GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 969
abdou | Posted 12/8/2010 12:11:43 PM | message detail |
you can still get modded even after you delete your message if it was marked, I think. --- ... |
LOLContests | Posted 12/8/2010 12:12:00 PM | message detail |
don't know why games aren't just subbed. Very few cinephiles would
watch a dubbed version of a foreign film. Not sure why it's any
different with games. -- "Ahem! There is *sand* on my *boot*!"--Kefka Dr. Football beat me, Yesmar in the 2010 Guru Contest! |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/8/2010 12:15:32 PM | message detail |
From: LOLContests | #052 What bothers me about dubbed films is that the way people talk are never matched up with their lips, and it bugs the s*** out of me to not being hearing the actual words. With something like FFX, the animations for talking are all over the place anyway, so might as well get it in a language I know. Its even better with FF12 or 13 where the lyp-syncing has advanced to a stage that its actually possible. --- I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. |
Ultimaphazon | Posted 12/8/2010 12:16:17 PM | message detail |
From: UltimaterializerX | #046 Let's see: You like MGS2, I think it's the worst in the series, with 3 being the best. You like Earthbound, it's the one rpg I've played that I couldn't even finish because it bored me that much. Ok, so that's all I can really think of right away, but that's because I don't know your opinion on everything. --- A pro isn't someone who sacrifices himself for his job. That's just a fool. - Reno, FFVII |
Greyfeld | Posted 12/8/2010 12:16:57 PM | message detail |
sad seeing people bash two of my favorite all-time RPGs (FFIX and FFX),
but I can't really change any opinion. All I can really do is sit here
and say, NO U. --- PSN - Aevio BlackMageJawa - "I'm on a Goomba." |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 12/8/2010 12:17:37 PM | message detail |
looking pretty good here! Nice. :D It's probably going to lose the ASV
pretty badly, but even still, I was expecting a 52-48 result here - and
it's bound to end up quite a bit better than that. MP/HL2 is still wide open, if you ask me... I doubt Fallout 3 would lose to either one, though, but I could be wrong. --- CURRENT GOTY SCORE: 123 Half-Life 2 > Metroid Prime: Hey, it's actually possible! |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 12/8/2010 12:19:18 PM | message detail |
You like Earthbound, it's the one rpg I've played that I couldn't even finish because it bored me that much. What did you find boring about EarthBound? Just curious - I didn't think there was a single boring moment in the entire game, personally! --- CURRENT GOTY SCORE: 123 Half-Life 2 > Metroid Prime: Hey, it's actually possible! |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 12/8/2010 12:19:57 PM | message detail |
It's very easy to get bored by EarthBound, especially when you're about 2/3rds through. --- "How's this for a headline? 'French Fries'." -James French, Last Words |
FFI3_Lightning | Posted 12/8/2010 12:20:11 PM | message detail |
Oh wait i just realsied this time next week we will be hours away from the most hyped match of the contest. Can't wait. --- |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/8/2010 12:21:28 PM | message detail |
From: Ultimaphazon | #054 Screw Ulti, I think WE might be twins. --- "You brought your *****, to the waffle hut?" |
Ultimaphazon | Posted 12/8/2010 12:22:58 PM | message detail |
had absolutely no fun playing Earthbound. I stopped after reaching
Fourside. I hated the gameplay, and I really didn't find any of the
humor funny at all. Only good thing about that game was automatically
winning fights when the enemies were a couple levels lower than Ness. --- A pro isn't someone who sacrifices himself for his job. That's just a fool. - Reno, FFVII |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/8/2010 12:23:18 PM | message detail |
don't really want games to be subbed like movies, because that would
make it seem so.....foreign. I doubt Square, for example, wants to
market Final Fantasy in the US as an overtly Japanese thing either. The
best way is to have no voice acting and have text for everything
(that's right!). --- Nominate Crono so he can get a higher seed and avoid being fed to Clinkeroth early in the contest. |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 12/8/2010 12:24:42 PM | message detail |
"Only"? Dude that was by far the best part of the game. --- ¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸ Truly, if there is a god of destiny, he is fond of plot twists. |
ZFS | Posted 12/8/2010 12:32:15 PM | message detail |
Fantasy has been a very Japanese game for a long time now. I don't
think keeping the voices makes it any more Japanese than it was before,
but it's something they would never do, anyway, because people wouldn't
like it -- and they're more likely to be put off from buying than the
other way around. Kind of a shame, but that's how that works. More
smaller games do need to take advantage of subtitles instead of putting
really atrocious English voice work in their games, though - it'd save
them time and money on the localization. --- The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/8/2010 12:32:47 PM | message detail |
don't know why games aren't just subbed. Very few cinephiles would
watch a dubbed version of a foreign film. Not sure why it's any
different with games. While true cinephiles make up like 1% of movie watchers. I really doubt gaming would be anywhere near as popular if they weren't dubbed. --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 120/136 Today's Matches: MP & HL2 |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/8/2010 12:36:08 PM | message detail |
feels the most Western out of all the modern Final Fantasy games, and I
think there is some (a little) connection between that and its sales
success in the West. --- Nominate Crono so he can get a higher seed and avoid being fed to Clinkeroth early in the contest. |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 12/8/2010 12:36:14 PM | message detail |
It's very easy to get bored by EarthBound, especially when you're about 2/3rds through. Huh, maybe I'm just weird then. To me, EarthBound is one of the few games I've played that's consistently awesome from beginning to end (in other words, no filler or anything). I had absolutely no fun playing Earthbound. I stopped after reaching Fourside. I hated the gameplay, and I really didn't find any of the humor funny at all. Only good thing about that game was automatically winning fights when the enemies were a couple levels lower than Ness. I personally love the gameplay, especially since it's surprisingly challenging for a Nintendo game; but I can see how people wouldn't like it. The humor, though... man! I thought it was spot-on. Definitely the funniest game I've ever played, though to be fair, I haven't been able to play Grim Fandango yet. --- CURRENT GOTY SCORE: 123 Half-Life 2 > Metroid Prime: Hey, it's actually possible! |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 12/8/2010 12:37:06 PM | message detail |
HL2 and Metroid Prime still up in the air, yay. You did it HL2, you really did it --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
abdou | Posted 12/8/2010 12:37:42 PM | message detail |
that aren't expected to make alot of money should be subbed..this way
the publisher can localize the game with minimum budget. I wouldn't
mind if Namco Bandai brings us Tales of Graces F with subs only. Better
than nothing . --- ... |
pjbasis | Posted 12/8/2010 12:38:59 PM | message detail |
I'm curious, Utli(materializerX). If you think Tidus' VA is bad, what other games do you think have great voice acting? |
WhiteLens | Posted 12/8/2010 12:43:33 PM | message detail |
From: UltimaterializerX | #036 Really? To me he sounds like Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach. >_> --- Only on GameFAQs would criticallly acclaimed PC games lose to niche JRPGs Go Us! |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/8/2010 12:44:09 PM | message detail |
From: pjbasis | #070 SotC --- "if only there were some way I could have sex" - Smartmuffin |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 12/8/2010 12:47:53 PM | message detail |
From: pjbasis | #070 All four Metal Gear Solid games, BioShock 1 and 2, Kingdom Hearts 1, Final Fantasy 13, pretty much every single Blizzard game, a whole host of fighting games, Heavy Rain, Tales of Symphonia (well, some of the characters more than others), Planescape Torment, Grim Fandango, REmake and RE4, and probably a lot more I'm forgetting. --- "Oh because God is going to roll into a ball and attack Articuno. Really. He's ****ing God." -Sir Chris |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 12/8/2010 12:48:36 PM | message detail |
The voice effect for Nimrod in SotC was pretty cool, I won't deny this. --- "Plax only got sent to jail because New York has a bunch of fascist gun laws." -SmartMuffin |
EvilNcr | Posted 12/8/2010 1:01:50 PM | message detail |
From: Ultimaphazon | #054 Oh wow. I never thought I'd live to see the day of someone who hate Earthbound as much as I do. I like MGS2 but I recognize it's still the worst of the 4. I think MGS4 is the best, MGS3 next then MGS then MGS2. Then again, my reasoning is on gameplay for MGS4>MGS3. I never liked the camouflage stuff. As far as story goes, MGS3>>>everything --- "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." ~ Winston Churchill |
pjbasis | Posted 12/8/2010 1:03:48 PM | message detail |
Haven't played half the things you mentioned, but I think Tales and REmake are a bit of a stretch. And, do you actually hate the quality of Tidus' delivery or just the fact that the guy wasn't "suited" to voice him? |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/8/2010 1:05:04 PM | message detail |
Yay, HL2 isn't totally embarrassing itself with the ASV. --- The 3DS will be $200 or I'm closing my account - Ngamer64 |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 12/8/2010 1:06:17 PM | message detail |
guy wasn't suited for him and came off like a whiny tool for a majority
of the game, when Tidus isn't really a whiny character. Tidus and Yuna
are great characters and I like them both, but it's not because of
their VAs. I was comparing REmake to the original when I played it, leave me alone >_> --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.· Your flavor lacks punch! |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 12/8/2010 1:07:19 PM | message detail |
Tales is not a stretch. Raine's VA in particular was outstanding. I also forgot to mention the Legacy of Kain games. You will not find better voice work. --- "If only there were some way I could have sex..." -SmartMuffin |
LeonhartFour | Posted 12/8/2010 1:22:03 PM | message detail |
From: Ultimaphazon | #054 Good man. And what the heck has happened in this topic since this match started? My word, I can't even begin to address all this nonsense! (LOL Action games) But seriously, HL2 did its part. Let's see what next round holds. --- "So cold. I am always by your side." "There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!" |
Haste_2 | Posted 12/8/2010 1:24:36 PM | message detail |
HL2 and Metroid Prime still up in the air, yay. You did it HL2, you really did it I think you mean HL2 is the clear favorite at this point. ¬_¬ I was needing GTA3 to be weaker than it was.... --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
EvilNcr | Posted 12/8/2010 1:25:11 PM | message detail |
Oh and on the subject on dubbing, I heavily favor dubbing for videogames but heavily favor subs for movies/anime. Then again, gaming has some of the best dubbers. If only its quality would be translated to foreign movies / anime, I might actually watch dubbed stuff. --- "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." ~ Winston Churchill |
LeonhartFour | Posted 12/8/2010 1:25:14 PM | message detail |
Last night's chart: Time | M. Prime | Okami | Votes 0:05 | 62.35% | 37.65% | 1004 1:00 | 60.89% | 39.11% | 6683 2:00 | 59.07% | 40.93% | 4202 3:00 | 58.26% | 41.74% | 2911 4:00 | 56.93% | 43.07% | 2324 5:00 | 53.14% | 46.86% | 1895 6:00 | 53.89% | 46.11% | 1850 7:00 | 56.48% | 43.52% | 2247 8:00 | 57.75% | 42.25% | 2561 9:00 | 58.25% | 41.75% | 3006 10:00 | 58.97% | 41.03% | 2959 11:00 | 57.29% | 42.71% | 3196 12:00 | 59.18% | 40.82% | 2942 Prime only manages a 60% hour during the Power Hour. Okami rocks a couple of hours during the deep night, but other than that, the percentages were relatively even. Upper Half Stats Metroid Prime – 50.00% Okami – 41.84% Mega Man 9 – 36.56% Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening – 35.39% Demon’s Souls – 34.37% Star Ocean: Till the End of Time – 26.66% Mother 3 – 24.87% No More Heroes – 23.92% --- Support Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) for Character Battle IX! |
LeonhartFour | Posted 12/8/2010 1:26:53 PM | message detail |
And an early look at our lower half stats! Lower Half Stats Half-Life 2 – 50.00% God of War – 44.90% Grand Theft Auto III – 43.83% Tales of Symphonia – 43.59% Resident Evil 5 – 41.69% LittleBigPlanet – 33.33% Left 4 Dead – 31.17% Left 4 Dead 2 – 25.52% HL2 needs to stay above 54.85% for GTA3 > ToS to hold, for the record. --- "The great GF...Bahamut." "...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..." |
transients | Posted 12/8/2010 1:30:22 PM | message detail |
looks like next round will be Tales vs. Okami with Metroid having the benefit of the day vote. Leon, can you set Half-Life 2 and Prime equal and show division stats? that'll give us an idea. --- xyzzy |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/8/2010 1:30:34 PM | message detail |
RE4 came out of left field to win the entire contest, would you really
complain? I could be in 1st place with a guaranteed win and I wouldn't
care if RE4 ruined that. It's f***ing RE4. - Ulti Best post all day. --- The 3DS will be $200 or I'm closing my account - Ngamer64 |
EvilNcr | Posted 12/8/2010 1:31:17 PM | message detail |
A GTA game winning a clutch match doesn't hold anyway. Should count as a stats. If within 2%, consider this a loss for GTA. --- "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." ~ Winston Churchill |
ZFS | Posted 12/8/2010 1:32:50 PM | message detail |
(LOL Action games) 'lol gamefaqs' seems more appropriate here --- A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 12/8/2010 1:34:25 PM | message detail |
From: transients | #085 Yeah, here's what we get. Metroid Prime – 50.00% Half-Life 2 - 50.00% God of War - 44.90% Grand Theft Auto III - 43.83% Tales of Symphonia - 43.59% Okami – 41.84% Resident Evil 5 - 41.69% Mega Man 9 – 36.56% Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening – 35.39% Demon’s Souls – 34.37% LittleBigPlanet - 33.33% Left 4 Dead - 31.17% Star Ocean: Till the End of Time – 26.66% Left 4 Dead 2 - 25.52% Mother 3 – 24.87% No More Heroes – 23.92% --- Support Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) for Character Battle IX! |
transients | Posted 12/8/2010 1:35:35 PM | message detail |
Okami vs. RE5, eh? looks like it'll be a great match. I'd give Metroid a 51/49 edge. --- xyzzy |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/8/2010 1:35:40 PM | message detail |
From: LeonhartFour | #089 welp --- I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. |
ZFS | Posted 12/8/2010 1:36:29 PM | message detail |
Tales of Symphonia - 43.59% Okami – 41.84% Time for Metroid Prime to crush. --- There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 12/8/2010 1:50:10 PM | message detail |
I'd take Symphonia over Okami and feel pretty good about it, honestly.
I know Okami gets a lot of respect, and this kind of contest would help
it if people take the name at face value, but...I'm not entirely
convinced of its strength. Not to say that the match wouldn't be a tossup (because it would, I'm not sure why anyone would feel any differently), but I'd feel good about taking Symphonia there. In a close match, give me the JRPG 99 times out of 100 (the 1 time being DR over TWEWY, I guess). --- Support Seifer Almasy (Final Fantasy VIII) for Character Battle IX! |
transients | Posted 12/8/2010 1:53:09 PM | message detail |
think it'd be a 50/50 in a 24 hour match, but Prime being able to avoid
that brutal Europe vote will help it out a lot. I also simply trust the
Nintendo entrant more than the Valve one on this website. --- xyzzy |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/8/2010 2:01:19 PM | message detail |
I'm preparing my Valve rallying skills as we speak! --- No, every man's goal in life is to spread his seed as many times as possible. - A statement Realo actually believes |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/8/2010 2:02:14 PM | message detail |
Sounds like the same reason why people took FFXII > Portal and SMS > Halo 3 It doesn't always work. --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 120/136 Today's Matches: MP & HL2 |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/8/2010 2:02:30 PM | message detail |
Buy/Sell: Valve promises Half-Life 2: Episode 3 if HL2 wins Game of the Decade, HL2 wins the contest. --- Around here, I'm the father, the son, and the Holy ****ing Spirit all rolled into one - Red Crow |
Haste_2 | Posted 12/8/2010 2:03:31 PM | message detail |
Okami's defense, it was in a night match, so it will be a bit inflated
in the stats. Still, I agree with Leonhart about Okami beating Tales.
Okami was beaten by Halo 2 without too much trouble last time. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 12/8/2010 2:03:31 PM | message detail |
This is a masterful ASV hold, and CA is backing HL2 with 57.5% right now. This could be 55/45 all day. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world! |
LeonhartFour | Posted 12/8/2010 2:03:36 PM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #096 Yes, but I took Halo 3! And Tales of Symphonia doesn't have a significant hate base among its series fanbase! --- Support Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) for Character Battle IX! |