GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 741
hochiminhX | Posted 6/3/2009 6:54:17 PM | message detail |
Wow, I got banned from the Christian forum. That forum was massive though. I'm sure I got SOME support. Has anyone tried IGN? --- I will bury you. |
ObscureMammoth | Posted 6/3/2009 6:55:25 PM | message detail |
Hochi. Do yourself a favor. Give up. --- PNess SSBB FC - 2835-9755-3785 Vlado..thank god...another voice of sanity in this madhouse... - RealMarchhare |
shadow8021 | Posted 6/3/2009 6:56:13 PM | message detail |
293. We need a big 2 hours here... --- 2008 Hickory Cross Country Becoming One |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 6/3/2009 6:56:34 PM | message detail |
vote cut. Not enough! C'mon, Mario, get going! Use a Starman or
something! |
L33t_Rappa_Sam | Posted 6/3/2009 6:56:36 PM | message detail |
From: hochiminhX | #101 You're just not praying enough! Pray harder! Spam Something Awful, but use reverse psychology. Tell them to vote LttP, and they'll probably vote SM64 instead for spite. Or one of the FF games. :/ --- Wylvane's current main account. |
__hiei__ | Posted 6/3/2009 6:56:58 PM | message detail |
i have a tip for you people if anyone still wants to rally instead of making a topic "vote for X" on the title,title the topic something like "anyone likes mario here?" so that only mario fans will be interested and enter...a topic with "vote" in the title mnight attract neutral people who just like looking at polls. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 6/3/2009 6:57:10 PM | message detail |
Mario 64 didn't have Starmen, I don't think. --- "But you have been given freedom. Freedom to be...outside." "I am lightning...the rain transformed." |
paulg235 | Posted 6/3/2009 6:57:29 PM | message detail |
the rallying's working guys, did you see how Mario 64 just got a 7 vote
cut in that update? Don't give up. Quiters are losers. Are you a loser? --- The Gamer In Me |
hochiminhX | Posted 6/3/2009 6:58:13 PM | message detail |
psychology is a great tactic for a place like SomethingAwful, LL, 4chan
etc. Tell them "Vote for LTTP or I'll be pissed". I doubt they flock to
FF just on principle. Theoretically, they *should* default to SM64. --- I will bury you. |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 6/3/2009 6:59:08 PM | message detail |
but that should get him going. Of course, if he decides to go Metal
Mario on LttP, victory is guaranteed. Let's hope he gets that cap and
not the other two. |
hochiminhX | Posted 6/3/2009 6:59:19 PM | message detail |
SM64 needs 12.375 votes per update to win. --- I will bury you. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 6/3/2009 6:59:28 PM | message detail |
I just posted it on some republican forums --- |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 6/3/2009 7:01:34 PM | message detail |
Another seven vote cut! Gather The Cheat Squad, we'll need a seventy vote spike on the last update! |
shadow8021 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:02:54 PM | message detail |
Lttp is gonna get 11:45'D!!! --- 2008 Hickory Cross Country Becoming One |
Izzyisme | Posted 6/3/2009 7:03:41 PM | message detail |
Just give up already. I gave up hope when Final Fantasy 8 beat StarCraft. |
L33t_Rappa_Sam | Posted 6/3/2009 7:05:19 PM | message detail |
From: Izzyisme | #115 Don't be a buzzkill, buzzkill. This is fun as hell, and bigger upsets have happened. --- Wylvane's current main account. |
L33t_Rappa_Sam | Posted 6/3/2009 7:05:53 PM | message detail |
19 vote cut! Keep it coming, guys! --- Wylvane's current main account. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 6/3/2009 7:05:57 PM | message detail |
Believe --- |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:06:41 PM | message detail |
Let's go Dire, Dire Docks. --- hey look i'm war and i'm stupid - WVI |
red sox 777 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:10:47 PM | message detail |
LTTP has this, barring Mario pulling another ridiculous SNV out of nowhere. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 6/3/2009 7:11:07 PM | message detail |
we're on pace --- |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 6/3/2009 7:11:53 PM | message detail |
At this rate it'll be under 200 by 11.... All bets are off at that point. --- Demyx is better than Axel. |
ExquisiteSamurai | Posted 6/3/2009 7:12:17 PM | message detail |
Watch Mario comes back in storm the last few updates and then it's time for Frog to pass the torch to Mario --- Awaiting Final Fantasy XIII |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:12:17 PM | message detail |
If LttP can't stop these 20 vote gains, it's in deep trouble! --- hey look i'm war and i'm stupid - WVI |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 6/3/2009 7:12:34 PM | message detail |
MARIO CAN DO IT. ****ing awesome comeback attempt. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸,.·´ "You are the king of derailing topics, by the way." -Lucid |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:13:01 PM | message detail |
err....gains by Mario 64, aka cuts. Anyone here knows what I mean. --- hey look i'm war and i'm stupid - WVI |
shadow8021 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:15:52 PM | message detail |
Weak cut there... --- 2008 Hickory Cross Country Becoming One |
paulg235 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:15:54 PM | message detail |
3 vote cut there. --- The Gamer In Me |
HaRRicH | Posted 6/3/2009 7:19:55 PM | message detail |
Wow...close enough to be in contention, far enough off to not like SM64's chances too much. Either way, great show. I should probably call a few friends of mine who also loved SM64. --- BT > Harrich lol me |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 6/3/2009 7:26:11 PM | message detail |
i give up --- |
KingBartz | Posted 6/3/2009 7:26:31 PM | message detail |
Great. 3 vote loss there. SM64 now needs 12.5 votes per update to win this. --- Check out my Guru bracket: GURU STATUS: Eliminated |
ExquisiteSamurai | Posted 6/3/2009 7:26:52 PM | message detail |
So close yet so far away --- Awaiting Final Fantasy XIII |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 6/3/2009 7:30:19 PM | message detail |
And here come the stalls. --- Demyx is better than Axel. |
ObscureMammoth | Posted 6/3/2009 7:32:41 PM | message detail |
=D --- PNess SSBB FC - 2835-9755-3785 Vlado..thank god...another voice of sanity in this madhouse... - RealMarchhare |
shadow8021 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:33:16 PM | message detail |
Seems like Mario can't find a way past those repeating stairs... --- 2008 Hickory Cross Country Becoming One |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 6/3/2009 7:34:46 PM | message detail |
is Hochi. I am out of posts on my GameFAQs account. We are on pace.
Alert the masses not to give up rallying just yet. We can do this.
Enclosed is a list of some of the largest forums on the Internet. I
leave the inspiring of people in the stats topic to you. --- |
ObscureMammoth | Posted 6/3/2009 7:38:38 PM | message detail |
Yup right on pace as soon as LttP gets a lead gain. --- PNess SSBB FC - 2835-9755-3785 Vlado..thank god...another voice of sanity in this madhouse... - RealMarchhare |
charmander6000 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:40:09 PM | message detail |
Match LIX: LoZ: Ocarina of Time vs. Pokemon RBY vs. Super Smash Bros. Melee vs. Final Fantasy X Last Round: LoZ: Ocarina of Time – 38.70% Pokemon RBY – 22.63% Metal Gear Solid – 20.94% Final Fantasy VIII – 17.72% Super Smash Bros. Melee – 33.55% Final Fantasy X – 27.58% Kingdom Hearts – 22.48% Diablo II: Lord of Destruction – 16.38% Analysis Well it seems like we have three of the finalists locked up at the moment, time to find the other one. The runner-up in this poll will have the greatest chance at also advancing next round and getting into the finals. Bandwagons have always been a tradition in four-ways, but we have yet to see one. Depending on the results here or the next match we may see one develop. Once again Ocarina of Time is on the hot seat. Final Fantasy VII is performing rather well this round, sure it has SFF/LFF to work with, but getting such a high percent against quality opponents is impressive. Overall Ocarina of Time’s opponents are about the same strength as Final Fantasy VII’s so to still have a chance in the final the game is going to need to get something similar here. Between the three games Super Smash Bros. Melee has the lowest chance at advancing. Wind Waker was able to cause Diablo II to go from 33% to 43% against Melee, sure they were on the same console, but it also tells us that Melee could be affected by Zelda games. On even ground Melee would only defeat Final Fantasy X by a slim margin, but with Ocarina of Time I don’t think Melee has a large enough buffer to keep Final Fantasy X from taking the upset. Pokemon used its advantage of being a handheld game and mostly avoided SFF from Ocarina of Time last round. The game needed the ASV to pull away from MGS, though just defeating the game is pretty impressive in itself. It’s really pleasing to watch the transformation Pokemon has gone through since the beginning of contest history; the game is literally one win away from stepping on the finals. Sadly I think the Pokemon train stops here, it may have done well last round, but I think Final Fantasy X would have done better. With only two other non-Nintendo games left in the bracket Final Fantasy X is looking like it could coast to the finals unopposed just as many thought at the beginning of the contest. Pokemon could pose a threat, but like I’ve already said Final Fantasy X would have probably done better in Pokemon’s position, minus any SFF. Still I wouldn’t say Final Fantasy X is a lock by any measure. If I have to go in terms of favourites I would go Final Fantasy X, Pokemon then Melee. All three games have a chance so it should be interesting to watch, especially to see whether Pokemon or Melee gets the board vote. Like I’ve said second place in this match is very likely to go to the finals, making this match all the more important. charmander6000’s Bracket: LoZ: Ocarina of Time > Final Fantasy X charmander6000’s Prediction: LoZ: Ocarina of Time – 37.27%, Final Fantasy X – 22.46%, Pokemon RBY – 21.79%, Super Smash Bros. Melee – 18.48% --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: FFVII > LoZ: LttP Points: 291/416 |
iGenesis | Posted 6/3/2009 7:41:30 PM | message detail |
^ No. OoT has no chance in hell of getting 37% --- You make the content. CNET makes the money. |
charmander6000 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:43:07 PM | message detail |
gg Super Mario 64 gg --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: FFVII > LoZ: LttP Points: 291/416 |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 6/3/2009 7:43:24 PM | message detail |
now that this match is over, lets talk about if FFX can pull the upset or not --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:44:05 PM | message detail |
FFX is the favorite! But OOT and RBY shall soon prove that it is overrated! --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 6/3/2009 7:46:30 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 6/3/2009 7:47:34 PM | message detail |
FFX may be the favorite among bracket, but not among contest stat regulars knowing what we know now --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:49:06 PM | message detail |
From what I've seen, it still is. RBY supporters are just vocal. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
red sox 777 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:51:56 PM | message detail |
Team Square looks like it's going to come around 54% today. Last round, Team Square put up 63% or so. Hmm..... --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
paulg235 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:53:00 PM | message detail |
CT > FF6 LttP > GE Does that explain it for you? --- The Gamer In Me |
tennisboy213 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:54:19 PM | message detail |
I have saved my vote and will now be using it on Mario 64. I think LttP is better than Mario 64, but I'd like to see the matchup of 3 Mario games next round. I also want to see OoT take the title. |
red sox 777 | Posted 6/3/2009 7:59:12 PM | message detail |
I never said it was a strange result, just an interesting one! Rank the total LFF damage from the following splits: FFVII/CT FFVII/FFVI SM64/GE SM64/LTTP I'll go with FFVII/FFVI > SM64/GE > FFVII/CT > SM64/LTTP. But since there's some SFF in these results, in terms of damage each game took in each round, I'll guess.... FFVI (R4) > GE (R3) >>> FFVII (R4) > FFVII (R3) = CT (R3) > SM64 (R3) = SM64 (R4) = LTTP (R4) Probably all really close beyond FFVI and GE suffering the most damage by far. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
Neosadus | Posted 6/3/2009 7:59:32 PM | message detail |
So why is everyone so sure that lttp would hurt OOT more than what Mario 64 would in the finals? --- ------ --------- |