GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 845
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/22/2010 10:08:53 AM | message detail |
From: LeonhartFour | #064 Guybrush boost is legit! It's just hard to tell because a Drake-level boost for Guybrush still means Guybrush gets tripled by Vincent! I would ****ing love Shepard > Pikachu, and I say that as one of Pikachu's biggest supporters in these contests. As awesome as Sprite Pikachu breaking 45% on Solid **** would be, Shepard proving to have damn impressive strength and warrant becoming a contest mainstay would be even more awesome. Plus then we can nominate more ME characters! Joker for the 2011 contest! Seth Green > Jack Black! --- Not Wylvane |
Karma Hunter | Posted 2/22/2010 10:09:13 AM | message detail |
If the first hour of MC/Spy is any indication, Ryu H is going to end this match about a half percentage point higher than where he is right now! ...what? --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/22/2010 10:11:34 AM | message detail |
From: Karma Hunter | #102 Taking those trends seriously is like taking L Block trends seriously! --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli fanboyism |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 2/22/2010 10:12:27 AM | message detail |
Guybrush probably has boosted. He's had tons of exposure since the last contest. --- Demyx is better than Axel. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 2/22/2010 10:12:30 AM | message detail |
Well if we take this match seriously.. Spy still sucks. --- *is Dranze* Krahen Prophet did a fatality. |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/22/2010 10:12:38 AM | message detail |
suspected Shepard would impress against Pikachu since their matches in
R1, perhaps a LOT...but I don't know how much of his performance was
legit strength and how much was benefiting from the hype of ME2. Either
way, he'll be worth bringing back next year to find out for sure and
his match against Pikachu will give us something to think about in the
meanwhile. --- T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 2/22/2010 10:13:26 AM | message detail |
By the way, does this make you guys feel any differently about the other Ryu match coming up in a few days? --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Karma Hunter | Posted 2/22/2010 10:13:26 AM | message detail |
got 45% on Pikachu last year. The rat is vulnerable when he's not being
bandwagoned, but Shepard isn't the character to do it. --- |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 2/22/2010 10:13:33 AM | message detail |
don't get why people think Shepard impressed in round 1. Ellis is just
weaksauce and if you're going to vote for somebody you vote for
somebody from the cover of that new game that just got released! --- (|| ' ' ||) Visio Vestri - Character Battle VIII Fanfiction Project . /|_|\ |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 2/22/2010 10:15:59 AM | message detail |
From: ZenOfThunder | #109 He's had the most impressive performance relative to Oracle expectations (of the characters who were expected to win). That's pretty impressive no matter which way you slice it, but I still think Pikachu's gonna kill him. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/22/2010 10:17:23 AM | message detail |
A tripling in a blowout-resistant contest is still impressive, even if it's against a character who'd get doubled by Guybrush. --- Not Wylvane |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 2/22/2010 10:17:58 AM | message detail |
People expected him to not
kill Ellis? If anything that's more of "hey I really don't know these
guys let me throw out some random close figures to represent that" --- (|| ' ' ||) Visio Vestri - Character Battle VIII Fanfiction Project . /|_|\ |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/22/2010 10:18:09 AM | message detail |
I think Shep might get 42-44% on Pikachu, but thats about his limit. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli fanboyism |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/22/2010 10:18:43 AM | message detail |
From: ZenOfThunder | #112 Oracle had him at like 58-60% iirc. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli fanboyism |
KamikazePotato | Posted 2/22/2010 10:21:05 AM | message detail |
From: MyWorldIsCrono | #114 So what Zen said is accurate! --- KrahenProphet lived up to his name. |
ToadYoshi | Posted 2/22/2010 10:21:57 AM | message detail |
this ends my awesome run. And I can't think of a better way to end it
that watching the garbage that is MC and Halo go down! Aww yeah! This is the first change that I regret in my bracket. I had Ryu H for the longest time before the trends convinced me think twice. And stats-wise, the ONLY argument for MC > Ryu H was the fact that this was a day match. You don't even have to be at Zero or Vivi level to beat Master Flop, and Ryu was clearly around that solid midcarder level. Hence the reason the stats topic outperformed everyone else in this match. --- Guru contest: 78/82 (1!) Misses: Boss, Altair, Kefka, Missingno Next upset: Sub-Zero > Roxas |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/22/2010 10:22:24 AM | message detail |
Shepard's match got around the same votals as Vincent's, and is still above the likes of Laharl and Ratchet's matches. Shepard's probably got some decent strength to him. Not enough to rival Pikachu of course, but he's not as weak as everyone's expecting him to be. --- Not Wylvane |
Karma Hunter | Posted 2/22/2010 10:22:46 AM | message detail |
still feel exceedingly confident in Dante against Ryu, as long as we
don't end up with some weird Dante/Yoshi contrast again. Even then, I'm
a big booster of Ryu being weaker than most view him - his Balthier
match was probably the best match he's had since 2004 as far as I'm
concerned. Which gives me some pause, but despite it I don't think
he'll hold up. Speaking of this Ryu, he just had a 57% update two updates back, yeowch. --- |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/22/2010 10:23:29 AM | message detail |
From: ToadYoshi | #116 Too bad nobody in the stats topic listened to themselves when making their brackets! --- Not Wylvane |
LOLContests | Posted 2/22/2010 10:26:23 AM | message detail |
fact that this was a day match was pretty much the only reason I took
Chief. Agh. I totally would have taken Ryu had the match been 24 hours. --- "..."--Ridley Yesmar |
shadow8021 | Posted 2/22/2010 10:43:51 AM | message detail |
Hayabusa has almost 80% in Wyoming. --- WE ARE... |
Xuxon | Posted 2/22/2010 10:46:32 AM | message detail |
Speaking of Wyoming, I just noticed Zack got destroyed there against Mega Man, yet Cid beat him. Seems kind of strange. --- ------ --------- |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/22/2010 10:46:41 AM | message detail |
I listened to myself, and it worked this time! --- T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
Japago | Posted 2/22/2010 10:46:55 AM | message detail |
Is it time to bring back the 1 vs 1 anti-vote theory? Even though he
wasn't game fueled in 08, he did get 49% on Kirby in round 2. --- -Heals severely dry skin -18 hour moisturization -Fragrance free -With Vitamin E |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/22/2010 10:47:28 AM | message detail |
Wyoming clearly hates the PSP. --- T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
CP724 | Posted 2/22/2010 10:47:32 AM | message detail |
Wonder if Ryu would beat Jill again. --- derp |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 2/22/2010 10:48:49 AM | message detail |
still feel exceedingly confident in Dante against Ryu, as long as we
don't end up with some weird Dante/Yoshi contrast again. Even then, I'm
a big booster of Ryu being weaker than most view him - his Balthier
match was probably the best match he's had since 2004 as far as I'm
concerned. Which gives me some pause, but despite it I don't think
he'll hold up. Give me Danta there. Ryu may have impressed with the way he destroyed Balthier, but it's Flopthier Bombansa - the same guy who lost to friggin' Ada Wong twice. --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
red sox 777 | Posted 2/22/2010 10:50:13 AM | message detail |
Okay, so the hierarchy argument finally got what it deserved. Chief only chokes in even years: 2003: Beat Felix, did well on Aeris. Yes, he did horribly against Felix, but he won! 2004: Lost to Frog 2005: Beat DK 2006: Lost to Sub-Zero 2007: Was a legit near-elite or elite. 2008: Lost before his match with Sonic, so Sonic had to find another character to lose to instead. 2010: Lost to Sub-Zero --- Missingno's quest to avenge Crono - Round 2: Yoshi |
red sox 777 | Posted 2/22/2010 10:51:07 AM | message detail |
That should say: 2010: Lost to Ryu Hayabusa --- Missingno's quest to avenge Crono - Round 2: Yoshi |
Karma Hunter | Posted 2/22/2010 10:51:15 AM | message detail |
clearly matter in 1v1, and four ways *do* dilute them. It's not to the
extent as some projected, but there's a reason why Cloud let Ridley do
that to him last round. Spread it out between multiple weak options and
there's not a good base to rally against a character. Yet another reason why fourways are so volatile. For all we know, Cloud could have caused the strangeness of Mewtwo and Midna going 50/50 (Mewtwo being naturally stronger while Midna is the disproportionate target of antivote rallying). --- |
vcharon | Posted 2/22/2010 10:51:39 AM | message detail |
He'd lose to Sub-Zero again if only he had the chance to, don't worry! --- :> |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/22/2010 10:52:29 AM | message detail |
Even Year Factor Oh dear. --- T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
Xuxon | Posted 2/22/2010 10:52:36 AM | message detail |
Hmm, you're right. PSP ownership is only 39% in Wyoming compared to 49% overall. I don't see why Dante wouldn't be the favorite. Ryu did well against Balthier, but Dante practically matched Mega Man on Axel, in a day match. --- ------ --------- |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 2/22/2010 10:58:23 AM | message detail |
Man, this is just painful to watch... Vivi had 18.46% bracket support in his Round Two match. Presuming Ryu H wins, does he have better or worse bracket support? My vote is that he'll only have about 15.5%. --- Chop Chop Master Onion for Character Battle '11! Kick, punch, it's all in the mind! |
CP724 | Posted 2/22/2010 11:06:21 AM | message detail |
FACT or FICTION: Ryu beats Jill again in a rematch Ryu beat Zack;s % on MM --- derp |
EternalxCourage | Posted 2/22/2010 11:07:01 AM | message detail |
dunno why people are calling this a stats topic upset, it was highly
debated in the stats topic and it's not like a majority of the people
were choosing Ryu H. Wasn't Ulti smashing down peoples' throats about an X-Box hierarchy and how MC was going to destroy Hayabusa? Geez louise. Either way this is shaping up to be a pretty good contest minus MissingNo. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
Xuxon | Posted 2/22/2010 11:09:25 AM | message detail |
Ryu beats Jill again in a rematch - obviously Ryu beat Zack;s % on MM - probably not --- ------ --------- |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 2/22/2010 11:10:52 AM | message detail |
Fiction Fiction Chief's a flub. I'd take Jill over Hayabusa these days, no problem. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
ZFS | Posted 2/22/2010 11:11:08 AM | message detail |
that ever happen again, though? ODST didn't do anything, which means
Reach probably won't. Bungie is leaving after Reach, and it doesn't
look like Microsoft has found a replacement to step up and take the
series. Definitely. Don't look at ODST for Reach hype, those are two different games -- one is an expansion, the other is essentially Halo 4. This being Bungie's last Halo will probably factor in to the hype, too, which will only raise the attention and 'importance' of the game. Reach will probably overshadow everything else this year in terms of hype, sales and anticipation. It may not seem that way now, but Microsoft hasn't gotten the ball rolling yet. What that means for Chief, though, who knows. Depends on how soon he can cash in on the hype and how much Reach delivers as a game. --- wheresoever you go, go with all your heart |
KamikazePotato | Posted 2/22/2010 11:14:59 AM | message detail |
Fiction and Fiction. Mega Man would sooner break 70% on Hayabusa, and this is more Chief flopping than Hayabusa being strong. --- KrahenProphet lived up to his name. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 2/22/2010 11:20:14 AM | message detail |
Ryu H. Doomed to be disrespected as he pulls off *three* early round
stunners in as many contests, then get blown out by a Noble Niner in a
fashion unrepresentative of his true strength. I bet he'll be the
underdog against Tails or something next year. --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/22/2010 11:21:49 AM | message detail |
could be an interesting match. Jill's another one of those characters
whose first round performance probably wasn't as impressive as it
looked on paper. --- "I couldn't stand a day without a past or future. I need to live each moment to keep fighting here and now." |
vcharon | Posted 2/22/2010 11:22:14 AM | message detail |
I don't get the Ryu disrespect in here honestly. --- :> |
ZFS | Posted 2/22/2010 11:22:52 AM | message detail |
People always find a reason! --- wheresoever you go, go with all your heart |
Lopen | Posted 2/22/2010 11:25:34 AM | message detail |
Hayabusa is 4REAL. Reason he's being disrespected iis I don't think most people were thinking that when they picked him. They were using the Kefka logic on MC. So of course they're going to bedowngrade Ryu's performance here. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 2/22/2010 11:25:39 AM | message detail |
If Ryu wants me to respect him more, he probably should have done better than 62% on Crash in the round before. --- KrahenProphet lived up to his name. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 2/22/2010 11:26:18 AM | message detail |
You know who else did that well on Crash? --- KrahenProphet lived up to his name. |
Lopen | Posted 2/22/2010 11:26:47 AM | message detail |
Now that being said I do think this is more a Chief flop But I'm just saying I wouldn't bat an eyelash at Hayabusa getting in the neighborhood of Cid and Zack next round --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/22/2010 11:28:15 AM | message detail |
He got 40.79% on Magus. He got 38.21% on Hayabusa. Based on that, it looks like Magus/Chief is a tossup! Crash isn't uber-fodder anymore though. We need to get over that notion. He'd beat Spy somewhat easily, based on how the preliminary stats for this fourpack look. --- "Spoil it for me. I'm never going to play that game so I want to know if he's going to be another Auron or another Sin." - Soul about Jecht vs. PW |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 2/22/2010 11:30:07 AM | message detail |
I'd take Spy over Crash because I think Spy rallying would keep up if
Spy were actually in a fight where he looked like he could win. --- |