GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 758
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 12/6/2009 9:08:47 PM | message detail |
Nomination check right now - 93475 Seems like that poll 2 days ago really caught everybody's attention and boosted nomination totals greatly. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but not as cool as KrahenProphet, Guru Champ! |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/6/2009 9:11:06 PM | message detail |
So we'll probably hit around 100k --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to Krahenprophet for winning the guru contest |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 12/6/2009 9:28:45 PM | message detail |
From: Psycho_Kenshin | Posted: 12/6/2009 6:58:43 PM | #395 Link winning every year is WAY more interesting. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸,.·´ "Hey, it's that dog!" |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/6/2009 9:30:39 PM | message detail |
Wow, the nominations jumped 40,000 in like two days. Nice. --- Please nominate DOC LOUIS from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 12/6/2009 9:43:07 PM | message detail |
I think Toon Link could take on Mega Man and Crono, though I think that would be his limit. Eh, with a new format, it's something that could wait until the next contest. --- Not Wylvane |
voltch | Posted 12/7/2009 2:02:46 AM | message detail |
So are people expecting Snake to drop this year? It's been a while now since Brawl and MGS4 made an almost perfcet double boost, I'm not seeing peacewalker or Rising giving him that sort of boost at all. --- Shakes Fist! |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/7/2009 3:44:22 AM | message detail |
gotta drop compared to where he finished last year and 2008 really was
the perfect time for him...but SSBB and MGS4 are still two of the three
biggest games to come out since FFX in 2001 here (LoZ:TP being the
third game). I'm not worried about him dropping compared to the
majority of his matches from last year. --- Please nominate DOC LOUIS from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 12/7/2009 3:47:32 AM | message detail |
Nah, don't see why he would. Peace Walker should help him stay
constant, and Rising might add a little to prevent the drop too. He's
got no reason to ever BOOST again unless a new Smash game comes out,
but the bevy of MG games should stop him from dropping for a long, long
time. --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
ZFS | Posted 12/7/2009 3:51:35 AM | message detail |
will probably drop off a bit now that hype surrounding MGS has almost
entirely faded. He should settle right around, or a little below,
Mario/Samus. The Cronos and Mega Mans won't be much of a challenge for
him. --- the journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step |
WiggumFan267 | Posted 12/7/2009 3:54:22 AM | message detail |
Samus Boost to Metroid Other M? Sonic Boost to Project Needlemouse? <_< A guy can dream *Not very well hidden message: hey HM you haven't accepted me on PSN yet* --- ~Wigs~ A little bit of fake hair goes a loooong way! Happily Married to Alanna82 on Valentines Day 05 |
ZFS | Posted 12/7/2009 4:00:49 AM | message detail |
I apparently have a lot of these unaccepted friend requests on PSN.
Guess that's what happens when you don't use a system for a year! --- the journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step |
Iamthekuzalol | Posted 12/7/2009 4:02:11 AM | message detail |
don't see how Snake will be dropping in strength this year. Metal Gear
Solid 4 and SSBB may be a year older, but they are still pretty much
relevant and are still played by lots of gamers. The announcement of
Rising and peacemaker shouldn't help Snake much, but a very small boost
from it isn't a far-fetched idea. Also remember the monstrous momentum that Snake received last year, beating Cloud for 48 hours and actually leading against Link for 6 hours in the final that no one thought was possible should garnered enough attention for Snake and his game. Lets hope that Snake can maintain minor boost from this momentum last year. |
ZFS | Posted 12/7/2009 4:09:46 AM | message detail |
it's been almost a year and half since MGS4 and two years since SSBB.
It doesn't take too long to dip in popularity after the hype has worn
off from two big games like those. It doesn't mean people don't care
about him anymore, but he's not constantly in the spotlight like he was
in 2008. I doubt Peace Walker and Rising do much of anything for him,
too. He's not in either game, but even more important than that, no one
is talking about either one of those. In a way, it wouldn't be a
stretch to see that Metal Gear Solid's popularity in general peaked
with MGS4. --- the journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step |
transience | Posted 12/7/2009 4:11:54 AM | message detail |
agree with HM, but the thing is, new Nintendo is in much worse shape.
Mario will probably suffer more than Snake will, and lol Samus. Snake's
next non-Nintendo competition is like Vincent or something. Snake will be okay. debatable match with Mario, probably loses to Sephiroth, beats Samus. same as it ever was. --- xyzzy |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 12/7/2009 6:06:01 AM | message detail |
BUY OR SELL:If's it's the traditional 1-on-1 format, Crono is gonna lose to a non-noble nine this contest. --- GT: TriggerTRE KrahenProphet is a beast! |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/7/2009 6:33:15 AM | message detail |
Sell --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to Krahenprophet for winning the guru contest |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 12/7/2009 6:58:45 AM | message detail |
Squall would really have to impress with the day vote to do it, and
Vincent doesn't have what it takes to capitalize on Crono's lol day. --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 12/7/2009 7:03:39 AM | message detail |
BUY The fact that he fell off so hard in a format that should help him means that I'd take Squall, Vincent, or Tifa over him 1-on-1 in a'd still be close by normal match standards (53-47), but not the kind of match where it's ever in real doubt. --- Caelus/War '12 Suicide is the only option. |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/7/2009 7:18:25 AM | message detail |
we ever go back to 1v1 I think people will notice how similar most of
the characters performed between formats. With that said it'll probably
be Sonic that'll break the noble nine. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to Krahenprophet for winning the guru contest |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 12/7/2009 7:19:53 AM | message detail |
Sell, if only because I think it's much more likely for Crono to meet a N9er first. I'd easily buy it for Sonic, though. Mario dropping? Yeah, NSMBW is no GotY here, but it's still a well-received game, and Galaxy 2's one of the bigger 2010 games coming out. Mario's still got some games backing him, so I don't see him falling. Nor do I see Snake dropping too much even though he doesn't have anything on the horizon. Mario/Snake would still be a match I'd love to see. --- Not Wylvane |
Iamthekuzalol | Posted 12/7/2009 7:28:38 AM | message detail |
Buy. I will take Auron, Squall and Vincent to beat Crono in a 1vs1 format. Of course i will take them to beat Sonic as well. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 12/7/2009 8:07:11 AM | message detail |
Buy. I'll take Squall over anyone. --- "But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside." "I am lightning...the rain transformed." |
neonreaper | Posted 12/7/2009 8:11:51 AM | message detail |
I mean, if I like a character, the last thing I would want to see is how badly he would get his ass kicked in a contest. I think people just enjoy the attention for their favorite characters. It's more about getting your favorite fodder in, than anything else... for the most part, anyway. --- Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter? Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards. |
voltch | Posted 12/7/2009 8:57:35 AM | message detail |
Sell:I'd say sonic is the one who's gonna drop unless he gets something BIG and soon too. --- Shakes Fist! |
Not_Wylvane | Posted 12/7/2009 9:01:10 AM | message detail |
I'll never get over Kirby > Sonic. To me that ranks up there with L-Block > Link in terms of awesomeness. --- Not Wylvane |
paulg235 | Posted 12/7/2009 9:03:33 AM | message detail |
> Sonic to me was more like the last match which anyone would give
Sonic the light of day in a match, again. The only thing which would
save him some face is if Kirby defeats Auron, Luigi or Mega Man or any
of the sort. But that's not happening, and I'm not counting tag team
possibilities. --- The Gamer In Me My Signature's broken, just like your front door. |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/7/2009 9:52:39 AM | message detail |
Mario was coming off of SMG and SSBB's releases last year yet he didn't
look impressive (though he never really had a fair shot to impress
either). If they didn't do anything for him, I don't see NSMBW and
SMG2-hype doing much. --- Please nominate DOC LOUIS from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 12/7/2009 9:54:24 AM | message detail |
Sonic to be respected again, Project Needlemouse would have to be a
total smash hit. We're talking about a Batman Begins+The Dark Knight
combo level. Otherwise, nobody will give Sonic much respect for a
looooooong time. --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/7/2009 10:05:41 AM | message detail |
What's Project Needlemouse? --- Please nominate DOC LOUIS from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 12/7/2009 10:06:59 AM | message detail |
It's apparently a new 2D mainline Sonic game, which Sega is slooooooowly disclosing details about. --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/7/2009 10:17:08 AM | message detail |
I think I saw the trailer for that awhile back...good luck with that.
It would have to be HUGE for Sonic, and I don't see him/Sega taking
real advantage of it considering he's already had some great unique
opportunities to boost in the past two years. He's been in two
Olympics-games on multiple systems with Mario and was the most
requested character in SSBB, yet Sonic's losing to Auron and Kirby now
when once upon a time he went even with Samus. It's unfortunately very
difficult to get people to care about Sonic games any more and it's not
much easier to take Sonic himself seriously since the 3D-era. Who knows though, maybe our old theory of Team Sonic sucking in four-ways is the case instead of him really dropping...but I doubt it, and it looked like he dropped between 2007 and 2008 anyway. I hope this new game does something great for him, but I'll have to see it to believe it. --- Please nominate DOC LOUIS from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 12/7/2009 10:17:49 AM | message detail |
we saw how much a new 2d mega man helped him --- Nominate Vault Boy! |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 12/7/2009 10:25:32 AM | message detail |
2D downloadable mini-Mega Man game that was in 8-bit style? Excuse me
if I consider than and a totally new 2D game that doesn't try to be a
throwback to be different. --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/7/2009 10:27:23 AM | message detail |
I blame the game not being sold in hard copy form. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to Krahenprophet for winning the guru contest |
transience | Posted 12/7/2009 10:29:32 AM | message detail |
new Mega Man doesn't have pull with anything but Mega Man fans these
days. Sonic's mostly the same way. you'd need something that really
caught the casual fan's eye in order for it to be a difference maker. a
NES Mega Man and/or a downloadable 2d Sonic game is not that. --- xyzzy |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 12/7/2009 10:30:32 AM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #434 woulda sold worse then. nobody is paying 20-30 bucks for an nes game --- Nominate Vault Boy! |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/7/2009 10:32:51 AM | message detail |
woulda sold worse then. nobody is paying 20-30 bucks for an nes game Not really had Capcom not gone the cash grab route they would have made an actual game. --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to Krahenprophet for winning the guru contest |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/7/2009 10:40:27 AM | message detail |
Also who's to say that Mega Man didn't get a boost? --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to Krahenprophet for winning the guru contest |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 12/7/2009 10:41:16 AM | message detail |
Uhh...Needlemouse is not a downloadable game. It's intended to be a full installment AFAIK. --- Placeholder anti-capslock sig. |
HaRRicH | Posted 12/7/2009 10:56:34 AM | message detail |
MM9 was downloadable -- this new Sonic-game looks to be released like
most games. Still, like tranny said, it's going to be hard to get new
fans with a game pandering to the way of the Genesis. Maybe it can
invigorate old fans again, but you've gotta get them to have faith in
Sonic again first. They've mostly had their hopes dashed for over a
decade, so that'll be a hard task to convince them en masse. --- Please nominate DOC LOUIS from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! T E A M C H O C O L A T E |
transience | Posted 12/7/2009 11:05:07 AM | message detail |
Needlemouse was mostly rumoured as a XBLA/PSN title. --- xyzzy |
Cyclo_Reaper | Posted 12/7/2009 11:06:28 AM | message detail | for whatever this means --- Nominate Vault Boy! |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/7/2009 1:08:52 PM | message detail |
Here's another tag-team bracket made from the last update of the tally. Division 1 1) Prinny/Morrigan 8) Gilgamesh/Vault Boy 4) Professor Layton/Knuckles 5) CATS/Happy Mask Salesman 3) Yoshimitsu/Blue Toad 6) Yuna/Big Boss 2) Darth Revan/Bowser 7) Zack Fair/Yuri Lowell Division 2 1) Pokemon Trainer Red/Laguna 8) Gene/Gordon Freeman 4) Lyn/Squall Leonhart 5) Jack Frost/Vivi 3) Phoenix Wright/Terry Bogard 6) Albert Wesker/Isaac 2) Cid Highwind/Etna 7) Bayonetta/Miles Edgeworth Division 3 1) Ken/Leon Kennedy 8) Green Biker Dude/Fawful 4) Archer/Maxwell 5) Proto Man/Ghaleon 3) Godot/Blue Marble 6) Boko/Goomba 2) Doc Louis/Dante 7) Captain Falcon/Tails Division 4 1) Charizard/Magus 8) Solid Snake/Yuffie 4) Minsc/Locke Cole 5) Jecht/Guybrush 3) Dan Hibiki/Tifa Lockheart 6) Nathan Drake/Dan McNeely 2) Jigglypuff/Chun Li 7) Ike/Sniper Wolf --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to Krahenprophet for winning the guru contest |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 12/7/2009 1:37:47 PM | message detail |
I can't believe we might actually get a tag team. Yuck. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸,.·´ |
charmander6000 | Posted 12/7/2009 1:40:55 PM | message detail |
Who would win a female villain's contest? The Boss? Sniper Wolf? --- Board 8 BOP: Congratulations to Krahenprophet for winning the guru contest |
KingBartz | Posted 12/7/2009 2:15:22 PM | message detail |
haven't kept up with the topic lately. How do you guys think the tag
teaming would work. Would you vote for individuals or teams? Personally I think voting for indivivuals and then adding the votes together would make for a more interesting contest. --- I used to have a good sig. Now my account is only a shadow of its former glory. |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 12/7/2009 2:32:20 PM | message detail |
I never considered adding individual votes together as a team. That could actually be fun. --- .,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸,. |
Zylo the wolf | Posted 12/7/2009 2:32:37 PM | message detail |
Proto Man/Ghaleon Most awesome team ever! --- Ngamer64: Zylo, you're making less sense every day. KrahenProfit > Me |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/7/2009 3:38:39 PM | message detail |
is going to be fine, probably around the same strength as last year. If
there are any general trends this year, I expect it will be the trend
of Nintendo and Square slowly losing their grip on this site. --- Link he come to town to dominate all other characters and trample them down with his sword of more votes. |
red sox 777 | Posted 12/7/2009 3:42:40 PM | message detail |
I don't want to see Toon Link or Dark Link- yes they could definitely
be (very) strong, but that's as much reason against having them as for.
I don't want our new Noble Nine to be: OOT Adult Link Cloud Sephiroth LTTP Link LoZ/AoL Link Toon Link OOT Young Link CD-i Link Dark Link That's a worst case scenario obviously, but there doesn't appear to be any gain to having multiple Links in the contest to offset that, and I'm a huge Link fanboy. --- Link he come to town to dominate all other characters and trample them down with his sword of more votes. |