GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 879
CronoBrokeNobl9 | Posted 3/14/2010 6:18:45 PM | message detail |
is a significant FFXIII backlash in general... I'm actually surprised
we're not seeing more of it on this board itself, but a lot of places
are saying FFXIII is a major disappointment, and not only reviews, but
fans. But I don't think that should hurt Lightning, since FFVIII was
same way when it came out, and we see that Squall still has a lot of
strength. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli fanboyism |
EternalxCourage | Posted 3/14/2010 6:18:47 PM | message detail |
was already strong despite not being in KH until the second one. It's
likely that neither of those are the reason behind Squall, Cloud and
Sephiroth being naturally strong. It probably pushed them over the edge
in terms of strength, but I doubt it would change their positions at
the top. Lightning has a legitimate shot at being a high tiered character based on multi-platform and a rise in gaming in general. Plus this site is now more popular than ever, and more accessible because of the increasing use of the internet. Final Fantasy has always been a popular franchise here and she's headlining the first 'next gen' FF. It's a great success as a game, too. I would be very surprised if she didn't reach at least Auron levels. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
voltch | Posted 3/14/2010 6:19:35 PM | message detail |
pre-KH's what a upper mid, with it Near Elite, and Lightning as an
upper mid sounds about right, she'll lose in ulti style blowout to
those guys on the 2nd tier, but up against other upper mids like the
capcom army, we could be getting good matches. Lightning vs Yuna? Lightning vs Zack? --- who ya got foos? |
EternalxCourage | Posted 3/14/2010 6:21:12 PM | message detail |
Lightning easily wins both of those matches. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/14/2010 6:22:55 PM | message detail |
do need some time to see where FFXIII settles though. If it ends up
being as big or bigger than FFX, then Lightning has a green light to be
on Auron levels, or possibly even higher once she's in KH3, up to lower
Noble Niner strength given her character design and role. If not, then
of course her prospects will be lower than that. --- 2010 Extrapolated Standings: Crono gets 46.85% on Sephiroth. All you need now is KH3 or SSB4, Crono. Then your quest shall be fulfilled! |
MoogleKupo141 | Posted 3/14/2010 6:23:34 PM | message detail |
Lightning probably would've beaten Yuna this year before XIII even came out based off how well she did against Sonic Zack... probably not a couple months ago... but probably yes now. --- For your health. This is my Chocomander, KrahenProphet |
voltch | Posted 3/14/2010 6:23:37 PM | message detail |
what about Tidus levels pre massive decline? --- Shakes Fist! |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 3/14/2010 6:27:17 PM | message detail |
So apparently GoWIII-fueled Kratos turns out to be stronger than Sora after all. Which means... Tails > Midna? Duke > Frog? Wowzers. Seems like 'Zards strength was warranted after all. I could've definetely understood somebody picking him to win the division before the contest, but solely because he's the face of one of this site's favorite games. FACT OR FICTION: Final Fantasy XIII would be on FFVI's level already when it enters a games contest. All things Xbox do worse in 1vs1 than they do in 4-ways. Super Mario Galaxy behaves like a Metroid game in contests (meaning very SFF/LFF prone). |
EternalxCourage | Posted 3/14/2010 6:28:08 PM | message detail |
how did Auron get a huge boost from previous years with KH2 anyway?
Look at his results. In 2003 adjusting for SFF he was stronger than
Bowser, in 2004 he got 64% and 65% on Scorpion and Ness respectively
before getting SFFed by Seph. In 05 he posted 71% on Big Boss (Mario
only posted 65% this year) and lost to a strong Ganondorf (who I would
still take to beat Auron). In 2006 he posted a 45% performance on a declining Crono. o.O Then lol 4ways and then this year he was a bit weaker than Squall (which is where he always was?) --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
XxSoulxX | Posted 3/14/2010 6:30:49 PM | message detail |
Tails > Midna? Duke > Frog? Tails > Midna might be a stretch, but why would Frog be considered the favorite against Duke? Duke is decently strong these days, while Frog just fails on all levels. --- Calling Pokemon RBY a top 10 game was the most insane contest jibba-jabba ever Woe unto he who sig bets with the near-invincible Lord High creativename |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/14/2010 6:34:55 PM | message detail |
on Crono >> 45.5% on Ganon. Even 2005 Ganon. Remember Ganon was
only projected to 46% on Crono in 2006, and that was TP Hype Ganon who
was at least 2005 Ganon's equal. --- 2010 Extrapolated Standings: Crono gets 46.85% on Sephiroth. All you need now is KH3 or SSB4, Crono. Then your quest shall be fulfilled! |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 3/14/2010 6:38:16 PM | message detail |
From: EternalxCourage | Posted: 3/14/2010 9:28:08 PM | #109 ... ... SHGSHGAGSAGASAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Keep posting, man, keep posting. You're embarrassing yourself so much it's amazing. :) --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
voltch | Posted 3/14/2010 6:38:36 PM | message detail |
remember when ganon was indirectly probbly stronger than Snake? bad times. --- Shakes Fist! |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/14/2010 6:38:48 PM | message detail |
would be a good match to set up for next year. X-stats wise, I think
Duke wins with 53% or so, but he faced Charizard at night while Frog
faced Bowser in the day. Throw in HG/SS and Duke's picture, and Frog
probably deserves to be the favorite, but it would be highly debatable. --- 2010 Extrapolated Standings: Crono gets 46.85% on Sephiroth. All you need now is KH3 or SSB4, Crono. Then your quest shall be fulfilled! |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/14/2010 6:39:33 PM | message detail |
That was Snake's fault for failing to break 43% on Megaman! --- 2010 Extrapolated Standings: Crono gets 46.85% on Sephiroth. All you need now is KH3 or SSB4, Crono. Then your quest shall be fulfilled! |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 3/14/2010 6:40:50 PM | message detail |
Duke is decently strong these days, while Frog just fails on all levels. Duke just screams "four-way creation" to me. He's nothing more, if you ask me. --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/14/2010 6:41:47 PM | message detail |
From: Fayt_Esteed | #115 34% on someone getting 55% on Bowser disagrees. --- |
voltch | Posted 3/14/2010 6:42:22 PM | message detail |
the Snake vs Megaman feud needs to be restarted again one day. Mario vs Crono was fun, Snake vs Squall seems to be coming back for some augh. you know, I've always liked Ganondorf vs FFX matches. --- Shakes Fist! |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 3/14/2010 6:42:46 PM | message detail |
From: KanzarisKelshen | #112 WTF were you having a seizure when you typed that? --- OH YEAH! |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 3/14/2010 6:42:53 PM | message detail |
Duke obviously had THE PICTURE backing him. In all honesty, Duke's looked a bit better since the invention of the joke character - Duke's a bit joke-y himself. --- If you're seeing this sig, I'm not on my computer! |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 3/14/2010 6:43:24 PM | message detail |
From: Fayt_Esteed | Posted: 3/14/2010 9:40:50 PM | #116 If you take a look at his previous years, you'll be surprised. Duke has been consistently at certain levels, from 2k2 'til now. He's legit, definitely. --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 3/14/2010 6:45:21 PM | message detail |
From: TheKoolAidShoto | Posted: 3/14/2010 9:42:46 PM | #119 No, just holding back the mixture laughter and rage. I mean, it takes a special level of thickheadedness to think old man watercolor Big Boss is even close to 3D Old Man Big Boss, much less Naked Snake BB. He's one of, if not THE most pic-sensitive character ever. --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/14/2010 6:45:35 PM | message detail |
Duke was always borderline fodder to low mid-card, I think people just forgot that over the years. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle VIII - 173/208 - Today's Winners: Mario and Sora |
voltch | Posted 3/14/2010 6:45:49 PM | message detail |
Curt gives seizures to people through the internets, which is why people avoid him like the plague. --- Shakes Fist! |
EternalxCourage | Posted 3/14/2010 6:47:28 PM | message detail |
but Auron has finished only 2% away from Squall in every contest except
2005. For some reason 2005 was weird for Auron vs. Ganondorf that made
him look worse in the x-stats than I would guess he actually was.
Because from 2002 on Auron always was within 2% of Squall (as he
remained this year). In 2006 it was no different. Squall ended up 5%
higher than Auron in 2005. I think the match against Ganondorf in 2005
was kind of anomaly. I don't think Auron has really looked much
stronger since KH2. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
EternalxCourage | Posted 3/14/2010 6:48:48 PM | message detail |
just holding back the mixture laughter and rage. I mean, it takes a
special level of thickheadedness to think old man watercolor Big Boss
is even close to 3D Old Man Big Boss, much less Naked Snake BB. He's
one of, if not THE most pic-sensitive character ever. I think it takes a special level of something to hold back laughter through textual spam. That said -- I wasn't implying they were the same level. Moreso that it's highly unlikely that it would account for a 20% swing. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/14/2010 6:50:58 PM | message detail |
do you figure that? 2002 doesn't count since Squall wasn't in KH yet
either. In 2003, Squall finished much more than 2% above Auron, but
Auron got SFF'd by Cloud so we don't know how close they really were.
In 2004, Squall was the one who faced Cloud, so again we don't know how
close they really were. --- 2010 Extrapolated Standings: Crono gets 46.85% on Sephiroth. All you need now is KH3 or SSB4, Crono. Then your quest shall be fulfilled! |
EternalxCourage | Posted 3/14/2010 6:51:19 PM | message detail |
Auron pre-KH's what a upper mid, with it Near Elite If you look at the stats Auron pretty much has always been the same level minus 2005. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
voltch | Posted 3/14/2010 6:54:32 PM | message detail |
From: EternalxCourage | #126 you talk as if the CS&D legend himself looks at the stat charts,. --- Shakes Fist! |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 3/14/2010 6:54:37 PM | message detail |
From: EternalxCourage | Posted: 3/14/2010 9:51:19 PM | #128 The stats built through guesswork due to SFF? 'I see' Really, you're trying to argue Auron is strong by using an entrant that was weak as hell and hulked up considerably as time went on. That you can argue that with a straight face astounds me. --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
EternalxCourage | Posted 3/14/2010 6:57:26 PM | message detail |
Herm? Auron wasn't in 2002. In 2003 how did he finish way higher than Auron? He got 58ed by Samus, who then got 62%ed by Link, who was then beaten by Cloud. @_@ If anything wouldn't that project Auron to be almost the same, since he only lost to Cloud with 72% and that includes SFF (if you want to argue Link/Samus SFF) In 2004 Auron did a way better job of resisting SFF against Sephiroth than Squall did against Cloud -- but that doesn't really prove anything but taking the raw values they come out to around the same strength again (Auron ahead by 3%ish but w/e). 05 as I said, anomaly time, and then 06 they were around the same strength again. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 3/14/2010 7:00:05 PM | message detail |
From: EternalxCourage | Posted: 3/14/2010 9:57:26 PM | #131 Squall (2003c) VS Auron (2003c) Squall has a strength of 31.72. Auron has a strength of 28.73. Squall wins with 54.71% of the vote! A win of 10,643 with 112,912 total votes cast. Sizeable difference, wouldn't you say? --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
EternalxCourage | Posted 3/14/2010 7:05:21 PM | message detail |
of weird that it would project it that way -- usually we take
percentage values as to mean that Auron would probably get 47.01% on
Squall that year. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
red sox 777 | Posted 3/14/2010 7:23:05 PM | message detail |
You can't just add and subtract percentages you know, if that's what
you were doing. I do that a lot to give rough estimates, and it works
pretty well when the percentages are around 50%, but it's never
completely accurate and the further away from 50% you get in the
matches you're extrapolating through, the more it doesn't work. --- 2010 Extrapolated Standings: Crono gets 46.85% on Sephiroth. All you need now is KH3 or SSB4, Crono. Then your quest shall be fulfilled! |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 3/14/2010 7:35:55 PM | message detail |
Caught up to the last topic, haven't read this yet, but to Palmer/Ex, let me suggest this to you. You are going to win thanks to a dragon, right? Well, wouldn't it make sense for your Guru nomination to be another dragon? And everyone's talking about how we need a universal FF representative. So why not kill two birds with one stone by nominating the KING of Dragons himself, Bahamut? He's even more of a ****ing Dragon than Charizard, who isn't even Dragon-type I remind you, and he's in pretty much every FF, representing old-school and new-school FF alike. Plus he's in FF8, so you can count him as a FF8 representative! Bahamut would be the perfect nomination for the person who wins Guru thanks to Charizard! --- Not Wylvane |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 3/14/2010 7:38:55 PM | message detail |
^I agree with this, except replace all of the "nominate Bahamut" stuff with "nominate Gilgamesh". --- Thank you for assuming the party escort submission position |
voltch | Posted 3/14/2010 7:39:42 PM | message detail |
Bahamut Zero>Bahamut>Neo Bahamut, that ugly red mong is just ew. --- Shakes Fist! |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 3/14/2010 7:49:26 PM | message detail |
is the general consensus on retiring winning characters anyway? Is it
something everybody thinks is a good idea but the site won't permit? Half the fun of the contest is seeing our champions beat the snot out of the lesser characters, although that didn't really happen this year. Just look at how jacked people were when Mega Man was slapping Hayabusa around. --- "Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" - trancer1 |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 3/14/2010 7:49:46 PM | message detail |
Also, didn't Scorpion make it out of his division in 2002? --- "Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy" - trancer1 |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/14/2010 7:54:30 PM | message detail |
No he made it to the division final where Link killed him worse than Jill and Strider. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle VIII - 173/208 - Today's Winners: Mario and Sora |
Master Moltar | Posted 3/14/2010 7:55:28 PM | message detail |
Varia Division: Round 4 - Match 117 – (1) Samus Aran vs. (10) Zelda Moltar’s Analysis Samus Round 1 - 78.69% vs. Prince Round 2 - 67.52% vs. Jill Round 3 - 67.31% vs. Sub-Zero The Queen with another excellent showing Zelda Round 1 - 70.67% vs. Travis Round 2 - 62.11% vs. Ezio Round 3 - 59.72% vs. Jecht And that’s why you are only a Princess. Dark days in the female bracket. Samus struggled with both Tifa and Zelda, making them look far better than they should. Will this match go the same way? I don’t think so! That was just Female Bracket weirdness. This Contest, we’ve seen Samus beast three times and Zelda disappoint three times. The matches against Ezio, who failed to beat Simon by much, and Jecht, who is around Phoenix and Ratchet level, are especially telling. Zelda looks to be weaker this year, while Samus remains as strong as ever. I’m feeling a good increase from that match in 2006. Watch out Cloud! Moltar’s Bracket: Samus > Zelda Moltar’s Prediction: Samus: 61% - Zelda: 39% Lopen’s Analysis Well I've been batting terribly this round, but I figure my luck changes here cause really how could it not. Hell we already saw this match once-- "SAMUS BLOWS UP DAT HEAD" I'll go with what Samus got in 2006 plus a little bit to factor in Zelda series deterioration. No shades this time! Ah screw it I like those shades... *puts on shades* The more they stay the same Lopen's prediction: Samus with 55.27% Transience’s Analysis We saw this match in 2006 and really, there's no reason for it to go much differently. The Zelda series was sky-high in 2006 though and seems to have declined since. Zelda put on some massive performances that year en route to getting 45% on Samus. This year, Zelda is kind of limping into round 4 while Samus might just be the tournament MVP so far. There's always question marks about Samus and a higher-tier Nintendo series, but she did kill Ganondorf last year. Ganondorf's much more of a leech than Zelda ever was, but still, I don't see Zelda breaking 40% this time. transience's prediction: Samus with 62.55% Ngamer’s Analysis Quickie w/ Ng: Samus always gets out to a fantastic start in these Night Matches and then falls off like nuts. Since she's finally against another Day Voter this time though, I think she goes up big and just stays there! Ngamer Says: Samus > Zelda, 61.43% |
Master Moltar | Posted 3/14/2010 7:55:42 PM | message detail |
Kleenex’s Analysis Hey we've seen this match before. Samus wins. Shocking. It's probably going to be a boring couple of days in contest land unless Squall manages to get that dirty rotten cheater out of this contest (believe), but that's not likely. What else is there to say here? Samus has always been stronger, has looked really good this contest, and is higher on the Nintendo totem pole. Zelda probably won't come out of this match looking too bad, because we know that Samus couldn't SFF her way out of a paper bag, but this'll be another boring affair. As for percentages, I'm going to be lazy and use the EXACT SAME PERCENTAGES that they got back in 2006. Sure, that method didn't work at all in Sephiroth/Vincent, but WHO CARES. Bracket: Samus Favorites: Zelda Prediction: Samus with 55.27% Red Sox’s Analysis Here is an easy win for the Queen of SFF. Not that Samus has demonstrated much aptitude at all for it, but the name is catchy, and as the strongest female character, she may very well be the Queen of SFF! Zelda got 45% back in 2006 in the Female Bracket, on the strength of TP hype and Samus being the obvious winner. She won't have either advantage now, so Samus should win very easily. Prediction: Samus with 63.00% Upset Potential: 0% Upper Bound: Samus with 67% Lower Bound: Samus with 59% Guest’s Analysis - Chaotic Mind Samus beat Zelda with 55% a few years ago. Zelda has looked weak this year by failing to break 60% on a guy who barely beat Phoenix Wright with like 53%, while Samus has looked as strong as ever if not stronger. As such, i'm taking Samus to better her performance this year, to the tune of... Prediction: Samus - 60.5% Crew Consensus: Samus blasts a charged shot at Zelda for the KO |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/14/2010 7:58:56 PM | message detail |
Match CXVII: (1) Samus Aran vs. (10) Zelda Last Round Samus Aran – 67.31% Sub-Zero – 32.69% Jecht – 40.28% Zelda – 59.72% Analysis For the rest of this round we pretty much have four token matches where the only interesting thing is to see where the losers end up. Due to Jecht’s awesome performance last round there’s a good chance that he’ll finish above his son. If Zelda finishes above 37.45% then Jecht will be higher up on the x-stats compare to Tidus. As awesome as Jecht finishing above Tidus would be I don’t think Zelda has the power to perform that well. Zelda characters have been underperforming the entire contest. The only decent performance between the Zelda characters is probably Zelda’s match against Ezio and that depends on who you are asking. I know people like to blame Final Fantasy XIII on Jecht’s performance, but how much can a game release help a character that’s not even in the game. Zelda should be Samus’ toughest opponent so far, but Samus is still on another world. I would be shocked if the final of the female bracket was repeated here, but a little shock wouldn’t hurt anyone. Then again some people would like to keep the Samus over Cloud upset alive. charmander6000’s Bracket: Samus Aran > Zelda charmander6000’s Prediction: Samus wins, 64.36% - 35.64% --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle VIII - 173/208 - Today's Winners: Mario and Sora |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 3/14/2010 8:07:00 PM | message detail |
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/14/2010 8:20:38 PM | message detail And Bowser gets his first cut of the match! Round of applause, people! For a match that is less than 55-45 here, that's the longest it has ever taken for the loser to get in a cut. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as KrahenProphet, Guru Champ! |
CronoBrokeNobl9 | Posted 3/14/2010 8:12:58 PM | message detail |
quite a few people really going on the high end for Samus here. Does
everyone forget that Zelda got 44% on Samus last time they met or
something? Samus isn't really that good with SFF.. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli fanboyism |
MagusMuddlefoot | Posted 3/14/2010 8:14:49 PM | message detail |
I doubt a single person forgot, they just think Samus will do better this time. |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/14/2010 8:20:58 PM | message detail |
You mean the same contest where Tifa almost defeated Samus? I'm not expecting SFF, I'm expecting the Zelda crew to be weaker this year. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle VIII - 173/208 - Today's Winners: Mario and Sora |
CronoBrokeNobl9 | Posted 3/14/2010 8:22:24 PM | message detail |
I'll be shocked if Zelda gets under 40% here. 35% is just absurd. That
puts her at barely above Subby and Jill Valentine if you're not
expecting SFF. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli fanboyism |
charmander6000 | Posted 3/14/2010 8:24:45 PM | message detail |
Ganondorf only got 38% on Samus, I'm not sure why you expect her to do better. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle VIII - 173/208 - Today's Winners: Mario and Sora |
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/14/2010 8:27:10 PM | message detail |
got more than 62% last year in the first round while dealing with OFPF
and the Zelda series seems weaker while the rest of Nintendo is
beasting and the night match favors Samus. I expect a result that gets
the Samus > Cloud train rolling. --- Mustache...and Green... |