GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 816
UltimaterializerX | Posted 2/3/2010 9:04:10 AM | message detail |
I do not need a microphone. My voice is ****ing.... POWERFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUL ~*creativename's contest site (all things contest!)*~ ~*The Board 8 Wiki (lots of useful contest and board information, including all past Post-Contest Analysis from Ulti, transience, Ed Bellis and others)*~ ~*NGamer64's Archive Sites (good stuff!) and (LOL) X-Stats Sim (some offensive language)*~ ~*Character Contest Histories (Thanks to Raven 2 for the info transfer)*~ ~*Simple Explanation of Extrapolated Standings*~ A = Strongest Character B = Character Weaker than A C = Character Weaker than B To figure out a character's Xsts Percentage ---> [(CvB)(BvA)]/50 = CvA To compare how C would do against B ---> [(CvA)/(BvA)]*50 = CvB To figure out how B would do against A ---> [(CvA)/(CvB)]*50 = BvA ~*All the match pics*~ ~*Acronyms and Percentages for Dummies*~ ~*Poll Start Times*~ ~*Say What? Some Common Stat Topic Lingo Defined*~ SFF (Same Fanbase Factor) - Same Fanbase Factor is the theory that, if two contestants share a common fanbase, the weaker of the two options will underperform in a direct matchup. For instance, Link was expected to defeat Ganon with 65% of the vote in 2004, based on their 2003 values. Instead, Link collected near 88% of the vote, because the Zelda fanbase so clearly sided with him. However, take some SFF labels with a grain of salt, as many people will slap it onto any match that doesn't make total sense. This has caused a few SFF jokes, with LordOfDabu's "Some Frivolous Factor" being the funniest of them. X-Stats - Short form of Extrapolated Statistics, aka the mathematical "strength" of a contestant that can be determined based on their performance in any given matchup. See above for a detailed explanation of the x-stat process. Noble Nine - Link, Cloud, Sephiroth, Mario, Crono, Solid Snake, Sonic, Samus and Mega Man. Near-Elite - The Squall, Auron, Tifa, Vincent, Zelda, Kirby, etc group that has come at, near or even ahead of Noble Nine characters in the past. The Fodder Line - A final X-Stat value of 15% or below. For other information, surf the contest sites a bit. They have everything. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸,.·´ 11/15/2009 - Never forget 4th and 2. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 2/3/2010 9:10:42 AM | message detail |
Ratchet & Clank is the best new series of the last decade. --- "Spoil it for me. I'm never going to play that game so I want to know if he's going to be another Auron or another Sin." - Soul about Jecht vs. PW |
KingBartz | Posted 2/3/2010 9:54:34 AM | message detail |
I hate this match and I think I'm dropping out of the oracle. --- Contest score: 29/36 Today's picks: Jecht & Eddie Riggs |
TheKoolAidShoto | Posted 2/3/2010 9:55:33 AM | message detail |
Ratchet & Clank is the best new series of the last decade. I've been saying that FOREVER. So consistently good for over 10 years. --- Yeah, you lost your virginity. Just like a homeless guy staring into the window of an office building means he got a job.- Colonel Alloy |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 2/3/2010 9:56:53 AM | message detail |
Tag --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
Agent M | Posted 2/3/2010 9:56:59 AM | message detail |
Ezio/Simon - Assess Ezio's chances against Zelda for those who believe it I'd say Ezio would need at least a tripling, ideally a bit more. Simon is no Alucard that's for sure. If he fails to get a doubling then Zelda is going to steamroll him. Snake got like 82% on Soma Cruz several years back, who I would guess is a bit weaker than Simon. So if Simon falls in the mid 20s, Ezio at least has a case to be made. --- Signature |
TsunamiXXVIII | Posted 2/3/2010 10:00:35 AM | message detail |
Yeah, I'm still going with "not established enough to make the big time yet and will be lucky to get to round 2 at all." Anyway, Eddie actually seems to have finally realized he's in the contest. Does he have a chance to stay above 30%, or is he going to be slapped back down? --- CB8 record through 37 matches: 32-7 Incorrect picks: Ocelot, Wesker, Fawful, Tidus (2 rounds), Phoenix (2 rounds) |
XxSoulxX | Posted 2/3/2010 10:02:41 AM | message detail |
If he fails to get a doubling then Zelda is going to steamroll him. Zelda is going to win that match no matter what. --- Calling Pokemon RBY a top 10 game was the most insane contest jibba-jabba ever Woe unto he who sig bets with the near-invincible Lord High creativename |
Karma Hunter | Posted 2/3/2010 10:05:02 AM | message detail |
proved Simon has no shot, but ACII would have had to have been the
slam-dunk, runaway GotY here for me to give anything resembling a
semblance of a chance versus Zelda. The non-Nobles who have put her
down straight up are... Vincent? --- turnturnturn your brain in |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 2/3/2010 10:05:41 AM | message detail |
Zelda is going to win that match no matter what. inb4EternalxCourage --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 2/3/2010 10:06:21 AM | message detail |
guessing Ezio is a bit weaker (if not a clear notch or two below)
Altair, and I don't think Altair would come near Zelda, so I'm kinda
sorta expecting a Zelda rout there. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 2/3/2010 10:06:22 AM | message detail |
From: TsunamiXXVIII | #007 Yeah, I'm still going with "not established enough to make the big time yet and will be lucky to get to round 2 at all." Ezio!? God, we need to start a wiki page with all these quotes. --- They're unbelievable. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 2/3/2010 10:08:02 AM | message detail |
dunno what to expect from the AC fanbase anymore. It's clear that the
extremely similar designs of Altair and Ezio are causing an overlap of
strength though, at least to me. Duke Nukem doesn't 60-40 Liquid in any
year. --- turnturnturn your brain in |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 2/3/2010 10:09:47 AM | message detail |
still think Simon can make that match respectable. It's not like Ezio
has an incredible picture advantage with them sharing the same pose,
and I still think his name is complex and unappealing enough to
dissuade some voters. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 2/3/2010 10:10:00 AM | message detail |
From: Karma Hunter | #009 The non-Nobles who have put her down straight up are... Vincent? And Bidoof --- <____________________________< |
Denzokuken | Posted 2/3/2010 10:10:27 AM | message detail |
I'm actually voting for him because of his name. I'd do the same if he was up against Altair. |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/3/2010 10:11:55 AM | message detail |
Is Tsunami new here, or is he just some guy who's been hiding in the background with his hilarious opinions until recently? He's like this year's LinkMarioSamus, except Tsunami puts more importance on Board 8 rankings than rankings by other publications. --- Not Wylvane |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 2/3/2010 10:13:35 AM | message detail |
You know you're pretty bad in these contests when Ratchet is doubling you. Eddie Riggs/Chop Chop Master Onion. Who ya got? --- KRATOS > CHARIZARD: Somehow, I found an upset even dumber than Fawful > GlaDOS. |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 2/3/2010 10:13:36 AM | message detail | Why I'm voting for Simon tbqh. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/3/2010 10:14:04 AM | message detail |
Fact/Fiction: If Bacon changed Guybrush Threepwood's name to "Darth Snake," he'd be a mid-carder. --- Not Wylvane |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 2/3/2010 10:14:06 AM | message detail |
Hell yeah Simon's theme. --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 2/3/2010 10:14:13 AM | message detail |
still think Simon can make that match respectable. It's not like Ezio
has an incredible picture advantage with them sharing the same pose,
and I still think his name is complex and unappealing enough to
dissuade some voters. Agreed. --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
frisqo | Posted 2/3/2010 10:14:15 AM | message detail |
Lol @ this blowout. I've entered every single contest but this is only the second time I've even had a CHANCE at making the leaderboard (@ 34 with Sackboy>K.A, Revan>Terra, and Daddy>Soap). I had TheBoss>Drake but then bit into B8 hype (Rofl almost had Drake>Cube too). Cmon leaderboard spot! I have absolutely no idea why I have Geno>Ness though :,,( --- Name: Flex FC: 4510 7199 0698 |
Karma Hunter | Posted 2/3/2010 10:14:26 AM | message detail |
what you will about Ezio there, but he's no Blurry Belmont, that's for
sure. It's no Altair vs Brown pic advantage, but it'll be more than
decisive enough for a blowout. --- turnturnturn your brain in |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 2/3/2010 10:14:44 AM | message detail |
From: TheCodeisBosco | #018 A rapping onion's going to get the joke votes over Jack Black for sure. --- Not Wylvane |
nintendogirl1 | Posted 2/3/2010 10:14:50 AM | message detail |
From: Not_Wylvane | #020 Fact/Fiction: If Bacon changed Guybrush Threepwood's name to "Darth Snake," he'd be a mid-carder. Darth Snake? Challenge the Noble Nine. --- Easily. |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 2/3/2010 10:20:16 AM | message detail |
Rofl almost had Drake>Cube too I actually went with that, as well as Liquid Snake to Round Three. Needless to say, my bracket's on life support. Good thing Sub-Zero and Jecht gave me a nice boost. --- KRATOS > CHARIZARD: Somehow, I found an upset even dumber than Fawful > GlaDOS. |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 2/3/2010 10:27:56 AM | message detail | Why I'm voting for Simon tbqh. Awww yeah Simon's theme. --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 2/3/2010 10:34:00 AM | message detail |
From: Karma Hunter | Posted: 2/3/2010 1:14:26 PM | #024 Yeah. It was one of the first pictures I made, and I went back and redid it later once I figured more things out in Photoshop. No clue why Bacon kept the old one. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸,.·´ Six billion cries of agony will birth a new balance. |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 2/3/2010 10:48:12 AM | message detail |
Ratchet & Clank is the best new series of the last decade. Monster Hunter --- Ah, you know it's funny, these people, they go to sleep. They think everything's fine, everything's good... They wake up the next day and they're on fire. |
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 2/3/2010 10:51:50 AM | message detail |
Ratchet & Clank is the best new series of the last decade. Monster Hunter WarioWare --- KRATOS > CHARIZARD: Somehow, I found an upset even dumber than Fawful > GlaDOS. |
draarrowgant | Posted 2/3/2010 10:52:15 AM | message detail |
am sure this has already been discussed on this board recently- but I
am curious what people think of Kratos this year. I still think he
would lose the 4-way with Snake and L-block, but I think he must be
stronger this year than in previous contests. For example- earlier
losses to Ryu and Alucard- I think he would have a shot of winning
either of those matches now- particularly with a day vote. Thoughts? --- -------------------------------- psn: aarrowgant |
charmander6000 | Posted 2/3/2010 10:56:32 AM | message detail |
would take Kratos over Alucard, but not Ryu. Between 2005 and 2006 his
original game doubled in sales which is why he boosted. I'm not sure
what to think of him post-GoW3 though. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle VIII - 28/36 - Today's Winners: Jecht and Ratchet |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 2/3/2010 10:59:19 AM | message detail |
did poorly in his match against Tails this year. He's defintely
stronger than when he lost to Alucard but he's in no position to beat
Ryu and defintely has no chance against Snake. Current expecations are
for Kratos to cleanly lose to Charizard in Round 2. --- "Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..." "All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..." |
charmander6000 | Posted 2/3/2010 11:00:56 AM | message detail |
Looks like Eddie is trying to avoid getting doubled. --- Board 8 BOP: Character Battle VIII - 28/36 - Today's Winners: Jecht and Ratchet |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 2/3/2010 11:01:56 AM | message detail |
quality match --- (|| ' ' ||) Visio Vestri - Character Battle VIII Fanfiction Project . /|_|\ |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 2/3/2010 11:04:08 AM | message detail |
I started an Emerald playthrough entirely because of THE ZARD's match. --- I've been burnt so bad but I still play with fire. Sometimes naked truth is what I don't believe in. |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 2/3/2010 11:08:27 AM | message detail |
am sure this has already been discussed on this board recently- but I
am curious what people think of Kratos this year. I still think he
would lose the 4-way with Snake and L-block, but I think he must be
stronger this year than in previous contests. For example- earlier
losses to Ryu and Alucard- I think he would have a shot of winning
either of those matches now- particularly with a day vote. Thoughts? After seeing Kratos lay an egg against Tails... I wouldn't trust him to beat Ryu. Since he embarrassed himself against Tails, expectations have him losing to Charizard. --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
EternalxCourage | Posted 2/3/2010 11:11:59 AM | message detail |
lol @ 'Zelda is winning that match no matter what' Ezio is going to at least double Simon. Really though this match isn't going to mean much. Altair vs. Vivi is going to be much more telling of Ezio's chances against Zelda (not to mention Zelda's match against Travis.) People saying Ezio has no chance are still ignorant. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
XxSoulxX | Posted 2/3/2010 11:13:34 AM | message detail |
People saying Ezio has no chance are still ignorant. I also say that Balthier has no shot against Ryu, but I guess that would make me ignorant as well. So be it. --- Calling Pokemon RBY a top 10 game was the most insane contest jibba-jabba ever Woe unto he who sig bets with the near-invincible Lord High creativename |
Silverflash-x | Posted 2/3/2010 11:14:20 AM | message detail |
My bracket is officially dead with the Jecht > Phoenix result. ggz --- Q. If your canoe is in a tree with its headlights on, how many pancakes does it take to get to the moon? A. None. Snakes don't have armpits. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 2/3/2010 11:14:33 AM | message detail |
Well, it's safe to say that Simon has a better shot at Ezio than Ezio has at Zelda anyway --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 2/3/2010 11:15:01 AM | message detail | new match pic rating thingy. can somebody keep it bumped for me? --- (|| ' ' ||) Visio Vestri - Character Battle VIII Fanfiction Project . /|_|\ |
XxSoulxX | Posted 2/3/2010 11:16:42 AM | message detail |
Well, it's safe to say that Simon has a better shot at Ezio than Ezio has at Zelda anyway Definitely. --- Calling Pokemon RBY a top 10 game was the most insane contest jibba-jabba ever Woe unto he who sig bets with the near-invincible Lord High creativename |
EternalxCourage | Posted 2/3/2010 11:17:42 AM | message detail |
You guys are just moronic if you believe that. (Simon having a better chance against Ezio than he does against Zelda.) Anyway, I've argued this over and over. More respectable posters than you two have already agreed that it's not a match set in stone. That's enough for me. Difference between Balthier and Ezio is that Ezio actually has an argument. But way to be even more ignorant. --- Curt - PSN - CPhoenixM I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 2/3/2010 11:17:46 AM | message detail |
DOES have one good thing going for him, though: his votals were through
the roof, close to cracking 50k as I recall. Charizard will likely
benefit from switching to the ASV a lot, though I wonder if it'll be
enough to get 10k more votes. --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
XxSoulxX | Posted 2/3/2010 11:19:35 AM | message detail |
Difference between Balthier and Ezio is that Ezio actually has an argument. But way to be even more ignorant. I hate going back to this because I give Ulti **** everytime he brings it up, but Ezio > Zelda is almost exactly similar to Samus > Mario. You're looking at stats instead of just using logic. It's ****ing Zelda! --- "Calling Pokemon RBY a top 10 game was the most insane contest jibba-jabba ever Woe unto he who sig bets with the near-invincible Lord High creativename |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 2/3/2010 11:22:03 AM | message detail |
There's no stats to support it either, Ezio is a newcomer. It goes against both stats and common sense --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 2/3/2010 11:22:12 AM | message detail |
Highest Rated: Lowest Rated: just because I can repost it, I shall --- (|| ' ' ||) Visio Vestri - Character Battle VIII Fanfiction Project . /|_|\ |
XxSoulxX | Posted 2/3/2010 11:22:37 AM | message detail |
No, Ezio is stronger than Altair! Didn't you get that memo? --- Calling Pokemon RBY a top 10 game was the most insane contest jibba-jabba ever Woe unto he who sig bets with the near-invincible Lord High creativename |