
GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 913

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LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:33:45 PM | message detail

From: transients | #300
yeah, I just wish I could get a response from somebody that wasn't blinded by that fact! I've never played this game and have no sense of how popular it is.

Well, among wrestling fans, it's popular.

There's just no way of knowing how many wrestling fans there are here!
"Spoil it for me. I'm never going to play that game so I want to know if he's going to be another Auron or another Sin." - Soul about PW/Jecht
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:34:51 PM | message detail
I mean, I guess if I were thinking "logically," I'd probably go with Fire Emblem since sports games aren't popular here, and wrestling is essentially a "sport." I'd say it's more popular than Madden or something, but yeah.
"Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks!"
"Witness! You can't just say 'Hello' and expect us to get anywhere! I want you to testify!"
red sox 777 | Posted 10/7/2010 7:35:55 PM | message detail
It's an N64 game, which makes it really really different from sports games like Madden. Moderately popular N64 game is good enough for me to form a conclusion on this match.
Crono > Sephiroth. 7 years of waiting, and perhaps many more to go. Remain steadfast.
charmander6000 | Posted 10/7/2010 7:36:29 PM | message detail
A lot of the old console boards have those what's your top 10 games of each console, here's the N64.

01. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time - 1866 (96)
02. Super Mario 64 - 1502 (31)
03. GoldenEye 007 - 1241 (24)
04. Super Smash Bros. - 960 (18)
05. The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask - 888 (15)
06. Mario Kart 64 - 819 (9)
07. Banjo-Kazooie - 691 (8)
08. Perfect Dark - 670 (16)
09. Star Fox 64 - 605 (2)
10. Paper Mario - 531 (11)
11. Donkey Kong 64 - 437 (6)
12. Banjo-Tooie - 320 (3)
13. Conker’s Bad Fur Day - 287 (5)
14. Diddy Kong Racing - 255 (2)
15. Jet Force Gemini - 172 (1)
16. Harvest Moon 64 - 162 (2)
17. Mario Party - 159 (1)
18. F-Zero X - 152 (1)
19. Mario Tennis - 142 (1)
20. WWF No Mercy - 136 (2)

The game was liked, but it was still pretty low on the N64 totem pole.
BOP Topic:
BOP Results:
ZFS | Posted 10/7/2010 7:36:46 PM | message detail
I had never heard of this game until recently. Who played this.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
ZFS | Posted 10/7/2010 7:37:45 PM | message detail
I do, however, remember WCW NITRO or something. Man, that was a bad game.

There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.
transients | Posted 10/7/2010 7:38:34 PM | message detail
worse than Conker? worse than Donkey Kong 64?

hell yeah, taking this to beat Fire Emblem.
HaRRicH | Posted 10/7/2010 7:38:37 PM | message detail
I think it's also probably like RBY in a weird way that WWF No Mercy is probably bigger than THQ's wrestling-series in the same way RBY's probably bigger than the Pokemon-series. It is really a shining star among wrestling fans (which I don't identify with anymore, but once did) that, to my knowledge, hasn't even been close to challenged.
Nominate Epona, please.
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:38:53 PM | message detail

From: ZFS | #305
I had never heard of this game until recently. Who played this.

I did!

Plus, the box art has The Rock, Triple H, and HBK on it.

That's like Mario, Link, and Samus right there.

FE no chance
"The great GF...Bahamut."
"...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..."
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:39:35 PM | message detail

From: ZFS | #306
I do, however, remember WCW NITRO or something. Man, that was a bad game.

Yes, that was a bad game.

WWF No Mercy was a good game though!
UltimaterializerX | Posted 10/7/2010 7:40:21 PM | message detail
I actually liked NITRO a lot, which should tell you how much I love No Mercy.
Make me a perfect lie.
Dr_Football | Posted 10/7/2010 7:40:40 PM | message detail
I wish that the Do you watch professional wrestling? poll had been run more recently than this.

I like to think that the No, but I used to people watched in 98-01 and would have at least probably enjoyed a wrestling game at some point, and that game would most likely be No Mercy

In my mind, I think a current WWE Smackdown vs Raw game would lose to a Fire Emblem, but if you take a game that is from around the period most people watched WWF, it could be enough to win.
transients | Posted 10/7/2010 7:40:42 PM | message detail
there was some wrestling game in arcades that I loved because I got to be Mr. Perfect.

that was a really long time ago!
ZFS | Posted 10/7/2010 7:41:06 PM | message detail


A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
HaRRicH | Posted 10/7/2010 7:41:09 PM | message detail

From: ZFS | #306
I do, however, remember WCW NITRO or something. Man, that was a bad game.

I think there was WCW VS NWO World Tour (the original, which WAS terrible outside of the secret boxer you could get at the end of the game) and WCW/NWO Revenge (where THQ started to find their direction). Don't know if I remember a Nitro or not!
Where's your horse?
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:41:38 PM | message detail

From: transients | #313
there was some wrestling game in arcades that I loved because I got to be Mr. Perfect.

that was a really long time ago!

I wonder if this was the same one I played!

That one was fun, too!
Support Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) for Character Battle IX!
Dr_Football | Posted 10/7/2010 7:41:43 PM | message detail
Aww Harrich already kinda made my point
charmander6000 | Posted 10/7/2010 7:42:06 PM | message detail
worse than Conker? worse than Donkey Kong 64?

The list isn't fool-proof, but people do need to stop acting as if No Mercy was a third tier N64 game, based on the list it was closer to 5th.
BOP Topic:
BOP Results:
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:42:12 PM | message detail

From: HaRRicH | #315
I think there was WCW VS NWO World Tour (the original, which WAS terrible outside of the secret boxer you could get at the end of the game) and WCW/NWO Revenge (where THQ started to find their direction). Don't know if I remember a Nitro or not!

Nah, Nitro wasn't made by THQ. It was a different thing and not so good.
Team Rocket Elite (Moderator) | Posted 10/7/2010 7:42:30 PM | message detail
FE7 may have special place in the hearts of the fans for being the first to come to NA, but PoR pretty much gave the fans what they wanted. There's a reason why Ike was chosen as a representative of the series for Brawl.

To market Radiant Dawn like Roy was used to market FE6? Well I guess SSBB did come out about a year afterwards in Japan. In any case, whatever reasons were used for choosing to put Ike in SSBB have nothing to do with GameFAQs.
"Let me believe what you've always believed! That living is wonderful!"
"Thank you so much... Thank you for loving me."
ZFS | Posted 10/7/2010 7:42:42 PM | message detail
Best wrestling game was on the SNES. I forget what it was called, but it let me be The Undertaker and piledrive people. That was the highlight of wrestling games for me.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:42:54 PM | message detail

From: charmander6000 | #318
worse than Conker? worse than Donkey Kong 64?

The list isn't fool-proof, but people do need to stop acting as if No Mercy was a third tier N64 game, based on the list it was closer to 5th.

Man, nobody's acting like that! We're taking it to beat Fire Emblem, which is a 5th tier Nintendo series.
Support Squirtle (Pokemon R/B/Y) for Character Battle IX!
transients | Posted 10/7/2010 7:43:40 PM | message detail
5th tier Nintendo series though. this is a n64 wrestling game.
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:43:45 PM | message detail

From: ZFS | #321
Best wrestling game was on the SNES. I forget what it was called, but it let me be The Undertaker and piledrive people. That was the highlight of wrestling games for me.

There was a WWF Raw and a WWF Wrestlemania game. The WWF Raw one was more serious wrestling, the Wrestlemania one was like the Smash Bros. version of a wrestling game with ridiculous over the top moves and such.
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:44:00 PM | message detail

From: transients | #323
5th tier Nintendo series though. this is a n64 wrestling game.

Nintendo 64 wrestling game!
Support Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) for Character Battle IX!
transients | Posted 10/7/2010 7:44:10 PM | message detail
put it this way -- people are playing a lot more old FE games than No Mercy. I'd be surprised if anyone at all had played it in the last year in here.
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:44:45 PM | message detail

From: transients | #326
put it this way -- people are playing a lot more old FE games than No Mercy. I'd be surprised if anyone at all had played it in the last year in here.

*puts up the FFD signal*
"I can set you free, mate."
"My freedom was forfeit long ago!"
transients | Posted 10/7/2010 7:45:08 PM | message detail
ZFS | Posted 10/7/2010 7:46:13 PM | message detail
Yeah, Fire Emblem strikes me as the much safer pick. I'm not sure how many people care about some old N64 wrestling game over a decently popular RPG series from Nintendo, unless maybe WWF hits some joke status or something then we might need to look at this again.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
charmander6000 | Posted 10/7/2010 7:46:47 PM | message detail
Man, nobody's acting like that! We're taking it to beat Fire Emblem, which is a 5th tier Nintendo series.

Considering the drop-off the N64 had I'd rather be a 5th tier Nintendo series.
BOP Topic:
BOP Results:
transients | Posted 10/7/2010 7:47:00 PM | message detail
I don't want to count No Mercy out - I think nostalgia will drive this game pretty far. people will see it and say "whoa! hell yeah!". but I don't know if there's enough of that.
Dr_Football | Posted 10/7/2010 7:47:12 PM | message detail
Clearly all of us are going to rally the entire IWC to get No Mercy GotD
ZFS | Posted 10/7/2010 7:48:09 PM | message detail
Like, this box art is almost too bad to be real -- I think one look at this might be enough, if it's the pic that gets used. Nice shades.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
NoDicePwn | Posted 10/7/2010 7:49:06 PM | message detail
No Mercy has a chance, I'd say... I don't think theres enough wrestling fans on this site to life it over a Nintendo game, though.
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:49:12 PM | message detail

From: ZFS | #333
Like, this box art is almost too bad to be real -- I think one look at this might be enough, if it's the pic that gets used. Nice shades.

I told you, that is going to draw the votes. That's WWF's glory years right there.
Support Seifer Almasy (Final Fantasy VIII) for Character Battle IX!
HaRRicH | Posted 10/7/2010 7:49:21 PM | message detail

From: LeonhartFour | #319
Nah, Nitro wasn't made by THQ. It was a different thing and not so good.

Oh...then no thanks! I remember trying WWF Attitude and just being upset about how bad it was in comparison to even WCW VS NWO World Tour; Acclaim just didn't have it. Don't remember Nitro unless it was one of those early Xbox-games.

From: transients | #326
put it this way -- people are playing a lot more old FE games than No Mercy. I'd be surprised if anyone at all had played it in the last year in here.

I fired it up about two weeks ago and have been making a new character to prepare for the story-mode! To be fair, the contest-season and Guru-choice motivated me, so I don't know about how other people feel...but hell yeah, it's still fun for me.

Somewhat related, I remember a rumor about a year ago maybe that there were talks of re-releasing WWF No Mercy with updated rosters, and that rumor made people bounce off the walls with joy for a little bit.
Take seven seconds to think of Epona's Song, please.
ZFS | Posted 10/7/2010 7:50:54 PM | message detail
Oh man, it existed --


There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.
HaRRicH | Posted 10/7/2010 7:52:38 PM | message detail
Wow, don't remember WCW Nitro at all. Huh.

Man, how did I go to the same college Kevin Nash went to...?
Nominate Epona, please.
ZenOfThunder | Posted 10/7/2010 7:55:44 PM | message detail

which would you vote for?

AppreciateTrees | Posted 10/7/2010 7:55:56 PM | message detail
PoR has Ike. Highest played character from one of the most played games of this console generation..Ike represents honor, bravery and loyalty to family and friendship. The WWF cast represents low-life guilty pleasures and dark times that turn people into alcoholics. If PoR losses, so does society.
LeonhartFour | Posted 10/7/2010 7:56:48 PM | message detail
What's your name, kid?

My name is Ike and I fight for my fr--

ZenOfThunder | Posted 10/7/2010 7:58:00 PM | message detail
also I will totally do more mock pics if anyone has any requests
AppreciateTrees | Posted 10/7/2010 7:58:16 PM | message detail
unless maybe WWF hits some joke status or something then we might need to look at this again.

That's what I'm worried about =/
HaRRicH | Posted 10/7/2010 8:00:49 PM | message detail

From: ZenOfThunder | #342
also I will totally do more mock pics if anyone has any requests

Demon's Souls VS Mega Man 9
LoZ:MM VS Wii Sports
Take seven seconds to think of Epona's Song, please.
ZFS | Posted 10/7/2010 8:01:08 PM | message detail
Honestly I'd rather skip that match completely!

The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land.
transients | Posted 10/7/2010 8:03:14 PM | message detail
not seeing the big deal with that pic at all. FE looks better to me, it's got Ike!
HaRRicH | Posted 10/7/2010 8:04:12 PM | message detail
Also, we're talking about WWF No Mercy being a 5th tier N64-game instead of 3rd tier...

1) ...I think 4th tier would be an accurate compromise.
2) ...what tier GBA-game do you want to call FE?
Epona: your #1 trusty steed.
NoDicePwn | Posted 10/7/2010 8:04:20 PM | message detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
transients | Posted 10/7/2010 8:04:53 PM | message detail
if you're gonna be scared by that pic

ZFS | Posted 10/7/2010 8:06:05 PM | message detail
Now there's a match.

There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.