GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 963
Denzokuken | Posted 12/4/2010 3:38:12 AM | message detail |
always knew deep down that MGS4 should suck in a contest setting and I
couldn't explain its strength last time around, so this... ha! Worst
game in the series and quite possibly the weakest. --- 29/11/2010. Never forget. |
Xuxon | Posted 12/4/2010 3:46:22 AM | message detail |
nah, MGS2 would probably be outright losing here. maybe barely winning. --- ------ --------- |
Guess how many teens | Posted 12/4/2010 3:47:06 AM | message detail |
Lol casuals Finally overtook Bacon :). Really ashamed that it took so long though. --- [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ -Red |||||||||||||| -Green ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] -Blue Play Earthbound. |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 12/4/2010 3:49:20 AM | message detail |
Here go some more games: Star Ocean 3 - Oregon Trail Devil May Cry 3 - Donkey Kong Country Can't really find Prime's and Mother 3's strengths based on this. --- Currently Playing - Zelda: Majora's Mask Next Games Up - Super Smash Bros. Melee, Resident Evil 4, Okami |
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 12/4/2010 3:56:11 AM | message detail |
Less than 14% for PM..Man this is the match with the lowest prediction that I get it right!Nice! --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
transience | Posted 12/4/2010 4:03:32 AM | message detail |
vs. 4 strength-wise is all about Assassin's Creed vs. Marvel vs. Capcom
2. it's tough to say what's up with this match since Diablo has looked
pretty damn strong, not to mention that it makes sense it'd be strong.
game is huge. --- xyzzy |
Lieutenant Kettch | Posted 12/4/2010 4:07:25 AM | message detail |
posted this IGN survey yet? Obviously a different audience compared to
gamefaqs, but it's interesting to have some current data at least. Brawl is currently up 51%-38% on Melee. --- Dr Football and Snake have won this round, but Sephiroth will rise again! |
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 12/4/2010 4:18:57 AM | message detail |
means nothing.Of course most people will choose the newer games since
the other game came out 9 years ago on a console that very few people
had and had no online.But here nostalgia rules. --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
Lieutenant Kettch | Posted 12/4/2010 4:24:01 AM | message detail |
I would certainly expect the more casual friendly game to do better
there. Would have been more interesting if Melee were winning it, I'd
pretty much consider it over for Brawl in that case. --- Dr Football and Snake have won this round, but Sephiroth will rise again! |
transience | Posted 12/4/2010 4:24:17 AM | message detail |
don't really see why that site would be different than ours. is there
some trait we possess regarding Smash Bros. that they don't? --- xyzzy |
MoogleKupo141 | Posted 12/4/2010 4:25:41 AM | message detail |
posted this IGN survey yet? Obviously a different audience compared to
gamefaqs, but it's interesting to have some current data at least. yeah, LMS posted it already so you should feel really bad about yourself --- For your health. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
YoboD | Posted 12/4/2010 4:26:23 AM | message detail |
I think we hate the Wii a lot more than IGN does. --- Time to wander around Aimlessly |
transience | Posted 12/4/2010 4:26:42 AM | message detail |
or not, it's an interesting poll. nobody knows if it has any relation
to our site, but it's showing that Brawl is preferred over Melee to one
audience. we'd never seen that before. --- xyzzy |
Lieutenant Kettch | Posted 12/4/2010 4:33:44 AM | message detail |
From: MoogleKupo141 | #311 Ouch, I figured he was the most likely, but didn't feel like unblocking his posts to find out. :/ --- Dr Football and Snake have won this round, but Sephiroth will rise again! |
Xuxon | Posted 12/4/2010 4:39:45 AM | message detail |
but how much closer would that be if SSB were removed? 64 > Melee
> Brawl as a preference seems way more likely to me than 64 >
Brawl > Melee. though it is significant that Brawl has an actual
majority despite this and not just a plurality - that no matter how
much closer it would be, Brawl still wins there. --- ------ --------- |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/4/2010 5:25:13 AM | message detail |
imagine GameFAQs would actually be kinder to the Wii than most places,
so if SSBB can win at IGN...wish I knew how many votes that poll was
getting though. Also, not impressed with MGS this round either. MGS3 did well enough, but I expected better from MGS3 after this comparison: Four-ways and all that, sure, but that's still a big gap (especially considering KH holding FFX back in D2's poll). --- Can you refuse nominating Epona? NEIGH, you can't! |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/4/2010 6:42:40 AM | message detail |
is a pretty bad showing by MGS4, which reflects poorly on Brawl and
FFX. Good. Melee 60-40'd this game with Wind Waker in the poll, and
doubled it the next round. --- Nominate Crono so he can get a higher seed and avoid being fed to Clinkeroth early in the contest. |
Kotetsu534 | Posted 12/4/2010 6:58:03 AM | message detail |
thing I haven't seen mentioned is just how beastly Portal looks in
light of Paper Mario getting the same on WoW as TTYD did on Gears of
War. Assuming that the Paper Marios are close in strength, this puts
Portal a good distance ahead of Paper Mario (unless you think Gears of
War 60-40s the original indirectly, which I very much doubt), which we
now think will put up very respectable numbers against MGS3 (MGS3 got
59.54% on WoW in R1 of '09, for comparison). So Portal might well be
ahead of MGS3 by a decent distance. 60% on FFXII is also on 2.3% less
than TP got in R1 of '09. You can see where I'm going with this, I'm
sure. --- I predict and analyse the Game of the Decade contest here: |
LeonhartFour | Posted 12/4/2010 7:04:12 AM | message detail |
From: red sox 777 | #317 Eh, I think a lot of us called for MGS4 being weaker this time than last time around, whether it was the game losing favor in the fans' eyes or being PS3 exclusive hurting it somewhat 1-on-1. I don't think you can use MGS4's last contest to really say much about Brawl or FFX. Brawl did stomp MGS4 pretty good one round anyway, although that was when it was Brawl vs. MGS4/Fallout/CoD4, standout factor galore, if you believe in that. Based on the current percentage in MGS4/Diablo 2, Diablo 2 would have to 60/40 MvC2 for MGS4 >= MGS3. What do you think? --- "But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside." "I am lightning...the rain transformed." |
LeonhartFour | Posted 12/4/2010 7:14:10 AM | message detail |
Heck, while I'm at it, let's take a look at some of these future debated matches based on past opponents! Let's see...Halo vs. UC2...The problem with this one is that there's no telling how much SFF the Halo/Halo 3 matchup had. Halo 1 is indirectly stronger, no doubt, but to the tune of 57/43? I dunno. But if we assume it is...for UC2 to win... Sonic Adventure 2 would have to 55/45 Mario Sunshine. That sounds plausible, right...? Seriously though, SFIV would have to get 61%+ on Ninja Gaiden for UC2 >= Halo 1 to happen. to happen. What do you think? Prime vs. Half-Life 2...GTA3 would have to 60/40 DMC3 for HL2 >= Prime to happen. What do you think? Melee vs. Brawl...Eh, there's not really much to go on here, but...Morrowind would have to get 58%+ on Valkyria Chronicles for Melee >= Brawl. Thoughts? KH1 vs. KH2...Halo 2 would have to get 53.45%+ on MW2 for KH2 >= KH1. Thoughts? Portal vs. Mass Effect...Baldur's Gate 2 would have to beat Crisis Core for ME >= Portal. Heh. --- |
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 12/4/2010 7:15:10 AM | message detail |
I believe everyone knew that MGS4 would score 53 to 57 on Diablo 2.It is very strong anyway. --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
Advokaiser | Posted 12/4/2010 7:18:02 AM | message detail |
*wakes up* *looks at poll* --- "I remember a time when someone called World of Warcraft 'World of WoW'" |
Advokaiser | Posted 12/4/2010 7:25:10 AM | message detail |
Seriously guys, this is the last time that I ask a question in here about a game's strength. Seriously. Yeah, it took a while but I finally learned my lesson. --- "I remember a time when someone called World of Warcraft 'World of WoW'" |
Gooper Blooper | Posted 12/4/2010 7:35:09 AM | message detail |
I'm tied with SBAllen right now for the Bracket Challenge and beating him outright in the Battle Challenge. Not bad. >.> --- And then the car wash cost five dollars. Pokemon Platinum: 1719 9497 5082 Pokemon HeartGold: 2966 0920 7723 |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 12/4/2010 7:39:18 AM | message detail |
So, so tempted to throw away my minute chances of placing in the Battle Picks and picking Paper Mario to win the division. Oh god, that would be so ****ing badass. --- Wylvane Princess Anri is a horrible user. |
Assassin_Thane | Posted 12/4/2010 7:40:48 AM | message detail |
i can't believe people were actually serious about mgs4 beating pokemon ahahahaha. --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 12/4/2010 7:44:22 AM | message detail |
From: Assassin_Thane | #326 Yep, I'm glad I didn't end up pulling the trigger on that one. Should've went with WW > MGS3/4 instead! --- "But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside." "I am lightning...the rain transformed." |
Advokaiser | Posted 12/4/2010 7:45:35 AM | message detail |
i can't believe people were actually serious about mgs4 beating pokemon ahahahaha. T_T --- "I remember a time when someone called World of Warcraft 'World of WoW'" |
Assassin_Thane | Posted 12/4/2010 7:46:07 AM | message detail |
nah majoras mask is strongest it has ocarina of time power --- |
Kotetsu534 | Posted 12/4/2010 7:47:03 AM | message detail |
back a bit, I saw some discussion on what to do with a big streak going
into KH/KHII. If you want to win, you need to gamble and win there, I'm
afraid - even if you're near the top of the leaderboard. FFX is going
to beat Golden Sun. In all probability FFIX is going to beat KOTOR. RE4
and Portal are beating Persona and Mass Effect. We'll have a better
read on the MGS3/Paper Mario match from Oblivion/TTYD. MGS4's probably
going to beat MGS2/SOTC easily. Then you might be able to bank on
GSC/MM; but even then, of the next few matches only Prime/HL2 and
Melee/Brawl are likely to be disputed, and we'll have more information
going in. Someone with a lot of points streaked is almost certainly
going to run perfect from KH/KHII through to near the end of round
four, at least, which will let them overtake any early bankers. If you
want to win, there's a lot of gambling to go yet. --- I predict and analyse the Game of the Decade contest here: |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/4/2010 7:47:43 AM | message detail |
Sonic Adventure 2 would have to 55/45 Mario Sunshine. That sounds plausible, right...? Never, I know it's a weak Mario game, but it was still bigger than SA2. --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 102/116 Today's Matches: MGS4 & MGS2 |
WhiteLens | Posted 12/4/2010 8:01:22 AM | message detail |
I'd take Sunshine over SF IV as well, so this may not look good for Uncharted 2. --- |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 12/4/2010 8:17:09 AM | message detail |
are surprised at this result? Who here honestly thought that MGS4
wouldn't fall off the face of the earth? Can't wait for more Snake
overestimation in the next character battle. No way he beats Samus, or
maybe even Sephiroth now. --- |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/4/2010 8:25:01 AM | message detail |
From: BlAcK TuRtLe | #329 What the f*** does.... Wait, BT, nevermind --- "if only there were some way I could have sex" - Smartmuffin |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/4/2010 8:28:15 AM | message detail |
Match XCII: (7) Metal Gear Solid 2 vs. (2) Shadow of the Colossus Last Round Metal Gear Solid 2 – 69.68% Banjo-Tooie – 30.32% Shadow of the Colossus – 69.35% The Sims – 30.65% Analysis Despite what people are saying now I can tell you that almost everyone would have picked The Sims to win over Banjo-Tooie before this contest began so naturally some people think Shadow of the Colossus has a chance. While it does have a chance I feel that everything needs to be in Shadow of the Colossus’ favour for it to pull off the upset. Just going by last year’s stats suggest that Shadow of the Colossus would put up a respectable performance on Metal Gear Solid 2 and what really started some people from thinking Shadow of the Colossus has a chance was that before their matches in round 1 most people thought The Sims would be stronger than Banjo-Tooie, of course you hear a different tune now since Banjo-Tooie would have to be stronger for Metal Gear Solid 2 to win. I know some people have been hyping that the Metal Gear Solid games may be weaker this year and personally I don’t believe that is true. While they have been having bad starts they have also been recovering their percent throughout the match. However should Shadow of the Colossus pull off the upset I would agree that the games have gotten weaker. charmander6000’s Bracket: Metal Gear Solid 2 > Shadow of the Colossus charmander6000’s Prediction: Metal Gear Solid 2 wins, 56.35% - 43.65% --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 102/116 Today's Matches: MGS4 & MGS2 |
abdou | Posted 12/4/2010 8:29:43 AM | message detail |
seemed fine last contest. Although its weird how a character gets close
to becoming the second strongest on the site while its series falls off
in popularity so much. I know games =/= characters but when FFVII lost
strength so did Cloud/Sephy and when KH lost a step Sora and other KH
characters got weaker. This doesn't seem to apply to MGS and Snake.. --- ... |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 12/4/2010 8:32:43 AM | message detail |
posted this IGN survey yet? Obviously a different audience compared to
gamefaqs, but it's interesting to have some current data at least. I don't know how different IGN's audience is compared to GameFAQs, but GameFAQs used to be an IGN affiliate. I found 2 old archived pages of the homepage, one from the days where GameFAQs was an IGN affiliate and one shortly after GameFAQs cut their ties to IGN. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as Dr_Football, Guru Champ! |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 12/4/2010 8:38:34 AM | message detail |
I honestly think that Metroid Prime will reach the semifinals at this
rate. Both Half-Life 2 and Fallout 3 are showing signs of weakness (BTW
if you hold Deus Ex equal to its 2009 self and plug Fallout 3 into
those x-stats, it ends up below GTAIV of all games), and while it's
true that both games underperformed against older, more influential
games, Metroid Prime will benefit from the same advantages that Deus Ex
and GTAIII did. Also I think that if HL2 wins it gets a "free pass" (as
free as it can be while HL2 has like 52% or something) against Fallout
3, since to my knowledge HL2 is a night game while FO3 is a day game.
Heck, the same could be said for Prime, since it'll likely amass a huge
board vote advantage and could come back with the morning vote. Sad
stuff though, because it'll get SFFd by Melee afterwards and cause the
entire top half of the division to look bad. At least it won't be
against Brawl. The rest of the games in Metroid Prime's division (if they're plugged into the 2009 x-stats, these are the games they finish closest to): No More Heroes - The Oregon Trail Resident Evil 5 - Final Fantasy IV Left 4 Dead - Morrowind God of War (R1) - Oblivion LittleBigPlanet - Sonic 3 Grand Theft Auto III (R1) - Tetris Left 4 Dead 2 - Mortal Kombat II Mega Man 9 - Left 4 Dead Tales of Symphonia - Metal Gear Solid 2 God of War (R2) - Oblivion Grand Theft Auto III (R2) - Resident Evil 2 Half-Life 2 - Final Fantasy IV Conclusions: The GoW/ToS/Oblivion trio probably has the same strength relative to each other this contest, but it's clear that everyone in that division is overrated somewhat. Especially in a contest where 2009 games have been bombing left and right, and yet you have RE5 around FFIV's level according to this. What? There's also quite a discrepancy between GTAIII's R1 and R2 ratings, but that could be blamed on LBP being much stronger than last year suggests for obvious reasons, and what I mentioned earlier in this analysis. I have a feeling that HL2/Prime will be TF2/Fable all over again. --- Currently Playing - Zelda: Majora's Mask Next Games Up - Super Smash Bros. Melee, Resident Evil 4, Okami |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/4/2010 8:39:48 AM | message detail |
From: abdou | #332 Brawl helps, I'm sure. --- "if only there were some way I could have sex" - Smartmuffin |
paulg235 | Posted 12/4/2010 8:41:38 AM | message detail |
From: TheKoolAidShoto | #339 Yeah, throw Snake against Mario/Samus, and they 55-45 him. --- The Gamer In Me "Ike and Ash and co. saw a Yoshi and didn't catch it" - Mer telling us his dream |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 12/4/2010 8:44:02 AM | message detail |
a simple explanation for why Snake has remained afloat despite his
series dropping: SSBB appearance. Every other MGS character looked like
ass last year. Hey wait, if that really means that much, does it, can't possibly...whatever. Also maybe Snake is in the Hayabusa/Kratos/Dante/Samus mold of taking most of his strength from character design and now additionally from the Smash appearance. Hey, there HAS to be a reason why he apparently SFFs Hayabusa! --- Currently Playing - Zelda: Majora's Mask Next Games Up - Super Smash Bros. Melee, Resident Evil 4, Okami |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/4/2010 8:45:31 AM | message detail |
another explanation: whatever drop MGS may have taken came between the
character battle and now. That contest was roughly halfway between the
last games contest and this one. --- Nominate Crono so he can get a higher seed and avoid being fed to Clinkeroth early in the contest. |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/4/2010 8:46:52 AM | message detail |
how Sonic got completely embarrassed by Link last year, since a good
portion of his improved popularity comes from Nintendo now. Snake
facing Sephiroth was just a perfect opportunity for an upset. --- I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/4/2010 8:47:17 AM | message detail |
last contest, I meant for Sonic/Link --- Around here, I'm the father, the son, and the Holy ****ing Spirit all rolled into one - Red Crow |
paulg235 | Posted 12/4/2010 8:59:34 AM | message detail |
People reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaally think SoTC has a chance to upset, do they? --- The Gamer In Me In December 2010, a new guru will rise. |
Master Moltar | Posted 12/4/2010 9:00:14 AM | message detail |
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 100% 7 Shadow of the Colossus 0% 0 TOTAL VOTES 7 --- Moltar Status: 102 Points - Vote: MGS4 Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
paulg235 | Posted 12/4/2010 9:00:16 AM | message detail |
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 100% 8 Shadow of the Colossus 0% 0 TOTAL VOTES 8 --- The Gamer In Me "Paulg is a genius." - MajinZidane |
KamikazePotato | Posted 12/4/2010 9:00:40 AM | message detail |
uh oh --- DFF |
Advokaiser | Posted 12/4/2010 9:00:42 AM | message detail |
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 83.33% 10 Shadow of the Colossus 16.67% 2 TOTAL VOTES 12 AGAIN?!?!?! --- "I remember a time when someone called World of Warcraft 'World of WoW'" |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 12/4/2010 9:00:44 AM | message detail |
...uh oh --- "You brought your *****, to the waffle hut?" |