GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 993
swordz9 | Posted 1/9/2011 9:33:16 PM | message detail |
know Pikachu has some decent strength. Maybe I'm just reading too much
into the hype/expectations some people seem to have for Shepard. --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/9/2011 9:33:21 PM | message detail |
would argue that Shepard was suffering from the Master Chief effect
last year. Then again he may be suffering from it again if the contest
and ME3 line up. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 1/9/2011 9:43:32 PM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #202 Yeah, but I definitely get the feeling that ME2 grew in popularity all year due to great word of mouth. I know there's a PC version, but let's get real - Mass Effect 2 is the first Xbox exclusive game to ever win GotY on this site. It would probably wipe out anything from 2009 as well, and when the PS3 version hits next week, it may even have the chops to surpass Fallout 3 as the third strongest game of this gen. Based on that, it's not hard for me to believe that the legit Shepard from right now is stronger than the hype-boosted one from early 2010. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... Turtle own me... in the Guru! |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/9/2011 9:45:29 PM | message detail |
wait why is FFXIII all of a sudden doing better here? There didn't seem
to be anything in its first poll which would leech it. --- Currently Playing - Star Fox 64, Smash Bros. Melee Next Games Up - Resident Evil 4, Okami |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/9/2011 9:48:43 PM | message detail |
the other games are leeching each other (all of them share at least one
common trait: they're all good). FFXIII, being the only crappy game in
this poll, is therefore getting all the votes from people who don't
like good games. --- "Calling Pokemon RBY a top 10 game was the most insane contest jibba-jabba ever Woe unto he who sig bets with the near-invincible Lord High creativename |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/9/2011 10:02:17 PM | message detail |
What an explanation. At least RDR is inching up. Which GTA games would we take RDR to beat in a contest setting? --- Currently Playing - Star Fox 64, Smash Bros. Melee Next Games Up - Resident Evil 4, Okami |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 1/9/2011 10:13:19 PM | message detail |
a better explanation, these are ALL western games except Street
Fighter, all but AssBro are shootery games, and all of them have a
big-ass Xobox install base (all sold more and are more played in 360's,
right?) except FFXIII, which has the usual Playstation Crew backing it
up. Did you seriously not expect it to do better? --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 1/9/2011 10:13:42 PM | message detail |
Lieutenant Kettch | Posted 1/10/2011 12:28:47 AM | message detail I think Lightning would take Rikku pretty easily. We've seen popular characters come from games nobody liked plenty of times. Dante/DMC being the foremost example. Characters just need a high play rate, and FFXIII definitely has that. Simple x-stat calculation has Sonic getting 61.45% on Rikku, which is better than what Lightning managed against Sonic. But Lightning's strength was still riding solely on hype alone, because her game wasn't out yet in places other than Japan. Lightning could potentially be stronger now, or maybe even weaker since the hype has died down. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/9/2011 11:35:46 PM | message detail |
wouldn't be the first instance of a female character overperforming
against a Noble Niner due to massive hype...but Lightning's case is
different from Zelda's, no? Speaking of which, how would we order the major female characters now in terms of decreasing strength? The way I see it: Tifa Lockhart Zelda Jill Valentine Rikku Lightning Yuna Peach I excluded Samus since she's so obviously #1 (much to Vlado's distate), there anyone else I'm forgetting? I'm feeling a little iffy on those last five, as well (aside from Peach, perhaps), and I'd still take Tifa over Sonic and Crono (not over Mega Man though, he's clearly gotten his act together). Honestly poor Zelda is probably closer to Jill by now than she is to Tifa. She MAY have been SFFd by Samus (since they both probably draw the majority of their strength from the same game series), but being worth only like 63% on Phoenix Wright isn't exactly reassuring. I don't remember what else I was going to say. --- Currently Playing - Star Fox 64, Smash Bros. Melee Next Games Up - Resident Evil 4, Okami |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/9/2011 11:45:01 PM | message detail |
this is still pretty bad from FFXIII by now. I mean, were we really
expecting what is essentially a GTA game to get this close to it? Yes
it's true that RDR would likely be destroying FFXIII on other sites,
but least this isn't as bad as losing to a Call of Duty
game, lol. Order of some "types" of games by decreasing strength: -Sandbox Games Grand Theft Auto III Red Dead Redemption Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Assassin's Creed II Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Assassin's Creed Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Grand Theft Auto IV inFamous -Environmental Shooters Metroid Prime Half-Life 2 Portal BioShock Batman: Arkham Asylum Half-Life -Non RPG Strategy StarCraft StarCraft II Warcraft III Advance Wars Civilization IV --- Currently Playing - Star Fox 64, Smash Bros. Melee Next Games Up - Resident Evil 4, Okami |
Ngamer64 | Posted 1/10/2011 12:18:44 AM | message detail |
Alright, time to get caught back up! Now, what is this I spy with my little eye? A series of Multiplatform GotD polls?! Boy, I'd hate to be Kleenex right now! Let's DO IT. BEST OF 2010: Best Multi-Platform Game (Day 1) Voted: Bayonetta I'd been planning on spending my Fun Bux on ME2 and RDR, but with that option taken away I decided to throw yoblazer a bone instead. Prediction: FF13 > Black Ops > New Vegas Very odd decision by SB. Instead of splitting the polls equally, he moved 4 of this year's "Big 6" together, while removing the top two. PLUS he raided nearly all of the 2nd tier (Bayonetta, BioShock, Dead Rising) and threw them in here for good measure. Jeez, are ME2 and RDR ever going to kill it against what's left! Oh wait, I see what he did now- just took the first 10 of his 20 choices alphabetically. Talk about lazy! So yeah, tomorrow should be a pretty straightforward 1-2-3, while this one is a total crapshoot. I still say FF13 is weak and would be wrecked by ME/RDR 1v1, but it stands out like crazy against all these Western/non-traditional RPGs and a 10-way does wonders for negating what killed off FF12 last month, so I'll say it can manage a slim win. Speaking of benefiting from the 10-way, say hello to the massively-hated-but-still-has-a-fanbase Black Ops! I had it picked for the win, but it might lose a percentage point to Bad Company which should be enough to hold it back. For the Bronze I'm thinking the Fallout name is stronger than the Assassin's Creed name to barely sneak it through, with BioShock/Dead Rising in a clear 2nd tier but not all THAT far behind. And heck, Bayonetta might even contend with that pack! Results: Whaaaaaaaaat? Well I was right about the "big four" and nailed the placement for the 3 I ranked, but wow did Brotherhood ever come out of nowhere! Hmmm, I predicted a #1 for Black Ops except for Bad Company holding it back, which looks to have happened (much better show for BC2 than I thought BTW!), but Final Fantasy dropped the ball badly here and really has no excuse. Also disappointed in New Vegas- I figured both it and Brotherhood would be treated like expansion packs, but instead I'm seeing some Assassin's Creed 3 level respect here. Very impressive! (Also props to Bayonetta for exceeding my expectations by being the clear #5.) Maybe ACB could even hang with Mass Effect and Red Dead at this point... guess we'll find out soon enough! --- You should search for The Show, the cool podcast featuring Guru Champ Black Turtle! |
Ngamer64 | Posted 1/10/2011 12:46:11 AM | message detail |
Now for the real meat of the heart! *tears in* BEST OF 2010: Best Multi-Platform Game (Day 2) Voted: Mass Effect 2 Morlik game of the ever, mirite? (Well, probably more like game of the "until ME3 drops", but yeah.) Prediction: Mass Effect 2 > Red Dead Redemption > Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit Seems like a pretty straightforward choice. Fans seem to love RDR and Mass Effect in about equal amounts on most sites, but wRPGs are very obviously on the rise here on GameFAQs and Mass Effect is a big reason for that, which should be enough of an advantage. That being said, a Red Dead win wouldn't surprise me too much- it's GTA but without all the hate, plus the added bonus of a great storyline that I'm sure this site loved. Everything else should be a distant third, but despite this site's complete disinterest in racing games I'll back NFS for the Bronze just because it was so clearly "THE racing game" of 2010. Meat Boy's got some great buzz, but Pac Man being here as well doesn't do it any favors. And SSF4 is of course amazing, but I imagine the voters won't really think of it as a "2010" game, which should hold it back just enough. Reaction: Whoo hoo, nailed it! That's a bigger- oh wait, what the FLIP Need for Speed? Never thought the site could despise racing THAT much. Remind me to never put faith in anything but Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 ever again! Nice to see the decent performances by Rock Band and Meat Boy, and I've got to admit that's a much nicer Street Fighter number than I thought we would be seeing. But getting back to the real showdown... great stuff from Mass Effect, that's exactly what it needed to do here to earn "legit overall GotY contender" status. And in fact I have so much respect for RDR (would take it over all 4 from yesterday in a fair 1v1) that I'd say this performance makes ME2 the frontrunner for our Final Game of the Year award. Unless maybe it ended with something like Galaxy versus Mass Effect vs Halo in the Final Three, hmmmmmm. At least we now know that Fallout and FF13 won't be there to suck away RPG votes anymore. Speaking of which... --- You should search for The Show, the cool podcast featuring Guru Champ Black Turtle! |
AxemPink | Posted 1/10/2011 12:46:38 AM | message detail |
LMS: Aeris, Amaterasu, and Terra. Zelda > Aeris > the rest seems obvious, unless Lightning is super strong. Jill being so far above Peach is kind of funny with how Peach (barely) beat Jill in 2006, but the matches in that section are all debatable I guess. Terra and Amaterasu are both probably around that level. Whatever happened to Zelda in 2010, she'll probably be fine again come Skyward Sword/OoT 3DS. --- Black turtle beat me, o noes! |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/10/2011 12:59:27 AM | message detail |
Yeah Aeris would beat Jill, and I would honestly take Jill to 55-45 Peach now. I didn't mean to count Ammy but I guess she is one of the stronger female characters to appear in our contests to no reason for what I did I suppose. I would still pick Jill > Ammy but Ammy is probably the 6th or 7th strongest female character overall anyway (it's definitely sort of close between her and Rikku since it's 40% on Luigi vs. 42% on Kirby, and I'd take Luigi over Kirby). Looking up Terra's results from last year...oh wow narrowly avoiding a doubling from Squall! Yep let's take her over Peach. Also yeah I'm not so sure on the whole Tifa > Sonic silliness. If that's true then Ganondorf gets like 52% on Gordon Freeman or something...though Freeman probably does break 45% there; Sonic probably wouldn't get anymore than 53% on Tifa. --- Currently Playing - Star Fox 64, Smash Bros. Melee Next Games Up - Resident Evil 4, Okami |
Ngamer64 | Posted 1/10/2011 1:18:25 AM | message detail |
smokes, three days just to decide the winners of one "poll"! I don't
mind though- this year's Multi-Platform field was deep enough to easily
be worth it. I still think we'd have been okay sticking to my original
suggestion (split up Mass Effect and Red Dead and just move the top two
from each poll into the Final- so it would have been
ME2/RDR/Brotherhood/FF13). But this way should be fine as well. BEST OF 2010: Best Multi-Platform Game (Final) Voted: Mass Effect 2 Onwards to the Final Final! Prediction: Mass Effect 2 > Red Dead Redemption > Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Not an ideal setup for ME2 here, feeling the heat from both a huge name in the wRPG and jRPG worlds. I'm thinking Red Dead hangs in there tighter than last time but still comes up a bit short. Bronze position once again devolves into a crapshoot... no more FPS alternative to hold back Black Ops, but fewer poll options = easier to anti-vote so I guess I'll back AC to edge it out with the better "true" strength. And FF13 ought to be a no-hoper after that egg it laid two days ago, but somehow its presence here still makes me very nervous... (And did we really need this as a SEVEN way? Cool to see Street Fighter here and all, but cutting from 20 options to 5 would have been seemed more appropriate given how Fallout and SSF4 were very clearly a tier below these other options.) Reaction: Wow, look at ME2 go! It's been my pick for Overall GotY since November, and now it looks as though it would take something crazy for that not to happen. Awesome! But what the heck is going on with Final Fantasy here? Hmmm, RDR's killing it in North America so it should end up with a clean win for the Silver, but I didn't expect it to turn the tables on Brotherhood so easily just because we moved from 10 options to 7. I guess with fewer alternatives more voters are turning to the brand name they most associate with? Ah well, it'll get stomped in the huge Final GotY poll if that's the case, so I won't worry about it! (Assuming SB even takes the whole top three from this one, which I'm not sure he will.) --- You should search for The Show, the cool podcast featuring Guru Champ Black Turtle! |
Ngamer64 | Posted 1/10/2011 2:33:03 AM | message detail |
looks like next up is best DLC, which should go to Meat Boy, then Best
Original which should go to... Heavy Rain? Boy I sure hope SB makes an
exception and lets RDR get into the Final poll as well, to give us God of War 3 Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars Halo: Reach Heavy Rain Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Mass Effect 2 Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver Red Dead Redemption StarCraft II Super Mario Galaxy 2 Super Meat Boy A couple years ago no one would have believed you could have one of the most stacked Final GotY lineups ever, without including the mainline Final Fantasy title! --- You should search for The Show, the cool podcast featuring Guru Champ Black Turtle! |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/10/2011 3:17:28 AM | message detail |
Oh god no FFXIII is beating RDR again. Though this is still pretty disappointing for FFXIII considering where we originally pegged the game's strength. How many of us thought that it would struggle with what is essentially a GTA game? --- Currently Playing - Star Fox 64, Smash Bros. Melee Next Games Up - Resident Evil 4, Okami |
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 1/10/2011 4:00:05 AM | message detail |
is not a GTA game.If you say that you may say that Halo Reach is like
Call Of Duty except it is in space.It doesn't work like that.Anyway I
didn't expected FF XIII to be doing so well. --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 1/10/2011 4:01:58 AM | message detail |
looks like next up is best DLC, which should go to Meat Boy, then Best
Original which should go to... Heavy Rain? Boy I sure hope SB makes an
exception and lets RDR get into the Final poll as well, to give us There's a difference between DLC and actual downloadable games. DLC (Downloadable Content) is basically an expansion pack for a game that gives you more stuff to do in the game and introduces new content. The DLC is useless without the original game. Example: DLC is totally different from an actual Downloadable Game and while we've had polls for Downloadable Games, we've never had a DLC poll before. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as BlAcK TuRtLe, Guru Champ! |
Lightning Strikes | Posted 1/10/2011 4:27:51 AM | message detail |
Well, ME2 is looking much, much better today. However, RDR and AssBro(teehee) have suddenly dropped, I'm assuming a fair bit of SFF. ME2 could be riding that to an overperformance. --- Something something something ^Poorly disguised anti-caps sig |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/10/2011 5:20:31 AM | message detail |
Sephiroth: The problem with what you said is that RDR hails from the
same company as the GTA series, while the same cannot be said of Halo
and CoD. Yeah it's probably casual/sandbox game LFF. Yuck. By the way FFXIII vs. CoD4 who've you got? --- Currently Playing - Star Fox 64, Smash Bros. Melee Next Games Up - Resident Evil 4, Okami |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 1/10/2011 6:26:06 AM | message detail |
From: Lightning Strikes | #220 Or ME2 could be held down by all its options and may end up looking incredible against Galaxy 2 and Reach/GoW3/RDR/FF13. --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/10/2011 6:34:05 AM | message detail |
SMG2 should beat FFXIII, right? If it doesn't...I mean, SMG > FFXII is pretty clear now, so FFXIII can't possibly...right? --- Currently Playing - Star Fox 64, Smash Bros. Melee Next Games Up - Resident Evil 4, Okami |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 1/10/2011 6:39:57 AM | message detail |
SMB1 > FF1, so obviously Galaxy 2 will have no problem against FF13! --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 1/10/2011 6:51:03 AM | message detail |
hehe "AssBro", I like it. Clever. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.· |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/10/2011 7:01:54 AM | message detail |
is going to sound a little random, but do you guys think SMRPG could
close the gap with GoldenEye? Paper Mario looks far stronger this
contest, so could the entire Mario RPG franchise suffer in the
transition to 4-ways? Also we'd pick RE5 to be the 2nd strongest RE game right? Lol GameFAQs...and RE5 > FF12 literally makes zero sense considering the weaker game there is the one that is the more "GameFAQs" type of game and is usually considered to be the better game! Personally I think MM/FFX was 100% legit. --- Currently Playing - Star Fox 64, Smash Bros. Melee Next Games Up - Resident Evil 4, Okami |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 1/10/2011 7:07:12 AM | message detail |
From: LinkMarioSamus | #226 It could if Nintendo would develop an actual Paper Mario game for the Wii! A half-platformer half-time-waster game doesn't count! --- Wylvane Guru Contest Winner Black Turtle is a wonderful user. |
Lightning Strikes | Posted 1/10/2011 7:25:06 AM | message detail |
From: Not_Wylvane | #222 Doubt it. The only game ME2 could really have any overlap with here is New Vegas, and that isn't exactly doing incredible. Granted, it is beating FFXIII and RDR pretty badly, but it looks a bit disproportionate given yesterday. Especially when you consider the overall poll adding Reach and Starcraft II into the mix, that won't help. Not that Reach will be able to do anything. I'm shocked it couldn't break 50% in one of the weakest main console polls we've seen. I rag on the 360 poll a lot but it needs to be emphasised! --- Something something something ^Poorly disguised anti-caps sig |
Ultimaphazon | Posted 1/10/2011 7:52:12 AM | message detail |
The 360 poll was complete ass, but the 360 actually still has a shot at System of the Year. If you look at 360 vs PS3, it's basically ME2 and Reach against God of War 3 (and Heavy Rain?). I'd say the 360 had a better year than the PS3 if you look at it that way. --- Black_Turtle may not have won GotD, but he's still a better predictor than the rest of us. Congrats to Skyward Sword, GotD 2020 winner |
Big Bob | Posted 1/10/2011 10:05:47 AM | message detail |
still stand by my claim that Kinect and Move will shoot Wii into first
this year (especially since the Wii had a damn good year). --- |
Lightning Strikes | Posted 1/10/2011 10:10:05 AM | message detail |
Wii isn't going to win first, but it'll probably look it's best since 2007. I don't know what will win, but I think all three should be close. I can see reason for the Wii to rise and both the PS3 and 360 to drop. It would suck if the Wii didn't do a lot better after its best year, too, it deserves it. --- Something something something ^Poorly disguised anti-caps sig |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/10/2011 11:11:52 AM | message detail |
going to win it all here. It's hard to beat a mainline FF-game in the
GotY-polls -- especially its first multi-platform one -- this badly and
not be considered the favorite. In fact, mainline FF-games have only
lost to LoZ-games in GotY-polls in the past until this year (LoZ:WW
> FFX-2 in 2003, LoZ:TP > FF12 in 2006 -- both years FF took the
runner-up position). While FF13 will have lost to four different games
by the time this multi-GotY poll is over and fail to reach the
overall-GotY, it's still quite a statement that ME2's beating it the
worst while beating it at its own RPG-game; ME2's one of three major
RPGs in today's poll and is still taking everything to pound-town. This
also helps justify ME's strong rise between BGE2 and our last contest. FF sucks nowadays too though, I don't want to argue against that. Unless SMG2's been a secret beast that can hold off Pokemon HG/SS, this is over. Starcraft 2 is PC-only with the stink of Activision, GoW-games have never done too well in the closing GotY-polls (and lost to HG/SS and FF13 in a March-poll last year), and it's not like Halo's making a comeback THIS big on GameFAQs; it'd be doing well to outdo CoD:BO considering 2007 and 2009's GotY-polls (though our last contest would say Halo probably outdoes CoD here). The Wii's been rebounding,'s a tough road ahead of SMG2 if it wants to make this happen. --- First with SSBB > SMG in 2009, then with the GotD-contest: BT owned me once again. |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/10/2011 11:24:19 AM | message detail |
it seems like Heavy Rain's being discussed as the favorite for the
new-GotY, but Minecraft Alpha's gonna duel with it pretty well. Either
way, it'll be fun to see how bad of a murdering a fairly weak game can
still give Fruit Ninja in it. --- First with SSBB > SMG in 2009, then with the GotD-contest: BT owned me once again. |
Kotetsu534 | Posted 1/10/2011 12:42:32 PM | message detail |
FFXIII... FF's name's worthless. Of course, I will take this
opportunity to spin FFX's showings as more impressive! >.> And woo, ME2 is GameFAQs' GOTY, barring SMG2 pulling off something I think is very unlikely - I can't see this whole group being so weak that breaking 25% while being LFF'd isn't legit. Time to start hyping ME3 vs. Skyward Sword. --- Praise the Black Turtle, Game of the Decade Guru Champ. (Well, I never promised creativity, did I?!) |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/10/2011 4:58:49 PM | message detail |
about the downloadable-GotY? Super Meat Boy and Limbo seem to be liked,
but I have a hard time believing they'll beat MM10 or Sonic 4...and I
dunno which one will have more of a fanbase-backing for such a poll. --- First with SSBB > SMG in 2009, then with the GotD-contest: BT owned me once again. |
Big Bob | Posted 1/10/2011 8:19:34 PM | message detail |
is basically Braid-lite. Another "artsy" platformer with little replay
value. On the other hand, Super Meat Boy is a celebration of every
platformer made in the last 25 years. Limbo has every reason to be
weak, but Super Meat Boy has every reason to win its poll. Besides, if Sonic AND Mega Man show up, they'll casual vote-LFF each other. --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 1/10/2011 8:27:31 PM | message detail |
absolutely agree Limbo is Braid-light and SMB > Limbo, but that
doesn't necessarily mean either of them have a chance against MM10 or
Sonic 4 -- even if they somehow casually LFF each other. --- First with SSBB > SMG in 2009, then with the GotD-contest: BT owned me once again. |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/10/2011 8:31:44 PM | message detail |
I'm calling Limbo winning outright. --- Calling Pokemon RBY a top 10 game was the most insane contest jibba-jabba ever Woe unto he who sig bets with the near-invincible Lord High creativename |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/10/2011 8:39:50 PM | message detail |
Going all in on Mega Man 10. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/10/2011 8:59:27 PM | message detail |
So anyone think SBAllen will take the top 2 from this poll? No point in doing a 3 day poll if he was only going to take 1 game. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 1/10/2011 9:02:49 PM | message detail |
dat minecraft --- I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 1/10/2011 9:03:04 PM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #229 LMAO --- I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/10/2011 9:03:06 PM | message detail |
took until 290 votes before Eversion HD got its first vote. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 1/10/2011 9:03:10 PM | message detail |
It took 2.5 minutes for Eversion HD to get a single vote. --- Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/10/2011 9:04:09 PM | message detail |
LMAO MM10 isn't an indie game though. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
XxSoulxX | Posted 1/10/2011 9:04:33 PM | message detail |
Well, completely forgot about Minecraft, but even still I didn't think it would be strong enough to beat Limbo. --- Good Times, Great Memories |
KamikazePotato | Posted 1/10/2011 9:05:47 PM | message detail |
Breath of Death VII: The Beginning This seems wrong. --- Black Turtle did a pretty good job. |
Big Bob | Posted 1/10/2011 9:07:03 PM | message detail |
Yeah, if I knew this was the "indie" poll I would have taken Minecraft to win convincingly. --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 1/10/2011 9:09:07 PM | message detail |
If anything this result makes me more confident that Mega Man 10 would win a downloadable poll. --- BOP Results: Congratulations to Black Turtle for winning the guru contest. |
UOTY2011 | Posted 1/10/2011 9:11:45 PM | message detail |
Minecraft doesn't even count since it's in alpha This is worse than giving fetuses human rights --- _foolmo_ 'I love you so much' - SineNomine |