I'd never take FFVI against Chrono Trigger. CT is beasting like nothing else and my theory is because it's a mix of everything that this site loves - SNES, RPG, nostalgia, acclaim, Nintendo - and it ISN'T burdened by the Final Fantasy name. Not a single Final Fantasy entrant since 2004 has looked as good as CT has this contest. It would win the Nintendo fanbase handily en route to a mauling of FFVI.
transience posted...
FF6 never had a shot against CT. I can see things flip on FF6/FF7 but never CT/FF6.

Pretty much. CT > FFVI is essentially a lock and always has been.
alright Leon I need you

what does Melee get on FF7 using Portal vs. Mass Effect
CT is the worst possible opponent for FFVI. I could see CT being weaker than FFVII and (ignoring that FFVI/CT only happens if FFVI beats FFVII) and beating FFVI way, way harder than FFVII could.
RIP Paul Bearer. Ohhhh nooooo. :(
Yeah for the record this is actually a really bad result from FF7 so far. Yeah it rises to heaven from here, but Smash 4 is not a strong game. Underwhelming performance from FF6 too!
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
VI is my favorite game of all time and even I can't see it ever beating Chrono Trigger.

It's always CT > FFVI.

CT - VII and VI - VII can go either way however.
Video Games are pretty cool.
11/29/2015 9:23:35 PM#207
This might as well be FF7 vs the Smash series. The Wii U is not strong, but the Smash brand is.
Winner of the Spring 2004 "Best Game Ever" Contest
"F*** Draven." -SBAllen
creativename posted...
What's going on with these high vote totals people are talking about?

Might have something to do with the switch to 2 polls per day. Perhaps when we were still having 4 polls per day, having 1 or 2 weak games out of the 8 games featured across the 4 matches actually hurt the vote totals slightly.

I haven't gotten a chance to look at the vote total trends between the highest voted match and lowest voted match of each day of the contest. For both round 1 and round 2, I want to check the difference between the highest voted and lowest voted match of each day and see if the difference in vote totals is smaller in round 2 because of stronger games on average for each day of round 2 when compared to each day in round 1. By round 3, we shouldn't be expected to have any weak games in round 3 unless they got a really favorable bracket placement or the game is Undertale.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as raytan7585, Guru Champ!
CT might beat FF6 as badly as it beat FF10.
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
UltimaterializerX posted...
This might as well be FF7 vs the Smash series. The Wii U is not strong, but the Smash brand is.

if that's true, what's up with 55% on Mass Effect?
KamikazePotato posted...
CT might beat FF6 as badly as it beat FF10.

Well, given that FFX and FFVI are looking pretty close based on this result...!
RIP Paul Bearer. Ohhhh nooooo. :(
transience posted...
alright Leon I need you

what does Melee get on FF7 using Portal vs. Mass Effect

Haha, that projection probably favors Melee since it overperformed on Portal by quite a lot.


Melee wins with 57.98%
why's that? the rally? I didn't think that was much of an overperformance.
creativename posted...

FF7 wouldn't SFF CT, especially not in these circumstances.

But if CT is stronger SFF is going to go in *its* favor if it happens, not FF7's!

My reasoning here is that CT wasn't widely played upon release. It only released in the US, and the SNES's relevance was fading fast at the time. As time goes on it has steadily increased in strength as more and more people have gotten access to it. But here's the thing, most of those people already played FF7 before, so despite CT being older the nostalgia factor will be in FF7's favour for the majority of players. And that's why I think a huge percentage of CT's "beast mode" voters will jump ship to FF7.
ff7 climbing to heaven now..
(edited 11/29/2015 9:25:40 PM)report
but if ME1 is just legit either ME1 might be the strongest game in the series or ME2 has a shot at the semis after all
FFVI was never going to beat Wind Waker as bad as CT did to FFX. Paper Mario TTYD predicted a 57% win and FFVI will probably get close to it once the night vote starts
BGE3: Today's Matches FFVI>LoZ:WW and FFVII>SMG
Points 115/136

Wind Waker might not be dead yet?
RIP Paul Bearer. Ohhhh nooooo. :(
zelda stop now
Christopher Christopher Christopher Christopher
transience posted...
why's that? the rally? I didn't think that was much of an overperformance.

I meant based on GOTD X-Stats. Melee was only expected to get 60.36% and it got 67.61%
WarThaNemesis2 posted...

Wind Waker might not be dead yet?

If this is the best windwaker can do in power hour, it's not promising.
people will call me crazy but I kinda feel like ME1 is close to ME2 with ME3 a little behind. that series feels like a cohesive whole that you can't really separate too easily.
Hmm we're now going to a stretch to hit even 55/45 at even this rate for FF6. That's going to make things look much better vis-a-vis my silly OoT comparison but still pretty meh!
Welcome to the League of Stickies.
I guess it's irrelevant that CT has been rallied on that Facebook page in all three matches, unless you want to consider that part of its "natural" strength.
My name is Monica Lewinsky, and I am here to collect the rent.

Oh but there's basically no way FF6 drops this outside of a rally or a major trend shakeup. This is arguably WW's strongest time and it can't even cut.
Welcome to the League of Stickies.
transience posted...
people will call me crazy but I kinda feel like ME1 is close to ME2 with ME3 a little behind. that series feels like a cohesive whole that you can't really separate too easily.

I find it hard to believe Galaxy 2 is that strong.

I mean, I'd like it to be, but I'm not exactly inspired, and even I'm not nuts enough to think Galaxy 2 > Galaxy or Super Metroid vs. FFVII would be close.

I suppose it's possible (likely even?) Super Metroid SFFed Galaxy badly, but I'm the crazy YEAR OF SNES guy there was no SFF and Super Metroid is going to beat Majora's Mask. Yup.
RIP Paul Bearer. Ohhhh nooooo. :(
(edited 11/29/2015 9:29:16 PM)report
Also Galaxy 2 actually being decently strong means good things for Super Metroid!

of course Wind Waker hanging tough with FFVI means bad things for Super Metroid!
well, I go the other way on it. I find it hard to believe Starcraft is that strong.
who knows maybe that CLOUD FOR SMASH MEANS SMASH GETS RSFF theory was actually TRUE
Once upon a time Starcraft beat Kingdom Hearts and Wind Waker
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
but, let's say this ends with FF7 at 65%. that seems like a conservative number. that's a good showing by the Mass Effect series. I think people would expect FF7 to double MGS3.
transience posted...
well, I go the other way on it. I find it hard to believe Starcraft is that strong.

FFVIII validation so I buy it

Seriously though, looking at the trends, ME2 probably gets 54-55% with no rallying, so it's a bit better than it looked in the final result.
KamikazePotato posted...
Once upon a time Starcraft beat Kingdom Hearts and Wind Waker

Once upon a time Starcraft got godstomped by FFVIII.

You're welcome for giving you that pleasant reminder, Leon.
RIP Paul Bearer. Ohhhh nooooo. :(
WarThaNemesis2 posted...

Wind Waker might not be dead yet?

i just imagine link (and through him wind waker) doing this out of pure spite

it can't win but it will do everything in its power to go down making ffvi look as bad as possible
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
oh god this is symphonia/ttyd all over again
Man, right now we have KOTOR > TTYD

...would anyone take that upset?
Welcome to the League of Stickies.
also this could just be an oddball performance like Suikoden II on OoT that will just make no sense whatsoever and we just have to accept it
(message deleted)
I'm thinking this will end up pretty decent for both the Final Fantasy games once we fall away from the power hour. Melee lost 5% last night to KH2, FFVII can probably do even more damage.

And yeah, beating a mainline Zelda isn't easy. If FFVI ends around Majora's percentage that's not bad at all, especially as there is potential SFF in MM/WW.

Creative, that was around the end of the 2009 contest, and my logic was mostly comparing LTTP and FFX against OOT and FFVII taking into account the LFF LTTP was suffering.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
oh that was just the one minute update I didn't check the darn vote total

...I do not like this performance from FF6 at all.
pssssssssssst - http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/568795-soccer-challenge
Also it sort of goes back to my original theory that Halo was the perfect opponent for FFVII to put up a monster number on because Halo can at least sort of cancel out whatever anti-votes FFVII gets because people love to anti-vote Halo, too.
Karma Hunter posted...
Man, right now we have KOTOR > TTYD

...would anyone take that upset?

KOTOR is a stronger game than TTYD, so yes
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
Melee is unique with its power hour though. Smash 4 doesn't bleed nearly as badly as Melee, or hasn't yet. FF7 is another story though and can make anything bleed after the early vote.
KP is going to take KOTOR because it makes FFIX look better, naturally...!
gearofages posted...
I guess it's irrelevant that CT has been rallied on that Facebook page in all three matches, unless you want to consider that part of its "natural" strength.

I didn't do anything yesterday actually
Not changing this sig until the Bengals, Bills, Lions and Colt McCoy win the Super Bowl (10/10/10)
~User of the Year 2015~
I would've easily taken KOTOR pre-contest and I see no reason for that to change!
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
I mean, KOTOR being strong is certainly convenient for how we project Square games. Xenogears, FF9, FF6..
transience posted...
Melee is unique with its power hour though. Smash 4 doesn't bleed nearly as badly as Melee, or hasn't yet. FF7 is another story though and can make anything bleed after the early vote.

Smash 4 lost about 5% from the freeze against ME1, so it'll still bleed quite a bit.

Nothing as crazy as Melee but nothing except Metroid has an early vote comparable to that so far in this contest.
I mean if WW does too much more damage we're going to get Xenogears > TTYD aren't we
Welcome to the League of Stickies.

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