GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 823

red sox 777 | Posted 2/8/2010 6:07:40 PM | message detail
I dunno about Solid and Liquid. We haven't seen Solid 2010 in action yet, after all!
6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno
'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared....
voltch | Posted 2/8/2010 6:08:46 PM | message detail
Acromania's back baby!
Shakes Fist!
red sox 777 | Posted 2/8/2010 6:10:06 PM | message detail
And again, if Liquid benefitted from Luigi being the obvious favorite in the first round, the second round results say it wasn't by much as you have to give a pretty extreme percentage of Bowser's votes to Luigi to even put him above his first round numbers. Unless you want to say Liquid was the obvious favorite in R2 and suffered it himself or something.
6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno
'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared....
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/8/2010 6:11:45 PM | message detail
Either 2008 Liquid is a fluke or 2010 Liquid is a fluke. But then again, I tend not to trust anything the guy does because his performances fluctuate more wildly than any other character I've ever seen in these contests.

Well, that or Altair's a beast and he's going to beat Sonic in a month or so.
"Spoil it for me. I'm never going to play that game so I want to know if he's going to be another Auron or another Sin." - Soul about Jecht vs. PW
MarioSuperstar | Posted 2/8/2010 6:11:57 PM | message detail
Yeah no clue what happened to Riku but I guess KH2 worked wonders for him and Axel. All non-Sora KH characters have pretty much been mediocre; which makes me confident Claire wins a rematch with Kairi.
*is Dranze*
Krahen Prophet did a fatality.
Wii_TuRtLe | Posted 2/8/2010 6:19:00 PM | message detail
It's a shame this contest didn't start in the summer like usual. Proto Man probably would have got into the main bracket without the vote-ins, and would have gotten a turbofodder Tales character to beat the piss out of en route to a second round destruction of a Sonic side character like Knuckles. Oh well!
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/8/2010 6:19:34 PM | message detail
Uh huh.
"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
voltch | Posted 2/8/2010 6:21:10 PM | message detail
So about these black animals in the family...
Shakes Fist!
MarioSuperstar | Posted 2/8/2010 6:21:45 PM | message detail
Protoman would beat Snake in the summer. Bank on it. Somehow.
*is Dranze*
Krahen Prophet did a fatality.
voltch | Posted 2/8/2010 6:27:47 PM | message detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
voltch | Posted 2/8/2010 6:28:18 PM | message detail
OMG! You mean all this time we was overlooking the most important factor of this contest?
THE WINTER FACTOR? Like how else do you explain Arthas losing? It's freezing cold right now, so people will vote for the clown who can fry you with a Flare, duuuh FFVI reminds me of sand and heat, Arthas of Winter colds, the ice is annoying, i don't like these cold dudes.
Of course Axel is losing even though he's a flame wielder, but Dante has no shirt, so Dante has the summer factor and axel's clothes remind you of the current bad winter weather, it all makes sense.
Shakes Fist!
Wii_TuRtLe | Posted 2/8/2010 6:29:46 PM | message detail
Obviously I'm talking about Mega Man 10 coming out in a few months and featuring Proto Man prominently.

Although at this point I'm convinced you're all trying to troll me for whatever reason.
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 2/8/2010 6:31:42 PM | message detail
"Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/8/2010 6:56:43 PM | message detail
Although at this point I'm convinced you're all trying to troll me for whatever reason.

Oh the irony
"I can set you free, mate."
"My freedom was forfeit long ago!"
MarioSuperstar | Posted 2/8/2010 7:09:42 PM | message detail
Mega Man 9 did wonders.
*is Dranze*
Krahen Prophet did a fatality.
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/8/2010 7:10:21 PM | message detail

From: MarioSuperstar | #315
Mega Man 9 did wonders.

Yeah, I know! It barely enabled Mega Man and Zero combined to beat Snake in 2008!
"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
voltch | Posted 2/8/2010 7:12:57 PM | message detail
come on MM9 sort of reintroduced MM to younger gamers, granted not many, but better than nothing.
if MM10 does better than at least his image won't be soiled like sonic's.
Shakes Fist!
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 2/8/2010 7:16:07 PM | message detail
Come on Snake with 100%
If you're seeing this sig, I'm not on my computer!
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/8/2010 7:26:37 PM | message detail

Have you guys seen yo's Stats Topic survey? (I know the answer is yes, since most of you have already posted it in, but if not...)

Well it struck me as a perfect opportunity to bring a different page up to date. So everyone who answered "A" has been added to

WHO would you say we are still missing?

You should search B8 for The Show, hosted by Ng & Ed! | |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 2/8/2010 7:27:04 PM | message detail
Sonic Team: "We're going to release garbage games for 10 years based entirely on our marketing department's moronic suggestions. Then when we finally pull our heads out of our asses and realize what our core audience wants, we're going to milk them for all they're worth by releasing our new game episodically. I have no idea why our entire fanbase has deserted us except for the creepy furries. There has to be a way we can alienate them as well!"
voltch | Posted 2/8/2010 7:28:40 PM | message detail
uh, NG, IThere's no way I could have been here in 2k3, my account was created in 04.......
I suppose you could add LMS, though I'm not so sure about it.
Shakes Fist!
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 2/8/2010 7:30:03 PM | message detail
Lightslayer987 | Posted 2/8/2010 7:30:15 PM | message detail

From: Ngamer64 | #319
WHO would you say we are still missing?

Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism
Lightslayer987 | Posted 2/8/2010 7:32:09 PM | message detail
And on a side note, is amazing how legit 4way stats are if you give them a chance

Dante (2007c) VS Axel (2007c)

Dante has a strength of 33.17.
Axel has a strength of 20.17.

Dante wins with 69.60% of the vote!
A win of 61,085 with 155,861 total votes cast.
Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism
voltch | Posted 2/8/2010 7:32:56 PM | message detail
could do with some charmander, he's popular with the ladies, then there's red sox.
Shakes Fist!
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 2/8/2010 7:34:45 PM | message detail
4 ways are going to be right at least some of the time. If you look at the results for every match so far this year extrapolated through 4-ways, they aren't that accurate.
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/8/2010 7:44:37 PM | message detail
All 3 of those people were already listed, for Pete's sake! What we need are NEW suggestions.

You should search B8 for The Show, hosted by Ng & Ed! | |
Lightslayer987 | Posted 2/8/2010 7:46:00 PM | message detail

From: Ngamer64 | #327
All 3 of those people were already listed, for Pete's sake! What we need are NEW suggestions.

Oh my bad, I just looked under A. Didn't think I might be under T >_>
Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism
paraboxx | Posted 2/8/2010 7:50:18 PM | message detail
People I see in that topic that picked option A but aren't on the wiki's Regulars page:

red sox 777

Important Disclaimer: I don't know everybody's alts.
red sox 777 | Posted 2/8/2010 7:50:47 PM | message detail
Wylvane. I'm not sure if the intent is to include active users only, but if not Solarshadow and Slowflake definitely should be added.
6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno
'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared....
paraboxx | Posted 2/8/2010 7:52:08 PM | message detail
Oh, and ExTha might count.

He said, quote, "I'd say A, but you guys would probably say B."
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/8/2010 7:54:25 PM | message detail
Gracious sakes people, all 5 of those users were already listed, again!

You should search B8 for The Show, hosted by Ng & Ed! | |
paraboxx | Posted 2/8/2010 7:56:11 PM | message detail
Heh. Well, I said I didn't know everybody's alts. :)

And if we're talking past users too, hochi should probably be in there. (Apparently better known as 8976201?) Even I remember that guy.
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/8/2010 7:59:39 PM | message detail
Hey Ngamer, add me!
"The great GF...Bahamut."
"...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..."
red sox 777 | Posted 2/8/2010 7:59:53 PM | message detail
I'm very confused- I don't see Wylvane, Soul, or Extha on there. I second hochi though, absolutely.
6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno
'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared....
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 2/8/2010 8:01:40 PM | message detail
I'm a regular poster now >_>
holy crap, you used an apostrophe to make a word plural at least 3 times in that post. that's like cryptonite to me if I was batman - Bako Ikporamee
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 2/8/2010 8:02:33 PM | message detail
Yeah, there's a whole bunch of people who are in the category on their page but not on the category list itself.

lol board 8 wiki?
Articuno2001 | Posted 2/8/2010 8:05:50 PM | message detail

From: BlAcK TuRtLe | #337
Yeah, there's a whole bunch of people who are in the category on their page but not on the category list itself.

lol board 8 wiki?

add &action=purge to the end of the URL.
15th in Best Game Ever 2009
44/47 in Character Battle 2010 | Current Pick: Dante
Haguile | Posted 2/8/2010 8:06:31 PM | message detail
Interesting...I completely forgot to check this poll. Axel is doing better than I expected.
Liar Game: Like mafia, but with more loopholes.
Ngamer64 | Posted 2/8/2010 8:09:08 PM | message detail
Hmm, didn't realize the site was so slow to update- didn't used to lag behind this far. But yeah, everyone's up there, see

You should search B8 for The Show, hosted by Ng & Ed! | |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/8/2010 8:10:34 PM | message detail
Oh man, steve illumina, there's a legend.
"Stay with me until the end. Please."
"Not until the end. Always."
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/8/2010 8:20:02 PM | message detail
C'mon, Dante! Just gain .24% in the next 40 minutes! You can do it!
"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
ff6man | Posted 2/8/2010 8:25:48 PM | message detail
I lurk too much to be a regular. :-P
Rs Name: Iggly (With an L!) - Skill Total - 1930+ - Combat level 125 - 295/299 Quest Points
CB8 Score: 45/48 Today: Snake/Fox
Iamthekuzalol | Posted 2/8/2010 8:26:26 PM | message detail
Lol, looks like Dante is scoring 58% on Ryu next round, let's compare MM2006 to Dante.

-Both of them drew the exact same opponent in the first 2 rounds. (Axel, Ryu)

-Both of them were being placed as 2nd seeder in the 6th Division

-Both of them scored 69+% on Axel.

-Assuming Dante wins, both of them are losing in the fourth round.
Snake's Mission "To make it to the finals for the fourth consecutive times"
MarioSuperstar | Posted 2/8/2010 8:30:54 PM | message detail
WHO would you say we are still missing?

*is Dranze*
Krahen Prophet did a fatality.
charmander6000 | Posted 2/8/2010 8:31:37 PM | message detail
Match XLIX: (1) Solid Snake vs. (16) Proto Man


Name: Solid Snake
Game/Series: Metal Gear
Previous Contest: 2008
Performance: 2nd in round 6

Name: Proto Man
Game/Series: Mega Man
Previous Contest: 2004
Performance: Lost to Zero in round 1


What we have here is the end result of a bandwagon and a character that has been missing in action since 2004. While the winner is not in doubt the percent is debatable. Proto Man might as well be a new character since using stats from that far back would be useless, especially since he was stuck behind SFF in his only match.

Like Kirby it was pretty obvious that Solid Snake had a bandwagon towards the end of the contest. This didn’t stop people from pulling for the Solid Snake > Sephiroth upset. That upset was so popular that at one point Solid Snake > Sephiroth was actually the favourite in the BOP. Personally I believe that Snake ranks at around the Mario/Samus tier which unless there has been a drop in strength Sephiroth is just above. We won’t really know for sure until later in the contest.

Before talking about Proto Man’s current strength I want to talk about his strength from 2004. It’s a common belief that Proto Man was SFF by Zero in that contest, but even his SFF self was at least the fodder line. This makes me believe that Proto Man was a decent mid-card back in that contest. This however was probably the strongest year for Mega Man and Zero. Since then Zero has gone from near elite to high mid-card which also means that Proto Man is most likely fodder.

Scoring high blowouts have been difficult in this contest, but if there is one character that can get one it would be Solid Snake. However I don’t believe that Proto Man has reached the stage of terrible fodder so he may be able to hold up better than what some people think. Also does anyone remember when CJayC called him Protoman in 2004?

charmander6000’s Bracket: Solid Snake > Proto Man

charmander6000’s Prediction: Solid Snake wins, 72.47% - 27.53%

Board 8 BOP:
Character Battle VIII - 38/46 - Today's Winners: Ryu and Dante
XxSoulxX | Posted 2/8/2010 8:34:02 PM | message detail
KamikazePotato is a regular as well.
"Calling Pokemon RBY a top 10 game was the most insane contest jibba-jabba ever
Woe unto he who sig bets with the near-invincible Lord High creativename
UngreatGatsby | Posted 2/8/2010 8:34:33 PM | message detail
So......Go Protoman!
I think Protoman can avoid the triple in my opinion. : )
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/8/2010 8:35:32 PM | message detail

From: XxSoulxX | #347
KamikazePotato is a regular as well.

That's Brett with Atreyu on the list.
"Stay with me until the end. Please."
"Not until the end. Always."
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 2/8/2010 8:43:28 PM | message detail
KamikazePotato is Brett with Atreyu?

Goddamn people need to learn how to not get accounts banned. Way too hard keeping track of people's alts

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