GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 996
Thanks, TRE! This poll is pretty interesting in that Europe and Asia are doing a lot better than they did in the actual continent poll, which suggests that a lot of Americans wish to live on those continents. Guessing most of the Asia percentage is Americans who want to live in Japan. --- 90s games > 00s games |
From: FateStayAlbion | #248 It would've been me if I had been awake when the poll opened! South Africa is amazing. --- "I can set you free, mate." "My freedom was forfeit long ago!" |
LeonhartFour posted... From: FateStayAlbion | #248 I want to know who that 1 person is out of the first 150 votes that wants to live in Africa It would've been me if I had been awake when the poll opened! South Africa is amazing. Man, I still remember the thread where you announced your "vacation". I also remember someone saying "don't forget, blue coins will be waiting for you on the other side of the world". Though I suppose you don't want to think about Mario Sunshine, heh. --- Currently Playing - Baldur's Gate Upcoming - StarCraft: Brood War, Baldur's Gate II |
South America is looking pretty self-hating. North America's strong showing in the Middle East is probably mostly because of U.S. soldiers stationed there. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
Overall results for Africa: Africa 26.09% 24 Antarctica 5.43% 5 Asia 16.30% 15 Australia 6.52% 6 Europe 23.91% 22 North America 20.65% 19 South America 1.09% 1 Africa barely wins in Africa, but only by 2 votes over Europe. --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ |
Watch X-Play at 6:30PM Eastern on Monday, April 25th to find out which series will be crowned the Videogame Deathmatch Best Franchise! how about not --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
So how strong will GLaDOS be now that Portal 2's out? SPOILERS - - - - - - And how strong would she be with a potato picture? --- Big Brony |
Big Bob posted... So how strong will GLaDOS be now that Portal 2's out? Personally, I don't think much stronger at all. Chell may be viable as a fodder character to get into the next contest, though. Portal 2 doesn't seem as big here as I would have expected it to be. Hardly beating out Mortal Kombat, a series that really doesn't have much of a standing on this site, isn't really something that gives me a lot of hope for Portal 2 being massive on this site. --- |
almost refreshed right into that spoiler. I know you labeled it
(thanks!), but please continue to be careful since that's a big recent
game; I've found bigger spaces helpful to really avoid them, for
example. Spoiler-tags can't come soon enough. As for the question: from what I've played so far (just got to Chapter 7 recently in single-player, haven't touched co-op), GLaDOS has been quite enjoyable again and features enough face-time to have pics become less of an issue...though some pictures may be better than others. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
BORED Let's complain that a new contest is in order. |
So does Missingno get L-Block'd or will it be a near elite again? --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
think it'd be weaker Big Bob, that wouldn't be nearly as recognizable.
There's going to be a lot of reliance on the votes coming from players
of the first Portal with how widely it's been played with how many
times it's been given away for free now. --- "I submitted brackets on all [224] of my accounts so they would get the 10 free Karma for beating SBAllen's score." - Luster Soldier |
got 51.5% on Yoshi. That's probably some indication of its true
strength when not against an opponent it can easily bandwagon against,
and the win over Crono and the hype for a match against Sephiroth
probably made it a little stronger than it normally "should" have been
in the Yoshi match too, so I'll say Missingno. will probably be near
equal to Yoshi next time if he doesn't get a bandwagonable path. And I
don't think Yoshi's ever really shown himself to be legitimately close
to the near-elites. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
not sure what to think of Missingno. I'll probably give him the benefit
of the doubt against most characters until we reach a certain threshold
though. --- |
that I've beaten the single-player mode for Portal 2, I'll say GLaDOS
doesn't have an excuse for not having a good clean picture
anymore...though Big Bob's spoiler a few posts ago is a valid concern. It's also worth mentioning I could see a push for Wheatley. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
poll really shows the demographics of the site have changed where 35%
no longer live at home. Still, I think we pretty much knew that already. Also, I think MissingNo. still has a lot of strength but it's easily rSFFed by other Nintendo. It has bandwagon power too, obviously, but I think it still has a ton of nostalgia stength. |
US is about the only major country where "No, but I don't live with
them anymore" is actually winning. Despite "No, but I don't live with
them anymore" not winning by a whole lot in the US, it is winning a
huge majority of the states. That should change when the ASV kicks in
today. By the end of the ASV, "Not at all, they have no idea what I'm
doing" should be winning in the US. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
2 doesn't seem as big here as I would have expected it to be. Hardly
beating out Mortal Kombat, a series that really doesn't have much of a
standing on this site, isn't really something that gives me a lot of
hope for Portal 2 being massive on this site. Looks like Mortal Kombat seems to have more of a standing on this site than we originally thought. Kind of weird that both versions of Mortal Kombat are occupying the top 2 spots on that list to deny Portal 2 the number one spot. I bet that Portal 2 will get a chance to reach the number one spot eventually. --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ |
Portal 2 doesn't have a fully finished walkthrough while MK fans are using the multiplayer function. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Hopefully Sub-Zero gets to make another upset next contest...and, uh, hopefully Scorpion actually gets in! --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
true. We haven't even discussed what sort of impact the new MK game
will have on Subby or Scorps (or if it means we'll see another MK
character). I want to see what kind of sales numbers it puts up first
though. --- Support Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) for Character Battle IX! |
Hmmm. Zero (2010c) VS Sub-Zero (2010c) Zero has a strength of 31.71. Sub-Zero has a strength of 29.35. Zero wins with 53.72% of the vote! A win of 3,730 with 50,117 total votes cast. He's sub-Zero indeed, but not by much! Of course, Zero has MvC3, so he has reason to boost as well. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
That's bad joke plagiarism! I made that Sub-Zero joke ages ago! Still, it'll be interesting to see how things turn out with all the potential boosts we may get this contest, probably the most we've seen in a single contest in a while. --- |
so much for the ASV favoring "Not at all, they have no idea what I'm
doing". "No, but I don't live with them anymore" only dropped about
0.50% in the US during the ASV, well below the kind of drop that I was
expecting. I was expecting "Not at all, they have no idea what I'm
doing" to go up with the ASV, but it dropped about 0.35% with the ASV
in the US. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
From: pjbasis | #260 Probably will happen within the next two weeks after Easter. --- The Gamer In Me Black Turtles attract the Angry Moon. Beware! | This was 2 days ago, so I assume Allen will be dealing with that for awhile. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
I expect the new layout changes to be put into effect sometime next week. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
2nd vote, 1st for Bowser. 1st vote was for Ganondorf. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
now this is an interesting poll. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Giovanni... in a contest, perhaps? Naaah. Fodder. --- *is Dranze* Dr. Football swept me. |
Giovanni is not too far behind Ridley and we saw what Ridley did against Cloud with the board vote. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
I'm sure Giovanni is being artificially boosted by Pokemon B/W since it's all the rage right now. --- :> |
Giovanni could possibly be high fodder based on this performance. Makes you wonder what Brock/Misty would do. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Look at Ganon wanting to get some contest-respect back. Charizard VS Ganondorf? --- Nominate E P O N A. |
It's always hard to tell with these polls what's what, but Ganondorf really storming ahead right now. --- :> |®ion=USXWY Wyoming'd --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
a dud of a performance by Dedede here too, might end up nearly getting
tripled by Ridley. This poll might show Ridley is somewhat legit and
his performance wasn't all just Cloud hating. --- :> |
also a little surprised Master Hand's not in last place, considering
all of the poll's options except Giovanni and K.Rool have been in
Master Hand's games before. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
never heard of this Giovanna guy before, only one on this list I
haven't... and if theres a main villain of the Pokemon series, I'm
shocked he's never gotten into one of these contests before, especially
with how people are trying to get everything from Pokemon into it these
days --- |
think very few people have considered Giovanni a character that could
do anything but be low fodder in this contest, but now it seems like
he'd be high fodder unless this is all board vote (somewhat possible,
given Pokemon's strength during first hours). Makes me a little afraid of the NRT nominated Squirtle though. --- :> |
The problem is that the main villain is someone else in each generation. Even if you go gen I you have people arguing between Blue/Gary and Giovanni --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
also the fact that people would rather get Squirtle/Blastoise and that
Brock/Misty would probably be stronger than Giovanni. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Giovanni could possibly be high fodder based on this performance. I think Giovanni could possibly be slightly above the fodder line if you extrapolate through Ridley's match with Cloud and then Cloud's match with Link. Using those 2 results would mean that Ridley has 26.28% on Link indirectly. And Giovanni is currently tied with Ridley right now. If you figure the fodder line would be about 19% on Link indirectly, that gives Giovanni quite a good chance at being slightly above the fodder line. --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ |
Remember Link crushing Ganondorf? He's currently passing that torch and then some to half the poll. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
Poor K. Rool. But we already knew Dedede was weak anyway. Not sure what's so surprising about that. He lost to Pit in his only contest match, after all. It's hard to take anything concrete out of this other than Ganon > Bowser though (probably, again way too much SFF to tell, but the fact that they're taking up such a large percentage legitimizes the result somewhat). The rest of the characters are getting such a low percentage of the vote that the ordering beyond Ganon and Bowser is pretty worthless. --- "So cold. I am always by your side." "There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!" |
do think there's a lot of SFF here, because Bowser has 78.14% on
Ridley/Giovanni right now. For reference, Cloud only got 71.72% on
Ridley. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
Remember this? And nobody even really cares about Nidoran. Anything remotely prominent and likeable in RBY or the early anime episodes is probably around the fodder line at worst. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
you can throw nearly any well known Pokemon into the mix, and it'll do
decently. I don't necessarily think that means Nidoran F would beat
other characters Samus would quadruple though. Samus/Nidoran F feels
like a quasi-Mario/Servbot scenario anyway. --- "I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now." |
Nidoran F was a joke rally though. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Samus is probably one of the worst opponents for a joke rally to face. And anyways, I think Giovanni/Brock/Blue could get through a round. I say we pick one to nominate. |