
GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 914

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KamikazePotato | Posted 10/11/2010 7:53:13 PM | message detail
That's not quite the same. Pretty much everyone bought Brawl when it came out. MGS4 has people just recently picking up a PS3 for the first time. Like me!

transients | Posted 10/11/2010 8:00:40 PM | message detail
that Brawl post is stupid. Brawl/Melee has been shown time and time again to be a 50/50 thing here.

MGS3, not so much.

TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 10/11/2010 8:01:04 PM | message detail

From: transients | #452
that Brawl post is stupid.

YOU'RE stupid
Around here, I'm the father, the son, and the Holy ****ing Spirit all rolled into one - Red Crow
transients | Posted 10/11/2010 8:01:18 PM | message detail
of course, I like Brawl more
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/11/2010 8:04:57 PM | message detail

From: transients | #452
that Brawl post is stupid. Brawl/Melee has been shown time and time again to be a 50/50 thing here.

Well, it took a bit of time for Brawl/Melee to become 50/50.

Probably the same with MGS3/MGS4, too!
"The great GF...Bahamut."
"...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..."
Not_Wylvane | Posted 10/11/2010 8:05:02 PM | message detail
Hey, if people want to throw away their brackets and pick MGS3 over 4, be my guest! I'm certainly not complaining!

I think Fallout 3 will have no trouble with its competition. I'd take it to beat Half-Life 2, Metroid Prime, and God of War even before you factor in New Vegas bringing people to the site. Since it'll be a major RPG release that will keep bringing in voters for the next couple of months at least, Fallout 3 should have a relatively easy road to the F4. Not that it won't have close battles, but it shouldn't be seriously threatened. A 55-45 affair with Half-Life 2 sounds about right, maybe a little closer.
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BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/11/2010 8:09:52 PM | message detail

From: transients | #435
new IPs in general take a while to gain traction. Okami getting stronger over time makes sense. Batman is the same way. Mass Effect, too.

Absolutely. I think people are really underestimating Mass Effect due to the results from the last contest, but ME2 has come out since then, and we all saw what that did to Shephard. I've been contemplating the ME > FFXII upset for a while now.
transients | Posted 10/11/2010 8:10:19 PM | message detail
that rings especially true for Demon's Souls!
Not_Wylvane | Posted 10/11/2010 8:10:22 PM | message detail
As for Brawl/Melee, I chose Brawl purely because it has impressed me more often. Melee has been solid, but it never blew me as way as Brawl's hype train. Even TP didn't seem to match the anticipation of Brawl here. And Brawl actually managed to keep a lot of that hype as its strength despite the hardcore's disapproval for it. It kicked all sorts of ass last year, it still did good when Zelda games held it back in later rounds, and it did win GotY during one of the most memorable gaming years, competing with the likes of MGS4 and Fallout 3.

Melee has done well, taking out FFX and bandwagoned Starcraft in 2004 and still performing well in 2009, but Brawl has just wowed me more, and Brawl to me seems like the game more likely to deliver a big win. That may bite me in the ass, but hey, that match pretty much decides the winner of the contest. Gotta pick something!
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PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/11/2010 8:11:02 PM | message detail
I was thinking about recent matches and remembered the Gordon > Tifa day match upset train.

Man, that was a riot. I swear, I love Stats and all, but it seems like there's a noticeable anti-Nintendo (or perhaps pro-not-Nintendo) sentiment here that forces people to hit the "erase memory" button ever year. It's like we forget that Nintendo KICKS ASS in 1v1 matches. The last time the company has had a disappointing 1v1 contest was the original Games Contests, and the three games that broke the most Nintendo fanboy hearts are all absent this time around.

I'm just reminding everyone so we don't flip out if Western games flop in the face of glorious Nippon.
Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world!
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/11/2010 8:12:16 PM | message detail
Except Demon's Souls hasn't had anything since the last time we saw it in GotY polls, implying that it's only gotten weaker! Mass Effect would have gotten the same treatment if 2 didn't come out and kick all kinds of ass!
transients | Posted 10/11/2010 8:12:18 PM | message detail
Gordon never had a chance at Tifa. that's a bad example to use if you're trying to drum up pro-Nintendo support! I'm sure there are better ones.
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/11/2010 8:12:32 PM | message detail
Nintendo's good, of course, but it's not invincible. Sunshine > Halo feels more like a "Nintendo is invincible" pick than a "Nintendo's just really good 1-on-1" pick.
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/11/2010 8:13:47 PM | message detail
Sunshine>Halo 3 is basically "There's absolutely no reason this will happen, but wouldn't it be hilarious?" It's basically Phoenix>Gordon all over again.

Articuno2001 | Posted 10/11/2010 8:15:04 PM | message detail

From: KamikazePotato | #464
Sunshine>Halo 3 is basically "There's absolutely no reason this will happen, but wouldn't it be hilarious?" It's basically Phoenix>Gordon all over again.

It's more "never trust Halo again" with it's constant bombs in contests.
And it has a good chance of happening.
15th in Best Game Ever 2009
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/11/2010 8:15:24 PM | message detail
Sunshine > Halo 3 is pretty much a given

Sunshine > Halo 1 is a bit of a problem
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 10/11/2010 8:15:52 PM | message detail

From: BlAcK TuRtLe | #466
Sunshine > Halo 3 is pretty much a given

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/11/2010 8:16:14 PM | message detail

From: Articuno2001 | #465
It's more "never trust Halo again" with it's constant bombs in contests.
And it has a good chance of happening.

Which is the same as "Never trust Freeman," essentially!
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/11/2010 8:16:19 PM | message detail

From: Articuno2001 | #465
It's more "never trust Halo again" with it's constant bombs in contests.
And it has a good chance of happening.

It's more "never trust Gordon again" with his constant bombs in contests.
And it has a good chance of happening.

BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/11/2010 8:16:52 PM | message detail
I'm going to start a running tally of people disagreeing with what I post. This way I'll know exactly whose face to rub it in when I'm proven right!
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/11/2010 8:17:25 PM | message detail
Gordon scoring a paltry 53% on Peach, which suggests he could have lost against someone like Meta-Knight after winning the GS contest, was the real example. We saw Nintendo struggle in the 2008 CB (Liquid > Luigi/Bowser) and thought it signaled the Big N's downfall; gamers were finally rebelling after two years of Nintendo putting soccer moms first. Then Nintendo kicked total ass in the 2009 contest and kicked even more ass in the 2010 CB. The company is just hard to beat, and no, Sunshine > Halo is not because anyone thinks Nintendo is invincible, but because people think a Nintendo game will overperform on Halo. Especially when it's Mario. That's just how the site is.
Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world!
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/11/2010 8:17:25 PM | message detail

From: BlAcK TuRtLe | #470
I'm going to start a running tally of people disagreeing with what I post. This way I'll know exactly whose face to rub it in when I'm proven right!

BT trying to pull an Ulti, huh

Only less successfully
"Why must we always choose between certain death and probable death?"
"I'm in an epic battle to the death, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!"
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/11/2010 8:17:45 PM | message detail
Only if you start a running tally of when you're wrong, and then close your account.

AppreciateTrees | Posted 10/11/2010 8:18:13 PM | message detail
As for Brawl/Melee, I chose Brawl purely because it has impressed me more often. Melee has been solid, but it never blew me as way as Brawl's hype train. Even TP didn't seem to match the anticipation of Brawl here. And Brawl actually managed to keep a lot of that hype as its strength despite the hardcore's disapproval for it. It kicked all sorts of ass last year, it still did good when Zelda games held it back in later rounds, and it did win GotY during one of the most memorable gaming years, competing with the likes of MGS4 and Fallout 3.

Melee has done well, taking out FFX and bandwagoned Starcraft in 2004 and still performing well in 2009, but Brawl has just wowed me more, and Brawl to me seems like the game more likely to deliver a big win. That may bite me in the ass, but hey, that match pretty much decides the winner of the contest. Gotta pick something!

Melee has the nostalgic factor. Also, the anti-votes will be flowing in against the Wii.
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/11/2010 8:18:47 PM | message detail
Sunshine > Halo: CE really is tougher. The daytime shift alone makes things harder, and I think the original Halo will be the strongest in the series. It's a really important match as well, because I'm starting to think that the winner has a legit shot against Uncharted.
Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world!
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/11/2010 8:19:41 PM | message detail

From: PartOfYourWorld | #471
Gordon scoring a paltry 53% on Peach, which suggests he could have lost against someone like Meta-Knight after winning the GS contest, was the real example.

Man, I hated that people thought the GameSpot contest meant jack.

I mean, I think Peach is as uninteresting and bland as they come, and I didn't think Gordon would crush her.

But Gordon still won, so it doesn't really help your point anyway! Halo 3 can struggle with Sunshine and still win, and it doesn't matter.
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/11/2010 8:20:55 PM | message detail
It just boggles my mind that Super Mario Galaxy can get absolutely punked by Call of Duty 4, and then the board turns around and picks Sunshine>Halo 3. There is absolutely no logic in that.

LeonhartFour | Posted 10/11/2010 8:21:48 PM | message detail

From: KamikazePotato | #477
It just boggles my mind that Super Mario Galaxy can get absolutely punked by Call of Duty 4, and then the board turns around and picks Sunshine>Halo 3. There is absolutely no logic in that.

Galaxy would probably be a favorite against CoD4 in this contest, too!
"So cold. I am always by your side."
"There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!"
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/11/2010 8:23:26 PM | message detail
Galaxy would lay waste to CoD4 in this contest. No one here would even support CoD.
Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world!
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/11/2010 8:23:54 PM | message detail

From: PartOfYourWorld | #479
Galaxy would lay waste to CoD4 in this contest. No one here would even support CoD.

"Nintendo is invincible."
"So cold. I am always by your side."
"There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!"
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/11/2010 8:24:15 PM | message detail
I would. Please explain to me why I should pick Galaxy there when

This happened.

PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/11/2010 8:28:53 PM | message detail
4ways =/= 1v1?

There's another Nintendo game in that poll. No, it's not the same series or system, but it's another Nintendo game that was released in the same year, and it's sucking up 24% of the vote.

Are you guys kidding me? Did you all forget about that match? Liquid Crap probably wouldn't get much more than that 30% against Luigi alone in a standard 1v1.
Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world!
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/11/2010 8:30:52 PM | message detail
4ways =/= 1v1?

This is the biggest cop-out answer that keeps getting repeated that has never, ever proven to be true outside of a few unique cases.

And since when has Pokemon ever had significant overlap with anything? I'd look more at the overlap between the two online FPS games.

LeonhartFour | Posted 10/11/2010 8:31:18 PM | message detail
Liquid's just stupid.

There is no explanation for that.

But I really doubt D/P/P had an enormous effect on the match. I'm willing to say it had some effect. I'm even willing to entertain Galaxy > CoD4, but when you say this:

From: PartOfYourWorld | #479
Galaxy would lay waste to CoD4 in this contest. No one here would even support CoD.

You're basically saying "Nintendo is invincible."
"I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now."
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/11/2010 8:32:07 PM | message detail
And your example doesn't make sense regardless.

That's pretty much a 1 v 1 match already. Liquid was just on roids that year.

Not_Wylvane | Posted 10/11/2010 8:32:26 PM | message detail

From: KamikazePotato | #481
I would. Please explain to me why I should pick Galaxy there when

This happened.

LFF + Galaxy beating CoD4 in GotY.

On the other hand, it's still a decent gap in Round 1 between the two, and Pokemon in general doesn't really get involved in LFF. Also, in the GotY, it's pretty reasonable to assume Halo 3 hurt CoD4 a lot.

There's valid arguments for both sides, and having them both meet would've been a great mind**** match. I think I'd lean toward CoD4 myself in that one, but I wouldn't count out Galaxy either.

I still have no damn clue who I'm going to pick coming out of that Halo/Sunshine fourpack. Sunshine is such a huge wildcard. Is it so hated that it's incredibly weak, or will it have strength despite the hate? Will Halo bomb again, or will the Halo games have no trouble against one of the weakest mainline Mario games? I have no ****ing clue.
CommodoreTN is a horrible user.
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/11/2010 8:33:24 PM | message detail

From: PartOfYourWorld | #475
Sunshine > Halo: CE really is tougher. The daytime shift alone makes things harder, and I think the original Halo will be the strongest in the series. It's a really important match as well, because I'm starting to think that the winner has a legit shot against Uncharted.

Wait, people actually have uncharted going to the div finals? I've been considering Sonic Adventure over it. Halo CE would destroy uncharted, let alone in a day match.
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/11/2010 8:33:42 PM | message detail
Galaxy>CoD4 is possible, but it definitely shouldn't be the favorite, and definitely no one should be saying things like "Galaxy would lay waste to it. No one on B8 would support it."

I mean, the second thing might be true, but B8 is stupid sometimes.

transients | Posted 10/11/2010 8:34:34 PM | message detail
I'd probably take Galaxy over COD4. not a lot of confidence there, but I'll trust the Mario before the FPS.

if you're gonna call Pokemon/Galaxy overlap, though, you should probably at least mention COD/TF2. at least those two games are closer in style than Mario and Pokemon.
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/11/2010 8:35:06 PM | message detail

From: Not_Wylvane | #486
Galaxy beating CoD4 in GotY.

2007 Galaxy was a different one than we saw in 2009. That's pretty obvious.
"I can set you free, mate."
"My freedom was forfeit long ago!"
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/11/2010 8:35:08 PM | message detail
I'm considering Sonic > Uncharted as well, actually. I've become wary of what these super-recent games can do in 1v1 matches, especially when they have no big series or history to their names.
Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world!
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/11/2010 8:35:24 PM | message detail
I'd take CoD4 over Galaxy. There was enough of a gap there that I don't think you can pin the last win on D/P being there. Galaxy is just legitimately that weak.
Not_Wylvane | Posted 10/11/2010 8:35:34 PM | message detail
I also have no clue whether Halo/Sunshine can beat Uncharted 2.

Frankly, the only thing I'm confident about concerning the North Division is Fallout 3 winning it. Everything else, I have no clue. I could see Fable beating TF2. I could see Sonic Adventure 2 over Uncharted 2. ****, I can see Ninja Freaking Gaiden making the division finals.
mas369 is a horrible user.
KamikazePotato | Posted 10/11/2010 8:37:44 PM | message detail
Why is everyone assuming that Nintendo was hurt by the format, again? Nintendo didn't exactly have trouble laying waste to pretty much the entire bracket.

BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 10/11/2010 8:38:12 PM | message detail
Speaking of which, I haven't see too much debate on the Fable/TF2 match, which is weird because I think that one is pretty up in the air. I'm going with TF2 simply because of how much crap Valve has been adding to the games.
FastFalcon05 | Posted 10/11/2010 8:38:13 PM | message detail
I'm really excited for these contests. Such a good idea to have two of them at the same time.
One of the most troublesome things in life is that what you do or do not want has little to do with what does or does not happen. 4983-4640-3352 Brawl Code
red sox 777 | Posted 10/11/2010 8:38:32 PM | message detail
Galaxy and COD4 look pretty close based on those. COD4 got 55% in round 1, with the Pokemon DP LFF. 5% seems about right for what Pokemon DP would have done to Galaxy (that would be slightly more than what KH did to FFX). Whether or not COD4 should be the favorite, it'd have been pretty close.
Crono > Sephiroth. 7 years of waiting, and perhaps many more to go. Remain steadfast.
Not_Wylvane | Posted 10/11/2010 8:39:02 PM | message detail

From: KamikazePotato | #494
Why is everyone assuming that Nintendo was hurt by the format, again? Nintendo didn't exactly have trouble laying waste to pretty much the entire bracket.

Because all the Nintendo games had to go up against all the other Nintendo games.

It's not hard to dominate a bracket when you have so much representation.
Pirateking2000 is a horrible user.
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 10/11/2010 8:39:04 PM | message detail
No trolling, just telling it like it is: you guys are desperate for Nintendo to lose.

Nintendo blew ass in those 4way overlap matches. We saw it in character polls and even in game polls (Mario 64 beating CT easily despite a weakass Mario in the poll, and then struggling once a much stronger Goldeneye was in the poll). Nintendo has not had a bad 1v1 contest in over six years. Now, I've still got Half-Life beating Prime and I even have Halo 1 over Sunshine atm, but I'm just saying, don't flip out if the Big N/Nippon humiliates these more recent Western games. Because it can easily happen.
Watch and you'll see... some day I'll be... part of your world!
Not_Wylvane | Posted 10/11/2010 8:39:29 PM | message detail
Play Mother 1.
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