GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 995
I'm surprised that Canada is doing so well, usually it's right behind the US in terms of being fat. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
this is not bad, considering gamers have the reputation of being overweight --- ... |
So who is participating in The Escapist's March Mayhem tournament? This is year 3. Turbine won the first time, and Valve won last year. Something tells me Nintendo will win this year, so we'll see. --- Black Turtle. Whatever. |
I had to look up who Turbine was...and even after seeing their list of
games I went "Who?" Truly, that place must be in a different universe
than gamefaqs. Might participate, dunno. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
Apparently The Escapist has a hard-on for MMOs, and Turbine was a big rallier in the first contest. Also: Zynga. Good lord, Zynga. --- Black Turtle. Whatever. |
Oh. Rallying. Is there a link to the exact results of their previous contest matches? --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
have no clue how Turbine won the first one. They've got, what, two
notable games, both of which aren't even that mainstream. I enjoyed LotRO, though, at least until I got bored. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. | That's for the first contest, but I can't find the results for last year. I can tell you that Valve won, and Zynga made a serious push at the finals, to the chagrin of all the "real" gamers who don't like Facebook rallying. --- Black Turtle. Whatever. |
yesterday's poll got terrible support from Europe, which is all because
of the UK since those weirdos use a form of measurement known as a
"stone" to express weight. So a British person might say their weight
is "10 stone" or something similar to that. And the options didn't list
the weight ranges in stones, so it hurt the UK here. Though the poll did get good support from Asia and Oceania at least. Anyways, I have just attempted to calculate the average weight of a typical GameFAQs user based on the results so far. Results of my calculation: Overall world average - 176.31 North America average - 178.90 South America average - 165.24 Europe average - 170.59 Asia average - 156.95 Oceania average - 167.12 Africa average - 167.77 US average - 179.92 UK average - 171.77 Canada average - 173.46 --- Luster Soldier - Popular at school. ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ |
Very nicely done, Luster. I didn't expect the difference between Asians and N. Americans to be that significant. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
comments on today? This doesn't look so good for Squirtle/Blastoise if
anybody's expecting it to be on-par with Charizard. Water's only
getting 37.26% on Fire, and that includes Mudkip -- the only other
starter that's made a contest here (multiple times at that). I'm sure
Squirtle/Blastoise is stronger, but approaching Charizard doesn't look
likely here unless there's a lot of SFF. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
two guys beating Charizard was always crazy, but a reason why fire is
winning is that there are so few of them in later gens compare to many
water/grass types. For example if you didn't take Chimchar in DPP your only other option was Ponyta. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Personally I was never expecting Squirtle to be nearly as strong as the Nintendo near-elites, so this result doesn't bother me. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
Yeah, I don't think anyone was expecting anyone to top Charizard on the Pokemon pecking order, so it's fine. --- Support Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) for Character Battle IX! |
Charizard > Pikachu > Mewtwo >= Squirtle >= Blastoise > Rest IMO --- Quite comfortably. |
Don't tell Missingno that! --- Nominate E P O N A. |
MissingNo, totally not a pokemon dude. --- Not in any 'dex. |
You better hope he didn't see that. Because Missingno. has friends. Friends that can do very nasty things to your save file! --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
take the 'Zard over Missingno head-to-head until it proves it can
repeat what it did last year, and even then, I'd doubt its ability to
beat Charizard directly even if it were stronger indirectly. --- |
Squirtle and Blastoise should defintely be weaker than Charizard. --- BlAcK TuRtLe crushed my bracket and it didn't even take three days. Congrats to BlAcK TuRtLe for winning the GotD Guru Contest! |
I say Ivysaur got enough Brawl boost to get under Blastoise. Maybe the strongest of the bulbalutions. |
I would be very surprised if Bulbasaur wasn't stronger than Ivysaur or Venusaur. --- BlAcK TuRtLe crushed my bracket and it didn't even take three days. Congrats to BlAcK TuRtLe for winning the GotD Guru Contest! |
one gives a s*** about the middle evolutions, and Venusaur is easily
the weakest of the three final starter evo's. Bulbasaur would be the
strongest of that line, no question. It's not like Brawl did many
favors for Lucario. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
Kadabra > Alakazam, probably...but that's not for typical reasons. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
Bulbasaur would have a chance at Blastoise even. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Why would Kadabra > Alakazam? --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
Well the line was popular, but I would assume few people traded Kadabra --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
the trading-stipulation stopped me from ever touching Alakazam, and
this isn't an isolated incident. I wouldn't want to guarantee Kadabra's
stronger since I don't know the Poke-fanbase THAT well, but this seems
like a situation where the middle-evolution could reasonably be the
strongest. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
It's not like it matters since I doubt we'll ever have to worry about seeing any of them. --- "I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now." |
Speaking of Haunter > Gengar FOR SURE |
Sheik > Ganondorf > Zelda --- 90s games > 00s games |
LOL Wii. is going to 60-40 Brawl. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Nice poll idea Yoblazer. It's still early, but I expected N64 to be winning by more. --- BlAcK TuRtLe crushed my bracket and it didn't even take three days. Congrats to BlAcK TuRtLe for winning the GotD Guru Contest! |
I'm more surprised that the Wii is managing to beat NES. Surely SMB3 is stronger than Brawl? --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
what do you meOH MY GOD HE ACCEPTED IT. haha, I'm happy! --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
From: -LusterSoldier- | #134 NES is probably getting SFF'd heavy by SNES with LTTP and Mario World both being stronger than Mario 3. --- "I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now." |
heh, now there's an update I like to see! Kick some ass, you onyx beauty! --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
That was quite the board vote for the SNES. --- Support Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) for Character Battle IX! |
still holding about 45-55 on N64. Really good considering this poll is
about first party games, and the 3 featured games for N64 blast the 3
featured games for SNES out of the water strengthwise. NES and Wii are now tied. --- 90s games > 00s games |
NES and Wii are still tied even after this update. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
NES is being pretty much propped up by old school Mario alone in this
poll (Nobody cares about NES Zelda when there are other console Zelda
options and lol @ Metroid or Punch-Out or whatever), whereas in
addition to Brawl, Wii also has Galaxy for a major vote draw.
Considering its number of nominations last contest, I'd say there's a
good chance Galaxy fans are fairly devoted. Wii would have to kill the
NES from here on out for me to even consider Brawl > Mario 3. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
Wii has younger voters who may not have played games on a lot of these
systems. NES voters have pretty much played everything here. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Brawl beating Mario 3? I dunno. I have a hard time seeing that happen. --- Support Squirtle (Pokemon R/B/Y) for Character Battle IX! |
Plus......®ion=EUR Looks like Europe will bring us good taste for once! --- 90s games > 00s games |
LOL Europe hates the GameCube --- Support Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) for Character Battle IX! |
The Wii has younger voters who may not have played games on a lot of these systems. Good thing there aren't very many younger voters on the site these days, if the past age polls are any indication. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
aren't too surprising; NES is too old, people are afraid of the Wii
while the N64 has the best 1 2 3 punch of an individual company on any
console based on GameFAQs. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
Brawl beating Mario 3? I dunno. I have a hard time seeing that happen. Same. I was saying that to even make the question worth thinking about, Wii would have to be beating NES by a lot. Which it's not doing. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
Excellent poll, Yoblazer. This and the favorite Zelda poll are the best polls since the end of the contest. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Good thing there aren't very many younger voters on the site these days, if the past age polls are any indication. There's still too many, because you know they'll go 80-20 or something ridiculous for Melee against Chrono Trigger. CT can't really expect to do better than 60-40 against Melee among any age group. --- 90s games > 00s games |