GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 996
personally find WC having 51% over SC to be the most interesting
result. I don't think we've ever had a direct WC v. SC (or Diablo)
match on GameFAQs, just a couple 4-way character polls with characters
from multiple series involved. --- "I submitted brackets on all [224] of my accounts so they would get the 10 free Karma for beating SBAllen's score." - Luster Soldier |
Azp2k32 posted... I personally find WC having 51% over SC to be the most interesting result. I don't think we've ever had a direct WC v. SC (or Diablo) match on GameFAQs, just a couple 4-way character polls with characters from multiple series involved. We've had this, but its got a lot of other series in there too that may skew the results. --- |
FateStayAlbion posted... Azp2k32 posted... I personally find WC having 51% over SC to be the most interesting result. I don't think we've ever had a direct WC v. SC (or Diablo) match on GameFAQs, just a couple 4-way character polls with characters from multiple series involved. We've had this, but its got a lot of other series in there too that may skew the results. Right, forgot about that one. Definitely not too usable unless you want to rank the popularity based on fans who are most likely Blizzard-only fans who don't care about CoD or the other entries, but then you're trying to judge completely without "casual" fans and despite the fact that the site's fanbase is increasingly old, I imagine a lot of those people at this point have missed Diablo 2, and pretty much see Blizzard as WoW+SC2. --- "I submitted brackets on all [224] of my accounts so they would get the 10 free Karma for beating SBAllen's score." - Luster Soldier |
So here are the franchises in rough order of strength, divided by quarter going by the current results: 1) Assassin's Creed 2) Fallout 3) Gears of War 4) Final Fantasy 5) Call of Duty 6) Castlevania 7) Battlefield 8) Civilization (no!!!) 1) Legend of Zelda 2) Halo 3) Mario 4) Grand Theft Auto 5) God of War 6) Half-Life 7) Gran Turismo 8) Madden NFL 1) Mass Effect 2) Metal Gear 3) Mortal Kombat 4) Resident Evil 5) Pokemon 6) Metroid 7) Pac-Man 8) Need for Speed 1) Warcraft 2) StarCraft 3) Uncharted 4) Silent Hill 5) The Elder Scrolls 6) Street Fighter 7) Tomb Raider 8) X-COM Lol MK > RE. --- Currently Playing - StarCraft Upcoming - Baldur's Gate II, Half-Life 2, Resident Evil 4 |®ion=WOR&map=1 The new gradient maps are pretty, but I feel like we need different colors. Also I picked this poll because it clearly shows how North America > the world. --- Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind. Small words, from a small being, trying to attack what it doesn't understand. |
new gradient maps are pretty, but I feel like we need different colors.
Also I picked this poll because it clearly shows how North America >
the world. I think the gradient maps are intended to give you an idea of the percentage that the winner received in a particular state/province/country. Here's an example:®ion=US&map=1 2 states that you should compare are California and Wyoming. Male has 92.53% in California and 95.40% in Wyoming. However, Wyoming is shown in a slightly brighter shade of light blue than California is. --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ |
ANYWAYS, yesterday's LL poll touched on something we were debating last topic, so thought I'd share: Which of these consoles do you prefer? Nintendo 64 59.33% 1891 Sony Playstation 34.01% 1084 Sega Saturn 2.38% 76 I didn't extensively play any of these consoles. 4.27% 136 TOTAL VOTES 3187 --- You should search for The Show, the cool podcast featuring Guru Champ Black Turtle! |
Heh, Sega Saturn --- "Why must we always choose between certain death and probable death?" "I'm in an epic battle to the death, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!" |
From: Ngamer64 | #107 Makes me feel more comfortable about deciding to choose the N64 to win a "Best. Console. Ever." contest. I do have a habit of f***ing up the winner on these things, though. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
PS1 would beat N64 solely due to Smart Voters at the very least. --- Currently Playing - StarCraft Upcoming - Baldur's Gate II, Half-Life 2, Resident Evil 4 |
may have picked N64 to win such a contest before, and that poll only
helps; that result looks much worse than I would have guessed! Off-site
polls and small vote totals though...bah. You're lucky this time, PS1! Still, let's look at the games from each system that made it into BGE2 or GotD: Nintendo 64 (13): Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Super Mario 64 Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Goldeneye 007 Super Smash Bros. (it was in BGE2) Paper Mario Mario Kart 64 Star Fox 64 Perfect Dark Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Tooie Conker's Bad Fur Day WWF No Mercy Playstation (12/15*): Final Fantasy 7 Metal Gear Solid Final Fantasy 8 Final Fantasy 9 Final Fantasy Tactics Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Chrono Cross Legend of Dragoon Resident Evil Xenogears Suikoden Suikoden 2 Tekken 3* Gran Turismo* Vagrant Story* * = games that didn't reach BGE2/GotD, but were in the Top 100 List at #83 or worse (no new games from BGE1 were found) They both shared (3): Resident Evil 2 Tony Hawk Pro Skater Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 Out of the games for the recent contests, N64 beats PS1 by one game...though WWF No Mercy isn't exactly a great ace in the sleeve and is fortunate it made a contest. Out of roughly stacking their games against each other, I imagine it goes like this: LoT:OoT > FF7 SM64 > MGS LoZ:MM > FF8 GE > FF9 SSB > FFT PM > C:SotN MK64 > CC LoD > SF64 PD > RE1 BK > Xenogears BT > Suikoden Conker > Suikoden 2 Tekken 3* > WWF No Mercy Gran Turismo* Vagrant Story* N64 wins all but one of those in my book (two if you let the Top 100 List count, but those two are neither promised victories or big match-ups anyway). Nintendo has seven games to Square's six, and Nintendo has been the more popular company here for years. While they have pretty similar ratios of games they made to games they didn't, I'm predicting Nintendo-fans are more united with Rare's big games than Square-fans to the other games listed...and that worked pretty well in the Series Contest for LoZ against the more scattered FF. Also take notice there is no multiplayer for the PS1 outside of the Top 100 List, so it will be relying borderline-exclusively on single-player experiences. Last, remember LoZ:OoT won BGE2 and LoZ:MM won GotD, both of which are single-player experiences... ...looking at it like this, what does the PS1 have on the N64 again? It's not like sales matter on GameFAQs, since the N64 beat it (narrowly) in ownership-polls from 2009 and 2005: RPGs may be the site's favorite genre, but the PS1 lacks the dominant LL-poll, company, numbers, games, series, unity, multiplayer, and relevant championships when it comes to the games GameFAQs cares most about nowadays. Add however many snubs you want if you feel like it matters for PS1's bigger library, but you better have a lot of good ones ready. Screw it, I'm with Wylvane; the N64 would be my champion in a System Contest too. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
Ngamer64 posted... ANYWAYS, yesterday's LL poll touched on something we were debating last topic, so thought I'd share: Which of these consoles do you prefer? Nintendo 64 59.33% 1891 Sony Playstation 34.01% 1084 Sega Saturn 2.38% 76 I didn't extensively play any of these consoles. 4.27% 136 TOTAL VOTES 3187 I personally would just take it with a grain of salt... seeing previous LL polls, they are vastly more Nintendo leaning than even Gamefaqs is, like to the point that it almost looks like a poll done on a Nintendo fan site. I still think PS1 would beat N64 here. --- |
Guy you're forgetting the SNES --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
charmander6000 posted... Guy you're forgetting the SNES I think people are just debating 2nd place, since I doubt theres any question SNES would win overall. --- |
guys? At this point, the N64 would probably be the favored choice for
#2 in such a contest, and I would certainly fill out my bracket in a
hypothetical contest assuming such. But I don't think it's beating the
SNES. 12/04/05 A lot can change in six years, but that is one hell of a deficit to make up. 08/29/08 Okay this poll doesn't mean exactly much, but 16-bit beat 32/64-bit despite TurboGrafx-16 being lol while Dreamcast (and the Saturn!) actually have some fans, and Playstation is stronger than Genesis. So N64 had better allies here but its generation still lost to the SNES' generation. 03/15/11 Sure, N64 won, but it has what else, exactly? It's first party games had better be the best if it wants to be a strong console. This is gamefaqs, where Square is just below Nintendo on the totem pole and Chrono Trigger is a top 10 game; does anyone doubt that SNES RPGs alone can make up that difference? *Refreshes page.* Oh. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
There's also the PS2 to think about too. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Okay, N64 to SNES: LoZ:OoT > LoZ:LttP SM64 > SMW LoZ:MM > CT FF3/6 > GE SSB > SMRPG SM > PM MK64 > SMK FF2/4 > SF64 MMX > PD DKC > BK SMW2:YI > BT Secret of Mana > Conker KSS > WWF No Mercy DKC2 EB Lufia 2 *F-Zero I figure Nintendo only wins five and is outnumbered by three (four if you count the List), but those five wins are in the top seven and include the bigger LoZ-game (plus a second LoZ-game), the bigger Mario-game, more importance for multiplayer, and the top three positions of my comparison. I'm also not convinced FF3/6 actually beats GE now. Let's throw in the N64's second strongest game almost beat the SNES's strongest game, and this poll doesn't hurt either: SNES puts up a fine fight with the help of RPGs and numbers, but the N64's starting line-up beats the SNES's and the SNES wasn't in this site's "Golden Era." The speed of aging will hit the SNES worse than the N64, too. I know the SNES killed the N64 in two old Nintendo-polls, but those were six years ago...which system's games have we seen impress and disappoint more since then? I'll still take the N64. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
You're looking at it the wrong way if you're measuring them up one game at a time. People don't vote like that. --- |
LL and LUE are more obsessed with Nintendo than Board 8 is, if that's even possible. --- .,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,· "There was literally nothing scum could ever do to kill Ulti." -dowolf |
them up like that feels like it should be in SNES's favor. If you want
to look at it more simply, the N64 has the top few games including the
biggest game ever, the best game in Nintendo's two biggest series, more
memories of having fun with friends, and it's associated with the
Golden Era for GameFAQs. Recency and current ownership are in its favor
too. You have to think about how many more games the SNES has and think
past the first few games that'll come to mind for most people before
the SNES really starts to shine in analyzing the situation. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
is, once you get past the games, the N64 does not have much going for
it. It would get buried by the SNES, PS1, PS2, or possibly even the NES
solely due to smart voters who will anti-vote the N64 for it basically
forecasting Nintendo's downfall. Again though, I'll be the annoying LMS and think about IGN's Top 25 Video Game Consoles list from 2008, where the N64 was 9th and the PS1 was 7th, meaning that they're both close together in strength there. A lot of the PS1's big games would likely be weaker on GameFAQs than on IGN, while the opposite is likely true for the N64. So I guess there's some justification to N64 > PS1. However, I should mention that IGN's list's top 10 were (and yes this was in another topic but I figured I should post it again to get more responses, lol): 10) Wii 9) N64 8) Dreamcast 7) PlayStation 6) Xbox 360 5) PS2 4) Genesis 3) SNES 2) 2600 1) NES --- Currently Playing - StarCraft Upcoming - Baldur's Gate II, Half-Life 2, Resident Evil 4 |
Yeah the Atari would probably be the weakest console in a 16 console bracket (assuming it even makes it in). Also based on their non-Sonic games I'd expect the Genesis to bomb hard too. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
was likely taking influence on the industry into account quite a lot.
Also if you guys were wondering, the GameCube was 16th on their list.
Personally I have a feeling that if IGN did this list again today the
three current-gen consoles would all make the top ten. Here's Gametrailers's Top 10 Video Game Systems list from the same year: 10) Dreamcast 9) 2600 8) Game Boy 7) N64 6) Genesis 5) GBA 4) PS2 3) NES 2) SNES 1) PlayStation --- Currently Playing - StarCraft Upcoming - Baldur's Gate II, Half-Life 2, Resident Evil 4 |
Charmander also wanted me to consider the PS2, so..... LoZ:OoT > FFX SM64 > RE4 LoZ:MM > KH2 KH1 > GE MGS3 > SSB SotC > PM MGS2 > MK64 GoW > SF64 GoW2 > PD Okami > BK FF12 > BT GTA3 > Conker GTA:SA > WWF No Mercy GTA:VC ICO Soul Calibur 2 DMC DMC3 DQ8 SW:Battlefront 2 R&C:UYA SH2 Viewtiful Joe P4 P3 Katamari Damacy Disgaea SO3:TtEoT Psychonauts TimeSplitters 2 *Burnout 3 *Gran Turismo 3 *PoP:SoT *Madden NFL 2004 THIS is the system the N64 doesn't want to face when it comes to the size of one's library mattering -- the number of the PS2's games that have made a contest trounces the N64's number, though the GotD-contest inflated the numbers-difference here. This is also the toughest system to beat just as a console; it dominated a generation, its controller is the default pad for many gamers' minds, and the machine even became influential as a DVD-player. Its recency will help people remember the scope of its library too. What the N64 lacks there though, it delivers in heavy hitters. Let's look at the PS2's top game against the N64's top game: LoZ:OoT wasn't far from doubling FFX despite big LFF twice, and look how quickly PS2's (and SNES's) top game got pushed aside for the two big games from GameFAQs's "Golden Era" in the championship. There have been three LoZ-games to beat FFX now, two of which are on the N64...and SM64 can beat it too. Once you're past each system's top three games, it still remains competitive for probably three more matches before the PS2's depth shines. The very top of this totem pole allows for a LOT of room for error lower down. As for other factors, again, the N64 has multiplayer in its favor big-time. Really, for any system before online connectivity became a big factor, the N64 dominates this area, though the PS2 doesn't bother trying to compete. The library's unity is more tightly knit as well, which should help neutralize the large library the PS2's bringing (which, again, is inflated for this analysis). For what it's worth, I'll note the PS2's biggest series/companies (FF/Square and MGS/Konami) fail to have their strongest game on the system...while the N64's bringing its strongest games for its two biggest series. If it wasn't for the N64's big three all-stars here, this would be an easy win for the PS2. They're going to provide such a great starting gap, however, that they'll be hard to bet against. This will be a battle of several different factors, but I'll take the more unified elites with multiplayer over the more scattered depth with movie-capabilities. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
think you're under-weighing the factor of voter smarts. We saw games
get the GotD boost, why not a System of the Ever boost? I imagine
that's the biggest threat to the N64 in its match-up vs. the PS2. --- "I submitted brackets on all [224] of my accounts so they would get the 10 free Karma for beating SBAllen's score." - Luster Soldier |
the SNES would get a large number of "respect" votes as well, I
imagine, something like what Mario Bros. got in the Series Contest. The
whole "Yeah, it may not be my favorite ever, but I recognize its
impact" sort of thing. Plus, FF/SMB proves that it's possible for a series to compete even when the other series' top dog is way ahead of its own. --- "But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside." "I am lightning...the rain transformed." |
1) LoZ:OoT won BGE2. 2) LoZ:MM won GotD. 3) LoZ won the Series Contest. 4) SM64's arguably the site's #3-game. 5) Super Mario's the site's #3-series. 6) Nintendo's the site's favorite company. 7) Nintendo's history includes restarting the video game industry, creating games that motion in new eras, holding the top three most critically acclaimed games ever, placing such importance on in-home multiplayer, and being the only company to build consoles and handhelds every generation since some of us were alive. Who do you think "smart voters" are going to go for on this site? They are the all-time definitive company and console-maker here and other places, so -- despite being reasonable -- it'd still be a bit wild to see Sony win such a contest over Nintendo (whether it's facing SNES or N64 in the championship). The Nintendo 64 fits into all of the above points...and I don't know that the PS2's depth, cool-factor, and dominance in a weaker generation (competition-wise) will help it overcome the respect for Nintendo here. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
You know why the rest of the PS2's generation was weaker? Because the PS2 was that awesome. --- Support Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) for Character Battle IX! |
LeonhartFour posted... Plus, FF/SMB proves that it's possible for a series to compete even when the other series' top dog is way ahead of its own. The difference in their top games is significantly bigger in FF/SMB than N64/PS2; I'm sure FF7 beats SM64 pretty easily, but it's not like LoZ:OoT which almost doubles FFX twice despite LFF. That's only comparing their top game each, too; SMB3/SMW can compete with FFX/FF3-6, whereas the N64's SM64/LoZ:MM can each beat FFX...much less RE4/KH2. Similar situation, but the N64's still in a much stronger position both ways. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
I do concede the PS2's success hurt its competition that generation. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
Release date(s) Worldwide June 10, 2011[7] NA June 14, 2011[7] Next character battle needs to get announced soon IMO. Duke has been waiting 14 years for this, we don't want him to miss his chance! --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
been replaying a bunch of SNES games since I got an emulator running on
my Wii, and its kind of sad how poorly a lot of these games aged. The
worst offenders were the fighting games (Mortal Kombat, Killer
Instinct), Star Fox and racing games. Actually, pretty much everything
except platformers and RPGs have aged terribly from that era. Thinking
about it more, I wouldn't be surprised if the N64 was the top dog on
this site. --- Game of the Decade? More like Guru of the Decade mirite? |
I want to go back to this poll for a moment: This is a pretty comfortable win for N64 as-is, but these are just Nintendo-games. Let's discuss how much non-Nintendo games matter to Nintendo fans here. For the SNES, there are probably four games in this non-Nintendo category that matter most: CT, FF3/6, FF2/4, and SMRPG -- all by Square. SMRPG is probably already associated enough with Nintendo that I doubt people were holding it against the SNES in such a the N64 has PM to help counter this game's effect to some degree. FF3/6's nice to have for sure, though its power has clearly weakened. Its presence also makes FF2/4 feel rather unnecessary. That leaves CT, which -- despite its many disappointments in recent contests -- is still a rather strong game. There's something to be said about a system that can combine the powers of Nintendo and Square on this website, but I don't know how much ground that will recover either. We've seen the games of older systems diminish rapidly between BGE1 and BGE2 based almost exclusively on whether or not they were associated with Nintendo or not; Square was the only other company to come close to that kind of timelessness, but they still didn't hold up as well. The depth of the SNES just isn't going to mean as much as it once did in a contest-setting. These are also Nintendo-systems...and people buy Nintendo-systems for Nintendo-games. The other games can help, certainly, but they've never been the main attraction for Nintendo-fans. The N64's top-seventh games could arguably each beat the SNES's top-seventh games...and the N64's top seven are all Nintendo except one Rare-game while the SNES's top seven has three Square-games (one's Nintendo-themed). There are going to be a lot of Nintendo-fans unifying behind the N64 here. Last, we don't know how much people really considered which games were and weren't first-party games outside of the poll's examples. Several games were often mistaken for Nintendo once upon a time (the whole Mega Man series, for example), and I'm not sure we've had much information to show how often people recognize that kind of difference in a poll like this. We also don't know whether they fully thought about the libraries, just looked at their favorite games, or just glanced at the systems and went with a gutcheck. It's hard to tell the specifics, though the SNES has to count on voters thinking deeper about its library-depth in a contest-setting than in the above poll to stand a chance. Not looking great for the SNES in these circumstances. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
the N64 beat the SNES just because it has OoT (or whatever the reason
is, it'd be stupid), I'd rage like I haven't raged since Master Hand
beat Kuja. --- "I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now." |
From: HaRRicH | Posted: 4/11/2011 6:03:29 PM | #133 I don't know how much I trust that with the SNES. It's certainly true nowadays with the Gamecube and Wii, but as you mentioned, the SNES has non nintendo powerhouses among their top games. --- Black! Turtle! Kooloo-LimPAH! The Guru Champion! |
Anyone wanna play "guess when the next contest will start?" My guess is Aug. |
could see the N64 beating the SNES here, despite the fact it shouldn't.
People have a weird adoration for that system -- nostalgia is a
powerful thing. Get a Mario, a Zelda, maybe a Smash Bros. and Mario
Kart and you have the GameFAQs dream system! --- There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. |
Anyone wanna play "guess when the next contest will start?" I guess nominations open in early August, with the contest starting in early September. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
From: pjbasis | #136 Nominations open after the easter holidays. --- The Gamer In Me Black Turtles attract the Angry Moon. Beware! | Good luck, N64! --- Praise the Black Turtle, Game of the Decade Guru Champ. (Well, I never promised creativity, did I?!) |
LeonhartFour posted... If the N64 beat the SNES just because it has OoT (or whatever the reason is, it'd be stupid), I'd rage like I haven't raged since Master Hand beat Kuja. This would be worthwhile then! Also, speaking of LoZ:OoT, guess what's getting a 3D-remake soon. Since it'll help LoZ:OoT, that can't hurt the N64's chances in such a contest. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
Why is a game on an entirely different console going to help the N64? Heck, if it's BETTER on the 3DS, that would hurt the N64! --- |
If LoZ:OoT's 3D-remake is actually better-received than the original LoZ:OoT, why are you betting against Nintendo at all? More seriously, people aren't ignorant that LoZ:OoT was a N64-game. It's going to remind a lot of people why they originally loved it (as long as the remake's good), and it'll be on people's minds. I'm not banking on it being a game-changer, but there's no way it hurts. I'd expect a FF7-remake to do something similar for the PS1. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
I never said I was betting against Nintendo! I just think the N64's chances are being overanalyzed here. --- Support Squirtle (Pokemon R/B/Y) for Character Battle IX! |
Disc is GameFAQS favorite game format, PS2 wins /flawless argument --- |
I voted for "Card" here. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
Game, set, and match. --- Support Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) for Character Battle IX! |
BK > Xenogears Bahahaha, no. --- GT: TriggerTRE PSN: SolidTRE Dilated -ChemisTRE- |
doubt a remake of OOT is going to make much difference either way.
You're not going to convince people who didn't like it before that it's
now the best game ever, and no one has forgotten how much they loved
OOT, especially if they're someone who bought a $250 3DS. --- There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. |
still got 48% against every Nintendo console ever in the last favorite
Nintendo console poll. It got, what, 70% on N64 in that poll? I was
pleasantly surprised by how well it did in the recent poll asking only
about first-party games too, keeping it close despite the major matchup
advantages N64 had (OOT >>> LTTP, SM64 > SMW, GE >>
SM). --- 90s games > 00s games |