GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 894
xp1337 | Posted 3/21/2010 10:01:20 AM | message detail |
...Why? I understand the argument for Link, but once it extends to even "Link and Cloud" I default to think keeping them all in is the much better option. Cloud is looking beatable by someone that isn't Link for the first time since 2002, this is like the worst possible time to remove him. --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? SC2k10 (331/384) Link v Cloud |
Hochimihnister | Posted 3/21/2010 10:03:02 AM | message detail |
I advocated a gauntlet of sorts where all the champions could be put in Remove Link, Cloud, Seph (Winner of Villain), Mario, Samus (Winner of Female), Snake (Winner of Male) out of the main bracket. This will leave a lot of potential winners and it will prevent us from seeing blowouts from the upper N9 which nobody wants to see. MM/Sonic/Crono/Tifa/Squall/Lightning/Charizard/Vincent/Joke character could all be contenders. The winner goes on to the gauntlet where he faces Samus That winner faces Snake That winner faces Mario That winner faces Sephiroth That winner faces Cloud That winner faces Link |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 3/21/2010 10:05:52 AM | message detail |
if Link is falling, he can still only lose to Cloud for next year, and
maybe Snake. So why let him blow away 6 other potentially interesting
characters en route to beating Cloud by less than he won this year (I'm
talking worst-case scenario for Link) and building the hype that Cloud
or Snake can actually beat him in 2012? Why not just pit Link against
the winner of the tournament? Since no one else in the bracket will
come anywhere near him anyway, why waste those characters? We'll all
get the possibly-closer Link/Cloud match we want, and we won't have to
destroy half the bracket to do it. Problem with that is the fact that removing Link isn't going to give us 6 more interesting matches - only about 2 or 3 at most. As for "destroying half the bracket"... Blame SB for oversaturating the top half of the bracket with Nintendo. --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
ffmasterjose | Posted 3/21/2010 10:07:55 AM | message detail |
I can get behind hochi's Gauntlet idea. --- 309/384 points - The Great GameFAQs Character Battle VIII NP: Link > Solid Snake |
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 3/21/2010 10:09:25 AM | message detail |
Why?I mean Samus,Snake,Mario,Cloud,Sephiroth are really close to each other.They would had good battles. --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
TheOneAboveAll | Posted 3/21/2010 10:10:36 AM | message detail |
said potentially more interesting. And it's pretty hard to be less
interesting than not even wanting to bother to come here because you
know Link is just going to blow out whoever he is facing. But more importantly, what is the reason for keeping Link in the bracket? To see if he'll lose to one of his first 6 opponents? Something tells me that's not happening. |
TheOneAboveAll | Posted 3/21/2010 10:11:56 AM | message detail |
Ummm... Is Cloud supposed to be getting cuts in right now? You may be in serious trouble, Albion. |
Hvv0l24n9 | Posted 3/21/2010 10:13:15 AM | message detail |
Cloud's still strong... --- PSN: Iquan_5 XBL: Vash Iquan Hey...would you say I became a hero? |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 3/21/2010 10:13:51 AM | message detail |
Link's % lead peaked around 2-3 PM in the 2006 match. If it follows, Link shouldn't be going very crazy after this point. --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
xp1337 | Posted 3/21/2010 10:15:37 AM | message detail |
I said potentially more interesting. Even if we stretch the definition of potentially here, I'm only seeing 5, and that's with terrible mis-seeding on the 8/9 seed (kind of like Vincent, and that's why I'm even giving Round 2 as a potential), because it's hard to think of a 1v16 seed interesting match without seeding hilarity on par with Halo/Starcraft. --- xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out? SC2k10 (331/384) Link v Cloud |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/21/2010 10:24:10 AM | message detail |
going to be playing Superman 64, Albion, accept it. Link didn't even do
that much with the morning vote, less than 2006 IIRC, so Cloud has a
great shot at ending this above 47%. On Mario vs. Crono: Crono's projected to hand Mario his worst defeat at Crono's hands ever right now. That's enough to keep the hope alive, at least for me. On Cloud dropping: Why are people talking about an inevitable Cloud decline in the future, and not an inevitable Link decline? Cloud looks like he's going to end within a percent of his 2005 percentage. --- 2010 Extrapolated Standings: Crono gets 46.85% on Sephiroth. All you need now is KH3 or SSB4, Crono. Then your quest shall be fulfilled! |
Calintares | Posted 3/21/2010 10:29:21 AM | message detail |
Link is declining, but there's no one to take advantage. He can kill any and all Nintendo competition, and the Square elites are slowly falling into obscurity. I might take Snake to beat him if he had a few high-profile games on the horizon, but no such luck. Besides, new Zelda games are going to maintain Link's strength or at the very least slow his decline --- Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die. |
M13_SF | Posted 3/21/2010 10:31:13 AM | message detail |
is cloud going to finish anywhere near 47%? it seems to me like he is
constantly dropping this rate he will finish less than 46% |
tgs2 | Posted 3/21/2010 10:32:34 AM | message detail |
From: M13_SF | #313 there's another night vote to help him get some more percentage cuts. --- You may take Mr. Rogers down, but I will be back and become more powerful than you ever imagine "tgs is taking it alone" |
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/21/2010 10:32:37 AM | message detail |
you really need to do to make the late rounds of this bracket better
are putting Mario in the bottom half and Crono in the top half. Link
doesn't really interfere much as long as you keep him away from
Mario/Samus/Sephiroth/Cloud/Snake. The main problem with that is that
there's only four 1 seeds available for five slots, but you could
probably get away with Seph getting a 2 at this point. If Link was destroying like I thought he would, then I would take him out. But I don't think there's any justification for that if he's this close to the rest of the field. Just make sure Sonic/Crono/Mega Man/X and a collection of near elites are in his half rather than the other big boys. --- Mustache...and Green... |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/21/2010 10:33:01 AM | message detail |
percentage gains are going to slow and stop within a few hours, and
then Cloud will gain with the evening and second night vote. This match
has been following 2006 really well so far, although I'm still somewhat
skeptical about whether it will continue to do so- if it does Cloud
should get 47%. --- 2010 Extrapolated Standings: Crono gets 46.85% on Sephiroth. All you need now is KH3 or SSB4, Crono. Then your quest shall be fulfilled! |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 3/21/2010 10:33:29 AM | message detail |
From: M13_SF | #313 Uh, he hasn't dropped in the past 50 minutes. And according to their last match, 2:30 PM was Link's peak. --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
HaRRicH | Posted 3/21/2010 10:34:22 AM | message detail |
wait, what was Albion's bet? Because him doing a playthrough of
Superman 64 would be hilarious. Seriously, that was the worst $0 I ever
spent on a video game. --- Picking Auron > Squall was dumb, but not as dumb as thinking I could beat Leonhart! Keep on smilin'! |
Hvv0l24n9 | Posted 3/21/2010 10:36:43 AM | message detail |
Links finishes with 55+ or he plays any N64/PS1 and older game. --- PSN: Iquan_5 XBL: Vash Iquan Hey...would you say I became a hero? |
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/21/2010 10:52:11 AM | message detail |
there's no way Link gets 55% here. He's already starting to stall out
at 53.6%~ now. Plus, on the weekend, the evening vote kicks in a little
sooner, so Cloud should do fine. --- "The great GF...Dr_Football." "...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..." |
Denzokuken | Posted 3/21/2010 10:53:11 AM | message detail | ... We should make next contest interesting by advancing the contestant who won the most countries. Without North America, Link would be getting slaughtered here. --- I've never had a signature before... then Dr_Football looked, blinked, and I had one. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/21/2010 10:55:07 AM | message detail |
Actually, the only big question is if Link will surpass his 2006 percentage of 53.93% here. Should be close. --- "Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks!" "Witness! You can't just say 'Dr_Football' and expect us to get anywhere! I want you to testify!" |
irriadin | Posted 3/21/2010 10:55:45 AM | message detail |
From: Denzokuken | #321 I can't help but think that this would get abused, badly. --- "I do read sometimes." Mat Cauthon, The Wheel of Time. |
HaRRicH | Posted 3/21/2010 10:56:23 AM | message detail |
Well, Albion may be playing Superman 64 very soon then. If he makes a playthrough-topic, I'm definitely following it. --- Dr_Football landed the best 127-hit combo on Board 8. I don't know if my health bar will ever replenish. |
TheOneAboveAll | Posted 3/21/2010 11:07:41 AM | message detail |
Nope. Night vote is going to kick in an hour late. Europe DST Factor strikes again! |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/21/2010 11:07:44 AM | message detail |
thoughts on the Mario situation: Mario's projected to get 69.09% on
Frog through Charizard and Bowser, and that probably underrates Frog
due to Bowser/Frog being a day match. It's less than the 70.05% Samus
got on Frog in 2005, so unless you believe the CTDS Boost ended up
being pretty big after all, Mario looks a good bit below Samus
indirectly (and therefore a bit further behind Snake) this year. Setting Kefka = Terra gives Snake 55.01% on Mario, which corroborates the Frog extrapolation quite nicely. It's probable that in fact Kefka is stronger than Terra, so Mario would look a little bit better here, but on the other hand Kefka probably suffered more from a day match than Terra did too. --- 2010 Extrapolated Standings: Crono gets 46.85% on Sephiroth. All you need now is KH3 or SSB4, Crono. Then your quest shall be fulfilled! |
creativename | Posted 3/21/2010 11:18:38 AM | message detail |
Doesn Albion actually have to beat Superman 64? From: The n00b Avenger | #1309 Hmmmmm...! Now that's interesting. It makes sense - the rate of Internet use in other countries is climbing much faster, and people in this country would be using FAQs less. So that slow trend should continue. Not like anyone would expect that to be enough to derail Link by any stretch. But people always vastly, vastly overrate how "predictable" these contests and their winners are. There is always, at absolute bare minimum, a 10% chance in reality that Link fails to win a contest. Tons of things can happen (e.g. Zelda Wii being crappy and backlash happening - highly improbable, but quite possible). Seriously, who would've thought a minor role in a freakin' Disney game would by itself be enough for Cloud to easily beat Link in 2K3? Someone who thinks Link is a virtual lock to win the next contest, is just displaying an ignorance or reality and contest history. Is he like a 75%-85% massive favorite, yes. Near lock of 95+%? Simply put, no. People have to realize - they're thinking, one full year out, of who's going to win the next character contest. For instance, right now, people say "Only Cloud can beat Link and he's declining". One full year ahead of 2K7 - if 50 people were asked "name the character you think can beat Link assuming it's a 4way", who the hell here names *L-Block*? Even one person? I mean come on. We've seen over and over again that these contests are not that predictable. Mix jokes and bandwagons with *yearly variations*, which might be the most important thing, and you have a big morass of chaos and unpredictability waiting to happen. People are just too hesitant to say that they don't know ****. Well, when it comes to predicting the overall winner of a contest 1 year out when we don't even know for sure what's going to happen to the game industry - or hell, to this site's demographics, which have shifted year over year big time in the past - I will admit: I. Don't. Know. *****. --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/21/2010 11:25:09 AM | message detail |
Up to the minute 2010 Character Battle VIII Final Stats! Link – 50.00% Cloud Strife – 46.36% Solid Snake – 44.42% Samus Aran – 43.75% Sephiroth – 41.79% Pikachu – 39.80% Missingno – 39.39% Crono – 39.16% Yoshi – 38.19% Tifa Lockhart – 36.64% Squall Leonhart – 36.27% Mario – 35.43% Auron – 34.96% Charizard – 32.89% Mega Man X – 32.72% Princess Zelda – 31.63% Ryu – 31.54% Dante – 31.32% Vincent Valentine – 31.21% Commander Shepard – 31.03% Zero – 30.28% Kratos – 29.93% Bowser Koopa – 29.78% Sonic the Hedgehog – 29.77% Aerith Gainsborough – 29.62% Mega Man – 29.49% Fox McCloud – 29.29% Big Daddy – 28.98% Luigi – 28.87% Sub-Zero – 28.60% Jill Valentine – 28.42% Alucard – 28.21% Captain Falcon – 27.88% Gordon Freeman – 27.88% Leon Kennedy – 27.20% Kirby – 27.02% Sora – 26.98% Riku – 26.50% Ness – 26.45% Tidus – 26.40% Ridley – 26.22% Big Boss – 26.10% Princess Peach – 26.06% Chris Redfield – 28.97% L-Block – 25.89% Terra Branford – 25.74% Ganondorf – 25.50% Jecht – 25.48% Pokemon Trainer Red – 24.98% Revolver Ocelot – 24.91% Protoman – 24.56% Phoenix Wright – 24.11% Ezio Auditore da Firenze – 23.97% Darth Revan – 23.75% Marth – 23.57% Duke Nukem – 23.52% Roxas – 23.43% Magus – 23.40% Miles “Tails” Prower – 23.36% Amaterasu – 23.33% Akuma – 23.21% Rikku – 22.95% Vivi Oruntia – 22.90% Kefka Palazzo – 22.82% Zack Fair – 22.61% Captain John Price – 22.43% Ratchet – 22.35% Soap MacTavish – 22.17% Shadow the Hedgehog – 22.12% Frog – 21.90% Cid Highwind – 21.80% Lightning – 21.52% Vault Boy – 21.33% Mewtwo – 21.08% Isaac – 20.46% Weighted Companion Cube – 20.30% Altair – 20.24% Thrall – 20.19% Heavy – 20.17% Donkey Kong – 20.02% Ramza Beoulve – 19.97% Marcus Fenix – 19.88% Banjo – 19.83% Meta Knight – 19.80% Midna – 19.62% Balthier Bunansa – 19.57% Simon Belmont – 19.31% Knuckles the Echidna – 19.29% Axel – 19.19% Lloyd Irving – 19.18% Sackboy – 19.15% The Boss – 18.76% Yuna – 18.72% HK-47 – 18.66% The Prince of Persia – 18.65% Niko Bellic – 18.64% Geno – 18.61% Travis Touchdown – 18.55% Cecil Harvey – 18.51% Ken Masters – 18.45% Ike – 18.35% Albert Wesker – 18.33% Arthas Menethil – 18.00% Nathan Drake – 17.87% Jak – 17.86% Zidane Tribal – 17.79% Laharl – 17.40% Kratos Aurion – 17.39% GlaDOS – 17.08% Captain MacMillan – 16.62% Liquid Snake – 16.55% Ryu Hayabusa – 16.43% Wander – 16.10% Yuri Lowell – 15.61% Master Chief – 15.58% Neku Sakuraba – 15.19% Ellis – 15.03% Eddie Riggs – 14.12% Guybrush Threepwood – 14.08% Prinny – 13.77% Falco Lombardi – 13.44% Professor Layton – 12.77% Claptrap – 12.68% Crash Bandicoot – 12.55% Miles Edgeworth – 12.41% Spy – 12.40% Fawful – 11.35% Sandal – 8.89% --- "Stay with me until the end, Dr_Football. Please." "Not until the end. Always." |
creativename | Posted 3/21/2010 11:25:20 AM | message detail |
From: red sox 777 | #1606 Snake with 55% on Mario is definitely too big a gap for me to buy. I do think Snake's stronger now, but only by a bit - 55% is a huge gap. Consider Snake would've only beaten Seph with 52% in a full day match. That puts this weakened Seph at 53% on Mario. Of course, every time I've disagreed with you lately, I've been horribly wrong. So you're opening some doubt into my mind, but I just can't see that. I shall bow before you anyway master - *bows* - I'm not worthy ^_^ In fact, I just realized just now that if I'd actually listened to you, I would've predicted the other way in the Oracle and - from the looks of it - won the Oracle if Link finished below 53.50%, which would have been my prediction. God damn you sox! Why couldn't you convince me better, instead of making me dismiss you as a hopeless "Crono must finish higher" optimist! Me losing the Oracle is all your fault. I blame you 100%. *quickly retracts bow* --- |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 3/21/2010 11:27:20 AM | message detail |
the next contest is a 1v1, and the final match is 24 hours, Link win
again or I will close this account. Quote this, print screen this, tape
on your refrigerator, I don't care. Unless a video leaks online of
Miyamoto dressed like Link getting his ass whooped by Kitase dressed as
Cloud, a FF7 remake, and Zelda Wii turns out to be terrible, then I can
see Cloud gaining enough strength(and Link losing enough strength) for
him to win. Besides, why leave it up to chance? We could risk doing a whole 'nother contest on the off-chance that juuuuuust maybe the site's taste has shifted, or we could just slap him into the final boss round and be done with it. At the end of the day, these 1v1 finals will continue to suck ass and deflate this entire crazy contest with an incredible bore at the finish line. --- The day Dr. Footballl blessed us with his presence was the greatest day of our lives But for him, it was Tuesday |
HaRRicH | Posted 3/21/2010 11:27:21 AM | message detail |
My mom always taught me "The more you know, the more you realize you don't know." I'll join in: I don't know **** about next year's contest. --- Dr_Football landed the best 127-hit combo on Board 8. I don't know if my health bar will ever replenish. |
irriadin | Posted 3/21/2010 11:28:18 AM | message detail |
From: creativename | #327 Well said. Any posturing that people do to suggest otherwise just reveals their shortsightedness. Lightning or Snow could be beastly next year. Or not. Link could drop even further and be at risk vs Snake or Cloud. In a popularity contest where your sample size is extremely diverse in terms of demographics, results could change on a daily basis. Given a year, and trends can run their course to dramatically change a character's "strength." --- "I do read sometimes." Mat Cauthon, The Wheel of Time. |
vcharon | Posted 3/21/2010 11:30:57 AM | message detail |
trying. At least this isn't Link breaking 60% and making everyone look
completely like crap. Granted, Link is still on a tier all by himself.
I don't think Cloud has fallen away from Link any more than he has been
in recent years; it's probably all Snake rising a little bit. --- :> |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 3/21/2010 11:32:04 AM | message detail |
As for next year's contest... I don't know jack ****. --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
Hvv0l24n9 | Posted 3/21/2010 11:47:43 AM | message detail |
From: LeonhartFour | #328 I. Am. Disappoint. From: TheKoolAidShoto | #330 Hilarious to even picture. --- PSN: Iquan_5 XBL: Vash Iquan Hey...would you say I became a hero? |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/21/2010 11:59:50 AM | message detail |
Anyone trying to convince themselves that Link isn't a 99% lock to win
next year barring something huge happening is delusional. --- |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 3/21/2010 12:01:46 PM | message detail |
Brett with Atreyu knows whats up --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Dr_Football fanboyism |
LordLockeRA | Posted 3/21/2010 12:06:01 PM | message detail |
Pikachu – 39.80% Mario – 35.43% I can live with this! --- Meeh. Whatever. |
Gooper Blooper | Posted 3/21/2010 12:06:37 PM | message detail |
LUE has a little topic about the final match. Everyone there is
disgusted with this result. One of them wants L-Block to win again and
another guy was wondering when Missingno was eliminated. Just thought it was kinda interesting seeing what a different part of the site thinks about the character battle. --- And then the car wash cost five dollars. Pokemon Platinum: 1719 9497 5082 |
creativename | Posted 3/21/2010 12:06:55 PM | message detail |
From: KamikazePotato | #1656 As irriadin said it best...simple posturing going on here. The world is not so predictable. 99%? And you're calling others delusional? Come on now. There's always plenty of wonkiness in these contests. People talk about this year's stats being wonky, but "the stats" are always wonky like that - these contests are not "set in stone!!" stuff. This match alone Link is underperforming expectations by almost 5% for god's sake. People's memories are so short it's insane. --- |
creativename | Posted 3/21/2010 12:09:19 PM | message detail |
From: LordLockeRA | #1658 Yes, I was actually going to say this earlier - IMO sox shouldn't even bother with the Mario vs. Crono stuff. Crono is simply out of poor Mario's league now, NSMB has clearly deboosted Mario. Pikachu would toy with Mario. It is now the Pokemon, Pikachu and Missingno, who are to be Crono's eternal rivals. They are much more worthy than a simple past-his-prime midlife crisis plumber. --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 3/21/2010 12:10:22 PM | message detail |
Link is pretty much
a lock every year, but we've had that fail us twice before and nothing
lasts forever. Considering we're in a time where Nintendo's getting
hated on more and more, Link's dominance may change if that trend
continues and/or the new LoZ-game fails to excite or revitalize
Nintendo-fans like LoZ:WW did. Again, I'm all for Link just facing the winner of the main bracket and calling that the championship, but Link's shocked us with losses before and we forget that -- like FF7 -- LoZ:OoT will age too. His other games will keep him afloat, but he's not as invincible as we like to treat him. --- Dr_Football landed the best 127-hit combo on Board 8. I don't know if my health bar will ever replenish. |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 3/21/2010 12:11:19 PM | message detail |
From: creativename | #338 This about on par with all the other boring as hell Link/Cloud finales --- The day Dr. Footballl blessed us with his presence was the greatest day of our lives But for him, it was Tuesday |
Hvv0l24n9 | Posted 3/21/2010 12:14:08 PM | message detail |
From: TheKoolAidShoto | #343 But it's not a blowout like everyone expected. --- PSN: Iquan_5 XBL: Vash Iquan Hey...would you say I became a hero? |
BFarmer1980 | Posted 3/21/2010 12:16:26 PM | message detail |
have to say that I'm as sick as anybody of seeing this thing dominated
every year by the Noble 9--and, specific members of it, mostly. In 6 of
8 contests, they held all four semifinal slots--in the other two, they
were three of the four, and this was due to L-Block's joke run and the
male/female bracketing scheme/four previous winner holdout of year 5
making a new face unavoidable. However, I really don't think that banning Link or any other N9 member is a good solution. I really think that this contest can be made much fresher and more interesting by taking the simple step of grouping the N9 in one bracket from the start, along with 7 other characters who can give them some good competition. This way, the uber-fans still get their matchups, the N9 still likely has a representative in the final four (and, if they don't, we really have something to talk about), and there are three fresh faces in the semi-finals to make things more interesting at the end. Maybe I'm missing something, but this seems like such an obvious fix to the domination of a few key characters over the last 8 years that I'm exceedingly shocked that it hasn't already been implemented. |
Hvv0l24n9 | Posted 3/21/2010 12:19:07 PM | message detail |
Holy crap, you're 5 years younger than my mom! :O --- PSN: Iquan_5 XBL: Vash Iquan Hey...would you say I became a hero? |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 3/21/2010 12:22:56 PM | message detail |
From: BFarmer1980 | #343 Yeah, its called "seeding" --- The day Dr. Footballl blessed us with his presence was the greatest day of our lives But for him, it was Tuesday |
BFarmer1980 | Posted 3/21/2010 12:22:58 PM | message detail |
From: Hvv0l24n9 | #346 Ummm...holy crap, your mom's 34. :-? |
Hvv0l24n9 | Posted 3/21/2010 12:23:34 PM | message detail |
From: BFarmer1980 | #348 Not yet. >.> --- PSN: Iquan_5 XBL: Vash Iquan Hey...would you say I became a hero? |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 3/21/2010 12:24:21 PM | message detail |
From: Hvv0l24n9 | #349 how old are you --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Dr_Football fanboyism |