GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 994
I don't have an account with the username "RacistFAQs". --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
Interesting how 360's winning, even with PS2 in the poll. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
all the PS2 generation kids now have part-time job money to blow on games hell yeah! --- Hau hauu, omochi kaeri! |
I was surprised with the 360 winning, but then I remembered that the console has a high tie ratio. With that said it doesn't make sense that the Wii is losing that badly, are people still afraid to vote for it? --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
probably more that there aren't as many good Wii games, and the people
who own only the Wii for next-gen systems (like me) probably have more
games on a PS2 or DS. --- [Evil Republican] Play Der Langrisser. |
Even if you consider that GameFAQs users probably don't own games like Wii Fit the console should still be above the DS. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
has been around longer and games are cheaper for it. It's no surprise
to me that it's doing better than the Wii. Heck, I'm surprised it's not
doing better overall. --- Support Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) for Character Battle IX! |
think the issue with the DS is that I believe handhelds in general do
not sell as many games per system bought as consoles, from what I can
remember. It's ironic since handheld games are cheaper, but I figure
it's because handheld games are played more casually than consoles in
general. At first I expected PS2 to be winning, but then I remembered that a lot of people probably sold all their PS2 games by now... so, I would say it's doing very well considering that. Two days ago: how 'bout that top option factor?! --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. So...what is a party?" "Well, you congratulate BLACK TURTLE for winning the Guru Challenge." |
Man, why would you sell your PS2 games? --- |
360 really? Must be all the PC and PS3 multplat. |
Wii is second for me but I still have more DS games. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
Again looking at tie ratios (based on lol vgchartz) we have 360 > PS3 = Wii > DS > PSP Now GameFAQs is different from the average consumer, but we should roughly see that pattern. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
someone owns both consoles, I could see more people going with the 360
version of a game over the PS3 or even PC version. 360 has
achievements, which has been around longer than trophies and has a
bigger overall representation than trophies or Steam achievements, plus
360 has a bigger online presence than the PS3 while having more ease of
access than the PC. Wii just doesn't have nearly as diverse a library as the other consoles. Hell, I don't think its library is as diverse as the PSP's at this point. The next-gen consoles give you a lot of variety within genres, so people who like FPS's, or RPG's, or sports games or whatever have a lot more options, especially in terms of quality games. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
Wii is basically where the platformer (and MAYBE action adventure) fan
should flock. Every other genre is best served on the competition
though. --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
Happy 25th anniversary to The Legend of Zelda! --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
LoZ is that old now...huh. It and I have something in common now (besides stunning lead characters). --- Nominate E P O N A. |
You know what that means? The Metroid series will follow soon. Can't wait for that! --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
2nd vote, 1st for Ocarina of Time. 1st vote went to Wind Waker. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
Early returns: LTTP is doing fairly well, WW is doing very well, TP is doing poorly. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Awesome poll. 'Bout time we get one of these again. --- |
I will track poll updates for this poll, so I can determine the night vote and ASV hierarchy for these games. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! | =) --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
kind of funny how LTTP may be able to avoid the doubling against OoT
here in an LFF-Zelda fest and nearly got quadrupled in the Games
Contest finals. Also, go Wind Waker! Beat Majora's Mask! Avenge me! --- Support Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) for Character Battle IX! |
Mask is getting hammered out there. It's not very surprising
considering the game just above it. A OoT vs MM bonus poll would have
been ugly. --- BlAcK TuRtLe crushed my bracket and it didn't even take three days. Congrats to BlAcK TuRtLe for winning the GotD Guru Contest! |
could just be the board vote that Majora's Mask is sucking with, since
it's still too early to tell if Wind Waker will continue to hold the
lead over Majora's Mask. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
kind of funny how LTTP may be able to avoid the doubling against OoT
here in an LFF-Zelda fest and nearly got quadrupled in the Games
Contest finals. Also, go Wind Waker! Beat Majora's Mask! Avenge me! That's not surprising actually. MM, WW, and TP will all be hurting OOT much more than LTTP. Zelda 1 and AOL will hurt LTTP, but they aren't taking up many votes at all. I hope LTTP goes for 40% with the night vote; if it gets it, we can use it to hype the FFVII > OOT upset bandwagon.......well, we can dream at least. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Majora's Mask cuts the lead from 11 to 2 with that update. Looks like Majora's Mask has a chance of overtaking Wind Waker. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
find it quite interesting that both MM and WW are ahead of TP though,
as OOT should be smothering them worse than TP (well, maybe not WW
since it's so different stylistically, but certainly MM). --- 90s games > 00s games |
is way more like OOT than MM or WW, so I don't think it's TOO
surprising. Plus, based on the last Games Contest, all three of those
games aren't that far apart in strength anyway. --- |
MM takes the lead against WW. LTTP looking like it has a good chance of
doubling WW and MM overnight. Old games > New games yesssssss --- 90s games > 00s games |
From: red sox 777 | #330 I thought Majora's Mask was an "old" game...? --- |
a victory for old games that MM is beating WW and TP. But LTTP is even
older, so it's more of a victory for old games for LTTP to be doing
well. MM is borderline in any qualified for the GOTD
contest after all. --- 90s games > 00s games |
FFVI finishing 2nd in a favorite FF poll would be a victory for old
games even though virtually no one would pick it to beat FFX
head-to-head (or even FFVIII) anymore? Besides, like you said, favorable conditions and all that. It has very little to contend with as far as 2-D games go with the original LoZ functioning like SMB1. --- Support Squirtle (Pokemon R/B/Y) for Character Battle IX! |
I'd expect the older games to have a better night vote with Twilight Princess winning the ASV. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
finishing 2nd in a favorite FF poll would be a major victory for it,
yeah. I doubt it'd beat FFX in that poll even with extra FFVII SFF
against X. VI will get hurt pretty badly too by that SFF, and it's
actually closer to VII in release dates, so I think it wouldn't get too
big an advantage there. --- 90s games > 00s games |®ion=PH Oh the you must hate OOT. --- 90s games > 00s games |
Still a little early to tell how the results for the Philippines will look. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
LTTP breaches 20% --- Support Squirtle (Pokemon R/B/Y) for Character Battle IX! |
is now doubling Wind Waker. It'll probably get the doubling on Majora's
Mask shortly, and later tonight we may see it with the tripling on TP. --- 90s games > 00s games |
what a performance by LttP! Yes, I realize it's in an ideal situation
with so many strong 3D options to choose from, but even so, it's going
to be tough to pick against it in the next (FF7/OoT ToC'd) Games
Contest after a showing like this. --- You should search for The Show, the cool podcast featuring Guru Champ Black Turtle! |
that you mention it, MM winning GotD kind of takes away all the
unpredictability with a FF7/OoT-less BGE contest. We've already had
Brawl and FFX, two of the biggest contenders, lose to a lower-tier
Zelda, even if it was rallied. I mean, LttP would've always been the favorite anyway, but now we've got, what, LttP and RBY as contenders? Before, we had Melee, Brawl, FFX, as possibilities, plus a couple of dark horses like RE4 or TP. Now, it's FF7 vs OoT all over again, except instead of another Zelda vs Final Fantasy final, we'd have Zelda vs Pokemon. Though at least Pokemon would be able to rival Zelda's rallying power. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
I think MM beat FFX based off of its own strength and needed a rally to
beat Brawl (it probably only contributed 1% to MM, but that made all
the difference). Wait a minute, we've had two contests in a row where Brawl looked beastly in its own division, and then once it was out, it started being victimized by rallies. Uhh... --- Currently Playing - Civilization IV Next Games Up - Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II |
winning GOTD takes Brawl out of the running, and badly hurts (but
doesn't completely destroy) Melee's chances. FFX was never really a
contender, but we've still got 3 games very much in the running for #3:
LTTP, RBY, and SM64. Those are our favorites, but there's still a good
chance the winner ends up not being one of them, especially with
rallying and all that. --- 90s games > 00s games |
LTTP's current percentages: 38.01% on OOT 68.68% on MM 70.05% on WW 73.51% on TP I figure it'll lose about a percent on OOT with the day vote, so it'll end up right around RBY's 37% on OOT from round 3 last contest. --- 90s games > 00s games |
about SM64, though I think it's kind of in the same boat as FFX, where
it's technically a contender, but in actuality nobody thinks it will
actually win. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
winning GOTD takes Brawl out of the running, and badly hurts (but
doesn't completely destroy) Melee's chances. FFX was never really a
contender, but we've still got 3 games very much in the running for #3:
LTTP, RBY, and SM64. Those are our favorites, but there's still a good
chance the winner ends up not being one of them, especially with
rallying and all that.. ...Who exactly is supposed to beat those three, even with rallies? Maybe Mario 3 or Mario World could hope RBY and SM64's 4-way runs were partially flukes or hope for transitivity to break down a little there, but trying to get rallies against Pokemon or a fellow Mario game sounds hopeless, and regardless, that would just set them up to lose to LTTP. When Chrono Trigger boosting from mobile phones is your best hope, it's time to admit the winner is going to be one of those three. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
I don't know who would beat out LTTP, Mario 64, or RBY, but at the same
time, a battle between any of those three should be interesting. Plus,
there's still some 4-way fluctuation to deal with. I think there's a
chance CT could beat Mario 64 one-on-one, for example. Don't think it'd
beat LTTP though regardless. --- "I can set you free, mate." "My freedom was forfeit long ago!" |
3 probably have like a 2/3 chance of having the contest go to one of
them. But, there's a decent chance one of them doesn't win because: 1. The last games contest was 2 years ago. 2. That games contest was a 4-way, making it hard to judge how strong games actually were. 3. There's a LOT of games that are fairly close to that group. Personally I never thought the Smash games had much of a chance of winning, after seeing RBY 60-40 Melee in that poll. Granted, OOT was in there and Melee got blasted by being at the bottom of Triple SFF, so it's a lot closer to RBY than that poll makes it seem, but winning? Seems unlikely. CT, and then MGS are probably the next most likely to win a #3 contest after our big three. They're not Nintendo games so they won't get smothered by SFF, and they're not Final Fantasy games, which is good since I think the site simply won't let Nintendo lose to Final Fantasy in the endgame. --- 90s games > 00s games |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
Night Vote hierarchy for today's poll: Never played > Zelda II > Twilight Princess > LTTP > Ocarina of Time > Majora's Mask > Wind Waker > Four Swords Adventures > Zelda 1 --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |