GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 944
vcharon | Posted 11/11/2010 9:56:46 PM | message detail |
Stabilization for SoA with that update, gained percentage back. --- :> |
NoDicePwn | Posted 11/11/2010 9:57:37 PM | message detail |
red sox keeping the hope alive --- Epona > Any Western Character |
red sox 777 | Posted 11/11/2010 10:03:45 PM | message detail |
SoA got a lot of that back. Single or double updates are pretty
unreliable, so I guess it's kind of silly to update the projection
after only 10 minutes. It was a very big shift in projection numbers,
though, to be fair. Usually the projected result stays remarkably
consistent for hours (for example, Link/Cloud this year ended up within
0.05% of what Link/Cloud 2006 projected it to be at the 1/2 hour mark
or something like that). With Crono/Vincent projections that are
irrelevant, there are of course more deviations but they tend to be in
the other direction! --- Nominate Crono so he can get a higher seed and avoid being fed to Clinkeroth early in the contest. |
NoDicePwn | Posted 11/11/2010 10:05:25 PM | message detail |
we need l-block/link comparisons --- Epona > Any Western Character |
Team Rocket Elite (Moderator) | Posted 11/11/2010 10:15:05 PM | message detail |
hey TRE have fun in australia if there are any big upsets we'll shine the TRE signal Australia? --- "Let me believe what you've always believed! That living is wonderful!" "Thank you so much... Thank you for loving me." |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 11/11/2010 10:18:01 PM | message detail |
wait red was the mod going to australia I am so tired we'll shine the TRE signal anyway to make you feel extra loved though <3 --- |
ZFS | Posted 11/11/2010 10:18:45 PM | message detail |
Man, what an awful early vote WRPGs seem to have. It's crazy to think this was at 65% at 5 minutes in. --- There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign. |
Greyfeld | Posted 11/11/2010 10:23:09 PM | message detail |
huh... europe is split at 50-50 now --- PSN - Aevio Playing: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes |
NoDicePwn | Posted 11/11/2010 10:23:26 PM | message detail |
Man, what an awful early vote WRPGs seem to have. It's crazy to think this was at 65% at 5 minutes in. I dread to think what Fallout 3/Smash Bros will be. Sheesh --- Epona > Any Western Character |
transience | Posted 11/11/2010 10:25:38 PM | message detail |
Crono/Vincent trends! I missed this stupidity. it's been a couple years! --- xyzzy |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 11/11/2010 10:32:53 PM | message detail |
Glad Skies is pulling through! I was a little nervous. Can't wait to see Plants VS. Zombies blow everyone's expectations away tomorrow! :D --- CURRENT GOTY SCORE: 40 Portal > FFXII and Mass Effect. Book it. |
red sox 777 | Posted 11/11/2010 10:33:34 PM | message detail |
Crono/Vincent trends update: Skies of Arcadia wins with 50.88%. SoA has recovered a bit in the projection. --- Nominate Crono so he can get a higher seed and avoid being fed to Clinkeroth early in the contest. |
Greyfeld | Posted 11/11/2010 10:50:23 PM | message detail |
oddly enough, europe is now favoring BG2. doesn't seem to matter though. --- PSN - Aevio Playing: Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes |
NoDicePwn | Posted 11/11/2010 11:01:23 PM | message detail |
Theres the first cut. Took long enough! --- Epona > Any Western Character |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 11/11/2010 11:04:59 PM | message detail |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 11/12/2010 1:18:01 AM | message detail wait red was the mod going to australia Yeah, you are correct. I don't remember TRE ever mentioning going to Australia in a recent post on this board. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as Dr_Football, Guru Champ! |
red sox 777 | Posted 11/11/2010 11:06:50 PM | message detail |
2 hours in, and our first cut. Skies of Arcadia by the hour: 1:00 | 57.83% 2:00 | 54.16% Projection based on Crono/Vincent 2007: Skies of Arcadia wins with 50.54%. Baldur's Gate has actually been gaining faster than Vincent here. That'll probably change past 4 AM, but until then, have fun! --- Nominate Crono so he can get a higher seed and avoid being fed to Clinkeroth early in the contest. |
nintendogirl1 (Moderator) | Posted 11/11/2010 11:11:52 PM | message detail |
Yeah sox, how much does BG2 win by with Link/L-Block stats? --- Pleeeease? |
creativename | Posted 11/11/2010 11:12:05 PM | message detail |
SoA with the jokish trends so far. I wonder which would collapse more in SoA vs Portal? Probably Portal actually. *Both* minus ones picked Crisis Core? That's weird. ZackFEAR I guess! Thanks to TRE for the stats as always :) --- |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 11/11/2010 11:13:07 PM | message detail |
Yesterday's match had ASV trends after all. Hourly vote totals for the first 6 hours looked like this: 1:00 | 6707 2:00 | 5594 3:00 | 4967 4:00 | 4911 5:00 | 4811 6:00 | 4400 Yeah, those look like ASV trends to me. At least one person claimed there wouldn't be an ASV because of no school due to Veteran's Day. Though I proved that one wrong by saying I never got off from school on Veteran's Day. Would seem like only a very small minority of schools actually had no school yesterday, as the ASV seems fairly normal. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as Dr_Football, Guru Champ! |
red sox 777 | Posted 11/11/2010 11:16:16 PM | message detail |
Based on Link/L-Block, Baldur's Gate 2 wins with 50.69%. --- Nominate Crono so he can get a higher seed and avoid being fed to Clinkeroth early in the contest. |
NoDicePwn | Posted 11/11/2010 11:16:22 PM | message detail |
It should surprise no one that SoA has joke trends! --- Epona > Any Western Character |
AxemPink | Posted 11/11/2010 11:32:43 PM | message detail |
nintendogirl1 (Moderator) | Posted 11/11/2010 11:34:00 PM | message detail |
From: NoDicePwn | #471 It should surprise no one that SoA has joke trends! Are you still trying to claim you have ANY knowledge about trends? --- Please give up Albion. |
JJH777 | Posted 11/11/2010 11:36:29 PM | message detail |
It's a shame we can't just remove the first hours votes. Without those this match would most likely end quite close. --- My Anime List: |
NoDicePwn | Posted 11/11/2010 11:38:17 PM | message detail |
Are you still trying to claim you have ANY knowledge about trends? --- Please give up Albion. Uh, I was hinting at Skies of Arcadia being a joke game. --- Epona > Any Western Character |
nintendogirl1 (Moderator) | Posted 11/11/2010 11:42:07 PM | message detail |
From: JJH777 | #474 It's a shame we can't just remove the first hours votes. Without those this match would most likely end quite close. SoA has still gained 400 votes in the hour and a half since. This may get closer in %age but BG2 doesn't look remotely threatening yet. --- Nor will it. |
NoDicePwn | Posted 11/11/2010 11:57:08 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
nintendogirl1 (Moderator) | Posted 11/11/2010 11:59:42 PM | message detail |
Not really Albion. Big dropoff for skies, slightly above average for BG2. Big %age swings are easier in the dead zone. --- Nothin remotely interesting. |
paulg235 | Posted 11/12/2010 12:42:05 AM | message detail |
Interesting to note that BG2 has been keeping it even for the past hour. --- The Gamer In Me "Paulg is a genius." - MajinZidane |
Intanos VI | Posted 11/12/2010 1:42:52 AM | message detail |
I just bracket voted against one of my favourite games. =[ Come on SoA i need you to hold this lead. BG2, you've been very respectable. --- Did you know that? No? Neither did i. |
NoDicePwn | Posted 11/12/2010 2:02:41 AM | message detail |
Yay! Baldurs Gate won an hour. Probably the only one it'll win but at least its something --- Epona > Any Western Character |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 11/12/2010 2:25:44 AM | message detail |
Awesome to see SoA defeating a boring PC RPG! This will most likely be a bracket upset. --- Ngamer64: Zylo, you're making less sense every day. Dr_Football > Me |
Ultimaphazon | Posted 11/12/2010 2:38:30 AM | message detail |
Not so sure about that. Skies has the higher seed, so I could see the casuals favoring it. --- A pro isn't someone who sacrifices himself for his job. That's just a fool. - Reno, FFVII |
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 11/12/2010 3:34:45 AM | message detail |
are yesterday's results for how much each game gained per hour?Also how
can the 2 -1s lose the previous match?I mean they really believed that
Zackfaqs was that strong? --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
paulg235 | Posted 11/12/2010 3:45:30 AM | message detail |
since the 3-hour mark of this match, SoA has gained 14 votes at the
moment. This would've been a great match had those first 3 hours hadn't
have happened. --- The Gamer In Me "Paulg is a genius." - MajinZidane |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/12/2010 5:00:30 AM | message detail |
Wow it took almost 6 hours for SoA to increase by 100 votes. --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 39/46 Today's Matches: SoA & ME |
scotted4 | Posted 11/12/2010 5:07:31 AM | message detail |
not gonna lie, if i had seen that picture i wouldve gone with the other one. Luckily I didnt and kept FF12 |
shane15 | Posted 11/12/2010 5:09:45 AM | message detail |
I just randomly picked SoA for this match.Never played either so it was a pure guess. --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 11/12/2010 5:49:35 AM | message detail |
for Skies, and still dropping but at a slower rate now. Looks like
Crono/Vincent projections did a good job- it was always unlikely this
would be as extreme a shift as that match, but it looks like the shift
was only about 2% less. --- Nominate Crono so he can get a higher seed and avoid being fed to Clinkeroth early in the contest. |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/12/2010 6:00:34 AM | message detail |
Match XLVIII: (2) Mass Effect vs. (15) Plants vs. Zombies Information Name: Mass Effect Year: 2007 Previous Performance: SpC2k9 – 4th in round 1 Name: Plants vs. Zombies Year: 2009 Previous Performance: N/A Analysis I know people are still feeling the joy of Mass Effect 2, but I was quite surprised that Mass Effect was able to pull off a two seed in the contest. The game also got pretty lucky since it’s guaranteed to win two easy matches. It’s also probably going to get a boost from some of the leftovers its sequel got. Along with getting a boost from Mass Effect 2 I believed that even without the game Mass Effect would have looked much better compare to last contest. The match was essentially four Xbox360 games and as expected it was Mass Effect that got the short end of the stick. It’s a shame that the game got such an easy path as it would take a massive boost from Mass Effect 2 for it to be able to compete in the third round. I’m not sure what to expect out of Plants vs. Zombies. I hear great things about the games yet it doesn’t have much reason to impress. The only poll where it didn’t look terrible was the GotY poll and even then it lost badly to The Sims 3. Even in the vote-in it lost to any notable game that wasn’t SFF. I however feel that some people are going blowout crazy about this match. I know Mass Effect has reason to be stronger this contest, but it has a long way to go before it is breaking 70% easily. I think people are forgetting which Mass Effect game is in this poll. The game does have a chance at breaking 70%, but it will probably just barely reach the mark instead of a tripling that some people are suggesting. charmander6000’s Bracket: Mass Effect > Plants vs. Zombies charmander6000’s Prediction: Mass Effect wins, 68.00% - 32.00% --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 39/46 Today's Matches: SoA & ME |
Ultimaphazon | Posted 11/12/2010 6:10:15 AM | message detail |
is Baldur's Gate currently winning Europe with 54%, while it's losing
UK, Netherlands and Germany? That seems extremely weird. I thought
those 3 countries represented something like 75% of European votes. --- A pro isn't someone who sacrifices himself for his job. That's just a fool. - Reno, FFVII |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/12/2010 6:18:49 AM | message detail |
got about 53% of Europe's votes based on yesterday's night match. UK is
also 70% of that 53% and those guys are pretty even right now. Doing some quick match the rest of Europe favours BG2 57.5/42.5 --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 39/46 Today's Matches: SoA & ME |
Advokaiser | Posted 11/12/2010 6:47:11 AM | message detail |
YES! I knew it! No way BGII was winning this. This is also great news for my Oracle... --- "I remember a time when someone called World of Warcraft 'World of WoW'" |
Advokaiser | Posted 11/12/2010 6:50:28 AM | message detail |
But I have one question: In what order would you put the following major anti-vote games? GTAIV/Chrono Cross/Modern Warfare 2/FFXII --- "I remember a time when someone called World of Warcraft 'World of WoW'" |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 11/12/2010 7:17:32 AM | message detail |
From: Advokaiser | #493 BG2 might have won a day match. I'm shocked how this went from 65-35 early to the percentages we're seeing now. --- "Dude, I play WoW. I'm on my PC on a pretty strict schedule." -red13n |
Advokaiser | Posted 11/12/2010 7:21:12 AM | message detail |
65-35??? What time was it? --- "I remember a time when someone called World of Warcraft 'World of WoW'" |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/12/2010 7:26:17 AM | message detail |
like Canada has flipped towards BG2. Personally I feel that SoA is more
of a day game. For BG2 to win a day match or even make it closer it has
to make some serious gains in the US. 65-35??? What time was it? About 2 minutes in. --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 39/46 Today's Matches: SoA & ME |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 11/12/2010 7:26:28 AM | message detail |
BG2 might have won a day match. I'm shocked how this went from 65-35 early to the percentages we're seeing now. I doubt it. Skies of Arcadia is easily losing Europe and Europe has less influence in a day match. Meanwhile, Skies has almost 56% in the US. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as Dr_Football, Guru Champ! |
nintendogirl1 (Moderator) | Posted 11/12/2010 7:29:30 AM | message detail |
Play more BioShock 2 Ulti. --- :D |
charmander6000 | Posted 11/12/2010 7:29:32 AM | message detail |
I guess we should finish this topic. So how about that new Khaq fad everyone is talking about? --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 39/46 Today's Matches: SoA & ME |