*wakes up to check results*

WHOA! Starcraft pulling the upset!

This is bad news...
Wild raytan appeared! He chose Samus > Mario. It's... super effective?
Yeah I think MGS3 is screwed. Unless Bioshock is a lot stronger than I thought.
"This is all we have... when we die.."
Even with all the rallying nonsense this is probably still better than the 2009 games contest.
"Nothing I could do!"
ME2 making cuts now?
Cranky's Advice - "git gud"
Oh yea, I guess raytan won.
whatisurnameplz posted...
ME2 making cuts now?

Every now and then, but Starcraft now has its largest lead of the match in terms of votes.
Hello, I'm Chris!
a cut of 9 followed by a gain of 16

no need to get hyped yet
Remember, we are eternal - all this pain is an illusion
Two straight cuts. Now we get to have fun.
Hello, I'm Chris!
okay now those are cuts
Remember, we are eternal - all this pain is an illusion
Carriers have...departed.
Any sound can shake the air. My voice shakes the heart!
-Sho Minamimoto
We officially have a match!

This is gonna be good.
Cranky's Advice - "git gud"
Oh yea, I guess raytan won.
Mass Effect 2 needs 3.25 votes per update to win.
BGE3: Today's Matches MGS>Borderlands 2, SotC>RDR, MGS3>BioShock, ME2>Starcarft
Points 103/120
Also Kansas and Missouri have flipped to Mass Effect 2 since I last looked.
BGE3: Today's Matches MGS>Borderlands 2, SotC>RDR, MGS3>BioShock, ME2>Starcarft
Points 103/120
Will Starcraft repeat the 2004 again?

Let's find out in this match!
IGN: Raymond, 3DS FC: 1349-7340-1111 (ORAS) / 3DS FC #2:4785-7678-2315 (XY & Rumble World)
Mass Effect 2 is making some serious cuts now!
My old signature was really outdated. I haven't thought of a proper new one yet.
The kiddies have awoken.
Hello, I'm Chris!
go, you beautiful kiddies, go!
Remember, we are eternal - all this pain is an illusion
Steiner posted...
go, you beautiful kiddies, go!

You're creepy.
I'm the perfect definition of the phrase "hard to love, but even harder to hate."
Lost in all of this is BioShock stalling MGS3 for the last 45 minutes. Not that MGS3 is in danger or anything.
BGE3: Today's Matches MGS>Borderlands 2, SotC>RDR, MGS3>BioShock, ME2>Starcarft
Points 103/120
I'd take Earthbound over RDR pretty easily, so MGS has reestablished itself as a clear favorite in this division. I'd say the winner in this division is more clear than in the last one (still think that Mario RPG/RE4 match will be tough).
If StarCraft beats ME2 it's probably getting out of the division. Would be especially funny considering how badly Blizzard has done this contest otherwise (Diablo II turning out to be worth 45% on Phoenix Wright, Warcraft III getting destroyed, WoW flopping, Hearthstone lol).

Then again FPSs, Bioware, and MGS have done so much better this contest right guys? Let's take a look at Bioware's track record:

-Narrow win over Mario Galaxy 2 followed by 55-45 loss to Smash 4
-54% on Xenogears, then 37% on Wind Waker
-38% on Banjo-Kazooie
-36% on Mario Galaxy
-Being Undertale's first victim
-Barely outdoing Persona 4's result on 999 against Zero Escape, then potentially choking against Starcraft.

Also...I still can't get over the incredible likelihood of StarCraft being stronger than Mario Galaxy, when many said "you don't pick a PC game against a Nintendo game on GameFAQs".
"Nothing I could do!"
charmander6000 posted...
Lost in all of this is BioShock stalling MGS3 for the last 45 minutes. Not that MGS3 is in danger or anything.

not this round, at least

this time during the next match is gonna be interesting. the time when ME2 starts getting stronger just as MGS3 can't make gains on Bioshock
Remember, we are eternal - all this pain is an illusion
Wiith US awake and the rally in the "need to scroll down" zone, yeah it's time for a comeback
Now I just want SC to win this with 100 votes somehow at the end to make it a classic Starcraft match
3DS FC : 3411-1762-0066
Also no SOTC is about to be dragged under 60%.
"Nothing I could do!"
Based on the last hour Mass Effect 2 will take the lead at 3:56pm
Based on the last 30 min Mass Effect 2 will take the lead at 2:37pm
BGE3: Today's Matches MGS>Borderlands 2, SotC>RDR, MGS3>BioShock, ME2>Starcarft
Points 103/120
At this rate, ME2 takes the lead by 1?

edit: nvm, thx charmander
Cranky's Advice - "git gud"
Oh yea, I guess raytan won.
(edited 11/28/2015 8:10:00 AM)report
whatisurnameplz posted...
*wakes up*

*checks ME2 match*


Moltar Status: hype
Contest Analysis Crew Archives: http://thecrew.speedrunwiki.com/
Damn you Starcraft, FIGHT.
Hello, I'm Chris!
Master Moltar posted...
whatisurnameplz posted...
*wakes up*

*checks ME2 match*


Now I'm like http://rs978.pbsrc.com/albums/ae262/Riggpoppa/9ungg4.gif~c200
Cranky's Advice - "git gud"
Oh yea, I guess raytan won.
LinkMarioSamus posted...
If StarCraft beats ME2 it's probably getting out of the division.

I don't see how that follows. MGS is surely stronger than ME2. I mean, I won't rule it out, I remember 2004 very well. But I'm not ready to call Starcraft the favourite.

LinkMarioSamus posted...
Also...I still can't get over the incredible likelihood of StarCraft being stronger than Mario Galaxy, when many said "you don't pick a PC game against a Nintendo game on GameFAQs".

Well it's a general rule, not an ironclad one! Starcraft would obviously beat Super Mario Maker.
The RPG Duelling League: www.rpgdl.com
An unparalleled source for RPG information and discussion
Any sound can shake the air. My voice shakes the heart!
-Sho Minamimoto
And Starcraft is about to get aethered.

Well f***, it was a good upset shot.
Hello, I'm Chris!
ME2 is assuming direct control f***ing do it go go go
Such a lust for revenge
Seems like..Mass Carriers are not an instant win anymore
Starcraft is collapsing so bad
3DS FC : 3411-1762-0066
NeoElfboy posted...
LinkMarioSamus posted...
Also...I still can't get over the incredible likelihood of StarCraft being stronger than Mario Galaxy, when many said "you don't pick a PC game against a Nintendo game on GameFAQs".

Well it's a general rule, not an ironclad one! Starcraft would obviously beat Super Mario Maker.

Admittedly that was more meant for a debated match. But then again StarCraft/Mario Maker would probably have been debated pre-contest.
"Nothing I could do!"

Ange posted a rally on the mass effect board.

Hello, I'm Chris!
Ange posted a rally on the mass effect board.

And right away Starcraft stalls

BGE3: Today's Matches MGS>Borderlands 2, SotC>RDR, MGS3>BioShock, ME2>Starcarft
Points 103/120
Starcraft gains 1 vote... lol
My old signature was really outdated. I haven't thought of a proper new one yet.
I am sadly predicting a big cut against Starcraft :/
Hello, I'm Chris!
There are now 50% more people on the Starcraft subreddit than when the rally was strong
Is going down 4 spots really has such a big effect? or it's just the morning vote killing SC?
3DS FC : 3411-1762-0066
Welcome to the contest where SOTC, DKC2, MGS2, and Chrono Cross all outlast Super Mario Bros. 3 and Fallout 3.
"Nothing I could do!"
LinkMarioSamus posted...
Welcome to the contest where SOTC, DKC2, MGS2, and Chrono Cross all outlast Super Mario Bros. 3 and Fallout 3.

But DKC2 is better than Fallout 3...
Hello, I'm Chris!
DKC2, MGS2, and CC are all 10/10 games don't see the problem
LinkMarioSamus posted...
Welcome to the contest where SOTC, DKC2, MGS2, and Chrono Cross all outlast Super Mario Bros. 3 and Fallout 3.

How many of these games have you played teeheehee
Sure but would you ever pick DKC2 over Fallout 3 in a bracket?

DKC2 might be able to break 40% though, especially considering SNES-FAQs...

...kinda funny to see MGS break 60% on Earthbound considering all we were railing on MGS for doing badly and SNES games for doing well. Thing is, Earthbound is probably still weak. 58% on Borderlands 2 is not a strong game. This also means that MGS at best barely doubles Borderlands 2. Dunno what to say really.

You guys really think Bioshock would do worse than Earthbound against Borderlands 2...maybe. Borderlands 2 > Silent Hill 2...maybe?
"Nothing I could do!"
Achromatic posted...
I am sadly predicting a big cut against Starcraft :/

3DS FC : 3411-1762-0066
CaptainOfCrush posted...
LinkMarioSamus posted...
Welcome to the contest where SOTC, DKC2, MGS2, and Chrono Cross all outlast Super Mario Bros. 3 and Fallout 3.

How many of these games have you played teeheehee

SOTC, MGS2, and Mario 3.

Also this was more from a perspective of perceived contest strength.
"Nothing I could do!"
Based on the last hour Mass Effect 2 will take the lead at 1:11pm
Based on the last 30 min Mass Effect 2 will take the lead at 12:41pm

It's gaining steam.
BGE3: Today's Matches MGS>Borderlands 2, SotC>RDR, MGS3>BioShock, ME2>Starcarft
Points 103/120
SOTC now below 60%
"Nothing I could do!"

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