GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 842
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/21/2010 7:08:43 AM | message detail |
From: nintendogirl1 | #350 I was posting here last night when you were too. You didn't notice me then? --- I Am Albion Hero! |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 2/21/2010 7:12:21 AM | message detail |
From: MyWorldIsCrono | #351 I was posting here last night when you were too. You didn't notice me then? Really really drunk. --- How do you not get that? |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/21/2010 7:33:03 AM | message detail |
I wonder if Mario can reach 63% here... he's really tearing up this morning vote. --- I Am Albion Hero! |
voltch | Posted 2/21/2010 7:36:54 AM | message detail |
hehe, drunk Ngirl is awesomesauce talking bout random friends we never hear about and then passing out. --- Shakes Fist! |
ShatteredElysium | Posted 2/21/2010 7:38:51 AM | message detail |
Probably but I hope not. I changed my Oracle from 63 to 62.4! Who's the favourite for the next match? Ike? --- Oracle Challenge 2k10 ~~~ Individual: 5th ~~~ Team: 6th (Partner BZer0) |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 2/21/2010 7:39:39 AM | message detail |
Seriously though, I don't know why, but everyone was absolutely off their face last night before we even left for the club. I'd probably guess that someone spiked the drinks for a laugh, but there were so many bottles passed around during the drinking games I doubt it was that. --- Could've been though. |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/21/2010 7:41:30 AM | message detail |
Ah, no fair if you had liquor. I'll have to make a run to that store sometime..... --- T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
ShatteredElysium | Posted 2/21/2010 7:42:28 AM | message detail |
Trust me, if your drink gets spiked then you know about it. Had it happen to me twice =/ --- Oracle Challenge 2k10 ~~~ Individual: 5th ~~~ Team: 6th (Partner BZer0) |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/21/2010 7:42:38 AM | message detail |
90% of the time, when someone leaves forever, they're back within the week. I agree Chocobo > Mog, though I think Chocobo wouldn't be nearly as strong as, say, Goomba. Then again, Vault Boy has shown that mascots can be strong, too, so maybe they'd do better than we'd think! I'd still rather get Bahamut in first and foremost! And also Rydia to get another shot, but that's the fan in me talking! --- Not Wylvane |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/21/2010 7:43:15 AM | message detail |
Mario just had his first two 70% a row Dude is done screwing around --- I Am Albion Hero! |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 2/21/2010 7:45:04 AM | message detail |
Damn I wish this was a day match. This is the same guy that beat Kirby. Mario looks like he's still in 2005. --- *is Dranze* Krahen Prophet did a fatality. |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/21/2010 7:45:34 AM | message detail |
I'm all for a Goomba-rally. I'll passively support a rally for Chocobo and apathetically support a rally for Mog, too! --- T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
Kotetsu534 | Posted 2/21/2010 7:45:35 AM | message detail |
I think I'll rally for Garnet next NRT. --- Currently Playing: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Ocarina of Time, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/21/2010 7:45:42 AM | message detail |
From: MyWorldIsCrono | #360 It's not a matter of "if" Mario will hit 63%, it's "when." Big Boss should be happy it was a night match! --- Not Wylvane |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/21/2010 7:46:38 AM | message detail |
And I'm definitely for a Goomba rally. If Vault Boy can almost break 40% on Leon, imagine what Goomba could do! --- Not Wylvane |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 2/21/2010 7:47:00 AM | message detail |
From: HaRRicH | #357 Ah, no fair if you had liquor. I'll have to make a run to that store sometime..... Jack, Smirnoff (Red, Black and Lime), Strongbow, Bacadri, Sambuca, Fosters, Malibu and lots of Snakebites. --- Probably not the best plan... |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 2/21/2010 7:47:54 AM | message detail |
There was orange juice, coke and sprite on the table as well for mixing. --- Lemonade for people who speak proper. |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 2/21/2010 7:51:27 AM | message detail |
Iamthekuzalol | Posted 2/21/2010 5:07:58 AM | message detail 45.58% from Big Boss. There was an update later on where Mario only got a 52.84% update. And now Mario is getting the ASV, which is concentrated in the morning here. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as KrahenProphet, Guru Champ! |
CP724 | Posted 2/21/2010 7:59:02 AM | message detail |
I think chocobo would be a mid mid carder, possible high midcarder. --- derp |
charmander6000 | Posted 2/21/2010 8:00:51 AM | message detail |
Match LXXIV: (5) Zidane Tribal vs. (4) Ike Last Round Zidane Tribal – 64.36% Claptrap – 35.64% Ike – 62.49% Prinny – 37.51% Analysis Pre-contest this match had little hype, but after Ike’s first round performance the match has gained a lot of momentum. I’m always glad to see that matches where we once thought the winner was a near lock ended up not being a lock adding to the unpredictability of the contest. On one hand I want my preferred character to win, but on the other when his next opponent is Mario who will SFF him to death losing may not be so terrible. I’m not quite sure why people consider Zidane’s performance on Claptrap to be terrible. Borderlands is not some unknown game and Claptrap is pretty prominent in it as well. Also Zidane isn’t a pillar of strength in the first place. This performance, provided Zidane didn’t get a massive boost still makes Claptrap regular fodder; I guess people think characters from games that they don’t play are automatically terrible fodder. However Ike’s performance on Prinny was just terrible. I have a hard time believing that Prinny is that much stronger than Laharl. On the other hand I don’t see a reason why Ike would take a drop in strength, sure his Fire Emblem games and Brawl are another year older, but both of those games are still the most popular Fire Emblem games while Ike is a huge casual favourite when it comes to Brawl. I’m going to take a page from my own notes and say that Prinny was just stronger than I expected, last year a LFF Ike looked a lot better than what Zidane performed against Link. Arthas may have looked terrible this year, but both Pikachu and Spy had met the expectations of the board and if all else fails this is going to by a day match so maybe that will give him the slight edge. charmander6000’s Bracket: Ike > Zidane Tribal charmander6000’s Prediction: Ike wins, 55.73% - 44.27% --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle VIII - 65/80 - Today's Winners: Mario and Ike |
Safer Sephiroth 777 | Posted 2/21/2010 8:01:30 AM | message detail |
is the favorite.I have Zidane winning though,but well whatever.I have
Kratos winning his division anyway so I am out of the contest.Still I
would like to see how far I can go. --- GameFaqs is NOT the place to go for relationship advice.Nobody here gets any action unless it is their right or left hand.Including me.~Dawn and Dusk~ |
voltch | Posted 2/21/2010 8:21:59 AM | message detail |
drunk antics aside, a good match may or may not be next. --- Shakes Fist! |
Master Moltar | Posted 2/21/2010 8:22:35 AM | message detail |
Mushroom Division: Round 2 - Match 74 – (5) Zidane vs. (4) Ike Moltar’s Analysis Zidane Round 1 - 64.36% vs. Claptrap Well, at least Ike couldn’t do any worse than this! Ike Round 1 - 62.49% vs. Prinny ‘oh’ Usually when you have a close and debated match pre-bracket, you go with whoever had the better performance in Round 1. What do you do when both performances were terrible? I didn’t expect a Zidane blowout, but how can you not beat down some dude named Claptrap. Ike’s performance somehow managed to be even worse. Not only did he let a Disgaea character do too well, Prinny also neutralized Ike’s beast day vote. What the hell? So two unimpressive performances = me sticking to my guns. I have Ike in my bracket so I’ll take him to win here. We all know Zidane’s day vote is bad, so that gives Ike the advantage if it’s close and he doesn’t forget it again. Moltar’s Bracket: Ike > Zidane Moltar’s Prediction: Zidane: 46% - Ike: 54% Lopen’s Analysis I keep flip flopping on this. Not because I think it'll be close (even though it probably will be!) but just... because. Start the contest I was like "LOL ZIDANE" Then Zidane performed pretty well against a STD in r1. I can only assume it was his experience from the 1995 classic, Outbreak, that allowed him to SFF it for the win. B-b-b-but THEN Ike lost to a Prinny. And by lost I mean 'failed to break 70%' but who's counting. B-b-b-but THEN Kefka was all like "Dissidia 4REAL" B-b-b-but THEN Tidus was like "Dissidilol 4FAKE" So I got nothin. I'll just stick to my original guess of Ike being able to cream this guy. Maybe the Prinny got joke votes for lookin so cool. Lopen's prediction: WHPSSSHP with 56.60% (that's Ike for ye whom are unfamiliar with Brawl. Yeah I know you're reading, Vlado) Transience’s Analysis Pre-contest, Ike had the majority of the brackets. Most people saw Ike and Zidane as being somewhat equal, but this being a day match gives Ike a major advantage. Plus, when you're not sure, side with Nintendo. Since then, Ike struggled against Prinny while Zidane did a little bit better against Claptrap. Old Square has been having a good year (and FF9 has always acted more like old Square than new Square). Day/night shifts have been much less pronounced than people expected - I'm not sure if there has been a single match that would definitely have changed the result if you ran it for 24 hours. And finally, Vivi just easily won against a fairly decent fourpack. Zidane's got a lot of momentum on his side, that's for sure. I'm sticking with Ike, though. I just trust Nintendo more, and I think a lot of Vivi's appeal comes from things that are completely unrelated to FF9. Zidane doesn't have the same natural advantages that Vivi does. Also, this is old RPG character vs. newer RPG character and Brawl. Looked at in that light, it makes sense that Ike would win. I'm cheering for Zidane, though, and if this were a night match I'd definitely back him. transience's prediction: Ike with 51.51% Ngamer’s Analysis Quickie w/ Ng: Prinny's rise to the middle of the x-stat ranks continues! Dood's legit, I tell ya. Ngamer Says: Ike > Zidane, 51.39% |
Master Moltar | Posted 2/21/2010 8:22:48 AM | message detail |
Kleenex’s Analysis Alright, so it didn't work out so well for me last time, but I'm gonna go against my bracket for this match. I have Ike, but after Prinny nearly put up 40% on him, Zidane did well enough against Claptrap, and Vivi taking care of business against Altair, Ike is definitely the underdog here. I guess it just boils down to the fact that people wanted Ike to be stronger than he really was, so we all kept making excuses for him. Well, no more excuses now. If he loses to Zidane, he sucks. If he beats Zidane...he's still probably not that strong, but he redeems himself slightly! Bracket: Ike Favorites: Ike Prediction: Zidane with 54.67% Red Sox’s Analysis Ike was the favorite before the contest, and not much has happened to change my mind here. Both of these characters did pretty badly in round 1 against their fodder competition. Let's see....Zidane broke 40% on Alucard and Ike got nearly 45% on Pikachu. Both might have suffered some SFF, and Zidane might have suffered some Last Place Factor. But Pikachu is a good deal stronger than Alucard, as he beat him even with Captain Falcon in the poll, so Ike should have this, especially given that it's a day match. I want to predict somewhere in the 56% range, and Eisenhower was elected in '56 and '52, so let's go with: Prediction: Ike with 56.52% Upset Potential: 20% Upper Bound: Ike with 63% Lower Bound: Zidane with 52% Guest’s Analysis - Kotetsu534 So it's the protagonist of Fire Emblem 9 versus the protagonist of Final Fantasy IX. Low tier Nintendo versus low tier Square. Ike is backed up by the power of Smash, giving him the strength to only narrowly lose to Duke Nukem. On the other hand, he let Prinny pull 37.5% on him. This would be great evidence for his weakness in a 1v1 setting and his impending defeat if it weren't for Zidane's effort to stink even worse; letting some Claptrap break 35% on him. However, I'm reliably informed Claptrap is funny in Borderlands, so that's probably not too awful. FFIX's just seen it's strongest character, Vivi, triumph over Altair and march to round three, and FF's weaker characters have been impressing, so I fancy Zidane to close a lot of the apparent gap between himself and Ike. Being on a weekend, the ASV will be diluted. Should be a close one, but I think the Zidane upset has value. Zidane - 52.22% [This prediction is in no way influenced by the fact that if Zidane loses I am out of the guru.] Crew Consensus: Zidane has 2 supporters, but the majority favors Ike. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/21/2010 8:24:47 AM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 2/21/2010 8:25:35 AM | message detail |
Kleenex knows wat sup --- holy crap, you used an apostrophe to make a word plural at least 3 times in that post. that's like cryptonite to me if I was batman - Bako Ikporamee |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/21/2010 8:26:17 AM | message detail |
feel this is one of those matches that is going to be won based on the
time of day. It will be a really close win for Ike, but if it was a
night match Zidane woulda won it. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli fanboyism |
voltch | Posted 2/21/2010 8:29:31 AM | message detail |
go go zidane! --- Shakes Fist! |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 2/21/2010 8:40:39 AM | message detail |
holy **** the Sora > Mario train is somehow my worst stupid train yet. --- |
voltch | Posted 2/21/2010 8:43:05 AM | message detail |
you was still riding on that particular good for nothing train that was grinding to a halt cos of a lack of steam anyway? --- Shakes Fist! |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 2/21/2010 8:46:30 AM | message detail |
Dude, I was still riding FFIV to the semifinals after getting godstomped. But man, between KH as a whole sucking it up and Mario looking above 2005, this is pretty much the opposite of how the Sora > Mario train theory planned it out! --- |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 2/21/2010 8:46:48 AM | message detail |
*godstomped in round 2 --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 2/21/2010 8:50:38 AM | message detail |
just annoyed that we're still not going to get any sort of read on Ike
as he's probably going to win and then get fed to Mario. augh SFF --- KrahenProphet lived up to his name. |
voltch | Posted 2/21/2010 8:52:00 AM | message detail |
should be hoping off the wagon at the next station and jumping on a new
locomotive brother, i think the coal in that train musta been unhealthy
for ya. --- Shakes Fist! |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 2/21/2010 8:52:16 AM | message detail |
Assuming Ike beats Zidane, I'm just going to put Ike a few % behind Marth barring him doing anything crazy and call it a day. --- |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 2/21/2010 8:52:46 AM | message detail |
KamikazePotato | Posted 2/21/2010 8:56:02 AM | message detail |
I would never take Marth over Ike. --- KrahenProphet lived up to his name. |
voltch | Posted 2/21/2010 8:58:01 AM | message detail |
is still a more secure train than that virgin express that's gonna
crash into another virgin express when sephiroth meets snake. --- Shakes Fist! |
HaRRicH | Posted 2/21/2010 8:59:04 AM | message detail |
We've seen Zidane a few times though, so it's not like we're getting NOTHING from this match. Probably add a little for Dissidia, too. We won't have anything precise on Ike if he wins thanks to Mario, but we'll have a pretty good idea of his range. --- T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/21/2010 8:59:35 AM | message detail |
From: Safer Sephiroth 777 | #371 You have Zidane > Ike and Kratos > Sora too? Damn ye! --- Not Wylvane |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/21/2010 8:59:37 AM | message detail |
FFIX Airship Theme Time. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli fanboyism |
Master Moltar | Posted 2/21/2010 9:00:12 AM | message detail |
Zidane Tribal 20% 1 Ike 80% 4 TOTAL VOTES 5 --- Moltar Status: Bracket: Mario > Big Boss (68/80) Contest Analysis Crew Archives: |
paulg235 | Posted 2/21/2010 9:00:16 AM | message detail |
Zidane Tribal 43.75% 7 Ike 56.25% 9 TOTAL VOTES 16 --- The Gamer In Me My Signature's broken, just like your front door. |
red sox 777 | Posted 2/21/2010 9:00:24 AM | message detail |
Zidane Tribal 50% 23 Ike 50% 23 TOTAL VOTES 46 --- Missingno's quest to avenge Crono - Round 2: Yoshi |
GrapefruitKing | Posted 2/21/2010 9:00:33 AM | message detail |
0_o epic match is EPIC --- Oracle Challenge 2k10 - Rank: 15th Today's prediction: Ike - 50.99% Status: |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 2/21/2010 9:00:34 AM | message detail |
Zidane has this. Board vote goes to Ike. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli fanboyism |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/21/2010 9:00:35 AM | message detail |
Nice start. --- Not Wylvane |
KamikazePotato | Posted 2/21/2010 9:00:38 AM | message detail |
woah --- KrahenProphet lived up to his name. |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 2/21/2010 9:01:04 AM | message detail |
GO MONKEY BOY GO --- This is good...isn't it? - Big motha****ing Boss |
dragoncrazer | Posted 2/21/2010 9:01:06 AM | message detail |
Zidane Tribal 28.57% 2 Ike 71.43% 5 TOTAL VOTES 7 |