GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 820
EternalxCourage | Posted 2/6/2010 11:06:06 AM | message detail |
find out on March 1st when the marketing launch is supposedly set to
being. If it's bigger than the FFVII marketing campaign...Cloud could
very well win this contest, no? --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 2/6/2010 11:07:14 AM | message detail |
Not really. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Lightslayer987 | Posted 2/6/2010 11:08:54 AM | message detail |
Jecht won't even get close to Zelda on FFXIII release day, let alone Cloud actually challenge Link. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism |
red sox 777 | Posted 2/6/2010 11:10:09 AM | message detail |
is probably too high a goal for FFXIII. I don't think the potential
exists in the market anymore for a game like FFVII or OOT- we're
probably never going to see another game become as big on Gamefaqs as
those. Nintendo, of course, is no longer trying to make single games as
big as OOT, though Square is giving it a shot with FFXIII. Nonetheless, if FFXIII in the area of CT, FFX, and KH- that could be enough to make things even with Nintendo again. The original Kingdom Hearts was a huge success for Square characters in the contest, of course, and KH2 was pretty successful too- that was the game that pushed the Square near-elites far and away above the Nintendo near-elites. I've thought for a long time that Link/Cloud 2006 would have been pretty close if it had been held maybe 2 weeks before when it was actually held (TP's release date). --- 6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno 'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared.... |
red sox 777 | Posted 2/6/2010 11:11:18 AM | message detail |
Jecht won't even get close to Zelda on FFXIII release day, let alone Cloud actually challenge Link. Uh.....if Jecht is going to be beating Zelda, Cloud would have to like 60-40 Link. --- 6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno 'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared.... |
EternalxCourage | Posted 2/6/2010 11:12:37 AM | message detail |
Lol why would you mention Jecht of all the FF characters to mention -- he barely beat Phoenix for christ's sake. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/6/2010 11:12:41 AM | message detail |
From: paulg235 | #094 Based on this performance? No, he isn't. --- "So cold. I am always by your side." "There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on!" |
KamikazePotato | Posted 2/6/2010 11:13:30 AM | message detail |
62% on Ramza>Whatever Falcon ends up getting on Wander --- KrahenProphet lived up to his name. |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/6/2010 11:13:35 AM | message detail |
TP hype still behind Link? No way. Maybe two weeks after, when the TP
disappointment started to set in, though even then TP's still a strong
game here. I think FF13's ceiling is FF10, and there's no telling whether it'll be the next FF10 or the next FF12. I'm thinking somewhere in-between myself, like around FF8-area, except with characters people will actually like. --- Not Wylvane |
Lightslayer987 | Posted 2/6/2010 11:15:44 AM | message detail |
From: EternalxCourage | #106 Because his match is on FFXIII release date, any no others are? --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism |
red sox 777 | Posted 2/6/2010 11:15:47 AM | message detail |
think the hype/excitement was probably stronger on the launch day than
it was 2 weeks out. Either way, that was the worst possible day for
Cloud to face Link in the entire history of these contests, so Cloud
breaking 46% was actually pretty impressive. --- 6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno 'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared.... |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/6/2010 11:16:01 AM | message detail |
be very surprised if FFXIII ended up like FFXII. FFIX and FFXII had the
same problems: Released way too late in the console's lifespan and got
overlooked. FFXIII will have the same benefit FFVII and FFX had: Being
the first mainline FF game released in a Playstation generation. I
doubt it's going to get as strong as FFX, but Lightning will definitely
be able to handle the Balthiers and Zidanes of the FF world. Heck, she
may be able to already. --- "Spoil it for me. I'm never going to play that game so I want to know if he's going to be another Auron or another Sin." - Soul about Jecht vs. PW |
Nomchan | Posted 2/6/2010 11:16:05 AM | message detail |
has a few badass moments with Team Nora, but that's about it. If you're
expecting the next Auron or something, you're going to be sorely
disappointed. Plus, the bland design doesn't help. Honestly, there's pretty much no way the cast will ever reach FFVII level. Lightning has a good a shot of being the next Squall, while the rest will be around Tidus/Yuna level. --- ~ Birth by Sleep ~ A flat chest is a status symbol, it has immeasurable value. - Mayumi-chan |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/6/2010 11:17:54 AM | message detail |
if Vanille ends up being the 2nd strongest FFXIII character, that seems
pretty bad to me. She's one of the least interesting FFXIII characters
to me, based on what I've seen in the trailers. She's in the
Yuffie/Selphie/Eiko/Rikku mold, but if she's more like Rikku than she
is the other three, then I suppose she could be fine. --- "The great GF...Bahamut." "...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..." |
Lightslayer987 | Posted 2/6/2010 11:19:45 AM | message detail |
From: LeonhartFour | #114 Don't forget she also has fully textured nude models in the game files that fans have gotten crazy over. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism |
voltch | Posted 2/6/2010 11:24:31 AM | message detail |
being Tidus level is bad, very bad, I don't want a new collection of hyper chokers, come on XIII, you can be good. --- Shakes Fist! |
EternalxCourage | Posted 2/6/2010 11:25:37 AM | message detail |
not expecting an Auron -- I don't even like Auron (not that I dislike
Auron...I nothing him.) But Snow appeals to both sides of the spectrum
in my eyes -- he looks badass, and acts badass at times, but also has a
deeper side (again I haven't played the game, but he seems this way in
the trailers.) With the hype machine in full motion, and the marketing planned for the game I would expect that it has the potential to make some real powerhouses in the character battle. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 2/6/2010 11:27:44 AM | message detail |
You seem too biased to even make an objective statement. --- *is Dranze* Krahen Prophet did a fatality. |
voltch | Posted 2/6/2010 11:28:39 AM | message detail |
Noctis is the new auron anyway! --- Shakes Fist! |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/6/2010 11:35:23 AM | message detail |
know, I wonder if Wander's picture might be helping him out here. Yeah,
it sucks and is low quality, but you look at that picture and you know
"That's the Shadow of the Colossus guy." You couldn't tell that from
his other pictures. Or maybe being 1-on-1 helps him or something. Or maybe Falcon just blows hard. --- "Spoil it for me. I'm never going to play that game so I want to know if he's going to be another Auron or another Sin." - Soul about Jecht vs. PW |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 2/6/2010 11:35:44 AM | message detail |
Once people play the game and realizes he a bit of a dork, then he won't be that strong. Seriously, the FF7 cast is like a hyperactive 12-year old dream team of JRPG leads. -Spiky-haired lead with hot girlfriend, giant sword, sunglasses, and an awesome motorcycle -Hot girlfriend with a couple of big her martial arts abilities -Samuel L. Jackson with a gun for an arm -A really cute, innocent girl you're suppose to be entertained by so you'll feel bad when she's gone -a ninja chick -a ****ing VAMPIRE with guns and the ability to turn into Jason Vorhees -a chain-smoking, airship-piloting badass who enjoys some damn tea -a talking, badass pet(because who didn't want one of those) -also Cait Sith All set against a story about young underdogs fighting the evil empire(which has everything from mechs, to guys who look like Agents from The Matrix, to a badass leader with a shotgun and a sense of style), melodramatic storylines, tragic backstories, mwahaha ancient macguffins that will destroy the world, megalomaniac villains who speak like a shonen anime bad guy, etc. That kind of game only comes once in a lifetime. --- Currently 17th on the CBVIII Leaderboard ^_^ Current Pick: Sora's butt buddy |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/6/2010 11:37:11 AM | message detail |
-Samuel L. Jackson with a gun for an arm Mr. T with a gun for an arm! --- "But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside." "I am lightning...the rain transformed." |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 2/6/2010 11:38:13 AM | message detail |
Close enough fool! Angry cursing black badasses all tend to run together in my head sometimes. --- Currently 17th on the CBVIII Leaderboard ^_^ Current Pick: God's gift to Earth |
voltch | Posted 2/6/2010 11:39:37 AM | message detail |
mmm, if it was sidney poitier with a gun for an arm, oh man would that have been awkward. --- Shakes Fist! |
Nomchan | Posted 2/6/2010 11:40:50 AM | message detail |
if Vanille ends up being the 2nd strongest FFXIII character, that seems
pretty bad to me. She's one of the least interesting FFXIII characters
to me, based on what I've seen in the trailers. She's in the
Yuffie/Selphie/Eiko/Rikku mold, but if she's more like Rikku than she
is the other three, then I suppose she could be fine. I had a similar opinion to you before playing the game, and she turned out to be my favorite character. The hyperness is initially very overplayed, but she later mellows out and has some great development. Her and Fang are just so adorable together. :3 With the hype machine in full motion, and the marketing planned for the game I would expect that it has the potential to make some real powerhouses in the character battle. FFXII also had a huge marketing campaign, and look how that turned out. I think you're expecting a bit too much. --- ~ Birth by Sleep ~ A flat chest is a status symbol, it has immeasurable value. - Mayumi-chan |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/6/2010 11:41:05 AM | message detail |
remember someone in Square said they changed Barret's design for Advent
Children solely because they didn't like that so many Americans thought
he looked like Mr. T! --- "The great GF...Bahamut." "...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..." |
voltch | Posted 2/6/2010 11:45:06 AM | message detail |
I think a lot of people lost hype in XII after the demo too though. --- Shakes Fist! |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 2/6/2010 11:54:22 AM | message detail |
FFXIII is, for better or worse, a continuation of FFX. Square tried to
do something different, response was mixed, so they set the car back in
reverse. Back to the linear gameplay, back to Nomura and his obsession
with zippers and oddball character designs, back to the super
melodramatic storylines and dialog that is as subtle as the Hulk
fighting Superman in the middle of the Shibuya district. --- Currently 17th on the CBVIII Leaderboard ^_^ Current Pick: God's gift to Earth |
red sox 777 | Posted 2/6/2010 11:59:04 AM | message detail |
people think Wander is doing well, remember that he's never finished
outside of last place in 4-ways. Last Place Factor and all.... --- 6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno 'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared.... |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/6/2010 12:00:37 PM | message detail |
From: red sox 777 | #129 More like Awful Fodder Factor --- "But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside." "I am lightning...the rain transformed." |
ff6man | Posted 2/6/2010 12:26:28 PM | message detail |
So Kratos is a huge favorite tomorrow right? D: --- Rs Name: Iggly (With an L!) - Skill Total - 1930+ - Combat level 125 - 295/299 Quest Points CB8 Score: 41/44 Today: Leon/Sackboy |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/6/2010 12:27:08 PM | message detail |
According to the Guru, he is. There are some people who think Sackboy's got a shot, but I think Kratos should win pretty easily. --- "I can set you free, mate." "My freedom was forfeit long ago!" |
ff6man | Posted 2/6/2010 12:27:55 PM | message detail |
I'm really relying on sackboy to finally get me on the leaderboard. I finalized my bracket way too late to get on otherwise. --- Rs Name: Iggly (With an L!) - Skill Total - 1930+ - Combat level 125 - 295/299 Quest Points CB8 Score: 41/44 Today: Leon/Sackboy |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 2/6/2010 12:28:13 PM | message detail |
Kratos's SWORD FACTOR will lead him to victory --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
ff6man | Posted 2/6/2010 12:32:28 PM | message detail |
I asked a couple gamer friends and they said they'd pick Sackboy as
well just because ToS wasn't exactly the most popular game in the
world. But to be fair, LBP wasn't that huge either iirc? At any rate
I've seen what Kratos has done in past contests and obviously he
wouldn't have gotten any stronger in the past year whereas last contest
Sackboy's match was before LBP was even released...right? So there's a
good argument as to why Sackboy has a chance at least. --- Rs Name: Iggly (With an L!) - Skill Total - 1930+ - Combat level 125 - 295/299 Quest Points CB8 Score: 41/44 Today: Leon/Sackboy |
ff6man | Posted 2/6/2010 12:36:06 PM | message detail |
And iirc they both came last in their matches last it's like a fodder fight. :-) --- Rs Name: Iggly (With an L!) - Skill Total - 1930+ - Combat level 125 - 295/299 Quest Points CB8 Score: 41/44 Today: Leon/Sackboy |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 2/6/2010 12:37:41 PM | message detail |
Fodder/Fodder? Always bet on the established fodder(See: Laharl/Neku, Issac/Layton) --- holy crap, you used an apostrophe to make a word plural at least 3 times in that post. that's like cryptonite to me if I was batman - Bako Ikporamee |
firefdr | Posted 2/6/2010 12:39:17 PM | message detail |
Sackboy is winning by 88 votes |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 2/6/2010 1:04:57 PM | message detail |
For what it's worth, ToS seemed to show Nintendo-like trends in the games contest... --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/6/2010 1:08:26 PM | message detail |
Falcon follows up an update in which he triples Wander with an update in which he doubles him. ...Yes, that's really all there is to say about this match. Fact/Fiction: Vault Boy will finish in the upper half of the final stats Fact/Fiction: Kratos/Sackboy will feature at least one lead change --- "I can set you free, mate." "My freedom was forfeit long ago!" |
Lightslayer987 | Posted 2/6/2010 1:11:01 PM | message detail |
I'm expecting Vault Boy to get high 30s, maybe almost 40%, which should
put him about low mid card level, which should be barely upper half. False. I expect Kratos to take the board vote and never give it up. --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism |
voltch | Posted 2/6/2010 1:14:55 PM | message detail |
If only Kratos could be as strong as Tales of Symphonia was in the games contest, wouldn't he be midcard then? --- Shakes Fist! |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 2/6/2010 1:21:54 PM | message detail |
Regarding Vault Boy, I'm leaning towards Fact. I think he'll surprise everyone and get around 40% on Leon. No clue regarding Sackboy/Kratos A, though. --- Vote for Vault Boy! Because seriously, wouldn't Vault Boy/Sackboy be funny to see? |
charmander6000 | Posted 2/6/2010 1:26:00 PM | message detail |
If only Kratos could be as strong as Tales of Symphonia was in the games contest, wouldn't he be midcard then? If only Terra could be as strong as Final Fantasy VI was in the games contest, wouldn't she defeat Dante then? --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle VIII - 34/42 - Today's Winners: Riku and Captain Falcon |
creativename | Posted 2/6/2010 1:30:17 PM | message detail |
Stuck in Washington snowstorm, can't view image urls on iPhone. Can someone post vault and sackboy pics? --- |
Lightslayer987 | Posted 2/6/2010 1:31:27 PM | message detail |
From: creativename | #145 --- Albion Hero is the Cream of Loli Fanboyism |
creativename | Posted 2/6/2010 1:35:34 PM | message detail |
Thanks:) vault boy should do good. I think sackboy wins. Day of the boys! Grown men beware --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 2/6/2010 1:42:22 PM | message detail |
Sackboy is probably going to be the bracket favorite, but I doubt he wins. --- KrahenProphet lived up to his name. |
yzman | Posted 2/6/2010 1:46:52 PM | message detail |
From: ExThaNemesis | #047 Wind Waker? Four Swords Adventures? --- "As I was walking up the stairs, I met a man who wasn't there, he wasn't there again today, i wish I wish he'd go away." |
ZFS | Posted 2/6/2010 1:47:18 PM | message detail |
if Vanille ends up being the 2nd strongest FFXIII character, that seems
pretty bad to me. She's one of the least interesting FFXIII characters
to me, based on what I've seen in the trailers Vanille's actually one of the three good characters from the main cast in the game, actually. Lightning and Sazh being the other two. Fang, Hope, and Snow are something awful. --- wheresoever you go, go with all your heart |