Best Game Ever 2015: Diddy's Kong Quest of RPGs Edition

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A = Strongest Character
B = Character Weaker than A
C = Character Weaker than B
To figure out a character's Xsts Percentage ---> [(CvB)(BvA)]/50 = CvA
To compare how C would do against B ---> [(CvA)/(BvA)]*50 = CvB
To figure out how B would do against A ---> [(CvA)/(CvB)]*50 = BvA

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SFF (Same Fanbase Factor) - Same Fanbase Factor is the theory that, if two contestants share a common fanbase, the weaker of the two options will underperform in a direct matchup. For instance, Link was expected to defeat Ganon with 65% of the vote in 2004, based on their 2003 values. Instead, Link collected near 88% of the vote. This is the best example of SFF we've ever seen. However take some SFF labels with a grain of salt, as many people will slap it onto any match that doesn't make perfect sense.

Extrapolated Standings - The mathematical "strength" of a contestant that's determined based on their performance relative to the rest of the field. This number is typically based on the contest entrant's loss, but adjustments are sometimes made. See above for a watered down explanation for how the stats are calculated.
Welcome to the League of JRPGs.

Featuring the best selling game of all time, Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow!
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
Other topic isn't over yet
The hands of God, decrepit and thin
Cold caress and then nothing
What percentage does Chrono Trigger have to get on FFX for people to give it a good chance at beating FFVII, assuming no Undertale match on the same day?
I don't know. 60 maybe? FFX has not been looking that great.
I don't know how much you know about women, but Dr. Pizza is an expert. - The Mana Sword

It needs to SFF FFX into the ground.
Hello, I'm Chris!
60% to have a chance. 63% to be the favorite.
September 1, 2003; November 4, 2007; September 2, 2013
Not everything is SFF. FFX has looked pretty bad but I'll be giving a real shot to CT if it can score above 60 on it.
Welcome to the League of Stickies.
FFX gonna win 51/49
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Man.... I refuse to believe Monster Hunter 4 is this strong. Either it overperformed on Suikoden II or Suikoden II is overperforming here. That's just my opinion. I think it's a linearity issue. Monster Hunter 4 would probably be getting 15% here.

It's a bit like Deus Ex/Rock Band match.... Rock Band probably couldn't get anywhere near 25% on Fallout 3. Just look at how Guitar Hero did on Smash Bros. Melee.
"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So... what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."
(edited 11/25/2015 5:42:36 PM)report
Excuse the double post.

Tomorrow is a BIG day.....can Dark Souls edge out MGSV despite Demon's Souls suckiness? As long as Civ V isn't too far below Civ IV Dark Souls should have the win....though x-stats can certainly be off when it comes to weak games, so MGSV has more than a shot at this. And, can Super Metroid beat a Mario game of comparable strength? Only time will tell.

Finally, we'll be able to see who's likely stronger between FFIV and
"Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So... what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think."

Match LXXXV: (1) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past vs. (9) Final Fantasy IV

Previous Rounds

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
88.02% against Cave Story

Final Fantasy IV
69.77% against Deus Ex


Final Fantasy IV looked impressive last round. We all knew it was easily going to win over Deus Ex, but it almost put up as much as Fallout 3, confirming that the game was likely closer to 40% on SMW than 30%.

Regardless it still has no chance here. Link to the Past is in the running for the second strongest game of the bracket should Final Fantasy VII falter and while we’ll never know how it will stand up against its fellow top games taking out FFIV should be simple. Based on its performances against Super Mario World Link to the Past should be pushing for a doubling here.

charmander6000’s Bracket: LoZ: Link to the Past > Final Fantasy IV

charmander6000’s Prediction: LoZ: Link to the Past wins, 66.84% - 33.16%

Match LXXXVI: (5) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain vs. (4) Dark Souls

Previous Rounds

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
54.67% against Perfect Dark

Dark Souls
66.70% against Civilization V


While Nintendo 64 games have been performing well in this contest it is hard to describe Metal Gear Solid V as anything other than a flop. The game is clearly the weakest in the series and things will likely get worse as the recent release factor wears off. This sets up a nice upset after Dark Souls looked decent against Civilization V.

The difficult part is pinning the strength of Civilization V. Using Civilization IV places Dark Souls at 44.54% on Final Fantasy IX and if we assume Castlevania: SotN is about equal due to its performance on Phoenix Wright T&T and that Perfect Dark is a bit stronger than Banjo-Kazooie then Metal Gear Solid V essentially has around the same strength.

Of course there are a lot of assumptions going around here. From my experience Civilization fans like IV a bit more than V and the Perfect Dark/Banjo-Kazooie comparison is based on a heavy SFF match from six years ago, like GoldenEye Perfect Dark could have become weaker while Banjo-Kazooie remained the same. Regardless the once thought easy win for Metal Gear Solid V has turned into a nail-biter or upset loss.

charmander6000’s Bracket: Metal Gear Solid V > Dark Souls

charmander6000’s Prediction: Metal Gear Solid V wins, 51.67% - 48.33%
BGE3: Today's Matches LoZ:OoT>Suikoden II, FFIX>Okami, DKC2>SMM, BK>SotN
Points 85/96
Match LXXXVII: (3) Super Metroid vs. (6) Super Mario Galaxy

Previous Rounds

Super Metroid
79.46% against Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Super Mario Galaxy
64.04% against Dragon Age: Origins


Even by expecting a drop in strength by Modern Warfare Super Metroid’s performance last round was very impressive and has now made this match debatable, though it should have been debatable in the first place.

Super Metroid has been stuck behind Link to the Past for most its entire contest career, but it is almost a no brainer that the game has strength. While people are quick to point out the fact it needed everything to squeak past Super Mario Kart I think people are forgetting that Mario Kart, especially the first two games in the series is quite strong. Also I don’t think I need to repeat myself that new mainline Mario games just don’t have the same strength as old mainline Mario games.

With that said Super Mario Galaxy is the strongest out of the new mainline Mario games. Super Mario Galaxy did over 5% better against Dragon Age: Origins last round, but like with Modern Warfare the drop for Dragon Age was expected. Super Mario Galaxy looked pretty good against Twilight Princess in 2010 and while SFF is possible I am doubtful there was much, if any in that match. I always thought when making my bracket that Galaxy would be the upset, but it looks like a majority of gurus may go down with the ship.

charmander6000’s Bracket: Super Mario Galaxy > Super Metroid

charmander6000’s Prediction: Super Metroid wins, 53.25% - 46.75%

Match LXXXVIII: (10) Final Fantasy XII vs. (2) The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Previous Rounds

Final Fantasy XII
55.59% against Bloodborne

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
75.89% against Valkyria Chronicles


All things considered I wasn’t very impressed with Final Fantasy XII’s performance. Sure it’s the weakest game of the series competing in the contest, but given how poorly newly released games have performed Final Fantasy XII should have done a bit better.

Last round Majora’s Mask proved that its Game of the Decade performance was not a fluke or it benefitted from proxy Ocarina of Time votes. It’s too bad the game doesn’t have a more debatable path; it’s too weak to compete with Link to the Past and Super Metroid would need quite the performance tomorrow to have a chance against Majora’s Mask. Majora’s Mask shouldn’t have much issue doubling Final Fantasy XII, especially if the game has gotten weaker.

charmander6000’s Bracket: LoZ: Majora’s Mask > Final Fantasy XII

charmander6000’s Prediction: LoZ: Majora’s Mask wins, 68.54% - 31.46%
BGE3: Today's Matches LoZ:OoT>Suikoden II, FFIX>Okami, DKC2>SMM, BK>SotN
Points 85/96
2 Zeldas, 2 Final Fantasies, a Mario, a Metroid, and a Metal Gear Solid

It's like GameFAQs summed up in a single match day. Just need to replace Dark Souls with Smash Bros or Pokemon or something
A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice.
(edited 11/25/2015 6:54:59 PM)report
Then00bAvenger posted...
2 Zeldas, 2 Final Fantasies, a Mario, a Metroid, and a Metal Gear Solid

It's like GameFAQs summed up in a single match day. Just need to replace Dark Souls with Smash Bros or Pokemon or something

Throwing in a Niche JRPG would actually sum things up nicely.
Yay - Raytan is the guru champion of awesomeness.
I haven't seen any posts about this, but a rallied Melee should be feared. I don't see how CT gets past it. I don't think FFVII does either, if the rally gets going early enough.
My name is Monica Lewinsky, and I am here to collect the rent.
gearofages posted...
I haven't seen any posts about this, but a rallied Melee should be feared. I don't see how CT gets past it. I don't think FFVII does either, if the rally gets going early enough.

Rallied Melee vs. rallied Pokemon RBY?
Wild raytan appeared! He chose Samus > Mario. It's... super effective?
Soooo.... Who ya got tomorrow?

I say Super Mario Galaxy has no chance against Super Metroid. I predict Super Metroid wins the board vote and SMG never breaks 45%. I don't have much to discuss on this one.

At this point, I find Dark Souls vs. MGSV to be too close to call. I am going with Dark Souls, though. MGSV scored the same on Perfect Dark this year as COD4 did in GOTD. Guess what game is right in front of COD4 in the "lol x-stats"? Demon's Souls. That raises two questions -

1. Did Perfect Dark stay constant? Maybe. It did get a re-release in Rare Replay and Gen 5 games have been rocking this contest.... except Goldeneye... which is the closest game to Perfect Dark in the bracket. FPS games in general have been pretty poor all contest. (And nobody here has Rare Replay anways since noone here has an XBone). So, I find it more likely that Perfect Dark dropped a little rather than gained strength.

2. Is Dark Souls more popular than Demon's Souls? I have no idea. I know nothing about the series. So I will hope it is at least as popular if not more so than Demon's Souls with absolutely no solid basis.

So, I am going to side with Dark Souls here. Honestly, MGSV's main argument in it's favor is the series recognition and frankly, only the first MGS performed above unimpressive levels so far this contest.
Yay - Raytan is the guru champion of awesomeness.
After seeing Goldeneye, I'd be kinda surprised if MGSV pulled it out. But we'll see I guess!
Welcome to the League of Stickies.
there is way too much Super Metroid hype on this board. I'm really looking forward to this match and hope that Super Metroid is legit, but man, I don't believe.
I don't see how Metroid can lose based on the contest so far. New game vs old game, SNES classic, and Galaxy not on the same level as other, older Mario games. I guess SMG can win but Metroid has an advantage for sure.
3DS FC: 1805-2178-2522 NNID: Scarlettail
So was Banjo getting 40% on Castlevania a "good" showing in yalls opinion? I've been busy and wasn't able to hype up my upset pick :(
Every day the rest of your life is changed forever.
it was pretty much as expected
Based on how SotN looked last round, Banjo definitely proved it isn't fodder.
I don't know how much you know about women, but Dr. Pizza is an expert. - The Mana Sword
Julian_Caesar posted...
So was Banjo getting 40% on Castlevania a "good" showing in yalls opinion? I've been busy and wasn't able to hype up my upset pick :(

Pretty good, I think.
Wild raytan appeared! He chose Samus > Mario. It's... super effective?
I have, like, no faith in Super Metroid historically in these things. None.

It's still going to blow Galaxy out of the water.
Welcome to the League of Stickies.
I guess the image of Mario 60-40ing Samus instilled trauma in people.

And Super Metroid struggling with Mario Kart
A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice.
Do you think Super Metroid could beat Mass Effect with ease?

Super Metroid wins.

And I took ME > SMG2 which is why it was easy for me to pick Super Metroid.

I expect Dark Souls to defy my bracket and take MGSV though. I thought MGSV would win based on name alone plus plenty of casuals think MGSV is awesome in the gameplay department, but it looks like GameFAQs backlash is stronger than I thought. Hope I'm wrong.
"This is all we have... when we die.."
Honestly, at this point, I would also take Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 over Super Mario Galaxy.
Yay - Raytan is the guru champion of awesomeness.
cyko posted...
Is Dark Souls more popular than Demon's Souls?

Yes. To the point that many have forgotten that Dark Souls was actually preceded by something.
Video game companies don't care about you, so stop kissing their asses
this is a bad contest for the mario fans
satoru iwata
Can OoT make it to 77...? (Almost definitely not, but I can hope!)
I don't know how much you know about women, but Dr. Pizza is an expert. - The Mana Sword
you guys really believe super mario kart is worth more than galaxy huh

well, let's see how this goes in a few minutes. I think you're all way off though
ZFS posted...
this is a bad contest for the mario fans

Just wait until Twilight Princess takes down Super Mario 64!

Super Mario RPG may be our only hope...
Yay - Raytan is the guru champion of awesomeness.
(edited 11/25/2015 8:34:48 PM)report
Wouldn't be surprised if Super Metroid is stronger now

I mean it is on the SNES!!
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
I think the SNES Factor is the key here. After DKC2, a game people (wrongly!) wrote off before the contest started, just beat two big RPGs from the modern era, I think everything people thought they knew is out the window.
satoru iwata
cyko posted...
ZFS posted...
this is a bad contest for the mario fans

Just wait until Twilight Princess takes down Super Mario 64!

Super Mario RPG may be our only hope...

holy s*** if that actually happenss
11/25/2015 8:49:30 PM#39
Does MGS beat SMG? If so and SM loses, is Call of Duty 4 really weaker than Splatoon?
No amount of rallying would let me beat raytan7585.
Congrats to raytan7585 for winning the CB9 Guru Contest!
So what are the chances DKC2 > SotN at this point

I mean I'd take FE:A over Banjo pretty handily, but I dunno if I'd take it by enough <__<
Team Rocket Elite posted...
Does MGS beat SMG? If so and SM loses, is Call of Duty 4 really weaker than Splatoon?

Yes and maybe?
I don't know how much you know about women, but Dr. Pizza is an expert. - The Mana Sword
Reg posted...
So what are the chances DKC2 > SotN at this point

I mean I'd take FE:A over Banjo pretty handily, but I dunno if I'd take it by enough <__<

zero chance dkc2 > sotn..
That Dark Souls-MGSV match tho...
Video game companies don't care about you, so stop kissing their asses
lol, Super Mario Galaxy
BGE3: Today's Matches LoZ:LttP>FFIV, MGSV>Dark Souls, SMG>SM, LoZ:MM>FFXII
Points 91/104
dear god samus is marioing mario
Wonder how long FFIV can look respectable.
"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
Kinda think MGSV is screwed if it's fighting with Dark Souls during the board vote.
Welcome to the League of Stickies.
Well, there goes bracket. Why the hell did I even pick Galaxy?
XBL Gamertag - Tiirshak
PSN ID - Kudaark Steam Name : skaalfa
The Souls series has a pretty bad board vote, so yeah MGS5 is done here
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.

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