GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 871

Karma Hunter | Posted 3/10/2010 10:10:46 AM | message detail

~*creativename's contest site (all things contest!)*~

~*The Board 8 Wiki (lots of useful contest and board information, including all past Post-Contest Analysis from Ulti, transience, Ed Bellis and others)*~

~*NGamer64's Archive Sites (good stuff!) and (LOL) X-Stats Sim (some offensive language)*~

~*Character Contest Histories (Thanks to Raven 2 for the info transfer)*~

~*Simple Explanation of Extrapolated Standings*~
A = Strongest Character
B = Character Weaker than A
C = Character Weaker than B
To figure out a character's Xsts Percentage ---> [(CvB)(BvA)]/50 = CvA
To compare how C would do against B ---> [(CvA)/(BvA)]*50 = CvB
To figure out how B would do against A ---> [(CvA)/(CvB)]*50 = BvA

~*All the match pics*~

~*Acronyms and Percentages for Dummies*~

~*Poll Start Times*~

~*Say What? Some Common Stat Topic Lingo Defined*~

SFF (Same Fanbase Factor) - Same Fanbase Factor is the theory that, if two contestants share a common fanbase, the weaker of the two options will underperform in a direct matchup. For instance, Link was expected to defeat Ganon with 65% of the vote in 2004, based on their 2003 values. Instead, Link collected near 88% of the vote, because the Zelda fanbase so clearly sided with him. However, take some SFF labels with a grain of salt, as many people will slap it onto any match that doesn't make total sense. This has caused a few SFF jokes, with LordOfDabu's "Some Frivolous Factor" being the funniest of them.

X-Stats - Short form of Extrapolated Statistics, aka the mathematical "strength" of a contestant that can be determined based on their performance in any given matchup. See above for a detailed explanation of the x-stat process.

Noble Nine - Link, Cloud, Sephiroth, Mario, Crono, Solid Snake, Sonic, Samus and Mega Man.

Near-Elite - The Squall, Auron, Tifa, Vincent, Zelda, Kirby, Missingno etc group that has come at, near or even ahead of Noble Nine characters in the past.

The Fodder Line - A final X-Stat value of 15% or below.

For other information, surf the contest sites a bit. They have everything.
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 3/10/2010 10:12:31 AM | message detail
GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/10/2010 10:13:42 AM | message detail
Someday you'll feast on an electric raaaaat

best sig bet EVER
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/10/2010 8:20:57 PM | message detail
You and me could write a bad romance.
red sox 777 | Posted 3/10/2010 8:21:51 PM | message detail
I wouldn't want to eat an electric rat. First, because I wouldn't want to eat a rat, and second, because I wouldn't want to get electrocuted.
Missingno's quest to avenge Crono - Round 3: Sephiroth!!!
Link's quest to save us from the oppression of the jokes- Round 4: Luigi
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 3/10/2010 8:25:39 PM | message detail
What a shock...
With thunder and lightning through the night...
What a shock...
'Down+B'ing and I'll eletrocute you...
What a sprite on my pic
The rat's so supreme!

I'd give my vote
Not for Solid, but for you! [Pikachu]
In my eyes there'll be no one else
Rat, it's the way I vote for you! [Pikachu]
I still believe,
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/10/2010 8:37:53 PM | message detail
I bet eating an electric rat would recharge your batteries like a glowing mushroom does.
Squall Leonhart is the worst Final Fantasy character ever created.
Karma Hunter | Posted 3/10/2010 9:07:53 PM | message detail
If Snake gets past this, I'm still confident in him beating Sephiroth.

No. Seriously.

we now return you to your regularly scheduled aughing
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/10/2010 9:08:31 PM | message detail
Oh man imagine Pikachu vs. Sephiroth here

dat board vote

best sig bet EVER
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/10/2010 9:08:41 PM | message detail
Five minute Pokestats:

50.00 Pikachu
48.01 Solid Snake
38.99 Shepard
31.66 Fox McCloud
26.55 Protoman
24.91 Banjo
20.74 Lloyd Irving
18.88 Ellis

There are no words.
Mustache...and Green...
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 3/10/2010 9:08:42 PM | message detail

From: Karma Hunter | #008
If Snake gets past this, I'm still confident in him beating Sephiroth.

No. Seriously.

we now return you to your regularly scheduled aughing

I completely agree.
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
Not_Wylvane | Posted 3/10/2010 9:08:48 PM | message detail
The 500th post was the wrong one!

The one before it is more deserving!
Not Wylvane
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/10/2010 9:08:51 PM | message detail
Midgar Division Lower Half

Ryu – 50.00%
Dante – 49.65%
Leon Kennedy – 43.12%
Vault Boy – 33.80%
Balthier Bunansa – 31.03%
Axel – 30.42%
Sackboy – 30.35%
Kratos Aurion – 27.57%
Squall Leonhart is the worst Final Fantasy character ever created.
vcharon | Posted 3/10/2010 9:09:03 PM | message detail
Sir Chris was insulting people and not liking the match results? Let's lynch him.
Not_Wylvane | Posted 3/10/2010 9:09:09 PM | message detail
Woop Shepard > Fox
Not Wylvane
ExThaNemesis | Posted 3/10/2010 9:09:16 PM | message detail
God this is great.

Seph to 60-40 missingno tomorrow and remove all doubt.
"I beat him, and he says lightyears measure distance, not time. ..Dammit, Brock is on another planet." - SEP
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/10/2010 9:09:28 PM | message detail
26.55 Protoman
24.91 Banjo


best sig bet EVER
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 3/10/2010 9:09:34 PM | message detail
Sir Chris is too popular to lynch. You on the other hand...
Thank you for assuming the party escort submission position
red sox 777 | Posted 3/10/2010 9:09:38 PM | message detail
Crono fact of the day: based on the first 5 minutes and the 2008 final, Crono > Link.
Missingno's quest to avenge Crono - Round 3: Sephiroth!!!
Link's quest to save us from the oppression of the jokes- Round 4: Luigi
Not_Wylvane | Posted 3/10/2010 9:09:57 PM | message detail
I yelled at Sir Chris too. Guy always was a big crybaby.
Not Wylvane
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:04 PM | message detail

From: LeonhartFour | #493
But you're worse than he is.

Stop it.

LOL no. I was on AIM with multiple people going "vhcaron will soak the stats topic in tears within a couple minutes, it'll be good for a few laughs".

It's clockwork. EVERY CONTEST MUST HAVE TRANSITIVE RESULTS, NOTHING MUST EVER BE VARIED, NO FUN IS ALLOWED, FINAL DESTINATION. If whiners like that had their way, Link would have won in 2003 and we probably have no contests anymore.

Bug. Ass. Remove.
"I have no problem swallowing... so yeah." -Menji76
Master Moltar | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:18 PM | message detail
one more update
Moltar Status: Prediction: Snake > Pikachu (138/176)
Contest Analysis Crew Archives:
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:19 PM | message detail

best sig bet EVER
Not_Wylvane | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:23 PM | message detail
Aw well.

At least Pikachu held on for ten minutes!
Not Wylvane
vcharon | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:23 PM | message detail

From: TheKoolAidShoto | #018
Sir Chris is too popular to lynch. You on the other hand...

Oh, you mean to imply it's just personal bias then? I'm just shocked and appalled!
charmander6000 | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:30 PM | message detail
Yes Pikachu keeps the lead.
Board 8 BOP:
Character Battle VIII - 141/176 - Today's Winners: Solid Snake and Squall
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:33 PM | message detail
Luigi fact of the day: pretty sure that works for Luigi too.
Mustache...and Green...
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:36 PM | message detail
gross gross GROSS

Man oh man... *stunned by Solid ****... Again*
"Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:47 PM | message detail
LOL no. I was on AIM with multiple people going "vhcaron will soak the stats topic in tears within a couple minutes, it'll be good for a few laughs".

I don't care. You do it every time and it's every bit as annoying as his whining posts.
Squall Leonhart is the worst Final Fantasy character ever created.
RockMFR 5 | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:53 PM | message detail
Be a good little washing machine, now... o_0
GrapefruitKing | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:53 PM | message detail
Snake, you better pull off huge updates to redeem yourself during the night
you're supposed to get at least 55% in this match
Oracle Challenge 2k10 - Rank: 12th
Today's prediction: Solid Snake - 58.88% Status:
paraboxx | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:58 PM | message detail

(not sure if i'm happy or sad here)
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/10/2010 9:10:59 PM | message detail

From: Not_Wylvane | #020
I yelled at Sir Chris too. Guy always was a big crybaby.

He still is. Guy actually convinced me to read a mafia topic recently. Possibly the biggest mistake of my entire life.
"We're only gonna score 17 points?" -LOL Tom Brady
KamikazePotato | Posted 3/10/2010 9:11:05 PM | message detail
Alucard fact of the day: something something plan went equal with the rat something

best sig bet EVER
Hochimihnister | Posted 3/10/2010 9:11:07 PM | message detail
This is dumb.
RPGuy96 | Posted 3/10/2010 9:11:21 PM | message detail
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
greatone10 | Posted 3/10/2010 9:11:48 PM | message detail
What I would not give for this upset to happen. GO PIKA!
"Go get me Jared...from Subway!" -- CM Punk
This space reserved for CBVIII Guru Contest Winner.
Dawkplex | Posted 3/10/2010 9:11:55 PM | message detail
man this is ridiculous

vcharon whines about results -> ulti whines about vcharon -> leon tells ulti to shut the hell up

never gets old

or its always old

yeah that one

Can't stop, won't stop.
Not_Wylvane | Posted 3/10/2010 9:11:58 PM | message detail
So how far is Pikachu going to drop during the night vote? I can't see him going below 45% or so, but bigger drops have happened this contest.
Not Wylvane
GaryOak151 | Posted 3/10/2010 9:12:09 PM | message detail

From: GrapefruitKing | #491
I don't even like Snake that much... but seeing Pikachu leading against this guy even for only 5 minutes is pretty scary

I'm pretty sure most people on this board actually pleasure themselves with pictures of pokemon

i do
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/10/2010 9:12:19 PM | message detail

From: LeonhartFour | #029
You do it every time and it's every bit as annoying as his whining posts.

Not even close.

PIKA STILL LEADS. Pikachu holding the lead for 15 minutes on Solid Snake is awesome. We should all go buy HG/SS, rally some all-Pokemon Final Fours and drive the "waaah contests aren't supposed to be about fun" people off this board for good.
"Watching regs bash Ulti is like watching an ant colony revolt against a lawnmower." -Lucid Faia
Achromatic | Posted 3/10/2010 9:12:40 PM | message detail
I find it highly amusing that Wyvlane is trying to act like a champion of the people when he had one of the most epic QQ sessions in Gamefaqs as a whole history when Squall beat Luigi. He completely freaked out on the board.

Also I don't mind much the match result, I love Snake and I love Pokemon, and I actually voted Pikachu because it is Pokemon, but I don't mind if people don't "get" Pokemon and want to complain. Complaining reasonably is one of the funnest things to do!
Board 8's User of the Decade as voted on by the users.
Sir Chris
paulg235 | Posted 3/10/2010 9:12:48 PM | message detail
The Gamer In Me
"Ike and Ash and co. saw a Yoshi and didn't catch it" - Mer telling us his dream
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 3/10/2010 9:12:51 PM | message detail
....So who should I make the check out to Extha :(
Ah, you know it's funny, these people, they go to sleep. They think everything's fine, everything's good... They wake up the next day and they're on fire.
UltimaterializerX | Posted 3/10/2010 9:12:54 PM | message detail

From: RPGuy96 | #036
Ulti, if you're going to be an idiot, would you kindly stop making stats topics so I can put you on ignore?

There are two types of people: Those who love Portal, and those who haven't played it yet.
LeonhartFour | Posted 3/10/2010 9:12:55 PM | message detail
Not even close.

Actually, you're pretty close to taking the lead on him, but whatever.
Squall Leonhart is the worst Final Fantasy character ever created.
vcharon | Posted 3/10/2010 9:13:27 PM | message detail
I whined during Ken/Wesker.
I whined during Ryu/Dante.

Oh wait, Ulti is just wrong like usual. My mistake.
paraboxx | Posted 3/10/2010 9:13:35 PM | message detail
Oh man imagine Pikachu vs. Sephiroth here

dat board vote

Missingno vs. Sephiroth'll be good for just as many laughs, I think. Plus it has a better chance of being a match!

I was on AIM with multiple people going "vhcaron will soak the stats topic in tears within a couple minutes, it'll be good for a few laughs".

Uh. The fact that you're even talking about him on AIM isn't exactly helping your case here.
Achromatic | Posted 3/10/2010 9:13:40 PM | message detail

From: UltimaterializerX | #033
He still is. Guy actually convinced me to read a mafia topic recently. Possibly the biggest mistake of my entire life.

*Looks at sig*

Yeah, I'll take my results over your elitist disapproval tbh.
Winner of two Mafia Player of the Year Boardys
Sir Chris
charmander6000 | Posted 3/10/2010 9:13:43 PM | message detail
Changes in the Top 10

Top 10 Least Impressive Day Winners
1. Laharl (R1) – 31134
2. Captain Falcon (R2) – 36378
3. Ken (R1) – 36484
4. The Boss (R1) – 36615
5. Ike (R2) – 37182
6. Knuckles the Echidna (R1) – 37437
7. Ryu (R2) – 37670
8. Alucard (R1) – 38150
9. Ryu (R3) – 38402
10. Sackboy (R1) – 38845

Top 10 Hardest Matches to Predict
1. Charizard vs. L-Block (R3) – 8.83%
2. Missingno vs. Yoshi (R2) – 14.06%
3. Ryu Hayabusa vs. Master Chief (R2) – 15.87%
4. Vivi vs. Altair (R2) – 18.46%
5. Charizard vs. Kratos (R2) – 18.62%
6. Missingno vs. Crono (R1) – 21.94%
7. Ryu vs. Leon Kennedy (R3) – 22.76%
8. Bowser vs. Sora (R3) – 25.47%
9. Jecht vs. Ratchet (R2) – 26.63%
10. Big Daddy vs. Ness (R2) – 27.52%

Board 8 BOP:
Character Battle VIII - 141/176 - Today's Winners: Solid Snake and Squall