GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 995
still too many, because you know they'll go 80-20 or something
ridiculous for Melee against Chrono Trigger. CT can't really expect to
do better than 60-40 against Melee among any age group. How low would the 14-17 age group have to get in an age poll for you to say there aren't too many younger voters on the site? 10%? 5%? Because 14-17 had 14.62% in the last age poll and dropped about 4.5% in just one year (since the 2010 age poll). --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
the real problem is that they'll go 80-20 against CT, so there's really
no lower limit here. As long as they're going to vote against CT so
much, the lower a percentage they make up of the site, the better. Some calculations: Approximately 17% of the voters were under 18 as of the latest poll. Let's assume they go 80-20 for Melee against CT. Let's assume CT loses 55-45 among the 18-20 group, another 23% of the site. Then CT needs to win the remaining 60% of the site that's 21+ with about 59% to win the match. And 80-20 is of course a guess based on nothing, but I don't think I'm too far off. I think I'm probably within 10% either way, and it won't make a huge difference to the point if it's not quite as bad as 80-20. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Nice poll, nice to see SNES a strong second place. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.· "Ulti makes everything better." -PrinceReva |
Expected/10 Though with that big ol OCARINA OF TIME in there, maybe I was expecting n64 to do even better. |
...I thought GoldenEye was supposed to have aged badly??? You know it's kinda weird to see some of the choices represented here. We know that Twilight Princess manhandles Galaxy, and Super Mario RPG likely beats Super Metroid too. And...METROID PRIME AND GOLDENEYE ARE SECOND-PARTY GAMES!!! I dunno why you guys are thinking about Brawl > Mario 3 not being possible solely based on this poll. Do not forget that the Wii is far behind the GameCube here despite the Wii's strongest game certainly being stronger than the GameCube's. ...I thought the original Legend of Zelda was supposed to be one of the best games ever? --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
From: LinkMarioSamus | #755 Brawl > Melee? It was close though! |
...I thought GoldenEye was supposed to have aged badly??? Irrelevant and probably not true in the opinion of most users of this site! We know that Twilight Princess manhandles Galaxy But it could qualify as both a Gamecube game and a Wii game. and Super Mario RPG likely beats Super Metroid too SMRPG is developed by Square. Third Party. Super Metroid is also probably thought of as a bigger deal than SMRPG on non-gamefaqs sites. And...METROID PRIME AND GOLDENEYE ARE SECOND-PARTY GAMES!!! I thought this at first too, but looking it up, apparently "second-party" actually refers to the consumers, and what us silly internet people mean when we wrongly use "second-party" is actually a "subsidiary." Subsidiaries of a first-party are therefore first-party as well. Do not forget that the Wii is far behind the GameCube here despite the Wii's strongest game certainly being stronger than the GameCube's. Like the other guy said, just barely stronger. Gamecube has more strong first-party games than Wii, while I'd argue that in this poll the NES pretty much has just Mario 3 behind it for stuff that matters. ...I thought the original Legend of Zelda was supposed to be one of the best games ever? Not according to gamefaqs; it completely tanked the favorite console Zelda poll. Personally I'd say the game was excellent for its time and still has a lot to recommend it, but feels a bit rough. I doubt anyone who didn't grow up with it would make the claim that it's one of the best games ever. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
I'm going to try to rank the GameCube's and Wii's first-party games based on GameFAQs contest strength, in order: *High Midcarder* Brawl Melee Twilight Princess (which I am considering to be a Wii game) Wind Waker Metroid Prime *Solid Midcarder* Super Mario Galaxy Paper Mario: TTYD Super Mario Galaxy 2 *Low Midcarder* Donkey Kong Country Returns New Super Mario Bros. Wii *High Fodder* Kirby's Epic Yarn, surely "Messed up with a capital M" isn't this strong, right??? *Bad Fodder* Fire Emblem: PoR F-Zero GX looks like a no-contest victory for the Wii, though maybe more out of quantity than quality. Still, I doubt that I am forgetting anything significant... --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
From: LinkMarioSamus | #155 It's a solid game, but other Zelda games have done the original formula much better. The original can't compare to LttP or any of the 2D handheld games. Pretty much going as expected. N64 winning, SNES doing a solid second, and the rest weak. Props to the NES for beating the Wii, not that that's really anything to be proud of. Gamecube's doing respectable, I guess. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
Zelda 1 also happens to be a *really* important game since it was the
first one with a non-password save feature, aka what showed that video
games could actually be large quests instead of just arcadey stuff. In
a games contest Zelda 1 would likely be a high midcarder solely based
on the influence voting. Speaking of which, in response to earlier, I think StarCraft would still emerge victorious over Halo today, because a large reason why Halo didn't embarass itself over (at least in the first few rounds...) is because of "smart voters", those people would most certainly defect to an older, more important game like StarCraft. Of course, there is the fact of the matter that StarCraft may not have even been the stronger game in the first place...NO, SURELY THERE'S NO WAY MARIO SUNSHINE BREAKS FORTY PERCENT ON STARCRAFT, RIGHT??? Also yes the above listing I did has Other M being high fodder instead of just fodder or even bad fodder, which I of course don't like. Surely it doesn't tangle with stuff like Baldur's Gate II, Deus Ex, and Civilization IV solely because of name value??? --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
The Legend of Zelda is extremely unique even for the series. It doesn't have a lot of things that LttP set the standard for, so while that makes it seem inferior to a lot of people, I just find it refreshing and original. I can see why some would say it's the best Zelda game. That also all goes for Adventure of Link. |
The Gamecube is running strongest in Europe. Yeah, I don't know either. SNES doing well in South America and mainland Europe. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
The Gamecube is running strongest in Europe. Xbox was a lot weaker in Europe, so more people probably had Gamecubes. --- "Ahem! There is *sand* on my *boot*!"--Kefka Black Turtle beat me, Yesmar in the Fall 2010 Guru Contest! |
agree; I think the original Zelda has held up well over time. Then
again, I'm one who still enjoys the primitive, unrefined gameplay of
NES games.... I say the SNES era is holding up very well today, considering Zelda:OoT is one of the N64 representatives. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. So...what is a party?" "Well, you congratulate BLACK TURTLE for winning the Guru Challenge." |
Geolocation stats: -N64 tends to be strongest in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic. Edit: While SNES seems to be weaker there. -Super Nintendo tends to be strongest in the Midwest/Mountain states and the South. Weirdly enough in the South, SNES steals most of its support from N64 and not necessarily the bottom two. The Midwest/Mountain states do tend to be pretty old-school states though. --- "Ahem! There is *sand* on my *boot*!"--Kefka Black Turtle beat me, Yesmar in the Fall 2010 Guru Contest! |
Super Smash Bros. 3.....Super Smash Bros. TOUKOUNEN I was apprehensive when I found out it was to be titled Brawl. A brawl is an unsophisticated fight fought without much skill; certainly it seemed to be a step down from a melee, which is just hand-to-hand combat, and carries a connotation of higher skill. Perhaps of martial artists fighting. The game struck. And it was swiftly clear how awful it was. It was incredibly slow and directly targeted at 4-ways, and against 1v1s. The goal was to help unworthy characters pull off upsets through randomness, all in the name of fun. And yet, most of us did not see through it immediately. So high had our expectations been, that we refused to look at the truth in front of us, at the fun that was daily being eradicated. We had been warned just 4 months earlier by the great L, but still most of us did not see. Yet as the weeks wore on, the truth could not be stopped, and more and more of us joined the resistance. Through 2 and a half years we recruited and fought, slowly edging forward to reclaim our homeland from what we now knew to be the cancer that was Brawl. At last we felt confident enough to marshall our troops for battle, and march against the great evil. The initial advance was a success as our enemies melted away, but soon, we entered their trap. Through painful hours of the night we slowly retreated from that battle, our van turned rearguard desperately trying to save our forces from destruction. The sun rose on a sweltering day, and did not help. The sun reached the zenith overhead, and we were encircled by the great cancer, doomed to be assimilated into its ranks to aid it in enslaving the world. Doomed to extend the sword of destruction against all those who yet fought for the freedom we had now lost. Such was to be our fate, but for our great hero Link, who saved the day. Long live the king! --- 90s games > 00s games |
From: red sox 777 | #166 ...Isn't this what the whole series is about? People can say what they want, but the original and Melee weren't designed with 1-on-1 in mind. --- "So cold. I am always by your side." "There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!" |
was a glorious accident, and the original is far far better than the
great evil known as Brawl, which squeezed fun in its coils unto death
in the name of fun. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Yup Smash Bros. was pretty much designed to be a fun, no serious game like Mario Kart or Halo's multiplayer. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Yeah, Melee was an accidental goldmine, but let's not act like Brawl was that big of a departure from the formula. --- |
Oh it was, it was. If Melee was a goldmine, then Brawl would be flooding said goldmine with diet soda. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Brawl was a departure from what Melee was. It wasn't a departure from what Smash Bros. is. --- Support Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) for Character Battle IX! |
historically, religions are always harshest on other religions that are
the closest to them. For example, the Catholic Church cracked down on
the Cathars really brutally, much worse than Hindus or Buddhists have
ever been treated by them. Disagreeing in a seemingly minor point of
theology = you are incredibly evil. Disagreeing on basically everything
about the nature of God = you're just misinformed and ready to learn
the truth. --- 90s games > 00s games |
u guys lol |
I find it ridiculous that people would rank Melee/Brawl so differently.
It's okay to prefer one game over the other, but let's not get carried
away. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Melee is quite a bit ahead of Brawl but I wouldn't mind a Brawl > Melee opinion, unlike SOME people on this board... Smash Bros. is actually one of the few franchises where being a larger game is more of a plus than usual. Still, Melee IS more fun, more satisfying, and more important to the industry, but I can respect Brawl for what it is. The way I see it, Brawl made a big splash upon release, and then most sites basically forgot about it. Basically the opposite of Melee (and fighters in general)! --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
Surely I'm not the only one here who prefers Brawl to Melee. Then again, I don't get paid to play video games. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
is a more fun, more nostalgic game that also happens to be more
important to the video game industry. Melee defined the GameCube and
could be its best game. Brawl, IMO, can't be the best Wii game. --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
think you're forgetting the original Smash Bros. there. Say what you
want about the game, but it was more important to the video game
industry. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
> 4 ways on GameFAQS because they are more exciting and intense, not
because they're more fair, at least IMO. Even if liking 1v1 more was
solely because they are more fair, that's a somewhat legitimate
grievance since prediction is an element of the contest. Prediction
doesn't have anything to do with Smash Bros. --- "Ahem! There is *sand* on my *boot*!"--Kefka Black Turtle beat me, Yesmar in the Fall 2010 Guru Contest! |
watch GameFAQs matches because of stats and prediction, four-ways takes
that away and really like 1v1 the match is usually over in 5-10 minutes
anyways. It's no fun if you'd beat your friends all the time 1v1 and it's the same being on the losing end. For it truly to be entertaining I'd would only get to play with a select few of my friends. Randomness adds to the fun of the game because that's the point of the game. It's okay to add random rules to have something different, but playing only Pokeballs does get boring. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Personally: 4-ways in Brawl = boring 1v1s in Brawl = boring 4-ways in Melee = boring 1v1s in Melee with dramatically uneven skill = boring 1v1s in Melee with roughly equal skill = fun 1-Player in Smash Bros. = boring So, basically, Smash Bros. is highly mediocre as a series, except for 1v1s in Melee and maybe SSB64. I've actually thought this since SSB64, before Melee came out, that the basic premise of the game just wasn't that fun, that is. --- 90s games > 00s games |
You guys are right on the SSB64 thing. I dunno, most professional critics who side with Melee over Brawl point to Melee being the more important game while Brawl is just "Melee with more stuff". My opinion on the issue is a mix of that and of the whole "Brawl is sluggish" thing. ...I haven't played Brawl in a while anyway and have no motivation to do so unless I beat one of the games from which a stage or character design is based off of. Right now I see no such thing in my future (unless you want to count Melee stages, then Mario 64/World give me excuses). Off-Topic: I don't know why, but I'm already extremely hyped up for Super Mario 3DS. --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
From: Not_Wylvane | #177 i Hola ! --- Nominate E P O N A. |
I don't know man. Brawl is a little less balanced, has silly things like tripping, and is slower, with no hit stun. Slower and no combos/hit stun just seem like subjective differences, and I'll admit that tripping is dumb and Metaknight is too good, but I really don't see how Melee is that much better than Brawl, even 1v1 tourny style. Also, Brawl has the only incarnation of Link worth playing as. |
Brawl has Snake. And Kirby doesn't totally suck in Brawl like he does in Melee. --- Support Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) for Character Battle IX! |
I suppose it helps for me that Melee is the only game where Samus and Link don't suck. Sorry pjbasis, but I like using Link in Melee and don't care much for him in Brawl, so yeah. --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
Brawl has that one guy who fights for his friends. --- Black Turtle. Whatever. |
Of course Melee was more significant. Melee was pretty much the
launch title for the Gamecube. Brawl, hyped though it was, didn't carry
the Wii the way Melee carried the Gamecube at the beginning. It doesn't
hurt that Melee is still probably the most notable, well-known, and
most talked-about Gamecube game (besides maybe Wind Waker), while Brawl
has to contend with games like the two Galaxy games, which are two of
the highest-reviewed games around, and casual games like Wii Sports,
Wii Fit, and Just Dance. And yet despite all that, more people still voted for Brawl here than Melee. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
So much for SmartVoterFAQs... you think Brawl/Fallout 3 was basically Link/Magus all over again? --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
Considering that most sites would've voted like IGN SmartVoterFAQs was in play, it just wasn't enough to win. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
certain that IGN's editors consider Melee to be better. In IGN's "Best
of the Decade" feature, Melee was in the top 5 of 2001 while Brawl was
not even in the top 10 of 2008. Actually, I'll revert back to being the
old annoying LMS and post both of them! 2001: 10) Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec 9) Max Payne 8) Devil May Cry 7) Conker's Bad Fur Day 6) Advance Wars 5) Super Smash Bros. Melee 4) Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 3) Ico 2) Halo: Combat Evolved 1) Grand Theft Auto III 2008: 10) Dead Space 9) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots 8) Braid 7) Prince of Persia 6) Mirror's Edge 5) World of Goo 4) LittleBigPlanet 3) Grand Theft Auto IV 2) Left 4 Dead 1) Fallout 3 If you would like to know their ranking for any other year feel free to ask! --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
From: LinkMarioSamus | #907 I was referring to Toon Link.... |
I was talking about that poll where users voted for their favourite Smash game. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Well that was a user poll. Users are not IGN editors. Okay, just for laughs, I'm going to post their top 10 of 2000 right now: 10) Perfect Dark 9) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 8) Chu Chu Rocket! 7) Diablo II 6) Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn 5) Marvel vs. Capcom 2 4) The Sims 3) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 2) Deus Ex 1) Counter-Strike --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
Considering that I was talking about users, it does matters. It wasn't like GameFAQs mods were the only ones to vote in the GotD. As for the 2000 poll besides Chu Chu Rocket (though I've never played it) that is a pretty solid top 10 list. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Chu Rocket! is supposed to be the Dreamcast's first online-compatible
game (and therefore the first online console game ever?), so I guess
IGN weighed that as something significant. No FFX on the 2001 list
seems especially baffling, but later on in their Top 100 PS2 Games
feature FFX was comfortably ahead of both GT3 and DMC so yeah. I'll now post the 2006 list to give you guys more laughs! 10) LocoRoco 9) Dead Rising 8) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 7) Guitar Hero II 6) New Super Mario Bros. 5) Gears of War 4) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 3) Company of Heroes 2) Wii Sports 1) Okami None of the other ones are all that different from GameFAQs' tastes so yeah. I'll only post more if I feel like it or if you guys ask. --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
Chu Chu Rocket was also an amazing game even without the online component. Plus it had the best video game commercial ever: --- Watch me play games! |
Chu Chu Rocket was all sorts of greatness. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
decided to think up of some new criteria for deciding how to tier a
game (or character, for that matter) based on GameFAQs contest strength. Elite - 45%+ on Majora's Mask High Midcarder - 40%+ on Weakest Elite Regular Midcarder - 40%+ on Weakest High Midcarder And so on. How would everyone be grouped if this were the case? --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - StarCraft, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |