GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 901
Haste_2 | Posted 7/15/2010 4:54:04 PM | message detail |
of Dark Link, it think it would be rather logical to believe that he
would beat Zack, as Zack is somewhat analogous. Of course, Zack isn't a
threat to the Noble Nine, so this isn't saying Dark Link would be
incredible or anything. Goomba would be good. I think his ceiling would be slightly above DK, and a floor around...mmmm... a bit below Wario. I think the generic Koopa would do better than Goomba, though. Epona might do pretty good; her floor would be Tingle, for sure. And that reminds me... it was interesting how Zack exceeded expectations in his first appearance while Cid disappointed. I think Cid was the first FF7 character, aside from Midgar Zolom, to actually disappoint in their first appearance in a contest. I think it was partly due to the low vote totals, though. The FF7 crew pretty much probably all were weakened (maybe not ALL, though... if so, please show me some matches that may disprove this!). For that matter, I think Link was hurt by the low totals, as well (and that he just SFFed Sonic and Mario; at least... I THINK Sonic; I hope Sonic's not THAT bad now!). Speaking of Link/Mario SFF, it's interesting how much it's varied between various polls involving both of them... delving into that is another topic for another day. You know what I think would be cool? If we had a contest, split up by continent or region, in addition to the traditional worldwide-voting version. The only downside would be predicting the bracket... Perhaps SBAllen could set up for each region to be predicted, without any prizes awarded for those. Of course, the way the polls would work... either the site would have to register your IP address in order to determine what characters are the later rounds, OR the regional poll would only show up if you're actually logged in. Is it feasible in terms of technology, privacy, and convenience? --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/15/2010 5:02:16 PM | message detail |
feel confortable about taking Zack over Dark Link, but at the same time
the match could be close. The only reason Cid disappointed was because
everyone was calling for Mega Man to be weak. Overall he performed
rather decently. As for Goomba, it really depends on if people will joke vote him. If not I see him being ranked lower than Wario by a lot. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 7/15/2010 5:03:22 PM | message detail |
a lot? I couldn't see Wario beating anyone with any sort of name
recognition by a large margin. The dude's a fat sack of crap. Nobody
cares about him. --- "Why must we always choose between certain death and probable death?" "I'm in an epic battle to the death, FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF!" |
Haste_2 | Posted 7/15/2010 5:14:41 PM | message detail |
A Link to the Past - LttP beat FF6 handily to the point that I think it can still take on FFX Final Fantasy X Super Smash Bros. Melee - CT lost to Mario 64 narrowly...but I think Mario 64 would squeak a victory over SSBM at best. Chrono Trigger Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow - a gut feeling that maybe RBY has gained some ground on SSBB over the past year. If it was during last contest I'd hesitantly take SSBB. Super Smash Bros. Brawl Super Mario 64...nah, I'm not thinking Mario World beats CT. Not yet. Zelda:LttP evidently would have its hands full against CT still. Super Mario World SSBM > LttP - oh, geez.... I'd be rooting for LttP, not because I like it more, but just because I like seeing old-school pull off victories. RBY > Mario 64 - RBY/SSBB winner beats the other, I'm sure. RBY > SSBM - if the previous results occur, the final is obvious. --- "Ah, a party! We haven't had one of those. It could be fun! So...what is a party?" "Well, you drink punch and eat CAKE! ...I think." |
red sox 777 | Posted 7/16/2010 1:45:56 PM | message detail |
So, let's take a stats topic poll. Which game do you take to be our #3? I've become swayed to the idea of a Games Contest without FFVII and OOT in the main bracket, because for the first time since 2002, we probably won't have a single favorite here with more than 50% support. --- Dr. Football was not stopped by any of us, and won the Guru Contest. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 7/16/2010 3:07:33 PM | message detail |
favor either RBY or Brawl/Melee for our #3 around here. Not sure who
I'd end up pulling the trigger on come bracket time though. --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/16/2010 3:14:43 PM | message detail |
Pretty sure RBY and Brawl would be the massive favourites with Melee and LttP also getting notable support. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 7/16/2010 3:23:50 PM | message detail |
I assume? After what Zard/Rat/Missingno did last contest, I'd feel
somewhat comfortable taking RBY out of something more than hoping, LttP
and Melee/Brawl would make me worry, and who knows what would happen
with Mario 3/World/64, plus I'd be really worried about Mario 1 if it
had a path to avoid everything else Mario., did I just name 8 semi-reasonable winners? That's almost as many as there have been in every character battle since I've been here. --- Dan Gilbert owns. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 7/16/2010 4:35:45 PM | message detail |
couldn't see Mario 1 be a serious contender to win the whole thing.
Make a deep run, sure, if it can avoid a major Nintendo title other
than LoZ, but that's it. --- "The great GF...Bahamut." "...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..." |
PiGuy96 | Posted 7/16/2010 4:39:17 PM | message detail |
I'd pick LttP to win for sure, but I think RBY is probably the better choice. --- Mustache...and Red... |
red sox 777 | Posted 7/16/2010 6:56:12 PM | message detail |
RBY and LTTP are the frontrunners to me, and I'd probably go with RBY. --- Dr. Football was not stopped by any of us, and won the Guru Contest. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 7/16/2010 6:58:44 PM | message detail |
I don't really see LTTP as a front-runner, personally. I don't think it
was impressive enough in the Games Contest for that. It struggled to
beat Mario 64 and Final Fantasy X (Yeah, you could discount those
matches because of all the ridiculous LFF involved, but it's worth
mentioning), and I don't think either of those games would be serious
contenders to win a FFVII-less, OoT-less contest. --- "But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside." "I am lightning...the rain transformed." |
red sox 777 | Posted 7/16/2010 7:06:09 PM | message detail |
did as well on FFVII with 2 other Nintendo games in the poll as FFX did
on OOT with Brawl (and MGS4, if you think that hurts FFX) in the poll.
Granted, that looks less impressive after OOT cleanly beat FFVII, but
it's still pretty good. Smash looked very strong in the years between the 2 games contests, but Melee was rather unimpressive (both relative to my expecations and what it needed for 3rd place) last contest. Brawl beat my expecations and ended up looking about equal with Melee. Both of them had unclear enough results and strong enough past pedigree that I'd consider them in the running for #3 though. --- Dr. Football was not stopped by any of us, and won the Guru Contest. |
red sox 777 | Posted 7/16/2010 7:44:38 PM | message detail |
got 34.57% on FFVII in the FFVII vs. Nintendo match, and 36.61% in the
match with Mario 64 and FFVI. If the Mario 64/FFVI match was really
fair as we presumed, then the triple SFF in the FFVII vs. Nintendo
match really didn't have a big impact at all- just 2%. But FFVII went
from 40% to 44%, against opponents that were probably stronger
individually: LTTP = LTTP Mario 64 > SMW FFVI << SMB3 That's about as nice as you can be to the LTTP/Mario 64/FFVI group, and it still leaves them weaker than the LTTP/SMW/SMB3 group. Judging by that, and FFVII's rise, LTTP should have fallen more than 2% from turning a fair match into a triple LFF match. That is, it suggests that the FFVII/LTTP/SM64/FFVI match wasn't really a fair match, and Mario 64 hurt LTTP worse than FFVI hurt FFVII, which makes a lot of sense given that SM64 got way more votes than FFVI did. .....But SM64 did slightly worse in the FFVII/SM64/CT/Goldeneye match than in the next round, meaning that if the round 4 match favored Team Square, the round 3 match favored Team Square also. That implies bad things about Chrono Trigger, and it explains why CT gained on SM64 when we replaced SOTN and Yoshi's Island with FFVII and Goldeneye very well. But it makes CT look weaker, which I don't like. Darn it, but that's probably the most reasonable explanation. CT's really around the 46-47% area on SM64 and LTTP instead of 48-49%, and LTTP/SM64 are probably closer to the 38% area on FFVII (= 36% on OOT) than what they got. --- Dr. Football was not stopped by any of us, and won the Guru Contest. |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/16/2010 8:00:20 PM | message detail |
my likely pick. I might go with SM64 out of favoritism, but I don't
want to bet against RBY after the **** it pulled in BGE2. Heck, MGS
could argue itself as a top-ten game in a field where #3-#15 are
super-close, and GS put up a surprising 47% on it before RBY
got something like 53% on MGS despite LoZ:OoT in the match. RBY's
characters have fared well in recent contests, too. Charizard beat
Bowser and got 46% on Mario, Pikachu pulled two of the biggest upsets
since 2007, a glitch broke the Noble Nine this year and beat Yoshi with no/minimal rallying... ...just saying, it's Nintendo and an RPG, and the revolution from 1998 has clearly shaped our demographic today. I wouldn't want to bet against it, especially when we're seeing that games like HG/SS and Black/White are still getting rather big GameFAQs-hype. --- Nominate EPONA for Character Battle 9: |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 7/16/2010 8:08:08 PM | message detail |
I don't know whether Brawl has aged well enough to still be a huge #3 contender like it was last year. But I'll still pick it to win no matter what. That is, unless Smash Bros 4 comes out before the next Games Contest, then I'll pick that to win. --- Not Wylvane |
red sox 777 | Posted 7/16/2010 8:15:40 PM | message detail |
MGS is quite underrated. It got 35.11% against OOT with RBY and FFVIII
in the poll, compared with FFX's 34.59% in a similar match (with Brawl
and MGS4). Assuming RBY didn't SFF GS, MGS is worth 44.87% on RBY and
33.11% on OOT using OOT/RBY R3. Any SFF between RBY and GS or OOT and
RBY makes MGS look even stronger. --- Dr. Football was not stopped by any of us, and won the Guru Contest. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 7/16/2010 8:33:39 PM | message detail |
The NRT...It has begun. --- "Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks!" "Witness! You can't just say 'Hello' and expect us to get anywhere! I want you to testify!" |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/16/2010 8:52:43 PM | message detail |
can't rule SSBB out, but RBY did considerably better against LoZ:OoT in
both of its matches than any other Nintendo-game ever has. After the
way SSBM and SSBB both folded to LoZ:OoT (as well as SM64 and
LoZ:LttP), I don't want to bet against RBY. I know SFF-matches and
four-ways aren't exactly the most reliable...but it's LoZ:OoT and the
comparisons aren't close. In fact, let me make the chart again: NINTENDO GAMES AGAINST LOZ:OOT: RBY (R3) - 36.9% RBY (R4, with SSBM) - 33.84% SSBB (R5) - 29.98% Goldeneye (R3, 2004 and actually Rare) - 26.95% SSBM (R4, with RBY) - 26.25% SM64 - (R2, 2004) - 23.74% LoZ:LttP (R6, championship) - 22.67% Just saying, those are some elite games pit against LoZ:OoT and RBY's the only game that didn't get doubled by it. RBY's worst comparison still beats any other Nintendo game's comparison here by over 55% if you take these values at face-value, too (though you shouldn't). Ignoring LoZ:OoT, RBY beat SSBM by 58.96% in Round Four last year too...I'm all about SSBB beating SSBM (with room to spare, probably), but that's a steep hill for SSBB to climb if that comparison remains relevant. That's all relying on SFF and four-ways, however, so be wary of those numbers...****ing four-ways. Pokemon looked damn fine one-on-one this year though, SFF or not..... --- Nominate EPONA for Character Battle 9: |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 7/16/2010 8:58:43 PM | message detail |
SFF? OoT = Link, Brawl = Mario, Snake = RBY. I'm too drunk to make a good point, so I'll let that comparison stand for why Brawl could still be #3. Of course, who knows who'd win between Mario and Snake. We still ****ing need that god damn match, dudes. --- Not Wylvane |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/16/2010 9:49:14 PM | message detail |
You're talking to somebody who'd take Snake to beat Mario! And yeah, I get that point; I already mentioned I might take SM64 out of favoritism, and it did much worse in 2004 than SSBB last year. You can't hold "didn't get SFF'd by LoZ:OoT" as a negative against it though, especially when pitting RBY against a lesser Nintendo-game...nor do we know LoZ:OoT didn't SFF RBY. We've seen Pokemon characters hold up well against Mario-icons, granted, but characters =/= games and LoZ:OoT is a much bigger threat than Mario himself. --- Nominate EPONA for Character Battle 9: |
red sox 777 | Posted 7/16/2010 9:51:55 PM | message detail |
think Snake and RBY have been flat out more impressive than Mario and
SSBM/B, but both matches would be fun. Gotta wipe out the SFF excuse
and cement Snake's status as our #3. --- Dr. Football was not stopped by any of us, and won the Guru Contest. |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 7/16/2010 9:58:43 PM | message detail |
do think the #3 is either RBY or Brawl. I don't think other games like
LttP, FFX, SM64, or Melee come close to those two. It'd definitely be
one hell of a match. Much similar case for Mario vs Snake. Yeah, Mario vs Cloud could be arguable after how close Samus came to Cloud, but really, Snake could still beat Mario and be the true #3 on the site rather than... Screw it, I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. --- Not Wylvane |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 7/16/2010 10:00:31 PM | message detail |
the record, I'd predict Mario > Snake and Brawl > RBY. The former
out of pure fanboyism, the latter because I'm that stubborn. But those would both be the matches for their respective contests. Still feel cheated we didn't get a third-place match between Mario and Snake. --- Not Wylvane |
red sox 777 | Posted 7/17/2010 9:00:13 AM | message detail |
a bracket I made this morning. The first 3 rounds are 12-hour matches,
and the last 4 rounds (16 matches) are 24-hour matches. Triforce Division 1 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 16 Tales of Vesperia 8 Fallout 3 9 Dragon Quest VIII 5 Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald 12 Final Fantasy IX 4 God of War 13 Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games 6 Super Mario RPG 11 Bioshock 2 3 Half-Life 2 14 Wii Sports 7 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 10 Age of Empires 2 2 Kingdom Hearts 15 Nights into Dreams Dream Division 1 Final Fantasy X 16 Timesplitters 2 8 Portal 9 Mega Man X 5 Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal 12 Final Fantasy 4 Resident Evil 13 Mega Man 3 6 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 11 Castlevania III 3 Goldeneye 007 14 Tactics Ogre 7 Soul Calibur 10 Super Mario Bros. 2 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 15 The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Battle Division 1 Super Smash Bros. Brawl 16 Onimusha 8 Street Fighter 2 9 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 5 Dragon Quest IX 12 Mario Party 4 Half-Life 13 Sim City 3000 6 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 11 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 3 Final Fantasy VI 14 Madden NFL 2011 7 Super Metroid 10 Bioshock 2 Halo 2 15 Wii Fit Stealth Division 1 Metal Gear Solid 16 Tales of the Abyss 8 World of Warcraft 9 The Oregon Trail 5 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 12 Star Fox 64 4 Diablo 2 13 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII 6 The Sims 11 Chrono Cross 3 Kingdom Hearts 2 14 Cooking Mama 7 Dance Dance Revolution 10 Nintendogs 2 Super Mario World 15 Viewtiful Joe Missingno Division 1 Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow 16 Earthbound 8 Tales of Symphonia 9 Tetris 5 Call of Duty 4 12 Pac-Man 4 Metal Gear Solid 3 13 Duck Hunt 6 Assassin's Creed 11 The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 3 Super Mario Galaxy 14 Final Fantasy XII 7 Starcraft 2 10 Mario Tennis (N64) 2 Halo: Combat Evolved 15 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII 3D Division 1 Super Mario 64 16 Persona 4 8 Dissidia 9 Rollercoaster Tycoon 5 Sonic 3 & Knuckles 12 LittleBigPlanet 4 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 13 Pong 6 Final Fantasy IV 11 Super Smash Bros. 3 Metal Gear Solid 2 14 The Legend of Zelda: The Adventure of Link 7 Starcraft 10 Metroid Prime 2 Final Fantasy XIII 15 Galaga Time Division 1 Chrono Trigger 16 Pokemon Stadium 8 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 9 Farmville 5 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 12 Medieval: Total War 4 Mario Kart 64 13 Brain Training 6 Final Fantasy VIII 11 Donkey Kong 3 Resident Evil 4 14 Mother 3 7 Donkey Kong Country 2 10 Mega Man 2 2 Metal Gear Solid 4 15 The Legend of Zelda Tanooki Division 1 Super Mario Bros. 3 16 Big Rigs 8 Sonic the Hedgehog 9 Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance 5 The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker 12 Marvel vs. Capcom II 4 Final Fantasy Tactics 13 F-Zero 6 Grand Theft Auto 4 11 Red Steel 2 3 Halo 3 14 Golden Sun 7 Shadow of the Colussus 10 Xenogears 2 Super Smash Bros. Melee 15 King's Knight Semifinal: Main Bracket Winner vs. Final Fantasy VII Grand Final: Winner of Semifinal vs. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time --- Dr. Football was not stopped by any of us, and won the Guru Contest. |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/17/2010 1:07:27 PM | message detail |
1 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 16 Tales of Vesperia 8 Fallout 3 9 Dragon Quest VIII 5 Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald 12 Final Fantasy IX 4 God of War 13 Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games 6 Super Mario RPG 11 Bioshock 2 3 Half-Life 2 14 Wii Sports 7 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 10 Age of Empires 2 2 Kingdom Hearts 15 Nights into Dreams Dream Division 1 Final Fantasy X 16 Timesplitters 2 8 Portal 9 Mega Man X 5 Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal 12 Final Fantasy 4 Resident Evil 13 Mega Man 3 6 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 11 Castlevania III 3 Goldeneye 007 14 Tactics Ogre 7 Soul Calibur 10 Super Mario Bros. 2 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 15 The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Battle Division 1 Super Smash Bros. Brawl 16 Onimusha 8 Street Fighter 2 9 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night 5 Dragon Quest IX 12 Mario Party 4 Half-Life 13 Sim City 3000 6 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 11 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 3 Final Fantasy VI 14 Madden NFL 2011 7 Super Metroid 10 Bioshock 2 Halo 2 15 Wii Fit Stealth Division 1 Metal Gear Solid 16 Tales of the Abyss 8 World of Warcraft 9 The Oregon Trail 5 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 12 Star Fox 64 4 Diablo 2 13 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII 6 The Sims 11 Chrono Cross 3 Kingdom Hearts 2 14 Cooking Mama 7 Dance Dance Revolution 10 Nintendogs 2 Super Mario World 15 Viewtiful Joe Missingno Division 1 Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow 16 Earthbound 8 Tales of Symphonia 9 Tetris 5 Call of Duty 4 12 Pac-Man 4 Metal Gear Solid 3 13 Duck Hunt 6 Assassin's Creed 11 The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 3 Super Mario Galaxy 14 Final Fantasy XII 7 Starcraft 2 10 Mario Tennis (N64) 2 Halo: Combat Evolved 15 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII 3D Division 1 Super Mario 64 16 Persona 4 8 Dissidia 9 Rollercoaster Tycoon 5 Sonic 3 & Knuckles 12 LittleBigPlanet 4 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 13 Pong 6 Final Fantasy IV 11 Super Smash Bros. 3 Metal Gear Solid 2 14 The Legend of Zelda: The Adventure of Link 7 Starcraft 10 Metroid Prime 2 Final Fantasy XIII 15 Galaga Time Division 1 Chrono Trigger 16 Pokemon Stadium 8 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 9 Farmville 5 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 12 Medieval: Total War 4 Mario Kart 64 13 Brain Training 6 Final Fantasy VIII 11 Donkey Kong 3 Resident Evil 4 14 Mother 3 7 Donkey Kong Country 2 10 Mega Man 2 2 Metal Gear Solid 4 15 The Legend of Zelda Tanooki Division 1 Super Mario Bros. 3 16 Big Rigs 8 Sonic the Hedgehog (again?) 9 Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance 5 The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker 12 Marvel vs. Capcom II 4 Final Fantasy Tactics 13 F-Zero 6 Grand Theft Auto 4 11 Red Steel 2 3 Halo 3 14 Golden Sun 7 Shadow of the Colussus 10 Xenogears 2 Super Smash Bros. Melee 15 King's Knight --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/17/2010 1:07:35 PM | message detail |
FINAL ROUNDS 1 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 2 Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Fantasy X 6 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 1 Super Smash Bros. Brawl 3 Final Fantasy VI 1 Metal Gear Solid 2 Super Mario World 1 Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow 11 The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 1 Super Mario 64 6 Final Fantasy IV 1 Chrono Trigger 2 Metal Gear Solid 4 1 Super Mario Bros. 3 2 Super Smash Bros. Melee Super Smash Bros. Brawl > Super Smash Bros. Melee Final Fantasy VII > Super Smash Bros. Brawl The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time > Final Fantasy VII --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/17/2010 2:18:53 PM | message detail |
Looking at the top seeds in the previous NRT contest seems like the following are being forgotten by the board this year... Doc Louis Glass Joe Locke Mr. Game & Watch Red XIII Seifer Yoshimitsu --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/17/2010 2:20:03 PM | message detail |
...and Morrigan Aensland is getting nowhere near the same support she got last year. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 7/17/2010 6:02:53 PM | message detail |
Well, there's still time. --- "That's crazy. I could never do something like that." "It's not a question of can or can't. There are some things in life you just do." |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 7/17/2010 8:09:29 PM | message detail |
be fair, the only ones who would actually be interesting to watch are
Seifer and maybe Locke, though he probably wouldn't even be at Terra's
level and wouldn't benefit from Dissidia as much. Everyone else would be weak, besides Red XIII who's just redundant. --- Not Wylvane |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 7/18/2010 12:14:52 AM | message detail |
Morrigan probably isn't getting as much support because I don't have a big rally for her this year like I did last year. The "rally" was just me posting a bunch of pictures of her in various sexual positions, but eh, it worked. --- (|| ' ' ||) ~Zen . /|_|\ Freak out in a Moonage Daydream, oh yeah... |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/18/2010 12:33:10 AM | message detail |
I should try that with Epona...right Albion? --- Nominate EPONA for Character Battle 9: |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/18/2010 3:57:45 PM | message detail |
tallying up the first three pages of the NRT I've made a bracket for
both contests. As of now you require at least 3 Nominations from both
contests to be guarenteed at making either bracket. Division 1 1) Sazh Katzroy (Final Fantasy XIII) 16) Red XIII (Final Fantasy VII) 8) G-Man (Half-Life 2) 9) Gray Fox (Metal Gear Solid) 5) Bahamut (Final Fantasy) 12) Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong) 4) Squirtle (Pokemon RBY) 13) Garrus (Mass Effect) 6) Snow Villiers (Final Fantasy XIII) 11) Bayonetta (Bayonetta) 3) Dark Link (Zelda II: The Adventures of Link) 14) Klonoa (Klonoa) 7) Vega (Street Fighter II) 10) Bass (Mega Man 7) 2) Laguna Loire (Final Fantasy VIII) 15) Mai Shiranui (Fatal Fury 2) Division 2 1) Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) 16) Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid) 8) Fang (Final Fantasy XIII) 9) Robo (Chrono Trigger) 5) Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter Alpha) 12) Cammy (Super Street Fighter II) 4) Blastoise (Pokemon RBY) 13) Jack Frost (Shin Megami Tensei) 6) Jigglypuff (Pokemon RBY) 11) Cactaur (Final Fantasy) 3) Archer (Fate/Stay Night) 14) Jay Solano (Operation Shadow) 7) Bill Rizer (Contra) 10) Seifer Almasy (Final Fantasy VIII) 2) Beatrice (Umineko no Naku koro ni) 15) Mr. Game & Watch (Game & Watch) Division 3 1) Zell Dincht (Final Fantasy VIII) 16) Raven (Tales of Vesperia) 8) Frogger (Frogger) 9) Mike Haggar (Final Fight) 5) Battler Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku koro ni) 12) Chuck Quizmo (Paper Mario) 4) Mog (Final Fantasy VI) 13) Great Deku (LoZ: Ocarina of Time) 6) K. K. Slider (Animal Crossing) 11) Boko (Final Fantasy V) 3) Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat) 14) King Harkinian (Link: The Faces of Evil) 7) Aigis (Persona 3) 10) Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII) 2) Goomba (Super Mario Bros.) 15) Misty (Pokemon RBY) Division 4 1) Epona (LoZ: Ocarina of Time) 16) Quote (Cave Story) 8) Fighter (Final Fantasy) 9) Mordin Solus (Mass Effect 2) 5) Brock (Pokemon RBY) 12) Chibi-Robo (Chibi-Robo) 4) Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy V) 13) Hazama (Blazblue) 6) John Marston (Red Dead Redemption) 11) Bridget (Guilty Gear XX) 3) Slime (Dragon Quest) 14) Kadabra (Pokemon RBY) 7) Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy VII) 10) Sheep Man (Mega Man 10) 2) Dracula (Castlevania) 15) Morrigan (Dragon Age: Origins) Others Tied at 2 Nominations Reptile (Mortal Kombat) Rita Mordio (Tales of Vesperia) Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear) ToeJam (ToeJam and Earl) --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/18/2010 3:58:23 PM | message detail |
Division 1 1) Chun-Li (Street Fighter) 8) Ms. Pac-Man (Ms. Pac-Man) 4) Aya Brea (Parasite Eve) 5) Bub (Bust-a-Move) 3) Dr. Wily (Mega Man) 6) Abe (Oddworld) 2) Diablo (Diablo) 7) Agent J (Elite Beat Agents) Division 2 1) Master Hand (Super Smash Bros.) 8) Luca Blight (Suikoden II) 4) Felix (Golden Sun) 5) Rayman (Rayman) 3) Vyse (Skies of Arcadia) 6) Sarah Kerrigan (Starcraft) 2) Little Mac (Punch-Out!!) 7) Kuja (Final Fantasy IX) Division 3 1) M. Bison (Street Fighter) 8) Midgar Zolom (Final Fantasy VII) 4) Viewtiful Joe (Viewtiful Joe) 5) Dr. Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog) 3) Earthworm Jim (Earthworm Jim) 6) Tommy Vercetti (GTA: San Andreas) 2) Bomberman (Bomberman) 7) Conker (Conker’s Bad Fur Day) Division 4 1) Toad (Super Mario Bros.) 8) Manny Calavera (Grim Fandango) 4) Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) 5) Ghaleon (Lunar) 3) Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers) 6) Terry Bogard (King of Fighters) 2) Ultros (Final Fantasy VI) 7) Joanna Dark (Perfect Dark) Others Tied at 2 Nominations Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell) Servbot (Mega Man Legends) Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper) Tanner (Driver) Tom Nook (Animal Crossing) --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
Biolizard28 | Posted 7/18/2010 3:59:30 PM | message detail |
4) Blastoise (Pokemon RBY) 13) Jack Frost (Shin Megami Tensei) 7) Aigis (Persona 3) 10) Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII) THIS AIN'T RIGHT, YO --- I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo Now this is entertainment! |
red sox 777 | Posted 7/18/2010 4:03:16 PM | message detail |
I wish Bacon would allow Sheik into the contest. She would be the strongest non-Noble Niner, mark my words! --- Dr. Football was not stopped by any of us, and won the Guru Contest. |
Biolizard28 | Posted 7/18/2010 4:04:01 PM | message detail |
Sheik isn't allowed? Why? --- I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo Now this is entertainment! |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/18/2010 4:06:20 PM | message detail |
SPOILERS Well she's Zelda for one thing --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
Biolizard28 | Posted 7/18/2010 4:14:48 PM | message detail |
It used to be we couldn't allow X in the character battles for similar reasons, yet here we are. --- I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo Now this is entertainment! |
aerithmetic | Posted 7/18/2010 4:15:19 PM | message detail |
been wondering... why is this board so hell bent on getting Archer in
from FSN, while ignoring Rin and Saber, who are by far more popular
characters in general? Now that I've played FSN and talked to people
online about it, Archer seems to behind those two in most popularity
polls and such. --- |
MoogleKupo141 | Posted 7/18/2010 4:16:37 PM | message detail |
X : Mega Man, Sheik : Zelda doesn't work it's more Sheik : Zelda, Dr. Mario : Mario it's just Zelda in a different outfit. --- For your health. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/18/2010 4:20:13 PM | message detail |
been wondering... why is this board so hell bent on getting Archer in
from FSN, while ignoring Rin and Saber, who are by far more popular
characters in general? Now that I've played FSN and talked to people
online about it, Archer seems to behind those two in most popularity
polls and such. I think a few people were loud Archer supporters so other FSN fans on the board just followed, better to be united on one character then split on three. After that it went by world of mouth. I bet over half the current supporters haven't even played FSN and are only supporting him because other board members are. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/19/2010 5:52:40 AM | message detail |
enjoy greatly that Epona's a #1-seed there and currently outdoing Dark
Link (no offense Ulti)...but I think I enjoy even more than the Great
Deku Tree somehow has enough nominations to make it into the contest.
That's funny. --- Nominate EPONA for Character Battle 9: |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 7/19/2010 5:53:52 AM | message detail |
From: MoogleKupo141 | #342 It's the same reason we can't nominate the infinitely awesome Mr. L. --- Wylvane RustyMrSaturn is a horrible user. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 7/19/2010 1:29:38 PM | message detail |
I'm not sure why people want to nominate Archer again after he did so awful in the vote-in last time. We didn't forget about this poll, did we? --- "Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks!" "Witness! You can't just say 'Hello' and expect us to get anywhere! I want you to testify!" |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/19/2010 1:40:45 PM | message detail |
People seemed to forget Yoshimitsu pretty quickly though. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 7/19/2010 1:51:47 PM | message detail |
Well, I think they remember wasting their NRT nominations on him last year. Archer had a separate rally after the fact, so... --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 7/19/2010 3:05:13 PM | message detail |
I was big behind Yoshimitsu having potential until he got wasted away
in his vote-in. Then again, Archer barely did better in a poll Frog won
than Yoshimitsu did in a poll Missingno won. Not that there's any question about who would win in a battle between them..... --- Nominate EPONA for Character Battle 9: |
charmander6000 | Posted 7/19/2010 3:13:49 PM | message detail |
know using vote-in polls as an indication of strength is wrong, but the
only new character that made it there, but not the contest that I would
like to see is Jigglypuff. Maybe Morrigan and Bayonetta, but they'll most likely be past their prime. Everyone else is weak fodder or is probably much, much weaker now that their game has come and gone. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |