GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 956
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 2:07:48 PM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #447 You also come from a way different (and awesome) perspective, assuming that topic you made about the parade was true. And yeah, socially awkward people play games and tend to go on forums to deny their being socially awkward is why they can't pick up chicks. That's seriously the only point I'm trying to make here, which isn't unfair by any standard. So of course people will bash me for pointing it out and call me a jerk, for obvious reasons. How did we even get on this subject again? You know the match is boring when we're talking about the social ramifications of embracing one's inner nerd at the expense of everything else. --- "I'm sorry, but calling Charizard A Pokemon is calling The Fonz a Fonz. He is The Pokemon." -Haguile |
Greyfeld | Posted 11/28/2010 2:08:26 PM | message detail |
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UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 2:08:40 PM | message detail |
From: pjbasis | #450 Used to be. The wife doesn't let me sleep around anymore <_< Which she loves, because she gets all my extra energy these days. --- ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ ~*ST*~ |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 2:10:51 PM | message detail |
From: Greyfeld | #452 Don't be a hypocrite, k? You: "I feel sorry for you closet gamers that feel the need to hide your hobbies to avoid the horrible "shunning" of the public." So many false assumptions there, and then you turn around and tell me not to assume things? LMFAO --- I am the dragon of blood, a relentless prince of pain Renouncing God on his throne, my blood is forever stained. |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 2:11:46 PM | message detail |
And speak of the devil, LL is running the significant other poll: Yes, and we're married. 4.39% 78 Yes, and we're engaged. 10.02% 178 Yes, but we're not that serious. 24.37% 433 No, although I used to have one. 35.40% 629 No, and I've never had one. 25.83% 459 TOTAL VOTES 1777 "Yes, and we're married" is totally the best option! --- I don't know of any cases of a straight woman finding a man "too gorgeous" to kill. -Mega They've never met Ulti. -RPGLord95 |
Greyfeld | Posted 11/28/2010 2:19:09 PM | message detail |
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TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 11/28/2010 2:20:57 PM | message detail |
of you, shut the f*** up. No one cares how much sex you are or aren't
having. Can we all go back to talking about fictional characters now? --- Around here, I'm the father, the son, and the Holy ****ing Spirit all rolled into one - Red Crow |
ZFS | Posted 11/28/2010 2:24:22 PM | message detail |
Good lord. Why is Ulti always at the root of these dumb arguments. --- There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 2:24:37 PM | message detail |
The heck did I do, Shoto? I'm like Bill O'Reilly, baby -- only dealing in fact. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.· |
swordz9 | Posted 11/28/2010 2:24:41 PM | message detail |
Rising vs Persona 4 is definitely a match I can agree will be
interesting. I want to say I feel like P4 is stronger than TWEWY so I
think it has a decent shot at pulling off an upset. If I remember right
DR only beat TWEWY by a little bit. What game do most people have
winning this match? I think it's probably one of the R2 matches with
the closest chance of an upset. --- |
Greyfeld | Posted 11/28/2010 2:25:06 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator] |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 11/28/2010 2:27:11 PM | message detail |
I was just about to post my 3,000 word essay on why Mass Effect's Asari
are hotter than Star Wars' Twi'leks, but this discussion has hurt my
self-confidence too badly. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world! |
Greyfeld | Posted 11/28/2010 2:27:18 PM | message detail |
Rising vs Persona 4 is definitely a match I can agree will be
interesting. I want to say I feel like P4 is stronger than TWEWY so I
think it has a decent shot at pulling off an upset. If I remember right
DR only beat TWEWY by a little bit. What game do most people have
winning this match? I think it's probably one of the R2 matches with
the closest chance of an upset. I have DR in my bracket, but I'm taking P4 in my battle pick. The Guru is pretty evenly split between the two, so that doesn't really provide any help. I don't think there'd be any debate if this was a night match, but I think even as a day match, P4 is significantly stronger than TWEWY so that we'll be looking at something like a 52/48 win for P4. --- PSN - Aevio Playing: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/28/2010 2:27:36 PM | message detail |
Rising vs Persona 4 is definitely a match I can agree will be
interesting. I want to say I feel like P4 is stronger than TWEWY so I
think it has a decent shot at pulling off an upset. If I remember right
DR only beat TWEWY by a little bit. What game do most people have
winning this match? I think it's probably one of the R2 matches with
the closest chance of an upset. I had TWEWY winning so I'm favouring DR. Personally I feel that FFIX/P3 will help out in this match. --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 84/92 Today's Matches: KH2 & KH |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 2:28:40 PM | message detail |
From: ZFS | #458 Fixed. And it's not even an argument. All I said is the typical gamer can't pick up the typical girl, because the typical girl opts for a more powerful type of partner to get the best offspring possible. This is just straight genetics meets society stuff, and I don't think anyone here denies being a gamer is frowned upon by society. The only issue are people predictably chiming in like they're the exception when they're clearly not (well Lightning Strikes might be, dude's manly as f***). Hell, I'm not even the exception to this. I just got super lucky. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´ |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 2:29:48 PM | message detail |
From: PartOfYourWorld | #462 As if the MANLIEST user here (well, you're tied with Shoto) could have such a problem! --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.· |
WhiteLens | Posted 11/28/2010 2:29:56 PM | message detail |
From: swordz9 | #460 The one real argument on this is that Dead Rising started to pull away from TWEWY once the morning hit, and since it's a day match it's not in favorable conditions for Persona 4. The question is, how much stronger is P4 than TWEWY. --- |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 2:30:46 PM | message detail |
From: swordz9 | #460 Dead Rising is clearly a day game, if the last round is any indication. If this was all 24 hours matches, I'd probably think Persona > DR > TWEWY. But 12 day hours and I think DR takes it. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.· "Ulti makes everything better." -PrinceReva |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 2:31:33 PM | message detail |
From: Greyfeld | #461 I'm not even making fun of you, sheesh. Good new stats topic guys are supposed to stick around for awhile. --- Ulti's wife appreciated somebody who didn't moan their own name the whole time. -Cyclo MOST people shout out 'oh god' when they're having sex. -SantaRPG |
EvilNcr | Posted 11/28/2010 2:33:49 PM | message detail |
Most guys are gamers anyway so it's just another bad excuse. I can't pick up chicks either but at least, I'm not using bad excuses on WHY I'm not doing it. Hell, I barely even try anymore. Last time I tried, I tried to get some date through a friend and it didn't work out. (Or he forgot, I'm not sure which). --- "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." ~ Winston Churchill |
Greyfeld | Posted 11/28/2010 2:34:56 PM | message detail |
I'm not even making fun of you, sheesh. Good new stats topic guys are supposed to stick around for awhile. Admittedly, text makes it hard to determine "tone" when having a discussion, but it seemed pretty "you're a loser, accept it" to me. Extremely offensive, especially since I only just broke up with my ex a couple months ago because she was more in love with me than I was with her. Not sure what the second half of the quoted text is supposed to imply though. --- PSN - Aevio Playing: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes |
swordz9 | Posted 11/28/2010 2:38:48 PM | message detail |
is Persona's day and night vote anyways? It doesn't seem like there
would be much information to work with for that due to the games only
appearing in maybe 3 contest matches ever now. I'm just going to assume
that if Persona 3 does respectably against a game of Final Fantasy IX's
level then Persona 4 should have a decent chance of taking out Dead
Rising. I'm not quite sure what percentage would look respectable
though since P3 is probably getting doubled or tripled if I had to
guess. --- |
Greyfeld | Posted 11/28/2010 2:47:08 PM | message detail |
does better at night, with a fantastic Asian vote, and a decent vote
from Europe and Oceana. DR is expected to have a decent day vote due to
winning from the morning vote against TWEWY. But considering it only
won with less than 700 votes, even after the morning vote kicked in, I
have serious doubts about its actual strength. 2 1/2 years ago, TWEWY barely edges out P3. However, since then we've had the release of P3 on the PSP, and P4 in all regions. Also, there's no evidence to support the theory, but many of us believe P4 is stronger than P3. PSN - Aevio Playing: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/28/2010 2:52:16 PM | message detail |
I wouldn't use that poll since people tend not to flock to remakes. Plus there's the whole thing about both games got a combine 8% in that poll. --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 84/92 Today's Matches: KH2 & KH |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 2:53:08 PM | message detail |
don't buy P4 being stronger than 3, despite being preferred by the
fanbase. It was one of the absolute last PS2 games (so it sold like 10
copies), while P3 has gotten two releases and has the "older games have
an advantage" thing. --- "The metal board doesn't hate music that isn't metal. They hate music that's bad." -Lucid Faia |
Greyfeld | Posted 11/28/2010 2:56:03 PM | message detail |
the lack of poll information we have to work on, it's pretty much the
best we have. All we really need is a comparison to work off of though,
not an actual strength rating, and with a lack of any other RPGs in the
poll, the SFF should be minimal. Also, I know remakes don't always go over as well as the original, but FES seemed to have gotten a lot of love, so it's not to far-fetched to believe that a handheld port could have turned a few heads as well. Granted, a port isn't going to cause a huge swing in votes, but in potentially close matches like the one coming up, it can make the difference. --- PSN - Aevio Playing: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes |
KamikazePotato | Posted 11/28/2010 2:56:13 PM | message detail |
think P4 sold more than P3 (or at least more than FES). P4 actually got
a ton of notice when it came out specifically for being a budget priced
amazing game. It's also preferred by the fanbase. 3 could be stronger,
but I think the general feel everyone has gotten is that 4 would be a
little stronger than 3. --- DFF |
KamikazePotato | Posted 11/28/2010 2:56:56 PM | message detail |
The problem with P3P is that it's on the PSP. This site just does not give two craps about the PSP. --- DFF |
swordz9 | Posted 11/28/2010 2:57:50 PM | message detail |
believe P4 is stronger than P3 as well. It seems to be the fan favorite
among the two. Of course there's no evidence to support it being
stronger since the two will probably never be in a poll together, but
P4 definitely seems to be the favorite, especially on this board. I
believe P4 also sold better overseas than P3+P3FES, but I'm not certain. --- |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 2:58:12 PM | message detail |
Gaming in general has stopped caring about the PSP. And let's just assume they're equal, because why not. Dead Rising couldn't outdo P3 here? --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.· All the finest wines improve with age. |
Greyfeld | Posted 11/28/2010 2:59:00 PM | message detail |
don't buy P4 being stronger than 3, despite being preferred by the
fanbase. It was one of the absolute last PS2 games (so it sold like 10
copies), while P3 has gotten two releases and has the "older games have
an advantage" thing. But you said it yourself, P4 is preferred by the fanbase. This isn't a case like Halo/Halo3 or DMC/DMC3 where the original laid the groundwork and the sequel just expanded on it, making the first one "better" through nostalgia. This is more like Final Fantasy, where the sequels are two completely separate entities, and have power based on their own merits. --- PSN - Aevio Playing: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes |
WhiteLens | Posted 11/28/2010 3:02:25 PM | message detail |
Persona 4 was actually pretty high selling and it got it's name out a lot through word of mouth. That said whichever game that is stronger is pretty negligible in the grand scheme of things. They're probably equal and wouldn't get far if they weren't facing games that no one cares about on this site. And if you want to take day votes into consideration: TWEWY vs DR ToS vs GoW That's a big difference in a boosting from the morning vote. --- |
kinsho3 | Posted 11/28/2010 3:05:16 PM | message detail |
Still a significant day vote advantage for Dead Rising. Also, ToS has a horrific morning vote while GoW has a great one, so it's a double whammy effect, so to speak. --- It takes a genius to make something simple truly great. Dr. Football, you are the man! I'll take you down next contest though... |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 11/28/2010 3:07:07 PM | message detail |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 11/28/2010 12:08:17 PM | message detail Does Luster have a good 35 of the top 50 spots? Shine on, you crazy diamond. That's incredible. I have 33 accounts on the leaderboard. I don't think they will stay on for too long, because I picked San Andreas > Golden Sun, which could be possible. If I get that match right, my WoW > Paper Mario pick is almost certainly going to kick my accounts off the leaderboard. Great job by the -4s and -6s. They managed to stay above 90 almost completely due to Luster Soldier's efforts. Hahaha, that's funny. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as Dr_Football, Guru Champ! |
xp1337 | Posted 11/28/2010 3:09:21 PM | message detail |
I've always just assumed Persona 4 is the stronger of the two, and I'm
one of the ones who prefers Persona 3. Persona 4 is just much more
liked among the fanbase, as far as I can tell, and since neither is
some kind of juggernaut, I figured that alone would be enough to get P4
> P3. Then again, I suppose I could kind of buy that anyone who votes for one is almost certainly going to vote for the other in the majority of cases, and so you could basically treat them as equal, and only worry about P3 v P4 in a hypothetical direct match. But that's not too helpful. --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? GotD (79/94) MW2 v KH |
NoDicePwn | Posted 11/28/2010 3:09:35 PM | message detail |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/28/2010 3:12:32 PM | message detail |
Don't worry LS San Andreas has this. --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 84/92 Today's Matches: KH2 & KH |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 3:17:24 PM | message detail |
I'm not following this "Golden Sun wouldn't beat RSE" stuff, by the way. --- "I'm sorry, but calling Charizard A Pokemon is calling The Fonz a Fonz. He is The Pokemon." -Haguile |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 11/28/2010 3:18:55 PM | message detail |
I'm not following this "Golden Sun wouldn't beat RSE" stuff, by the way. Me neither. I absolutely think GS could win that - especially with Dark Dawn coming out. --- CURRENT GOTY SCORE: 87 Golden Sun/San Andreas: Also known as "My Worst Nightmare." |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/28/2010 3:21:44 PM | message detail |
Well it's more GS is liked more and on the same system. I know PokeFEAR and etc, but RSE isn't like the others. --- ·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.· |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 11/28/2010 3:23:55 PM | message detail |
Would there be SFF in Golden Sun Vs. FFX? --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 11/28/2010 3:25:36 PM | message detail |
Probably some. I would have taken GS>RSE even before I saw their respective matches. I've never understood that particular mental block. --- DFF |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 11/28/2010 3:26:53 PM | message detail |
From: -LusterSoldier- | #484 Did...did Luster just laugh? what the f*** is going on --- "You brought your *****, to the waffle hut?" |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 11/28/2010 3:27:39 PM | message detail |
in all fairness, RSE's reputation seems to have improved over time.
There's actually quite a bit of demand for a 3DS remake, and in
general, I've noticed a surprisingly large number of people waxing
nostalgic about it. But yeah, GS does seem to be better liked. A lot of people seem to think it's just a random GBA game, but really, a lot of people consider it one of the system's crown jewels. --- CURRENT GOTY SCORE: 87 Golden Sun/San Andreas: Also known as "My Worst Nightmare." |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/28/2010 3:28:50 PM | message detail |
GS can still win over RSE and still lose. RSE's performance on SMG pretty much confirmed that GTA4 is weaker this year. --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 84/92 Today's Matches: KH2 & KH |
tgs2 | Posted 11/28/2010 3:33:50 PM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #495 We wont even know that until it faces off against TP --- You may take Mr. Rogers down, but I will be back and become more powerful than you ever imagine "tgs is taking it alone" |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 11/28/2010 3:34:49 PM | message detail |
I would have taken (and still do take) RSE > GS. But to me Golden Sun just plain looked better than San Andreas. We're talking about failing to double a game that is most likely terrible, terrible fodder. I hate to use GotY polls, but there's only so much faith I'm willing to put in Dead Space when the argument for it not being terrible, terrible fodder is 'X game from Y series that consistently disappoints isn't going to disappoint this year!' when we have some amount of evidence of it being terrible fodder. The first Golden Sun in years being released on a system that doesn't have a Golden Sun out yet on the day of the match is just the icing to make it easier. --- "SEXTON HILLBEAST" - TimJab |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/28/2010 3:35:23 PM | message detail |
We wont even know that until it faces off against TP I don't think a SFF match is going to tell us anything unless SMG decides to go make a match out of it. --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 84/92 Today's Matches: KH2 & KH |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 11/28/2010 3:35:45 PM | message detail |
Watch Outsourced. --- CURRENT GOTY SCORE: 87 Golden Sun/San Andreas: Also known as "My Worst Nightmare." |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 11/28/2010 3:35:58 PM | message detail |
Watch Outsourced. --- CURRENT GOTY SCORE: 87 Golden Sun/San Andreas: Also known as "My Worst Nightmare." |