GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 932
solid_leaf | Posted 10/29/2010 12:43:16 PM | message detail |
guys are SERIOUSLY underestimating the effects being a fanboy can have
on a (cough*BAD*cough) game. Dissidia have a great chance of taking it
home. Well it would've if it was'nt for MW2 going right up against
it.--- ''You got a plan to go with that grenade?''- Nathan Drake currently playing: BlazBlue Portable, Dead Head Fred, Indigo Prophecy, FF Tactics |
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 10/29/2010 12:46:37 PM | message detail |
that gamers these days...A game comes out on a portable console and it
isn't worth mentioning.I don't understand.If it had came out for 360
and PS3 things would be much better.But why?Only Pokemon from the
portable games has strength?Why gamers don't support portable consoles
when DS is the best selling console of all time and PSP has more than
60.000.000 sales?I can't undertand it... --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/29/2010 12:49:37 PM | message detail |
From: ExThaNemesis | #050 Why are you giving Dissidia any credit? It's a poorly received game on a system a small percentage of this site owns. Also, what's wrong with this result? CoD4 isn't a world beater, and nobody should've expected it to be. Yeah, it beat Galaxy, but this just proves Galaxy still sucks. CoD4 still got rocked when you put it up against Brawl, MGS4, and Fallout 3. This is fine. --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/29/2010 12:51:43 PM | message detail |
be fair guys, say what you like about CoD4 against a newcomer here, but
we haven't seen a single FF-game yet this contest either. SO3's the
only one we've seen even associated with Square, and it didn't look
hot. FFX, the two KH-games, and probably FF9 are expected to do well,
but outside of that? Good luck, and Square's been known for a major
decline this decade too. Suddenly its PSP spin-off with mixed reception
that came at the end of this bad decade for Square is going to overcome
the record-annihilating game released near the same time, especially
after MW2 quadrupled Dissidia just this past January? Because of a picture? It's not even widely believed SSBM's picture was the reason it beat FFX when Tidus represented it, so I don't get the huge difference here. Because of its brand-name? CoD's the biggest series on Earth right now and recently beat Blizzard's three big series here for the best Activision Blizzard-series (even accounting for LFF, it'd be debatable). Because it's a night-match and Square always does well at night? You could cherry-pick the twelve best hours of the whole match for Dissidia and the other two Square-games there and pick the twelve worst hours for'd still be lucky to have Square break 40% on MW2 in that poll. Because the night vote's major regions support Dissidia more? Dissidia still lost in every major region; heck, the only country it won was the Philippines, and that was just by fifty votes. Because CoD4 isn't crushing PoP:SoT? It's a newcomer that hasn't had any recent information on it specifically. One-on-one and anti-votes may change some things, and I think Dissidia will improve on what it did on MW2 from January's GotY-polls. It's still not gonna be in it past the first update. --- Nominate Epona...or else. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/29/2010 12:55:35 PM | message detail |
Sands of Time would beat BFD pretty easily. I'd expect SOT to be closer
to Perfect Dark than it would to Conker, so don't get your hopes up for
an upset. PD will do fine because it's a respected game and CoD4 isn't
THAT strong, but it's not gonna win. --- Support Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) for Character Battle IX! |
NoDicePwn | Posted 10/29/2010 12:56:37 PM | message detail |
to mention that the CoD4/PD matchup will be somewere around the time
the new Call of Duty comes out (that comes out Nov 12th, I'm not sure
the day of this match). --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 10/29/2010 12:57:17 PM | message detail |
again, I remind the topic: we weren't certain Dissidia could beat Halo
ODST this time last year, and I don't know if we can definitively say
it wouldn't be close now. MW2 should be plenty safe. --- Epona: better alive for companionship than dead for glue. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/29/2010 1:05:55 PM | message detail |
Last night's chart: Time | Perfect Dark | Bad Fur Day | Votes 0:05 | 69.56% | 30.44% | 1025 1:00 | 66.57% | 33.43% | 7021 2:00 | 63.19% | 36.81% | 4257 3:00 | 62.66% | 37.34% | 2981 4:00 | 64.12% | 35.88% | 2135 5:00 | 64.35% | 35.65% | 1773 6:00 | 63.35% | 36.65% | 1749 7:00 | 60.68% | 39.32% | 2032 8:00 | 62.98% | 37.02% | 2399 9:00 | 62.03% | 37.97% | 2605 10:00 | 64.97% | 35.03% | 2869 11:00 | 64.82% | 35.18% | 2865 12:00 | 62.67% | 37.33% | 2738 PD settles in after a strong Power Hour. BFD has a decent morning vote, and PD's DSV seems pretty good, too. --- "The great GF...Bahamut." "...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..." |
voltch | Posted 10/29/2010 1:06:36 PM | message detail |
wassup with that, no FF games for a long time, I'm just itching to see
how far the brand's fallen here because IT ALWAYS WINS! WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOO! --- Hau hauu, omochi kaeri! |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 10/29/2010 1:09:25 PM | message detail |
think MW2 will be all right against Dissidia - I definitely don't think
it'll win by a hefty margin, but nonetheless, I doubt it'll be in
danger of losing. That having been said, though, this CoD4 performance doesn't impress me in the slightest. This really should at least be a doubling - everything PoP-related has always looked like complete crap on this site, aside from that weird Kirby/Prince match back in '06. --- CURRENT GOTY SCORE: 14 That does it. I'm buying Morrowind sometime! |
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/29/2010 1:14:42 PM | message detail |
From: TheCodeisBosco | #060 When in the world has Prince of Persia gotten a fair shot? GOTY polls from 2003 are completely worthless. The most credible thing we have IS that Kirby match, honestly. --- "Why must we always choose between certain death and probable death?" "I'm in an epic battle to the death, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!" |
pjbasis | Posted 10/29/2010 1:39:53 PM | message detail |
Where is this poll that included Dissidia and MW2? |
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/29/2010 1:41:00 PM | message detail |
From: pjbasis | #062 --- Support Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) for Character Battle IX! |
pjbasis | Posted 10/29/2010 1:51:35 PM | message detail |
Hmmm....that is a troubling poll. However I can still see the apathy voters swinging in Dissidia's favor. Nintendo fans and Square fans that don't play or don't like FPSs, especially a non-sci-fi one like Halo, should vote for Final Fantasy. And I think you're overestimating the "mixed" reception Dissidia got. It's not a garbage game. Still...I'm worried. |
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 10/29/2010 2:02:24 PM | message detail |
haters of portable games...Dissidia is a well received game.Now if you
only think that well received means above 90% then yeah it isn't.Also
portable games don't do well here,except if they are named Pokemon. --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/29/2010 2:03:07 PM | message detail |
From: Safer Sephiroth 777 | #065 what --- |
pjbasis | Posted 10/29/2010 2:09:26 PM | message detail |
Well to be fair, every game in this contest is well received. How else would it get here? But certaintly Dissidia isn't known as an "lol garbage." Not anymore than MW2 is anyways. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/29/2010 2:10:09 PM | message detail |
but this whole "People didn't really like MW2 Dissidia will win"
argument is nonsense because Dissidia's reception certainly wasn't any
better. --- Support Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) for Character Battle IX! |
pjbasis | Posted 10/29/2010 2:15:39 PM | message detail |
Well I'm saying it's gonna come down to the apathy voters. It's easy to not play Dissidia for lack of psp, but not playing Modern Warfare? You just have to have no interest methinks. And welp, even if you know Dissidia is a crap fanservice Final Fantasy, the other game is that overrated social phenomenon hit all the casuals love. If that kind of mindset can work on any opponent, it'll be CoD. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/29/2010 2:16:44 PM | message detail |
From: pjbasis | #069 Nah, MW2 will be far enough ahead for this to become a factor. --- |
Achromatic | Posted 10/29/2010 2:16:54 PM | message detail |
MW2, again, is a fantastic game <_< --- Sir Chris |
pjbasis | Posted 10/29/2010 2:19:18 PM | message detail |
Well I'm sure people that played it might think so. The question really is then for me, is MW2 strong enough on its own to combat the apathy and anti votes. Would MW2 be stronger than 1? |
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/29/2010 2:19:57 PM | message detail |
MW2 doesn't have to be stronger than CoD4 to beat Dissidia. --- |
pjbasis | Posted 10/29/2010 2:21:14 PM | message detail |
Depends how strong PoP is. But I was also wondering for curiosity's sake. |
voltch | Posted 10/29/2010 4:56:52 PM | message detail |
Prince of persia might have been strong a while ago, but geez, those sequels surely must have hurt his brand image. --- Uguu~ |
Justin_Crossing | Posted 10/29/2010 5:19:48 PM | message detail |
Only B8 hates MW2 tbqh. Even the dedicated server whiners stopped caring. --- ~Acting on Impulse~ |
charmander6000 | Posted 10/29/2010 6:03:45 PM | message detail |
Match XXI: (3) Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum vs. (14) Metroid Fusion Information Name: Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Year: 2007 Previous Performance: SpC2k9 – 3rd in round 1 Name: Metroid Fusion Year: 2002 Previous Performance: N/A Analysis Pokemon finally takes the stage in this contest and while the fourth generation has a predictable path its performance here may give us an idea of what to expect from the other games. With the release of Platinum, HeartGold/SoulSilver and Black/White in Japan Pokemon is currently stronger than ever and while very few of the gurus have it Gold/Silver/Crystal are serious contenders for the title in this contest. Despite Samus’ strength in the contests the Metroid games are fairly weak. If Super Metroid and Metroid Prime are nothing special in this contest it makes you wonder how weak Metroid Fusion might be. In the vote-in it was able to hold its own against Resident Evil 5 so it might not be terribly weak. Also while Pokemon has a history of not SFF things or being SFF itself I feel that there is a good chance for SFF in this match because both are from handheld systems. I know people that would consider taking Pokemon DPP over Metroid Prime so that kind of tells you how much people think of the series. If Metroid Fusion is able to hold off SFF it might look respectable, but I’m betting that there will be which means we could be seeing a 70% blowout. charmander6000’s Bracket: Pokemon DPP > Metroid Fusion charmander6000’s Prediction: Pokemon DPP wins, 68.79% - 31.21% --- BOP Results: GotD Bracket: 15/18 Today's Matches: PD & CoD4 |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 10/29/2010 6:56:15 PM | message detail |
dunno, Pokemon doesn't usually SFF and according to the (lol) vote-in
Metroid Fusion is only slightly weaker than Resident Evil 5, which
proved that it's a decent midcarder just a few days ago. I'll be very
surprised if Pokemon actually pulls off such a doubling. --- I have no idea how Metroid: Other M got any scores lower than 60%. |
Greyfeld | Posted 10/29/2010 7:03:11 PM | message detail |
dunno, Pokemon doesn't usually SFF and according to the (lol) vote-in
Metroid Fusion is only slightly weaker than Resident Evil 5, which
proved that it's a decent midcarder just a few days ago. I'll be very
surprised if Pokemon actually pulls off such a doubling. lol I don't know what match you were watching, but losing to a non-FF JRPG at night isn't my idea of "solid mid-carder." On another note, are all these "No Mercy" voters just screwing around, or do you guys really think the wrestling game has a chance of beating Fire Emblem? |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 10/29/2010 7:05:35 PM | message detail |
I dont think having the Rock do a promo would help No mercy win --- My God, did that predict good! Dr_Football-l-l it no goin' and you tell me do things, I done runnin'... |
Greyfeld | Posted 10/29/2010 7:19:09 PM | message detail |
If I knew how No Mercy got a 6 seed, I'd feel a lot better. |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 10/29/2010 7:20:32 PM | message detail |
I think FE will win but I'm throwing my vote to the wrestling game out of sheer defiance. --- I have no idea how Metroid: Other M got any scores lower than 60%. |
NoDicePwn | Posted 10/29/2010 7:21:24 PM | message detail |
another note, are all these "No Mercy" voters just screwing around, or
do you guys really think the wrestling game has a chance of beating
Fire Emblem? I think they're just all disillusioned wrestling fans that think that more than 50% of the site actually cares about a decade old wrestling game. I'd be surprised if gets 40%. --- |
NoDicePwn | Posted 10/29/2010 7:21:54 PM | message detail |
And No Mercy got a 6 seed cuz the last Guru winner picked it, so all 200+ people in the Guru nominated it. --- |
Greyfeld | Posted 10/29/2010 7:34:36 PM | message detail |
basically, the seed has nothing to do with its actual strength, and
everything to do with a bunch of people that thought it would be funny
to vote it through? |
IngmarBirdman | Posted 10/29/2010 8:02:13 PM | message detail |
WAKE UP EUROPE... Only need 1/2%! --- "I skate when I want to!" -Benjamin Franklin ( |
kinsho3 | Posted 10/29/2010 8:03:18 PM | message detail |
From: Greyfeld | #065 Not funny. From what I see, a lot of us genuinely love No Mercy. It is by far the best wrestling game to have ever been released, period. With that said, No Mercy does have an uphill battle here. But why do people think Fire Emblem's a lock here? It's one of Nintendo's weakest series. It's strongest point is that it's a Nintendo series. --- It takes a genius to make something simple truly great. Dr. Football, you are the man! I'll take you down next contest though... |
NoDicePwn | Posted 10/29/2010 8:06:51 PM | message detail |
that said, No Mercy does have an uphill battle here. But why do people
think Fire Emblem's a lock here? It's one of Nintendo's weakest series.
It's strongest point is that it's a Nintendo series. Because No Mercy is one of those games with very limited appeal, like a Tecmo Bowl or Tony Hawk type game. None of those I truly think can get 50% of the vote in a Gamefaqs match just because those types of sports/extreme sports games aren't the types of games Gamefaqs likes. RPGs and Nintendo games ARE what Gamefaqs likes, though. And for people who haven't played either, they'll see Ike and know he's from Smash Bros. --- |
Greyfeld | Posted 10/29/2010 8:31:49 PM | message detail |
while I respect your opinion, I can't really take your viewpoint
seriously considering your stance on Dissidia. It's nothing personal,
and I don't want to start the MW2/Dissidia argument all over again. I
just want to make it clear that I need opinions of other long-time
B8ers, considering our vastly differing opinions on what makes a game a
threat in their bracket. |
AppreciateTrees | Posted 10/29/2010 8:48:21 PM | message detail |
while I respect your opinion, I can't really take your viewpoint
seriously considering your stance on Dissidia. It's nothing personal,
and I don't want to start the MW2/Dissidia argument all over again. I
just want to make it clear that I need opinions of other long-time
B8ers, considering our vastly differing opinions on what makes a game a
threat in their bracket. You respect his opinion but you can't take him seriously? Yeah, that makes sense. Sounds like you have a superiority complex or something. He makes good points for FE winning, but what, his opinion towards everything is invalid because he thinks Dissidia >Modern Warfare 2? You're just being really arrogant to say that result is impossible. --- "Of course I'm going to rig the contest in my favor." - SBAllen |
Greyfeld | Posted 10/29/2010 8:52:34 PM | message detail |
respect his opinion but you can't take him seriously? Yeah, that makes
sense. Sounds like you have a superiority complex or something. He
makes good points for FE winning, but what, his opinion towards
everything is invalid because he thinks Dissidia >Modern Warfare 2?
You're just being really arrogant to say that result is impossible. Mk, whatever you say. |
NoDicePwn | Posted 10/29/2010 8:58:47 PM | message detail |
don't even think Dissidia is the favorite to win, I just think it'll be
a lot closer than people expect it to me, like in the 48% kinda range,
while people expect a blowout. --- |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/29/2010 8:59:42 PM | message detail |
Let's go Fusion! Break 20% with RECKLESS ABANDON --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world! |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/29/2010 9:00:17 PM | message detail |
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum 60% 3 Metroid Fusion 40% 2 TOTAL VOTES 5 MOLTAAAAAAAAAR --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world! |
paulg235 | Posted 10/29/2010 9:00:22 PM | message detail |
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum 58.49% 31 Metroid Fusion 41.51% 22 TOTAL VOTES 53 --- The Gamer In Me "Paulg is a genius." - MajinZidane |
Master Moltar | Posted 10/29/2010 9:00:34 PM | message detail |
close the poll before this gets worse please --- Moltar Status: Bracket: Call of Duty 4 (14/19) Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
GrapefruitKing | Posted 10/29/2010 9:00:38 PM | message detail |
Fusion board vote? --- Oracle contest - 36th Today's pick: DP my Pokemon - 65% Status: |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/29/2010 9:00:55 PM | message detail |
Pokemon has a surprisingly bad instant-board vote. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world! |
NoDicePwn | Posted 10/29/2010 9:01:18 PM | message detail |
Looks like Fusion is gonna end up a lot better than people expected here. Kinda tough to gauge % for a SFF match though --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/29/2010 9:01:37 PM | message detail |
That board vote made no sense. --- DFF |