GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 994
Marvel vs Capcom 3 proves the character contests needs to broaden the horizons a bit. --- Ulti or Extha who would you rather have a blinking contest with? -RPGLord95 Ulti. I wouldn't be able to blink anyway; I might miss something he does. -X_Dante_X |
How exactly? Especially consider the other MvC games were popular as well. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
God damn LttP Embarrassing the GotD contest winner! |
LTTP is still winning in Wyoming. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Seems like North America is the main reason LTTP is doing so well. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
America would also be the only reason FFVI has a chance against X. Seems like America overrates SNES games! |
Gaming was just a lot bigger in North America than Europe at the time, I think. --- 90s games > 00s games |
I think it's because the Genesis did better over there (I think it won overall) --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
charmander6000 | Posted 2/23/2011 12:38:01 AM | message detail I'd expect the older games to have a better night vote with Twilight Princess winning the ASV. Night vote is a time period that doesn't seem to be affected by the age of the voters who are dominating the overnight vote. I've never seen any evidence that mature games (or other games that appeal heavily towards adults) have good night votes as a result of late night American voters (which has a much higher average age than the ASV voters). There was one match during the GOTD contest that I tracked results for the US for the entire match. During MGS4/AC1, MGS4's percentage in the US did not go up overnight. In fact, it remained fairly even through the entire night vote. When the morning vote kicked in, MGS4 was losing percentage in the US. From about 6:00 AM to the end of the match, MGS4 dropped about 2% in the US. The ASV and morning vote is a different story when it comes to certain age groups heavily affecting a game's trends. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
this might be the most awkward POTD of all-time --- |
ASV hierarchy for yesterday's poll: Four Swords Adventures > Twilight Princess > Wind Waker > Zelda 1 > Ocarina of Time > Majora's Mask > Zelda II > LTTP > Never played --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
how did Twilight Princess manage to lose to Wind Waker? I would -love-
to see the percentage Ocarina of Time could get on TP.... --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. So...what is a party?" "Well, you congratulate BLACK TURTLE for winning the Guru Challenge." |
Maybe this proves that most GameFAQs members look at Twilight Princess as Ocarina of Time in HD, and will abandon TP as such? LttP > OoT forever BTW. --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
just occurred to me: Do you guys think Monster Hunter Tri could be a
decent midcarder? It seems to have all the makings for being ToS-esque:
a JRPG on an RPG-starved console with two of GameFAQs' favorite games,
not usually recognized in the gaming world at large, yadda yadda. Monster Hunter Tri vs. Baldur's Gate II, who'd you pick? --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
not sure how well Monster Hunter stuff would do here. Gamefaqs may like
JRPGs, but seems to care about current-gen JRPGs much less so. It's not
a big sales hit in the west and has no nostalgia to back it up. Maybe
it could beat BGII but I'd think it would likely be some distance
weaker than even the weakest Pokemon generation. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
I would take any Pokemon game over any Monster Hunter game. That said,
MH does have some interesting range -- I could see it doing
respectively OR bombing hard. It'd be worth seeing once, I figure. --- Nominate E P O N A. |
don't think MHT would do that well. Sure it did well in the goty poll,
but that poll was mostly filled with Nintendo stuff so LFF was a factor. I'm not sure what to think of BG2 though. On one side it barely defeated SoA then on the other it did well against ME which did well against Portal which did well against RE4. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
SoA was the one that beat BGII and then lost to Mass Effect. That match was notable for SoA bleeding more than 10% from the freeze. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
stats depict Baldur's Gate II as high fodder. In all honesty, I don't
think a PC-exclusive WRPG from 2000 can beat a JRPG from 2010 which is
on an RPG-starved console which has GameFAQs' two favorite current-gen
games. --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
Next 3 days of polls: 2/26/2011 - Have you ever thrown a controller? 2/27/2011 - Have you ever injured yourself while playing a video game? 2/28/2011 - Which scheduled March release are you most looking forward to? --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
wanted to ask a question: namely where would you draw the lines between
high midcarders, solid midcarders, low midcarders, high fodder, fodder,
and bad fodder? Personally I'd say that these are the weakest games in
each category: High Midcarder: Tales of Symphonia Solid Midcarder: Final Fantasy XII Low Midcarder: Perfect Dark High Fodder: Deus Ex Fodder: Silent Hill 2 Bad Fodder: WWF No Mercy --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
about weakest Elite? I'd say nothing from the last contest below
Twilight Princess really stands a chance of beating it or coming
especially close, so I'd go with that. GTAIII was in the same half-division as Tales of Symphonia and was barely lower on the x-stats, it probably shouldn't be in a different category. ToS didn't beat Resident Evil 5 by much either. Dunno what my alternative would be, though. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
lump elites in with high midcarders, since for the past few contests
we've been talking about how the #3 game is closer to Kingdom Hearts
than it is to Final Fantasy VII, and KH was #19 in this contest's
x-stats, so you get my point. ToS was slightly hindered against RE5 since it rolled a night match (and RE5 is a night game while ToS is a day game), so RE5 can't be a high midcarder. From here on out, however, you get into some silliness. "ToS wasn't ahead of GTAIII by that much in the stats". Well okay, I guess that bars ToS from being a high midcarder as well, since otherwise a GRAND THEFT AUTO game is a high midcarder, which doesn't sound right. So I guess Kingdom Hearts is the weakest high midcarder. So...what about everything else? --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
assume that talk about KH was before it did so poorly this contest. Its
characters did not do well in 2010, so it likely wasn't a fluke, either. No Mercy is an obvious choice for its position. Don't really know about the rest, it gets harder to say for sure the lower you go, as the x-stats get less reliable and more crowded. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
all honesty, we were probably spoiled by how well everything KH-related
had done from the time "The List" was released up to the 2010 contests.
On the list, KH was 16th, but then again that list had San Andreas >
FFX, which tells you how wrong the list is for predicting GameFAQs
contest strength. Then in the Summer 2006 contest, KH characters were
overperforming left and right, but they were hot off of KH2. The next
few contests were in the 4-way format, which benefits the KH characters
since it helps out their anti-voting. Now, what happened when we went back to 1vs1? Sora goes from challenging Squall to not even putting up a fight against Bowser. Whoops. What's even sillier is that while KH goes down in our contests, it's actually gaining more appreciation at professional gaming sites. In all honesty, the KH series we see now is probably *way* weaker than what we saw in Spring 2009, since not only do the regular KH anti-votes come back, but their effect is magnified in the 12-hour format, and then to add insult to injury, KH takes the regular Square anti-votes. The result is that in the GotD x-stats, Kingdom Hearts gets only 44% on a game which it broke 60% on in the 2009 contest. So neither KH game is a high midcarder anymore. According to the stats, next up would be the MGS trio and SotC. I'm hesitant to call those games high midcarders too since the MGS series was basically a big turd last contest (keep an eye on Snake and co. next character contest BTW). After that is the Fallout 3/Metroid Prime/Half-Life 2 group and everything else sandwiched in between. In all honesty I do not think RE4 is a high midcarder either now, but if you want to regard TP as an "elite", the KH series regains high midcarder status. For what it's worth KH met or exceeded our expectations this contest aside from losing to KH2. Then again its opponents were a Call of Duty game and a random DS game, which were likely also way weaker than we assumed pre-contest. Twilight Princess vs. Metal Gear Solid? Twilight Princess vs. Mario 3? Twilight Princess vs. Chrono Trigger? --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
not helping KH that they keep announcing hundreds of stupid spin-offs
nobody's going to play instead of releasing, you know, Kingdom Hearts 3. Then again, this is the state of Square-Enix. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
Top Tier Ocarina of Time Final Fantasy VII Elite (not necessarily in this order) A Link to the Past Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow Super Mario 64 Chrono Trigger Super Mario World Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Melee Majora's Mask Metal Gear Solid Final Fantasy X Goldeneye Twilight Princess Wind Waker (maybe) Near-Elite (also not necessarily in this order) Super Mario Bros. The Legend of Zelda Super Mario RPG Fallout 3 Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VIII Resident Evil 4 Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts 2 Metal Gear Solid 2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Metal Gear Solid 4 Shadow of the Colossus (might be missing some) High Midcarder Mario Kart 64 Metroid Prime Super Metroid Link's Awakening Starcraft And many other games of similar strength --- 90s games > 00s games |
Twilight Princess vs. Metal Gear Solid? Twilight Princess vs. Mario 3? Twilight Princess vs. Chrono Trigger? TP loses all of them, and it's not close. Unless it's a day match, anyway, in which case TP has solid winning chances against all 3, as it is a very strong day game and those 3 are all heavily night games. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Wind Waker is near elite imo. --- ~~((Ctesjbuvf))~~ 2002-2010 R.I.P Noble Nine we miss ya ;_; -- 07/28/02-12/13/09 R.I.P CATS we miss ya ;_; |
Prime would certainly beat Kingdom Hearts now (not that I mind it
losing since KH is supposedly one of the best games ever). Even
Half-Life 2 could probably be up to the task. For those who are going
to point to 2009, well, the stats for this contest have Galaxy getting
about 57% on CoD4 and those numbers are 100% legit. Not only does Prime
have as much, if not more reason to boost, but KH also has just as much
(if not potentially more) reason to be far weaker this year than in
'09. Between its anti-votes coming back, said anti-votes being
magnified in this format, and more anti-votes just for being from
Square, well, I think you see my point. Sure, KH can blow out stupid cash-ins and random handheld games, but those don't really count. Also, I'm sorry, but I can't call something that can't double NSMBWii a near-elite. Give me a break. Also are Halo, Galaxy, and GTAIII high midcarders? That just doesn't seem too right for whatever reason...then again it probably is. --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
Prime got flattened by KH in 2009. Don't see it quite reversing that
yet. I think a lot of people think the Brawl/Fallout 3 match shouldn't
be taken at face value. And why would Galaxy and Prime boost since
2009? COD4 and KH fell off a ton, of course, and both of those Nintendo
games were buried under LFF in 2009. Also, I'm sorry, but I can't call something that can't double NSMBWii a near-elite. Give me a break. What do you call something that can't double Final Fantasy Tactics Advance? Time to demote FFX to midcarder status I think. Galaxy could be a high midcarder. Halo and GTA would not be, because I couldn't see them beating any of the games I have there right now. --- 90s games > 00s games |
red sox's list looks pretty good. Pokemon GSC should be near-Elite. It actually outperformed Wind Waker against Majora's Mask, though Wind Waker had more reason to get SFFed. Incidentally, that's probably reason enough alone to kill Wind Waker's Elite hopes. I don't take the Fallout/Brawl match at face value either, but swatting Metroid Prime all the way down to high midcarder seems a little harsh. It did get 48% on Fallout 3. I'd give it a great shot against SotC or MGSnot1, certainly a better one than the games you listed in High Midcarder against Prime. Half-Life 2 should follow Prime wherever it goes since it got 49+% on Prime and would have improved with the night vote. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
FFTA was pretty strong back in its day and it would obviously be far weaker now. I still stand by my point. If you hold MGS3 constant between the two BGE contests, you get NSMBWii > SMG. Lol. Speaking of which, SMG2 vs. TTYD, who'd you take? --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
do you figure that? MGS3 was equal to RE4 in the 2009 contest, and last
year, it was......equal to RE4 again! Galaxy was behind huge volumes of
SFF in 2009. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Well then RE4 isn't a near-elite either. I honestly never understood that, as RE4 isn't a GameFAQs-type game. --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
on an elite puts it in the next tier of games to me. Although you have
a point that I'm including much lower ranked games as elites and
near-elites than we have for characters. But that's because the elites
are bunched so close together that it's hard for me to draw a cutoff!
There's no Noble Nine here that we can call elite by themselves. But if
you want a list that matches the rough levels of characters..... Top Tier Ocarina of Time Final Fantasy VII Elite A Link to the Past Pokemon RBY Super Mario 64 Chrono Trigger Super Mario World Super Mario Bros. 3 Near-Elite Majora's Mask Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Melee (sorry, you really don't belong here, but you lost to a game that lost to a third rate Zelda game, so where else can you go?!) Final Fantasy X Metal Gear Solid Goldeneye Twilight Princess All the other tiers are shifted down one: near-elite becomes high midcarder, high midcarder becomes regular midcarder, etc. --- 90s games > 00s games |
He could have included "any sports title" and it would have gotten a couple of votes... goooo Pokemon --- |
Nice to see Pokemon doing well. How good is Dragon Age II expected to be compared to Dragon Age: Origins? --- BlAcK TuRtLe crushed my bracket and it didn't even take three days. Congrats to BlAcK TuRtLe for winning the GotD Guru Contest! |
tier is obviously OoT/FF7, then the next tier includes LttP and RBY,
but after that? Could be any number of games within the next two tiers. I'm not so sure SMB3/World are still elites. SM64, maybe, but I think the 2D Mario games may have lost a step. Of course, we have no real f***ing read on them, but it's just a hunch considering how much the older FF games took a hit. Of course, those games may have simply suffered from four-ways for all we know. Impressed DA2 is doing so well, and against the next mainstream Pokemon game no less. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
and RBY aren't in a tier of their own, I don't think. They're not THAT
far ahead of their closest competition. Yeah, they'd be the favorites
to win, but it's not like nobody else could beat them in an
FFVII/OoT-less contest. Heck, Mario 64 nearly beat LttP. Plus, 4-way
craziness translating to 1-on-1 and all that. And DA2 isn't really doing all THAT well. Based on the last Games Contest, each Pokemon generation is weaker than the one before it, so yeah. --- Support Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) for Character Battle IX! |
think LTTP/RBY/SM64 could probably get 53% on anything
else......probably more like 56% for the games in the near-elite group
from my last post. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Top Tier Ocarina of Time Final Fantasy VII Elite A Link to the Past Pokemon RBY Super Mario 64 Chrono Trigger Super Mario World Super Mario Bros. 3 Near-Elite Majora's Mask Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Smash Bros. Melee (sorry, you really don't belong here, but you lost to a game that lost to a third rate Zelda game, so where else can you go?!) Final Fantasy X Metal Gear Solid Goldeneye Twilight Princess Good list. Might you consider dropping SMW and SMB3 down to near-elite? I definitely would take CT over SMW, as I just don't see SMW approaching Zelda:LttP, and I feel that SMB3 has distanced itself from LttP since their last direct match-up 7 years ago. Taking the most recent contest, keep in mind that Mario 64 got 35.38% on FF7 (Mario did get a bit sapped, but probably Cloud too), while FFX got 34.59% on Ocarina of TIme (admittedly, a bit sapped by Brawl; still OoT is stronger than FF7), meaning the gaps between even the top of the Elite and Near-Elite are not so obvious. I put 16 games into a randomizer, and here's the resulting bracket: 7Majora's Mask vs. 12Goldeneye 14Fallout 3 vs. 8Super Smash Bros. Brawl 3Super Mario 64 vs. 6Super Mario Bros. 3 4Chrono Trigger vs. 13Twilight Princess 5Super Mario World vs. 9Super Smash Bros. Melee 16 Final Fantasy III (VI) vs. 1A Link to the Past 11Metal Gear Solid vs.2Pokemon RBY 15Resident Evil 4 vs.10-Final Fantasy X Some are easy, but just imagine the scores of the brackets, whether Board 8 or casual, if this took place.... --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. So...what is a party?" "Well, you congratulate BLACK TURTLE for winning the Guru Challenge." |
Man, the idea that Goldeneye would beat Twilight Princess seems laughable to me. I don't think it belongs in that group. Maybe I'm not giving Mario RPG enough credit, but two lackluster performances on Mario RPG don't cut it compared to what Twilight Princess managed in GotD and even in the previous Games Contest. --- Support Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) for Character Battle IX! |
Man, the idea that Goldeneye would beat Twilight Princess seems laughable to me. I don't think it belongs in that group. Does it? Intuitively that's not the case for me. I can't see Goldeneye beating Melee ever, but it seems to have competitive looking matches with every other game in that group ('cept Brawl probably, but you just know there will be tons of anti-voting against Brawl, so I wouldn't rule out GE winning that). TP took 5th in the latest Zelda poll, which confirms what the contest showed us: that MM is a bit stronger than TP. And I don't see why GE couldn't beat MM. I mean, back then, the 3 biggest N64 games were OOT, SM64, and GE...... Maybe I'm not giving Mario RPG enough credit, but two lackluster performances on Mario RPG don't cut it compared to what Twilight Princess managed in GotD and even in the previous Games Contest. I give Mario RPG a lot of credit. CT was probably the worst possible opponent it could have faced in 2004, and then it got put in a triple SFF situation in 2009 against FFVII. The Nintendo games actually looked really great in that match when you consider the triple SFF; I was expecting FFVII to get over 50% before the match and it didn't get close. FFVII actually only did 3% worse against LTTP/SMW/SMB3, and while the latter trio should have less LFF, it's not like SMRPG should LFF that badly with the 2 N64 games in its poll either. --- 90s games > 00s games |
I don't know. GoldenEye being able to beat TP means it gets, what, at least 47.25% on Brawl? And around that on Melee? Eh, I've never really bought into GoldenEye as a whole. I don't think it's on that level. I think the reason we keep thinking it could be on that level is because it surprised us by making that top 10 list back in 2005. I'll take 57% on KH2/RE4/MGS3 over 53.15% on Mario RPG. --- "Stay with me until the end. Please." "Not until the end. Always." |
I would take SMRPG over RE4/KH2/MGS3 but I have to agree with Leon. (especially since Half-Life 2 is apparently now on RE4's level) --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
probably turns up the Nintendo multiplayer SFF on Goldeneye pretty
hard. It's been discussed as a rival for MGS since 2004. But it was
lower than that group on the Board 8 consensus ranking I did a bit
after the end of the last contest.......haven't got the results saved
on the computer I'm on now, unfortunately. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Well, we didn't really think that highly of MGS1 for a long time either. --- "Stay with me until the end. Please." "Not until the end. Always." |