FF7 got 65% on Smash Bros. Wii
CT got 65% on FFX
Ocarina got 65% on FFIX
Link to the Past got 65% on FFIV

Just on these results it seems pretty clear that CT > Ocarina > FF7 > Link to the Past (maybe FFIV could take on Smash Bros. Wii, but I doubt it). There aren't really any other results that seriously put these match results into doubt.
"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So... what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
(edited 12/11/2015 3:24:44 PM)report
Scarlettail posted...
I guess it's all part of Link's plan

Nah, it wasn't Link who came up with that plan. We all know that Ocarina of Time vs. Symphony of the Night was actually a meeting between Link and Alucard.

As Alucard whispered his words of wisdom into Link's ear, Link knew what he must do.
Video game companies don't care about you, so stop kissing their asses
Well it was Alucard that gave Pikachu the ability to defeat L-Block
BGE3: Today's Matches FFVII > CT, SM64 > Pokemon RBYG
Points 195/256
pjbasis posted...
Undertale is the biggest villain since round 1 bro

It's a matter of perspective, really. There are no heroes anymore. Undertale was pre-Hidden Palace Knuckles until yesterday but the true villain, Robotnik - or in this case, the GameFAQs voterbase that voted SMRPG over Resident f***ing Evil f***ing 4 - has exposed himself now.

I guess a better example would be Loki in Thor 2. Undertale is Loki in Thor 2. There you go. The GameFAQs voters are Christopher Eccleston with the funny ears. And I am Thor.
Such a lust for revenge
Eh, I think LttP can give FF7 a fight and could easily win that one even without the inevitable rallies that would favor Zelda. SSB4 is only worth 55% on Mass Effect, after all, and I wouldn't put FFIV out of reach of Mass Effect by a longshot.
Goddamn Metal Gear Solid 3
Our aggrieved parties continue to swell and snowball, using Undertale as a proxy to lash out in vengeance against high profile votes that don't go our way.

Undertale is Donald Trump, and I for one am proud to say that we're going to Make GameFAQs Great Again
Goddamn Metal Gear Solid 3
Haste_2 posted...
FF7 got 65% on Smash Bros. Wii
CT got 65% on FFX
Ocarina got 65% on FFIX
Link to the Past got 65% on FFIV

Just on these results it seems pretty clear that CT > Ocarina > FF7 > Link to the Past (maybe FFIV could take on Smash Bros. Wii, but I doubt it). There aren't really any other results that seriously put these match results into doubt.

This is simply not how contests work anymore.
creativename posted...
A couple rounds back I'd done some stats, can't remember through what, that had CT putting 60% on FF7.

Based on the early Power Hour and Melee's frontloaded natural trends, FF7 could be assumed to get mid to high 50's today. CT was heading to mid 60's.

So CT 60/40ing FF7 seems like it was actually possible. Amazing.

I estimated FFVII to get 57% on Melee based on the natural trends of both games. Melee was going to collapse hard overnight while FFVII has a killer night vote.

Assuming CT at 63% on Melee and FFVII at 57% on Melee, CT/FFVII ends up with a 56.98% win for CT.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as raytan7585, Guru Champ!
So wait, when's the Undertale rally going to kick in? UT's lead has more or less been stable for the past 30 minutes, and you would think the ASV would have kicked in by now...
*I am not a car*
62 and 57 seems fair for CT and FFVII.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
both games have been gaetting crap votes for a while

i think a ton of ppl just voted earlier today
red sox 777 posted...
62 and 57 seems fair for CT and FFVII.

With those numbers instead, CT/FFVII is only a 55.81% win. I guess 56/44 sounds about right to me in a CT/FFVII match.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as raytan7585, Guru Champ!
Destroyer_713 posted...
So wait, when's the Undertale rally going to kick in? UT's lead has more or less been stable for the past 30 minutes, and you would think the ASV would have kicked in by now...

Maybe it won't.

Maybe somehow Mario 64 (while it doesn't win) ends up looking better than basically all of Undertale's other opponents combined.
Dragon Quest Cosmos (RP):
Mario Paint Latest (Lufia 2):
Man I don't get it, it doesn't make any sense and I don't understand why nobody else notice how strange it is
Why the hell is it so close with 95k votes? it's more than double the average GameFAQs match, if most of the votes are tumblr rally then why isn't Undertale burying Mario 64 just like it did Pokemon?
There is no way this is Smash rally power, too, the topic is already very low and yet Mario is cutting here and there

Those votes are coming from somewhere that isn't so much Undertale-centric, and if it's indeed coming from tumblr, why it's not in favor of Undertale even more?
What is the difference between the rally we see all day, and what happens with Undertale once it gets into it's true form? how is this possible?
3DS FC : 3411-1762-0066
Slowly but surely UT's going for 51% and a 2k lead.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail
Even without the rallies, I think this is our least transitive contest in terms of results, and unfortunately Undertale is going to probably ruin the chances to really show that.
Viviff on the go! (or from the toilet)
The UT megasurge looks like its not coming today. It'll be back on Sunday, because Smash will have a lead.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
Nanis23 posted...
Man I don't get it, it doesn't make any sense and I don't understand why nobody else notice how strange it is
Why the hell is it so close with 95k votes? it's more than double the average GameFAQs match, if most of the votes are tumblr rally then why isn't Undertale burying Mario 64 just like it did Pokemon?
There is no way this is Smash rally power, too, the topic is already very low and yet Mario is cutting here and there

Those votes are coming from somewhere that isn't so much Undertale-centric, and if it's indeed coming from tumblr, why it's not in favor of Undertale even more?
What is the difference between the rally we see all day, and what happens with Undertale once it gets into it's true form? how is this possible?

The entire thing is weird and random.
It's like "gain 50, cut 10 , gain 50, cut 10" . There is no pattern except weird cut, small gains and medium gains.
The total vote intake has died down a ton.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail
12/11/2015 3:57:22 PM#180
ViviffTheMobile posted...
Even without the rallies, I think this is our least transitive contest in terms of results, and unfortunately Undertale is going to probably ruin the chances to really show that.

Undertale and rallied SSBM aside, this contest has actually been following GotD X-Stats pretty closely.
No amount of rallying would let me beat raytan7585.
Congrats to raytan7585 for winning the CB9 Guru Contest!
12/11/2015 3:57:39 PM#181
Disappointed that the votals slowed down, though that's the biggest indicator of this match being over. Mario is very hard to rally against, but very hard to rally for too apparently.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best Game Ever" Contest
"F*** Draven." -SBAllen
Even without the rallies, I think this is our least transitive contest in terms of results, and unfortunately Undertale is going to probably ruin the chances to really show that.

I disagree, minus Undertale and spillover we've gotten a lot of eerily accurate results.
BGE3: Today's Matches FFVII > CT, SM64 > Pokemon RBYG
Points 195/256
Team Rocket Elite posted...
creativename posted...
A couple rounds back I'd done some stats, can't remember through what, that had CT putting 60% on FF7.

Based on the early Power Hour and Melee's frontloaded natural trends, FF7 could be assumed to get mid to high 50's today. CT was heading to mid 60's.

So CT 60/40ing FF7 seems like it was actually possible. Amazing.

I'm still confused as to what causes CT's rise.

Out of interest, what do you think CT would get against OoT in a match without rallying?

I think I'd favor it to edge out OoT with zero rallying, I think its result vs. FFX and what it was likely going to get on Melee were more impressive than OoT vs. FFIX and SOTN.

But I wouldn't be sure of it.
UltimaterializerX posted...
Disappointed that the votals slowed down, though that's the biggest indicator of this match being over. Mario is very hard to rally against, but very hard to rally for too apparently.

I made a prediction last night that vote totals were probably taking a step back compared to Pokemon/Undertale. I guess we're probably on track for about 110000 votes here.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as raytan7585, Guru Champ!
You know I was kinda serious about the ads thing
Can be hilarious that Mario gets 400 votes per updates out of nowhere and take the lead before tumblr realize it
3DS FC : 3411-1762-0066
110,000 is less than 13,000 to go, that's about 2,600 per hour.

097,000+ Now
099,600 20:00
102,200 21:00
104,800 22:00
107,400 23:00
110,000 24:00

120,000 would be an additional 2,000 on top of the 2,600.
Warning, the self-destruct system has been activated, all personnel should evacuate immediately, 5 minutes to detonation.
(edited 12/11/2015 4:12:22 PM)report
The ads thing would literally not work in addition to being super lame
I don't know how much you know about women, but Dr. Pizza is an expert. - The Mana Sword
even if you were going to win a prize, paying would cost more than the actual stuff you'd win!
LordoftheMorons posted...
The ads thing would literally not work in addition to being super lame

I use uBlock Origin. Can confirm.
What's wrong with the world these days is people don't have any common sense.
I look at this and everything I've thought about OOT/Undertale seems to be lining up. Now, I haven't followed this match today at all, but Undertale did get a rally, right? Or was it Melee? Or both? In any case, Mario 64 being within a percent speaks well to Ocarina in the finals in my mind.

Also, I would like to see a OOT/CT bonus poll just so we can close the case on CT winning ya bunch of crazies!!
satoru iwata
LordoftheMorons posted...
The ads thing would literally not work in addition to being super lame

I like this guy - Shiny Mewtwo
Undertale got a rally, but the fact that it got the lead so early has kept it relatively subdued.
Melee also got a rally which is definitely helping SM64 stay afloat.
I don't know how much you know about women, but Dr. Pizza is an expert. - The Mana Sword
1337gamerpr0 posted...
even if you were going to win a prize, paying would cost more than the actual stuff you'd win!

I don't think people care about that.

People just REALLY dislike their game of choice losing. It's like... the worst thing in the world. Doubly so if the game being voted for is relatively new and not well known around these parts.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Today is nothing compared to what Undertale did to Pokemon when it decided to step on the gas. Having faith in Ocarina because Undertale decided to put Mario away in two hours doesn't seem like the best idea to me, but I'm not one to judge!
Goddamn Metal Gear Solid 3
(edited 12/11/2015 4:24:10 PM)report
12/11/2015 4:25:10 PM#195
Undertale got a rally but they weren't really trying today. You can literally see the rally almost stop on a dime as soon as Undertale first took the lead.
No amount of rallying would let me beat raytan7585.
Congrats to raytan7585 for winning the CB9 Guru Contest!
So basically, by losing almost instantly and not putting up any fight, SM64 will look better than most of the games who actually tried to win it.
Lol X-stats
No these stats are OBJECTIVE TRUTH since these polls actually completely determine the relative quality of games

At least that's what I've been hearing!
I don't know how much you know about women, but Dr. Pizza is an expert. - The Mana Sword
(edited 12/11/2015 4:35:30 PM)report
12/11/2015 4:35:27 PM#198
Undertale just wants the win. If no one resists, no one needs to get hurt.
No amount of rallying would let me beat raytan7585.
Congrats to raytan7585 for winning the CB9 Guru Contest!
Team Rocket Elite posted...
Undertale just wants the win. If no one resists, no one needs to get hurt.

it's gonna put Ocarina in the ICU
Goddamn Metal Gear Solid 3
51% get.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail

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