GameFAQs Contests

Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 777 (All Lucky 7s Edition!)

HaRRicH | Posted 1/14/2010 12:55:17 AM | message detail
Serge-with-Tidus lost to Isaac-with-Pikachu. Considering Isaac's a handheld-only Nintendo-RPG guy and Pikachu is the face of Pokemon, Isaac could have been SFF'd worse than Serge; Chrono Trigger's proven to stand up to Final Fantasy several times (yes, I get CT >> CC), CC and FFX are on different systems, and Tidus is hardly somebody to fear as far as Square-SFF goes; he was crushed by Squall, lost to Vivi, and let Auron embarrass him to the point of losing to Rikku in the old FFX-poll.

Serge didn't get the single fairest shake ever or anything, but Isaac 56-44'd him and Isaac has a better excuse for sucking. His game did poorly in BGE2 too, so don't expect me to be eager to see him again when his game's currently in 7th place (and sneaked in past at least three other games from 2000 that would probably double it [including FF9 which DID double it]).
transience | Posted 1/14/2010 12:55:40 AM | message detail
three Mario, three Zelda, three Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger

why do I pay attention to these contests again? yeesh
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 1/14/2010 1:01:18 AM | message detail
This decade has more variety, but apparently that means nothing in terms of contest strength. Even the two weakest games in a theoretical 90s poll, Link's Awakening and FFVI, would do pretty well for themselves in today's poll.
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 1/14/2010 1:41:04 AM | message detail
red sox 777 | Posted 1/13/2010 2:01:56 PM | message detail
I want to see geolocation for the old Mario/Crono matches, and Starcraft/Wind Waker.

I'm more interested in seeing the L-Block matches from 2007.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as KrahenProphet, Guru Champ!
ZFS | Posted 1/14/2010 1:45:12 AM | message detail

Funny that none of these games would even be in my top 3 for the decade!

the journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step
TheCodeisBosco | Posted 1/14/2010 1:57:34 AM | message detail
Funny that none of these games would even be in my top 3 for the decade!

Yep, same here. My three favorites from this decade would be:

#1: Meteos
#2: WarioWare: Twisted!
#3: Contact

CATS: 2002-09. R.I.P. :(
CURRENTLY PLAYING: Pokemon Gold (GBC), Flicky (Arcade)
Dilated Chemist | Posted 1/14/2010 2:05:27 AM | message detail
I have this weird feeling that Mewtwo is gonna surprise us.

GT: TriggerTRE
When life gives you lemons you get some tequila!
charmander6000 | Posted 1/14/2010 5:07:34 AM | message detail
Wow Nathan looks almost as generic as Sandal in that picture.
Board 8 BOP:
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LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/14/2010 5:11:32 AM | message detail
Wow Mario Galaxy is getting pwned here...not much else to say, really. I would've voted for a bunch of games over it, but...yeah.

And San Andreas is beating Brawl? Obviously the American morning vote will arrive and put down all these non-Nintendo stuffs, but still? Of course, that would probably happen even more bigtime on any other site, heh. Not sure about MW2's reception.
Not_Wylvane | Posted 1/14/2010 5:40:59 AM | message detail
It is a god damn shame that awesome games like Galaxy and NSMBW are bombing here. I really don't get it, since they're just as great as the old games, the reviews for them are great (especially Galaxy which is one of the highest-rated games ever), the fan reception has been excellent, and it's ****ing Mario. I seriously don't get it.

Also, my three favorites of the decade:

1. Fallout 3
2. Super Mario Galaxy
3. Mass Effect
Not Wylvane
voltch | Posted 1/14/2010 5:45:15 AM | message detail
Cube's <3s will push it above something that maes price look original, yeah MGS genome soldiers look more iconic than him there.
After seeing Nathan's pic, I'm convinced the scenery in uncharted 2 is more popular than him, I mean come to think of it, everyone talked about the ice mountains, the city or the train level or the hot chicks, but nothing really on drake.
Why is sonic staring at lightning's breasts?
I like Mewtwo's animated pic, but it reminds me more of the anime rather than the game.
Shakes Fist!
Not_Wylvane | Posted 1/14/2010 5:46:43 AM | message detail

From: voltch | #461
I like Mewtwo's animated pic, but it reminds me more of the anime rather than the game.

Wouldn't that be good, since he kills Ash in the first movie?

Mewtwo with 90% on Ganondorf.
Not Wylvane
MarioSuperstar | Posted 1/14/2010 5:48:26 AM | message detail
It is a god damn shame that awesome games like Galaxy and NSMBW are bombing here. I really don't get it, since they're just as great as the old games, the reviews for them are great (especially Galaxy which is one of the highest-rated games ever), the fan reception has been excellent, and it's ****ing Mario. I seriously don't get it.

Galaxy actually did well in its year release otherwise it wouldn't get game of the year to be here.

It has more to do with Wii fans being disappointed I guess. The actual Wii console has slowly dropped in popularity over the system polls and the only thing that seems to stay stable is Zelda.
*is Dranze*
Krahen Prophet did a fatality.
voltch | Posted 1/14/2010 5:53:17 AM | message detail
Mewtwo only 50% kills ash though, Mew got the other half of course the amount of fans left by the time the next mewtwo movie came was when it was cool to hate pokemon and let xenogears beat it soooo, Mewtwo's potential really got limited somewhere down the line.
Shakes Fist!
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/14/2010 6:14:49 AM | message detail
I suppose the site not being such a huge fan of new Mario games thanks to SMS is the big deal, but then how is Half-Life 2 so popular on this site? They both got about the same critic scores, with HL2 having the slight edge at the majority of sites...but then you realize that this is GameFAQs, where Super Mario is one of the big three franchises while HL2 comes from a genre that this site loves to hate. It does not correlate (but that rhymes!).

I suppose that GameFAQs having more of a site shift towards western stuff is some of the reason. But would there be anything aside from that?
Kotetsu534 | Posted 1/14/2010 6:23:31 AM | message detail
I don't think the Wii itself can be blamed... Brawl's the strongest game this decade.

Currently Playing: Final Fantasy Tactics, Ocarina of Time, Uncharted 2
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 1/14/2010 6:38:05 AM | message detail
Obviously the Wii itself can't be blamed. It is more likely the low liking for the platforming genre in general.

I might've mentioned this before, but...

*please feel the right to ignore*

...on most sites Resident Evil 4 would smoke Brawl/Twilight Princess but would lose to Super Mario Galaxy, but here it's the other way around. Still very ironic.

Also, according to Destructoid, Braid > Psychonauts > Banjo-Tooie > SSBM. Though I suppose Destructoid's list did have a bit too much of an emphasis on cultish games (remember, Shadow of the Colossus was 1st and Mother 3 was 3rd!), but when some guys say that SSBM should beat every Mario game while some other guys say it shouldn't even be able to handle the likes of Braid and Banjo-Tooie (let ALONE Super Mario Galaxy!), then you know that you have a mixed-reception series there!
red sox 777 | Posted 1/14/2010 6:56:38 AM | message detail
Modern Warfare 2 is now ahead of Brawl! Let's see if it can hold on through the Smash ASV- MW2's got a pretty good ASV too, and Brawl's isn't quite as amazing as Melee's.
6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno
'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared....
3rdTimesDeCharm | Posted 1/14/2010 7:01:10 AM | message detail
Personally I cant stand platformers, as time goes by I can't see how I ever enjoyed a platformer...

That aside I know it has never been game = character however at this point doesn't anyone think the majority of voters understand who the characters are and what game they come from? Or is everyone still too ignorant to realize a character like ezio or soap comes from a very game most have played???
A wise man once said"when in doubt, do a barrel roll"
That man was Peppy Hare...
charmander6000 | Posted 1/14/2010 7:05:36 AM | message detail
That's not the main problem. Just because you like the game doesn't mean you also like the character.
Board 8 BOP:
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3rdTimesDeCharm | Posted 1/14/2010 7:14:00 AM | message detail
Is that so? You would imagine that wouldn't be the case as zelda, mario and kirby's of old had were all about the game not at all about the character. Yet simply existing as the main character of a popular series, link, mario and kirby are all popular.

I guess now that characters have more than two dimensions (lol pun) too them its hard for people to like them...
A wise man once said"when in doubt, do a barrel roll"
That man was Peppy Hare...
voltch | Posted 1/14/2010 7:16:58 AM | message detail
old school games rely on their iconic designs and strong nostalgia, it's what they represent that makes them appealing, but one look at the square cast shows that characters with a little depth can still be hugely popular and Snake might be an even better
Of course each individual case is different.
Shakes Fist!
charmander6000 | Posted 1/14/2010 7:17:34 AM | message detail
You do have a point though, with less of a personality the player fills in the gaps.
Board 8 BOP:
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voltch | Posted 1/14/2010 7:19:53 AM | message detail
actually aren't today's characters even less developped since like say fallout 3, it's you who creates the character and FPS games you don't even see your own character's face for a huge portion of the game....
Shakes Fist!
Xuxon | Posted 1/14/2010 7:20:57 AM | message detail
Is anyone absolutely certain about when the contest starts? The rules page seems to contradict itself.
charmander6000 | Posted 1/14/2010 7:21:43 AM | message detail
I'm sure it's the 16th
Board 8 BOP:
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Xuxon | Posted 1/14/2010 7:26:45 AM | message detail
Okay thanks, I was pretty sure about that, but not completely. Offhand, the biggest impact seems to be the Hayabusa/Chief match, which is on a Monday, but would have been a Sunday if it started tomorrow. Though I picked Hayabusa anyway, since his day vote is pretty good too.
draarrowgant | Posted 1/14/2010 7:29:48 AM | message detail
LeonhartFour | Posted 1/14/2010 12:20:14 AM | message detail
Yeah, it just surprises me at how well Mario games can still sell nowadays and how popular the old Mario games are, and these new ones still bomb here in polls. I can't figure it out.

The reason is two-fold:

1) Sales on the Wii do not have a high coefficient to who visits this site in a regression analysis perspective comparative to other platforms. Put in a less nerdy way- any given Wii owner has less chance to be a GF poll taker then the other platforms.

2) Intrinsically Mario isn't that cool of a character. The reason he and his games get so many votes is from familiarity and nostalgia voting.

Dream3ater: I've played every FFgame from I-XII and I barely payed attention to the story in any of them...There are a ton of people like me
voltch | Posted 1/14/2010 7:32:03 AM | message detail
reason 1 doesn't explain too well how brawl is a juggernaut yet as a series mario crushes smash.
though for reason 2, it's still weird how mario is below Metroid.
Shakes Fist!
Xuxon | Posted 1/14/2010 7:37:02 AM | message detail
Smash actually did pretty well on Mario in the series contest, and that was before the most popular Smash game came out. It might beat Mario now.
Xuxon | Posted 1/14/2010 7:38:39 AM | message detail
Wait, nevermind, only 38%. I thought it did better than that.
voltch | Posted 1/14/2010 7:40:06 AM | message detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
charmander6000 | Posted 1/14/2010 7:40:22 AM | message detail
A lot of people were surprised by its performance, especially when all of the newer series flopped.
Board 8 BOP:
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Xuxon | Posted 1/14/2010 7:41:29 AM | message detail
Yeah, there's no way Smash beats Mario as a series even with Brawl. I remembered everyone being shocked by how wel Smash did against Mario in the series contest, though, so I thought it was more like 55-45 back then.
voltch | Posted 1/14/2010 7:44:49 AM | message detail
More shocking was how well pokemon did, that was like the start of pokemon's rise on this site, totally banished the old bad memories.
But tbh, I'm not sure I'd take brawl>Melee one on one.
Shakes Fist!
red sox 777 | Posted 1/14/2010 7:51:52 AM | message detail
I'm almost sure Mario does better against Smash in a rematch. That match was at the height of Brawl hype, when people were expecting Brawl to be better than Melee.

It was so shocking because it was essentially the entire Mario series against SSBM plus a game, SSB64, that added very little to its strength. And yet SSBM did better that it had done 2 years earlier against FFVII.
6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno
'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared....
NominateSerge | Posted 1/14/2010 8:07:22 AM | message detail

From: PartOfYourWorld | #445
Serge lost handily to Isaac. I think that was the first and last opportunity he deserved to get.

I resent that!
"Spoil it for me. I'm never going to play that game so I want to know if he's going to be another Auron or another Sin." - Soul about Jecht vs. PW
NominateSerge | Posted 1/14/2010 8:08:53 AM | message detail

From: PartOfYourWorld | #445
Serge lost handily to Isaac. I think that was the first and last opportunity he deserved to get.

I resent that!
"Spoil it for me. I'm never going to play that game so I want to know if he's going to be another Auron or another Sin." - Soul about Jecht vs. PW
NominateSerge | Posted 1/14/2010 8:10:46 AM | message detail

From: Xuxon | #475
Is anyone absolutely certain about when the contest starts? The rules page seems to contradict itself.

It starts on the 16th. Bacon is using the Pacific Time Zone when he says the contest starts on the 15th. Technically, in that time zone, the first match starts on the 15th at 9 P.M.
"Stay with me until the end. Please."
"Not until the end. Always."
NominateSerge | Posted 1/14/2010 8:11:12 AM | message detail

From: Dilated Chemist | #457
I have this weird feeling that Mewtwo is gonna surprise us.

From nearly losing to Midna to nearly beating Ganondorf?

I can accept this!
"I can set you free, mate."
"My freedom was forfeit long ago!"
Xuxon | Posted 1/14/2010 8:12:09 AM | message detail
The main thing that confused me was some places it says entries are due on the 14th, some places the 15th.
LeonhartFour | Posted 1/14/2010 8:17:25 AM | message detail
Well, the main page says entries are due Friday, so I'd stick with that.
"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
Not_Wylvane | Posted 1/14/2010 8:37:34 AM | message detail
Actually bothered to make a favorites bracket.

Woo go Luigi > Vault Boy.
Not Wylvane
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 1/14/2010 8:38:24 AM | message detail
Also, Bacon hasn't set up the pages for the bracket, the page to view your bracket (once entries close), and the page to view the stats. Those pages would be located right here once they are created:

If those pages are set up later today, then the contest will start tomorrow.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as KrahenProphet, Guru Champ!
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 1/14/2010 8:57:51 AM | message detail
Looking over the BOP, I noticed I don't have a single first round upset. The closest is Tidus/Subz, which is currently a 29/29 split.
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
LeonhartFour | Posted 1/14/2010 8:58:47 AM | message detail
yoblazer = Slowflake in disguise

"But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside."
"I am lightning...the rain transformed."
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 1/14/2010 8:59:34 AM | message detail
Oh man, I can't wait to declare Alucard/Magus OVER.
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
red sox 777 | Posted 1/14/2010 9:00:50 AM | message detail
Well, following the BOP in 2004 would have gotten you a prize, or pretty close to it, at long as you took Link > Cloud anyway.
6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno
'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared....
red sox 777 | Posted 1/14/2010 9:02:11 AM | message detail
You're not Slowflake, I'm not worried. Magus will be at 60% 5 minutes into it and with Alucard as an opponent, that'll be too much a percentage gap for even Magus to blow.
6 years later, Crono's quest to defeat Sephiroth -- Round 1: Missingno
'Till shade is gone, 'till water is gone, into the shadow with teeth bared....
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 1/14/2010 9:02:25 AM | message detail
Let's get this contest started!

Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!

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