GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 896
red sox 777 | Posted 3/23/2010 7:10:18 AM | message detail |
Actually, that really drives it home, doesn't it? Snake did better against Pikachu in the sprite round than Mario did against Charizard. --- Dr. Football was not stopped by any of us, and won the Guru Contest. |
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/23/2010 7:12:49 AM | message detail |
Let me finish that sentence for you: "than Mario did against Charizard just after HeartGold/SoulSilver was released." What do you think Sora gets on Kratos? Or Frog against Duke Nukem? --- Mustache...and Football... |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/23/2010 7:17:38 AM | message detail |
Sora probably only gets 53% or less against normal Kratos. I mean,
looking at the matches with Bowser, Night Sora might have trouble
breaking 55% on Frog! As for Frog/Duke, I thought Duke was stronger in
2008. I would have taken Frog expecting and hoping for a CTDS boost,
but without that it'd have been no surprise if Duke won. Again, Mario's projected to 69% on Frog through Charizard and Bowser- and that's daytime Frog, even. Samus got 70% on Frog back in 2005. Unless you think Charizard boosted between the Bowser and Mario matches or you think there was a big CTDS boost, Mario should end up below Samus. --- Dr. Football was not stopped by any of us, and won the Guru Contest. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/23/2010 7:18:12 AM | message detail |
Snake should do better against Pikachu considering Charizard's probably
stronger by a decent bit, and certainly the Charizard Mario faced was a
good bit stronger than Pikachu. And really, Mario's been a mystery since 2008. He had way too many SFF matches in his path the last two contests to know for sure where he stands. I mean, look at this: 1. Zelda (and possibly Knuckles) 2. Zelda, Mudkip, and MMX 3. Luigi and MMX 4. Link and MMX 5. Link and Samus 6. Falco Lombardi (Big Boss, who isn't exactly a known quantity) 7. Ike 8. Mega Man 9. Charizard (although there probably wasn't any SFF there, per se, Charizard is still an unknown quantity) 10. Link Good luck telling me anything definitive about Mario from any of those matches other than he's stronger than Mega Man but weaker than Link. --- "I couldn't stand a Dr_Football without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now." |
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/23/2010 7:18:58 AM | message detail |
And I'm not doing any day/night adjustments, so yeah. --- "But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...Dr_Football." "I am lightning...the rain transformed." |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 3/23/2010 7:21:21 AM | message detail |
Aw nuts, nobody saw my trivia! And as I said before I don't believe in all this "indirect" stuff. Set Snake > Mario > Samus even indirectly, okay? Though, as I said, I'm a bit biased because I know where Samus draws most of her strength from, and I think said source is overrated on this site. |
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/23/2010 7:25:17 AM | message detail |
let's see. Crono would be expected to get 44.46% on Samus vs last
year's 45.02%. And that's Crono in an unfavorable match vs Samus in a
favorable match. So yeah, he looks like he got a bit stronger so long
as you accept that pokemon are strong. You can dispute Missingno and
drop Crono and Yoshi down if you like, and that would weaken Frog's
case. And if night Sora gets 53%, which seems pretty reasonable, then Mario should have gotten...60.3% on Charizard. Well, that's more than I thought. How much do you suppose normal Snake gets on Pikachu? --- Mustache...and Football... |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 7:25:28 AM | message detail |
think I proved that day/night changes were impossible, unless you think
Alucard only loses .6% to Link in the day and Sora barely gains on
Laharl with the ASV. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/23/2010 7:31:00 AM | message detail |
I personally think the difference between the three isn't very large
anyway. It's a 1.5% difference between Mario and Samus and a 0.66%
difference between Mario and Snake, so it's not that big of a deal, and
it won't throw things off too much, I don't think. Like I said, nearly
all of Mario's path had to be SFF adjusted on top of his SFF adjustment
anyway. --- "Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks!" "Witness! You can't just say 'Dr_Football' and expect us to get anywhere! I want you to testify!" |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 3/23/2010 7:31:12 AM | message detail |
And here are some random pictures to annoy people.,0.jpg These folks all say "hi!" They're waiting for us to nominate them. |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/23/2010 7:35:08 AM | message detail |
let's see. Crono would be expected to get 44.46% on Samus vs last
year's 45.02%. And that's Crono in an unfavorable match vs Samus in a
favorable match. So yeah, he looks like he got a bit stronger so long
as you accept that pokemon are strong. You can dispute Missingno and
drop Crono and Yoshi down if you like, and that would weaken Frog's
case. I'm not going to argue against anything that makes Crono look good or that vindicates my backing of the CTDS Boost. And if night Sora gets 53%, which seems pretty reasonable, then Mario should have gotten...60.3% on Charizard. Well, that's more than I thought. How much do you suppose normal Snake gets on Pikachu? Whoops, I messed up there. My thinking was that HG/SS was responsible for 3%, so what I should have said was that Bowser would get 53% on Kratos, not Night Sora. But either way, I'd guess Snake gets 63-65% in a normal match, considering how bad Solid **** is and how good Pokemon have been at sprite round matches. --- Dr. Football was not stopped by any of us, and won the Guru Contest. |
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/23/2010 7:50:45 AM | message detail |
I messed up there. My thinking was that HG/SS was responsible for 3%,
so what I should have said was that Bowser would get 53% on Kratos, not
Night Sora. But either way, I'd guess Snake gets 63-65% in a normal
match, considering how bad Solid **** is and how good Pokemon have been
at sprite round matches. All right, if Bowser gets 53% on Kratos, then Charizard should have gotten 43.2%. Which isn't terribly far from what Mega Man probably should have gotten in a full day match (adjust down for the day, adjust up for SFF...), so even regular old Charizard is not someone you want to mess around with. --- Mustache...and Football... |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 3/23/2010 8:10:26 AM | message detail |
the mock bracket... Nobody objects if the Top 64 in the x-stats all
come back, right? They're all decently strong and could give good
matches in the future. It'd make bracket selection for this thing a bit
easier, at any rate. If there's anyone you think shouldn't be here,
mention it. For reference: 1 Link 50.00% 2 Cloud Strife 46.46% 3 Solid Snake 44.52% 4 Samus Aran 43.85% 5 Sephiroth 41.88% 6 Pikachu 39.89% 7 Missingno 39.47% 8 Crono 39.24% 9 Yoshi 38.28% 10 Tifa Lockheart 36.72% 11 Squall Leonhart 36.35% 12 Mario 35.43% 13 Auron 35.04% 14 Charizard 32.89% 15 Mega Man X 32.72% 16 Zelda 31.70% 17 Ryu (Street Fighter) 31.61% 18 Dante 31.39% 19 Vincent Valentine 31.28% 20 Commander Shepard 31.10% 21 Zero 30.35% 22 Kratos (God of War) 29.93% 23 Bowser 29.78% 24 Sonic the Hedgehog 29.77% 25 Aerith Gainsborough 29.68% 26 Mega Man 29.49% 27 Fox McCloud 29.36% 28 Big Daddy 29.05% 29 Luigi 28.87% 30 Sub-Zero 28.67% 31 Jill Valentine 28.48% 32 Alucard 28.21% 33 Captain Falcon 27.94% 34 Gordon Freeman 27.94% 35 Leon Kennedy 27.26% 36 Kirby 27.03% 37 Sora 26.98% 38 Riku 26.56% 39 Ness 26.51% 40 Tidus 26.46% 41 Ridley 26.28% 42 Princess Peach 26.12% 43 Big Boss 26.10% 44 Chris Redfield 26.03% 45 L-Block 25.89% 46 Terra Branford 25.80% 47 Jecht 25.54% 48 Ganondorf 25.50% 49 Pokemon Trainer Red 25.42% 50 Revolver Ocelot 25.34% 51 Proto Man 24.62% 52 Phoenix Wright 24.16% 53 Ezio Auditore da Firenze 24.02% 54 Darth Revan 23.80% 55 Marth 23.62% 56 Duke Nukem 23.51% 57 Roxas 23.47% 58 Magus 23.40% 59 Miles 'Tails' Prower 23.36% 60 Amaterasu 23.33% 61 Akuma 23.26% 62 Rikku 22.96% 63 Vivi Ornitier 22.90% 64 Kefka 22.82% --- Not Wylvane Dr Football Factor'd. |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 8:10:44 AM | message detail |
Well that Charizard could still have had hype going for him, but Kratos also had GoWIII hype as well. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 3/23/2010 8:15:50 AM | message detail |
at the list, though there are a couple of iffy ones like Ezio who we
probably don't need to see again, I think the top 64 are all viable for
another bracket, though there's also a couple that wouldn't exactly be
missed if we took them out. For example, is it worth keeping Ezio around next year? Shepard and Big Daddy at least have more potential, and we already have a better AC rep in Altair. Ezio's probably going to be near-fodder anyway next year, so he's expendable. But hey, it's up to you guys. Anyone else you think would just waste space? --- Not Wylvane Dr Football Factor'd. |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 8:19:44 AM | message detail |
the mock bracket... Nobody objects if the Top 64 in the x-stats all
come back, right? They're all decently strong and could give good
matches in the future. It'd make bracket selection for this thing a bit
easier, at any rate. If there's anyone you think shouldn't be here,
mention it. Assuming we're having a 128 character bracket then I don't mind. Personally I would like to go with everyone that has made at least the third round as auto-ins as well, but taking a quick look the only one missing is WCC. Are we choosing the characters are own way or which characters are likely to make a bracket? The problem with the first one is that some characters may miss out because the board doesn't care for them and the problem with second one is that guys like Guybrush and Tales characters will likely have to be included. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 3/23/2010 8:27:26 AM | message detail |
of a mix of both. I'm mainly looking for new characters who'd have
potential, like a couple more FF13 characters and one more Pokemon, for
example, while also having a couple of staples like CATS and
potentially Guybrush (though I dread the discussion of whether to
include him or not). I also wouldn't mind including characters like
Tingle and Cait Sith to be fed to Link and Cloud in R1 just for laughs,
though those are probably the only two I would personally include. But those are just my suggestions. This is a Stats Topic Mock Bracket, so it depends on what everyone here wants to see most. --- Not Wylvane Dr Football Factor'd. |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 8:35:53 AM | message detail |
prevent a massive Pokemon overload we should probably make a character
cap for each series (minus series like Final Fantasy). FFVII had seven
characters which is pretty good, I guess one could argue for an eighth
spot, but that may be pushing it. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 3/23/2010 9:27:13 AM | message detail |
Nah don't include a series cap. If people feel like nominating endless loads of Pokemon let them. Alakazam FTW. |
TRE Public Account | Posted 3/23/2010 9:38:19 AM | message detail |
don't think a Pokemon overload will be a problem. The massive ensemble
cast is a huge handicap to nomination support. Charizard turned out to
be incredibly strong but that handicap still kept him out of 2k8
despite SSBB support. Even if nominators want more Pokemon due to
Charizard's run, their support will be split on too many different
Pokemon leading to none of them getting in. Even on Board 8 there's
some debate on whether to support Squirtle or Blastoise next. --- Dr_Football punted my bracket across the field. Congrats to Dr_Football for winning the Character Battle 8 Guru Contest! |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 9:43:27 AM | message detail |
don't mean for the real bracket, I mean the mock bracket. I can think
of at least ten characters that the board may want in a mock bracket
and could find enough support. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 3/23/2010 10:31:12 AM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #168 There are WAY too many FFVII characters, and this comes from a Final Fantasy fan. 7 characters from one game is serious overkill. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Dr_Football fanboyism |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 10:34:36 AM | message detail |
I guess I didn't really notice since two were fed in the first round while another two were fed in the second round. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 3/23/2010 10:36:48 AM | message detail |
if it was up to me, there would be a cap of 4 characters per game.
Cloud, Seph, Tifa and Vincent is all we really need. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Dr_Football fanboyism |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 3/23/2010 10:40:27 AM | message detail |
Characters I feel like nominating, just to give you guys an idea (to be fair, I never knew how to nominate though): Scorpion Charizard Vincent Bahamut Missingno Cid Big Daddy Raiden Ridley Aerith |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 10:41:54 AM | message detail |
is a bit small and while Aerith, Zack and Cid aren't must haves we
pretty much have to remove one of Vincent/Tifa if we want to include
one of them or even a new comer. The Mario series gets hit with that
too. Others like Pokemon, Zelda and FFX also feel the pressure. Personally I don't want to go any lower than six. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 3/23/2010 10:42:30 AM | message detail |
for pokemon red/blue, we'd get Missingno, Pikachu, Zard, and Mewtwo.
With a 4 cap, that kills off the chances of a pokemon overload that
we'd likely get next year (I'm just scared thinking about it... really
makes me hope that Bacon considers a cap to stop that) --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Dr_Football fanboyism |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 3/23/2010 10:44:27 AM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #176 No, we don't need new FFVII characters. Those are the best, and Cid bombed, and he's by far the strongest left. We don't need to see how weak the rest are. Others like Pokemon, Zelda and FFX also feel the pressure. Zelda is a series, and it wouldn't effect Link, Zelda and Ganon. And FFX... Do we need more than Auron, Tidus, Yuna and Rikku? Even as a Jecht fan, I'd say he's worth keeping out for caps because he didn't do anything to prove he's one of the top 4 FFX characters. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Dr_Football fanboyism |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/23/2010 10:44:30 AM | message detail |
From: RPGuy96 | #152 Duke Nukem > Frog is hilarious to me. But it could actually happen, I don't see why Frog would be immune to CT's collapse. --- ·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸,.· A tear is only water. A sigh is only air. |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/23/2010 10:46:05 AM | message detail |
From: TRE Public Account | #170 That one's easy to fix. Put them against each other really early in the NRT, to make sure both aren't in the RR portion. If they both make the round robin, people will anti-vote. --- ¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸ How does it feel when all you're counting on is scatterbrained? |
Kotetsu534 | Posted 3/23/2010 10:47:22 AM | message detail |
needed NRT backing to get in; there's no chance of more than 5/6
Pokemon getting in. Pikachu, Charizard, Mewtwo and Missingno will
probably all make it in safely, but any more will have big trouble and
most likely get stuck in the vote-ins. Even if more make it in some
will draw strong opponents in early rounds and be forgotten about (like
Cid/Aerith/Zack/Vincent). --- Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XIII You're pretty good, Dr_Football. |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 10:47:23 AM | message detail |
we don't need new FFVII characters. Those are the best, and Cid bombed,
and he's by far the strongest left. We don't need to see how weak the
rest are. As a fan of change I thought you would see that adding a character for even a one time show would at least make the bracket a bit more unpredictable and I'm not prepared to lose Vincent/Tifa for that. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
TheOneAboveAll | Posted 3/23/2010 10:47:55 AM | message detail |
Which two characters have so far been the only ones to fail in doubling
their first round opponents despite a prediction percentage of over
90%? Hint: They've faced each other before. Name the strongest character never to step outside of handhelds (this should be obvious and require no opinion, no?). Name five characters who have had a noticeable overperformance or underperformance depending on their match pic. Bonus Question: Who do you think is the strongest non-NNer who is not from an RPG? I think Master Chief is one of the first, don't know the other. It is an opinion, and I don't know quite enough to give mine. Snake, Leon, Kefka, Tifa (maybe, we doin't know for sure), and Tina Armstrong. Probably Ryu, unless someone else came up stronger in a previous contest and I can't think of it. |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 10:49:29 AM | message detail |
Charizard needed NRT backing to get in; there's no chance of more than 5/6 Pokemon getting in. Again I'm talking about the mock bracket, unless we make it a rule that we have to be realistic then there is a chance that enough people would want a lot of Pokemon characters. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 3/23/2010 10:50:48 AM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #182 I'm a fan of change... change meaning not supporting the same game getting that many characters in. not to mention theres a bunch of none FFVII characters you can rally instead that may have strength; Garland, Fighter, Shadow, Laguna, Seifer, Bahamut, Chocobo, etc. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Dr_Football fanboyism |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 10:56:02 AM | message detail |
saying that there are no other options, just saying that excluding
characters like Barret/Red XIII/Yuffie would be unfair to them because
of a strict cap. Of course they would probably need a NRT spot for them to get in anyways. Then again besides getting a new game what non-board rallied characters made at least the vote-in? --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 3/23/2010 10:57:54 AM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #186 you don't have the right to complain about being fair when you suck --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Dr_Football fanboyism |
TheOneAboveAll | Posted 3/23/2010 10:58:42 AM | message detail |
By the way, you never gave the answers to the first set of trivia questions. |
HaRRicH | Posted 3/23/2010 10:59:43 AM | message detail |
will come up one way or another anyway. I'm okay with Wylvane trying a
few new ones out just to hear what we all say about each of them and
who they're against. It's not like we have to nominate every one of
them or have a lot of other newcomers to consider, plus after the year
Pokemon's had it's hard to say it's not worth discussing a few others. Nobody wants a bracket overloaded with Pokemon though (except Pokefreaks, but they aren't real people... =) ...please ignore my playthrough-topic), but I'm all for putting some in the mix. It's a mock bracket -- we'll have probably five more before the next Character Battle anyway. --- Dr_Football had the best 127-hit combo on B8. I don't know if my health bar will ever recover. Calintares made tons of geolocation x-stats! |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 11:01:16 AM | message detail |
you don't have the right to complain about being fair when you suck Considering that Red XIII and Barret are probably some the strongest characters to have not reached the bracket I disagree. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 3/23/2010 11:01:51 AM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #190 when you're the 8th or 9th strongest character from a game, you suck. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Dr_Football fanboyism |
HaRRicH | Posted 3/23/2010 11:02:37 AM | message detail |
caps suck. If your game and characters are popular enough to get every
character in, so be it. I feel better about FF7 going for that goal
than other games like ToS, at least. --- Dr_Football had the best 127-hit combo on B8. I don't know if my health bar will ever recover. Calintares made tons of geolocation x-stats! |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 11:03:31 AM | message detail |
Good thing this is a best overall character contest and not a best Final Fantasy VII contest. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |
vcharon | Posted 3/23/2010 11:03:31 AM | message detail |
Red XIII should have had Cid's spot in the bracket, he's stronger in my opinion. Also, I'm for getting in the strongest characters; I don't care about how many other characters from their game there are already. --- :> |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 3/23/2010 11:10:58 AM | message detail |
including characters based on what people in this topic want. For that
reason, I'm not putting any caps for the mock bracket, because I think
you guys have enough restraint from filling the bracket full of Pokemon
and FF7 characters anyway. Besides, I doubt anyone wants to add any more FF7 characters since most of them aren't going to be above Cid, and I think the only new Pokemon most people here want is either Squirtle or Blastoise, and I think we can agree that adding both would be redundant. So yeah, I'm not too worried about overloading the bracket with a bunch of same-series characters. But before we debate what new characters to add, we should first debate what characters to remove so we know how many open slots we're working with. --- Not Wylvane Dr Football Factor'd. |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 3/23/2010 11:14:54 AM | message detail |
The answers to some trivia questions: Donkey Kong in 2002 and Master Chief in 2010 are the only two characters who failed to double their first-round opponents despite over 90% of brackets picking them to advance to the next round. The characters I was thinking of for pic underperformances were Kefka, Samus, Big Boss, Solid Snake, and Leon Kennedy. Missingno is the strongest character never to appear on a console. Personally I think Ganondorf is the strongest non-RPG non-NNer. I need to go to sleep now so I'll be back in the morning. |
LOLContests | Posted 3/23/2010 11:16:04 AM | message detail |
are WAY too many FFVII characters, and this comes from a Final Fantasy
fan. 7 characters from one game is serious overkill. No it's not. It's still less than the proportion FFX had in 2005, which no one complained about, and FFVII is the most popular game on the site. It's not like FFVII particularly dominated the bracket anyway, other than Cloud and Seph, who obviously wouldn't get booted cause of this. --- "So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams."--Zack Fair Dr. Football: Guru Champ! |
LOLContests | Posted 3/23/2010 11:17:32 AM | message detail |
*one of the most popular games. Don't know how I did that one. --- "So what if it seems hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams."--Zack Fair Dr. Football: Guru Champ! |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/23/2010 11:18:45 AM | message detail |
always felt caps were stupid. If FF7 has 10 characters strong enough to
make the field, let them in. It's a popularity contest. The only
character who needs to be held out is Link. --- ¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸ "Do you have ANY idea how low my self-esteem is?" -DYL |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/23/2010 11:19:42 AM | message detail |
what characters to remove can be hard too, for example I wouldn't mind
seeing Akuma in the bracket again, but should M. Bison/Chun Li return
or Vega/Guile appear then I feel the guy needs to go. We would probably need to form lists of definitely stay, maybe and no from this year's bracket, potential returners and potential new comers. We could potentially be working with over 200 characters from the initial lists. --- Calintares made a whole lot of geolocation x-stats Congrats to Dr. Football for winning the Guru. |