GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 995
Lol Gears of War is beating Final Fantasy. I mean seriously, I didn't know FF hate was to the point where people allow a fourth-rate five-year old franchise to eke out a narrow victory against it. Also wow Civilization is getting absolutely destroyed, Castlevania is also getting destroyed, Metroid is getting 60-40'd by Mortal Kombat (...Other M hate?), Metal Gear is losing, and GFNW has returned. --- Next Playthrough - StarCraft Upcoming - Baldur's Gate II, Okami, Resident Evil 4 |
Fantasy isn't that popular overall. It isn't fodder, but at the same
time the series isn't coming close to winning a series contest. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
all honesty that's probably true. Every mainstream Final Fantasy has a
rather large, loud hatebase. Still, Gears of War??? What??? I mean,
losing to Halo or GTA is one thing, but Gears? Seriously? I still find it funny how GFNW magically returned. --- Next Playthrough - StarCraft Upcoming - Baldur's Gate II, Okami, Resident Evil 4 |
Man, those results are way off from what we'd see on this site. Although I think it's funny that they have Mario/Madden like we did in our Series Contest and it's 90/10 just like it was here. --- "So cold. I am always by your side." "There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!" |
Zelda vs. Mario in Round 2 - will be interesting to see how another site votes on that one. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Fantasy is only as popular as it is on this site since its way more
Japanese leaning than average... and its a FAQ site to begin with,
which heavily favors RPGs. In general, I'd say Final Fantasy would be
about a mid tier series in the Western world. JRPGs really aren't
popular enough to make it anything higher. My favorite result is Mass Effect > Metal Gear though. You'd never see that here, but I totally agree with it. --- |
of Duty vs. Castlevania is probably the most lopsided result. Over
here, that one would probably be a doubling in the other direction. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
I dunno about a doubling. Call of Duty isn't that weak as a whole, I don't think. And FF would probably triple Gears of War here, and that's being generous to Gears considering it did that to Mega Man and RE. --- "I can set you free, mate." "My freedom was forfeit long ago!" |
I forgot just how bad FF/Gears would be. I'd say 80/20 is fair, or a
30% increase from the current percentage. But I do think
Castlevania/CoD would be ugly here. This site has a lot of respect for
the old, and I think CoD would do even worse as a series than its games
would do individually, and its games have already tanked here. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
I wouldn't be surprised to see 85/15, so you're probably right. Gears
stunk up the last games contest something awful, and FF already went
85/15 on Diablo (Diablo would kill Gears). --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
results seem way more based on sales than anything... and in America,
Gears of War beats Final Fantasy for sales, so thats probably a big
reason its beating it. The only match I really see going against the "Sales = More Popular" argument is Pokemon, but its easy to attribute to Pokemon still getting lots of anti-votes on non Nintendo biased places. --- |
It's probably cause Final Fantasy hasn't done **** in recent years. |
Considering this: Castlevania doubling Call of Duty certainly shouldn't be impossible. It might be a stretch since CoD probably has enough fans who would vote it over anything to prevent it from failing quite that badly, but I'd bet Castlevania breaks 60%. and in America, Gears of War beats Final Fantasy for sales, so thats probably a big reason its beating it. *Looks this up on* Gears of War I and II both got around 4 million in America. Even Final Fantasy VII only got around 3 million in America...Wait, that's less than Kingdom Hearts I. Ouch. ...In that sense, Final Fantasy is overperforming! --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
From: FateStayAlbion | #411 Are we talking overall or just recently? Because I doubt Gears 1+2 has outsold the entire series. --- |
Mario 90-10 Madden Hmmm...this seems familiar. --- Hear me, Amaterasu |
Match pic. If Cloud was there you can bet your ass it would win. |
LeonhartFour posted... From: FateStayAlbion | #411 and in America, Gears of War beats Final Fantasy for sales, so thats probably a big reason its beating it. Are we talking overall or just recently? Because I doubt Gears 1+2 has outsold the entire series. Well, not overall. I meant on like a per game basis. --- |
GoW1+2 is fairly close in American sales to the entire recent FF franchise combined. Gears of War: 3.88 million Gears of War 2: 3.99 million Final Fantasy XII: 1.91 million Final Fantasy XIII Xbox: 1.02 million Final Fantasy XIII PS3: 1.34 million Final Fantasy XIV: 0.26 million Dissidia: 0.55 million FFT: War of the Lions: 0.44 million FFTA2: 0.36 million Crisis Core: 1.34 million Dirge of Cerebus: 0.47 million The 4 Heroes of Light: 0.15 million Final Fantasy III DS: .86 million Final Fantasy IV DS: .46 million I'm probably forgetting some FF stuff. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
it seems that casual franchises are ruling the roost here. Castlevania,
Metroid, and Half-Life all going down in the first round is evidence
enough. EDIT: Final Fantasy now has 51% on Gears of War. --- Next Playthrough - StarCraft Upcoming - Baldur's Gate II, Okami, Resident Evil 4 |
AxemPink posted... GoW1+2 is fairly close in American sales to the entire recent FF franchise combined. Gears of War: 3.88 million Gears of War 2: 3.99 million Final Fantasy XII: 1.91 million Final Fantasy XIII Xbox: 1.02 million Final Fantasy XIII PS3: 1.34 million Final Fantasy XIV: 0.26 million Dissidia: 0.55 million FFT: War of the Lions: 0.44 million FFTA2: 0.36 million Crisis Core: 1.34 million Dirge of Cerebus: 0.47 million The 4 Heroes of Light: 0.15 million Final Fantasy III DS: .86 million Final Fantasy IV DS: .46 million I'm probably forgetting some FF stuff. Thats 7.87 mil for Gears, and 7.93 mil for FF. And that doesn't even count the Gears of War for PC release, which I'm sure sold over 60k. And once Gears of War 3 comes out later this year, it won't even be close in recent releases Kinda sad, but in America, Gears of War really is a bigger franchise in the last 5-6 years. --- |
Lol America. Aside from Half-Life and Fallout, there's too much casual stuff going on there. In a sense, you have to appreciate GameFAQs that way, for being hardcore-oriented when it comes to what's NOT from Nintendo. --- Next Playthrough - StarCraft Upcoming - Baldur's Gate II, Okami, Resident Evil 4 |
More multiplatform games I wouldn't say that there's more this gen compare to last. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
charmander6000 posted... More multiplatform games I wouldn't say that there's more this gen compare to last. Well just thinking of exclusives from last gen, each system has so many more exclusives that really "Defined" the system. Wii may have a lot of exclusives, but thats because theres no competing system really. 360 and PS3 though have essentially the same lineup, except for a few games. Any look at those multiplatform GOTY shows its better these days. Like heres an example of a few from last gen: Compared to this gen: Quite a major difference, I would say. Also anyone voting for DLC is dumb. Its the worst thing from this gen. --- |
From: FateStayAlbion | #423 Something I can actually agree with you on. I submitted this poll as a best of and worst of, but he only queued the best of. Wants to keep things positive, I guess. I put in the multiplatform option because our site's GOTY really showed now nothing good is on only one system these days. --- "Ulti is the authority on birth control because his shirt has the power to impregnate any woman that looks at it for too long."-Tim |
wouldn't say the PS2/Xbox were that different compare to PS3/360. I
would agree that multiplatform games are generally better this gen. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
I voted for "High definition graphics", because I don't really care about online play. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
voted for more multiplatform games. Not sure it's really an innovation,
but anything to hasten the end of the console wars is fine by me. Kind
of dissapointed that the graphics one is doing so well though. Games
being better technically is always good, but I don't think that always
has to be linked to graphics being high definition. --- "Ahem! There is *sand* on my *boot*!"--Kefka Black Turtle beat me, Yesmar in the Fall 2010 Guru Contest! |
LOLContests posted... I voted for more multiplatform games. Not sure it's really an innovation, but anything to hasten the end of the console wars is fine by me. Kind of dissapointed that the graphics one is doing so well though. Games being better technically is always good, but I don't think that always has to be linked to graphics being high definition. Have you played 360 or PS3 on a HD TV? Once you do, its impossible to go back. I struggle to play my Wii these days since it can't go high def because I'm too used to the clear picture from high definition, not even mentioning older systems. The difference is just crazy. --- |
an ironic twist, the only one of these innovations that really matters
to me is motion control, which I hesitate to vote for because of all
the shovelware on the Wii and the supposed disappointments that both
Kinect and PlayStation Move have proven to be. Oh I will be joining the HD Graphics Crew! ...eventually, that is. Last year I was mostly playing games from the '90s, so I can't exactly say much. --- Next Playthrough - StarCraft Upcoming - Baldur's Gate II, Okami, Resident Evil 4 |
Gaming might end up winning this after all. I remember it was like a 4%
difference last night, dunno total votes though so maybe its just stall. Personally, I don't get all the votes for internet... Internet has been a staple of gaming for years, and even a very important part of last gen. Xbox Live was the main reason to have an Xbox. --- |
Gaming might end up winning this after all. I remember it was like a 4%
difference last night, dunno total votes though so maybe its just stall. Don't know if it's a stall, because I'm not tracking poll updates for this poll. The HD gaming option is winning every single continent except for North America. Online play is only winning North America. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
FateStayAlbion posted... Xbox Live was the main reason to have an Xbox. Halo was the main reason to have an Xbox. Online didn't really hit the system until late 2004 when Halo 2 was released (maybe a little before)...and the 360 was released in 2005. How many Xbox-games in this period got a lot of respect for online-play besides Halo 2? --- Nominate E P O N A. |
HD graphics may win this yet. It's only a few hundred votes behind. --- |
It could win, but it depends on how the ASV goes in this poll. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
don't get HD graphics being the "best innovation," but I've never been
a huge fan of them and don't own a 360/PS3. I never turn my very HD
capable TV to HD channels. I also hate the fact that due to my TV's
capabilities, N64 games on it look like ass with how grainy they are.
Some GC games like SSBM and RE4 lose luster on it as well. My personal vote goes to downloadable retail games due to how amazing Steam is. But from the most objective standpoint I can manage, I'd say online play should at least be up there with downloadable retail games if not beating it. The near infinite playability we can get from so many games these days and how games have to be tailored to feature that online play these days else be considered failures in some way (ex. Mirror's Edge) has shaped the industry hugely as of late, and mostly for the better. --- "I submitted brackets on all [224] of my accounts so they would get the 10 free Karma for beating SBAllen's score." - Luster Soldier |
was the main reason to have an Xbox. Online didn't really hit the
system until late 2004 when Halo 2 was released (maybe a little
before)...and the 360 was released in 2005. How many Xbox-games in this
period got a lot of respect for online-play besides Halo 2? halo 2 mighta been the first massively played online xbox game, but if you were pretty "into" console gaming and owned an xbox, there were other good online games before it. Also the splinter cell series was pretty damn popular on xbox live. Im pretty sure only pandora tomorrow had online play (before halo 2) though...... But ya, the original xbox sucked. Lotta 5/10 or 6/10 games on it. A fair amount of 9s or higher, and like no 7s or 8s..... Overall compared to the gosu PS2 and above average but not great xbox. 360 is pretty damn decent though --- Currently playing: SC2, Civ 5 Next up: eh ; Awaiting: meh |
I never turn my very HD capable TV to HD channels Why? Are you just lazy? Or do you actually think SD is better? I couldn't understand this line of thought, since HD is one of those things that are statistically better in every way... clear picture > blurry picture. Why would you prefer a blurry picture over one thats clear? Fortunately though they'll be getting rid of those SD channels in the next decade though, they're only around now while people still adjust to all getting HDTVs. --- |
only beef with HD television was the telecommunications bill that
clinton signed to get hd tv. He had to compromise with a very corrupt
republican party on some stuff. I dont wanna turn this into a political
debate though, i probably shouldnt have typed this. Me watching HD tv is kinda like giving in to the telecommunications bill.... maybe its an irrational grudge, but i think most of b8 thinks im irrational about things anyway --- Currently playing: SC2, Civ 5 Next up: eh ; Awaiting: meh |
This is interesting: 2 days of "Which scheduled April release are you most looking forward to?" polls is very strange. When I looked at the games that are going to be released in April, I didn't see any major game releases that would be stronger than turbofodder in our contests. It doesn't look good for our chances of getting an April Fool's Day poll with an invisible poll option. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
FateStayAlbion posted... I never turn my very HD capable TV to HD channels Why? Are you just lazy? Or do you actually think SD is better? I couldn't understand this line of thought, since HD is one of those things that are statistically better in every way... clear picture > blurry picture. Why would you prefer a blurry picture over one thats clear? Fortunately though they'll be getting rid of those SD channels in the next decade though, they're only around now while people still adjust to all getting HDTVs. I've honestly never noticed any particular "blur" in comparison. It's definitely different looking, colors are different ("sharper" or "clearer," I suppose). But it's not something that's ever made me be like, "Oh man, I need to watch this in HD where it would look so much better! I gotta press the button to go to the HD channel!" --- "I submitted brackets on all [224] of my accounts so they would get the 10 free Karma for beating SBAllen's score." - Luster Soldier |
honestly never noticed any particular "blur" in comparison. It's
definitely different looking, colors are different ("sharper" or
"clearer," I suppose). But it's not something that's ever made me be
like, "Oh man, I need to watch this in HD where it would look so much
better! I gotta press the button to go to the HD channel!" Also, this: Make sure you change it to 720p and go full screen though, or you won't be able to tell much of a difference due to HD really only mattering if the resolution is larger than 480p --- |
ATTN: Luster Mother 4 > Psychonauts 2 I was too slow. ;_; --- BlAcK TuRtLe crushed my bracket and it didn't even take three days. Congrats to BlAcK TuRtLe for winning the GotD Guru Contest! |
job TRE, for figuring out what I voted for. Apparently, the Geolocation
system correctly recognized what state my vote came from. Because I got
the first vote overall and then I quickly loaded up the link for the US
state map:®ion=9 When I did that, the map was generated right when I loaded up that link. Well, it correctly recognized that my vote was from Pennsylvania. Out of the first 3 votes, one vote was Pennsylvania. Another vote was from British Columbia in Canada and another one was from New Brunswick in Canada. --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ |
was second and you are the only person on this site who could possibly
have beaten me and the first vote was for Psychonauts 2. The voting map
was also correct in my vote being from British Columbia. --- BlAcK TuRtLe crushed my bracket and it didn't even take three days. Congrats to BlAcK TuRtLe for winning the GotD Guru Contest! |
Interesting, when I voted, I saw this on the poll results page: See other results for this poll: 4/1/03 3/30/05 4/5/06 3/31/07 3/31/08 3/31/10 4/2/11 Now the "4/2/11" has disappeared, which means there will not be a second "Which scheduled April release are you most looking forward to?" poll tomorrow. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
may have only temporarily taken that poll down so we may still get that
poll tommorow. Alternatively, he may have changed it so you can only
see other polls if they are older than the current date. --- BlAcK TuRtLe crushed my bracket and it didn't even take three days. Congrats to BlAcK TuRtLe for winning the GotD Guru Contest! |
very unlikely. He wouldn't be fixing bugs or exploits at this time of
the day. Plus, it's way past his normal working hours. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
know, I was thinking since next year will be 10 years since the
original Character Battle (Yeah, I know. Let that sink in for a
minute), it might be a neat idea if Bacon re-ran that contest for kicks
just to see how things would play out now. Actually, scratch that, because that means Squall loses in round 1 to Snake. Let's redo the 2003 contest! --- "Stay with me until the end. Please." "Not until the end. Always." |
If all goes according to plan, in ten years, Snake will lose to Squall. And we shall always root for him when he narrowly loses to Link year after year. |
I predict rerunning 2003 would get us: (changed winners in bold) Round One Link > AiAi Pikachu > Fox Ganondorf > Tidus Magus > Sam Fisher Squall > Jill Luigi > Ratchet KOS-MOS > Crash Samus > Isaac Cloud > CATS Auron > Tails Bowser > Ness Yoshi > Conker Aeris > Sora (Sora wins if we get KH3, though) Master Chief > Felix (Surely Chief doesn't actually lose this one...) Zero > Scorpion Sonic > Ken Mario > Olimar Shadow > Wario (Maybe Shadow could suck enough to lose this one, though.) Kefka > Pac-Man Crono > Tom Nook Alucard > Bomberman Kirby > Ramza Gordon > Max Payne Sephiroth > Raziel Snake > Raiden Yuna > Knuckles (Probably debatable) Ryu > Duke Dante > Ryo Hazuki Donkey Kong > Vyse Vercetti > Kite Zelda > Lara Croft Mega Man > Mr. Resetti Round Two Link > Pikachu Ganondorf > Magus Squall > Luigi Samus > KOS-MOS Cloud > Auron Bowser > Yoshi (Hell if I know) Aeris > Master Chief Sonic > Zero Mario > Shadow Crono > Kefka Kirby > Alucard Sephiroth > Gordon Snake > Yuna Dante > Ryu (coinflip but I'm betting on MvC3 helping Dante more) Donkey Kong > Vercetti Mega Man > Zelda R3 and following Link > Ganondorf Samus > Squall Cloud > Bowser Sonic > Aeris Mario > Crono Sephiroth > Kirby Snake > Dante Mega Man > Donkey Kong Link > Samus Cloud > Sonic Mario > Sephiroth Snake > Mega Man Link > Cloud Mario > Snake Link > Mario (Finals) Well, at least Mario at the end would be exciting! --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |