I really like the idea of that CT vs. FFVII, winner vs. OOT bonus poll series.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
With this spillover? MGS3 in roo-ins.
Hello, I'm Chris!
The only Undertale post I could find about this battle on Tumblr was one post that hasn't been reblogged at all yet. Do I just no know how to actually search Tumblr or are all of these Undertale votes coming from somewhere else entirely?
Raytan7585 is better than me at redditFAQs
TheOneAboveAll posted...
The only Undertale post I could find about this battle on Tumblr was one post that hasn't been reblogged at all yet. Do I just no know how to actually search Tumblr or are all of these Undertale votes coming from somewhere else entirely?

Yes, they're coming from somewhere else

Goddamn Metal Gear Solid 3
Achromatic posted...
VII and SM64 are just going to roll over and die.

Not much they can really do!
(message deleted)
cyko posted...
And with that update, the only match left that is even remotely debatable is SMRPG vs. MGS3. And even that one looks like MGS3 has very little chance.

The rest of this contest is going to suck yeah. Especially considering Melee cant even be bothered to rally now. It could have put up a sort of close match with Undertale but it looks like the large Melee rally was a 1 and done affair.
Of course Undertale fans are supporting Melee here lol
"I'll admit that I made one or two sarcastic remarks in this topic, but in all serious I akin Undertale to fascism." -ArgaiRonso
I voted FF7 and Undertale, so neither of the polls look good to me yet. But I won't give up hope. I know this has only just begun.
12/10/2015 9:40:05 PM#160
TheOneAboveAll posted...
Do I just no know how to actually search Tumblr or are all of these Undertale votes coming from somewhere else entirely?

You're not wrong, there's no tumblr presence yet. It's doing this on natural strength at this point.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best Game Ever" Contest
"F*** Draven." -SBAllen
Does it make any sense that r/smashbros spillover would be favoring Undertale? Is that possible? This doesn't make any sense.
Raytan7585 is better than me at redditFAQs
12/10/2015 9:41:02 PM#162
ExThaNemesis posted...
Of course Undertale fans are supporting Melee here lol

We're a strong community and Melee is inherently a multiplayer game that promotes a strong community for the best gameplay experience.

I for one support our hug it out overlords.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best Game Ever" Contest
"F*** Draven." -SBAllen




Goddamn Metal Gear Solid 3
Already under 1000

LOL Mario 64
UltimaterializerX posted...
TheOneAboveAll posted...
Do I just no know how to actually search Tumblr or are all of these Undertale votes coming from somewhere else entirely?

You're not wrong, there's no tumblr presence yet. It's doing this on natural strength at this point.

Natural strength doesn't make any sense either. Natural strength doesn't mean getting doubled for the first 15-20 minutes and then busting out cuts.

The only possible explanation is that the Melee ralliers are favoring Undertale. Which makes no sense at all.
Raytan7585 is better than me at redditFAQs
Under 1000 already. Get wrecked Mario.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail
Huge undertale cut.

Can't believe they are supporting melee so heavily.

There goes bracket.

This is unbelievable lol.
"This is all we have... when we die.."
UltimaterializerX posted...
TheOneAboveAll posted...
Do I just no know how to actually search Tumblr or are all of these Undertale votes coming from somewhere else entirely?

You're not wrong, there's no tumblr presence yet. It's doing this on natural strength at this point.

This is rubbish and you know it. Undertale match has 2.4k more votes than the MGS match yesterday. Of course Undertale has got stronger but its certainly not natural strength.
Why would Melee rally today? You only need to rally when the result is in doubt.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
TheOneAboveAll posted...
Does it make any sense that r/smashbros spillover would be favoring Undertale? Is that possible? This doesn't make any sense.

I think it makes sort of sense. The average r/smashbros age is like 19 (source a poll from a couple days ago), and FF7 is old. Undertale meanwhile is a game that got a lot of internet exposure and these are people who spend a lot of time on the internet.
RIP in Pieces GamerJM, 2007-2015. You will be missed. #UnPermabanJim
TheOneAboveAll posted...
Does it make any sense that r/smashbros spillover would be favoring Undertale? Is that possible? This doesn't make any sense.

Mario 64 is a rival for best Nintendo game


UltimaterializerX posted...
ExThaNemesis posted...
Of course Undertale fans are supporting Melee here lol

We're a strong community and Melee is inherently a multiplayer game that promotes a strong community for the best gameplay experience.

I for one support our hug it out overlords.

Actually both communities are pretty much the laughing stock of the rest of the gaming world, but whatever. My ability to care has been totally drained at this point.
"I'll admit that I made one or two sarcastic remarks in this topic, but in all serious I akin Undertale to fascism." -ArgaiRonso
....Yeah I've been checking around but I can find nothing for Undertale elsewhere. None of the usual suspects at all.

Is this....just Undertale getting it done right now?
"I'll admit that I made one or two sarcastic remarks in this topic, but in all serious I akin Undertale to fascism."
Good night, gentleman! See you next contest for the next rally!
Yay - DpObliVion is the guru champion of awesomeness.
red sox 777 posted...
I really like the idea of that CT vs. FFVII, winner vs. OOT bonus poll series.

Yessssss! I was gonna suggest this exact thing! I'm glad other people are on board with this one. We might consider doing RBY vs. OoT or something, too, but the parts you mentioned are the most important.

The only problem is that rally spillover could affect the legit result if it's done the day after the contest. So, maybe three days after would be best. It might be hard to convince Bacon to do that, though.
"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So... what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
TheOneAboveAll posted...
The only possible explanation is that the Melee ralliers are favoring Undertale. Which makes no sense at all.

Could it be a streaming community thing?

Are we looking at...the Twitch/Youtube vote?
"I'll admit that I made one or two sarcastic remarks in this topic, but in all serious I akin Undertale to fascism."
(edited 12/10/2015 9:43:41 PM)report
Also, both reddit rallies just get deleted again. Let's see what the next few updates bring.
Raytan7585 is better than me at redditFAQs
Some UT fans definitely stick around and wait for its matches. It'll probably slow down here soon until the morning.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail
I think there must be some Undertale source we're missing. Twitter maybe?
I don't know how much you know about women, but Dr. Pizza is an expert. - The Mana Sword
has Undertale bot tweeted yet
TheOneAboveAll posted...
UltimaterializerX posted...
TheOneAboveAll posted...
Do I just no know how to actually search Tumblr or are all of these Undertale votes coming from somewhere else entirely?

You're not wrong, there's no tumblr presence yet. It's doing this on natural strength at this point.

Natural strength doesn't make any sense either. Natural strength doesn't mean getting doubled for the first 15-20 minutes and then busting out cuts.

The only possible explanation is that the Melee ralliers are favoring Undertale. Which makes no sense at all.

There's some rallying going on, but the board vote is probably the most anti-Undertale part of GameFAQs now considering we follow the contest so closely.

The average voter who follow along mildly only notices the broad strokes, things like "tired of all these Pokemon wins" and "Link and Snake always win".

You who set up the All Nintendo Final Four, now reap the whirlwind. This site is out for OoT's blood, never even mind tumblr.
Goddamn Metal Gear Solid 3
UltimaterializerX posted...
TheOneAboveAll posted...
Do I just no know how to actually search Tumblr or are all of these Undertale votes coming from somewhere else entirely?

You're not wrong, there's no tumblr presence yet. It's doing this on natural strength at this point.

I keep saying it, people REALLY F***ING LOVE UNDERTALE. This isn't a joke, this isn't a game. This is the same kind of heartfelt gamer loyalty that other games enjoy.
12/10/2015 9:44:30 PM#183
ExThaNemesis posted...
My ability to care has been totally drained at this point.

Given how you've been acting, you not caring and taking a load off is probably a good thing. It's like this magically makes FF7 a bad game. FF7 is still one of the best games ever made.

3 of the best 10 games ever made all in one poll is really something else though. Loving this multi-way idea.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best Game Ever" Contest
"F*** Draven." -SBAllen
I wouldn't be surprised if this contest had just caught on by now. L-Block did the same thing (though with jokier trends).
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
Undyne posted...
TheOneAboveAll posted...
The only possible explanation is that the Melee ralliers are favoring Undertale. Which makes no sense at all.

Could it be a streaming community thing?

Are we looking at...the Twitch/Youtube vote?

That's interesting. Is there any way to search that to figure it out?
Raytan7585 is better than me at redditFAQs
TheOneAboveAll posted...
UltimaterializerX posted...
TheOneAboveAll posted...
Do I just no know how to actually search Tumblr or are all of these Undertale votes coming from somewhere else entirely?

You're not wrong, there's no tumblr presence yet. It's doing this on natural strength at this point.

Natural strength doesn't make any sense either. Natural strength doesn't mean getting doubled for the first 15-20 minutes and then busting out cuts.

The only possible explanation is that the Melee ralliers are favoring Undertale. Which makes no sense at all.

There is no melee rally. The reddit thread is dead in the water getting downvoted. I called it last match. At least Leon looks silly for mocking me last round about that >_>
"This is all we have... when we die.."
There are rally threads on both r/undertale and r/smashbros. Neither has hit the top yet, so this will intensify when they do.

The only problem is that rally spillover could affect the legit result if it's done the day after the contest. So, maybe three days after would be best. It might be hard to convince Bacon to do that, though.

Best way is to have CT vs. FF7 first. FF6 vs. FF7 did not seem to be affected at all by spillover, pretty much.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
Best way is to simultaneously run FFVII/OoT, FFVII/CT, and CT/OoT
12/10/2015 9:45:28 PM#189
Korota posted...
I keep saying it, people REALLY F***ING LOVE UNDERTALE. This isn't a joke, this isn't a game. This is the same kind of heartfelt gamer loyalty that other games enjoy.


Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best Game Ever" Contest
"F*** Draven." -SBAllen
And now the Undertale meme quotes begin and at this point I will just stop reading this because its annoying.
UltimaterializerX posted...
Given how you've been acting

how i've been acting? You are across the board considered the most annoying user here thanks to how you've been acting. Don't give me that s***.
"I'll admit that I made one or two sarcastic remarks in this topic, but in all serious I akin Undertale to fascism." -ArgaiRonso
Undertale is worth 40% on OoT naturally calling it

Bold Prediction Undertale beats OoT by more than any other opponent it faces in the entire contest
Goddamn Metal Gear Solid 3
More cuts, over 50 votes that time.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail

There is no melee rally. The reddit thread is dead in the water getting downvoted. I called it last match. At least Leon looks silly for mocking me last round about that >_>

It's halfway up the front page and rising.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
UltimaterializerX posted...
3 of the best 10 games ever made all in one poll is really something else though. Loving this multi-way idea.

Hey man, don't leave Super Mario 64 out of this! :p
Now crack that combination:
27 99 23.
There's a thread in r/nintendo frontpage.
Arcvalons really is a genius.-kamikazetomato.
Voice of Myself.
The amount of games Mass Effect III is better than in X-stat about to double confirmed.
Rudimentary creatures of blood, and flesh, you touch my balls, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.
Fr0zoN posted...
And now the Undertale meme quotes begin and at this point I will just stop reading this because its annoying.

That's just the name of a song on the OST.
"I'll admit that I made one or two sarcastic remarks in this topic, but in all serious I akin Undertale to fascism."
LeonhartFour posted...
has Undertale bot tweeted yet

This was retweeted by Undertale_bot:


The retweet happened several hours before today's matches started, so it could be having an effect here.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as raytan7585, Guru Champ!
red sox 777 posted...
There are rally threads on both r/undertale and r/smashbros. Neither has hit the top yet, so this will intensify when they do.

There are no more rallies on r/smashbros. They have all been deleted. r/undertale doesn't have that many users and its rally thread is not popular.
Raytan7585 is better than me at redditFAQs

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