GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 731
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 6:48:17 PM | message detail |
I mean honestly, would you peg FF6 this year to get 47% on FFX? --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:48:35 PM | message detail |
Top 20 in no order: FFVII OoT CT Mario 3 Mario World Mario 64 Melee Brawl LTTP FFVI FFVIII FFX Twilight Princess Resident Evil 4 Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid 4 Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts II RBY GS ...Something like that. --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:48:57 PM | message detail |
Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy X Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts 2 Chrono Trigger Mario 1 Mario 3 Mario World Mario 64 Super Smash Bros Melee Super Smash Bros Brawl Zelda OOT Zelda LTTP Zelda TP Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid 4 Resident Evil 4 Pokemon RBY zzz --- xyzzy |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:49:37 PM | message detail |
FF7 so strong it gets listed twice --- I'm gonna keep on going, I know I'll be strong. |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:50:10 PM | message detail |
hmm.. maybe G/S over FF6. --- xyzzy |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:50:18 PM | message detail |
Oh right, Mario 1. Hmmm... --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:50:23 PM | message detail |
damn you FF8 you're so bad I refuse to list you --- xyzzy |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 6:51:11 PM | message detail |
From: LeonhartFour | #302 GS, eh? Interesting pick, though we may never know how strong it truly is --- |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:51:30 PM | message detail |
seems a little sketchy for top 20 to me, but I'd agree with the both of
your lists for the most part. Now the tough part would be ordering
those 20 ! --- |
vash_131 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:51:39 PM | message detail |
a better way -- what does everyone think the top 20 strongest games are
this contest, given what we've seen up until this point? Nintendo OoT Lttp SMB3 SMW SM64 SMB SSBM SSBB RBY TP LA Square FF7 CT FFX FF8 FF6 KH Others RE4 MGS MGS4 --- Character Battle V (2006): 37th place |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:52:01 PM | message detail |
yeah, trying to rank the top 20 games is probably a silly idea, just in
case anyone tried. Like tran said, about 75% of them are all probably
pretty close. Needs tiers. Final Fantasy VII Ocarina of Time Everything Else --- In-de-structable. Nothing's gonna stop me now. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:52:31 PM | message detail |
If GS can get 47% on MGS, it's worthy of consideration. I'd put it in a top 25 overall for sure. It's borderline top 20. --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:52:40 PM | message detail |
I think after those 20 and maybe 1 or 2 more, there's a pretty big gap.
I don't even know where to go after G/S.. maybe Zelda 1? Link's
Awakening? Fallout 3? --- xyzzy |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:53:21 PM | message detail |
Zelda 1 I'd put in a top 25 overall. --- |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:54:02 PM | message detail |
I think the whole 'tossup' bit about the top 20 is being overstated --
it sounds like something you say when you just don't have an order you
like, these games probably aren't that close together. There
should be clear separation after certain points, I'd imagine. Like CT
vs. GS isn't a tough match for me in the slightest. --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 6:54:27 PM | message detail |
Fallout 3 I would put as a borderline top 20 before its total flop last match. I was expecting it to be alot closer to MGS4 --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:54:39 PM | message detail |
is CT vs. Metal Gear Solid? --- xyzzy |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:54:46 PM | message detail |
Like CT vs. GS isn't a tough match for me in the slightest. I wonder why !! --- I'm gonna keep on going, I know I'll be strong. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 6:55:56 PM | message detail |
Remember how Pokemon vs. Star Ocean wasn't a tough match for ya? --- |
RPGuy96 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:56:34 PM | message detail |
This list is going to be so terrible. 1. Ocarina of Time 2. Final Fantasy VII 3. A Link to the Past 4. Super Mario Bros. 3 5. Super Mario World 6. Melee 7. Super Mario 64 8. Chrono Trigger 9. Final Fantasy X 10. Red/Blue/Yellow 11. Brawl 12. Twilight Princess 13. Final Fantasy VIII 14. Kingdom Hearts 15. Resident Evil 4 16. Kingdom Hearts II 17. Final Fantasy VI 18. Super Mario Bros. 19. Metal Gear Solid 20. GoldenEye 007 Honestly, I think 007 (#20) would get like 47% on Mario 64 (#7) in a fair match. I feel good about LttP/Mario 3/Mario World and maybe Melee, but I really haven't the slightest idea how the middle goes. --- Mustache...and Green... |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:56:49 PM | message detail |
HM haterz this man will ride Snake's stache to the finals --- xyzzy |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:56:59 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:57:28 PM | message detail |
is CT vs. Metal Gear Solid? That'd be tougher for reasons that aren't entirely objective ! --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:57:59 PM | message detail |
*insert Pokemon joke here* --- xyzzy |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:58:59 PM | message detail |
vindication will come tonight, pokefreakz --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 7:00:07 PM | message detail |
Bold Prediction OoT > RBY > MGS > FF8 And MGS being closer to FF8 than RBY --- |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 5/28/2009 7:00:49 PM | message detail |
I think 007 (#20) would get like 47% on Mario 64 (#7) in a fair match.
I feel good about LttP/Mario 3/Mario World and maybe Melee, but I
really haven't the slightest idea how the middle goes." Doesn't that match have "SFF" written all over it? They're two of the top 3 games, so it could really ugly. |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 7:01:23 PM | message detail |
screw ranking them - I'll tier them. FF7 OOT LTTP Mario 3 Mario World Mario 64 Brawl Melee RBY CT FF10 MGS4 FF8 MGS1 TP RE4 KH1 KH2 GS FF6 Mario 1 Goldeneye there's your TERRIFIC TWENTY TWO --- xyzzy |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 7:02:38 PM | message detail |
I'm down with those tiers. --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 7:03:22 PM | message detail |
I should probably throw Zelda 1 into the last one. I don't ever take Goldeneye over Zelda 1. --- xyzzy |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 5/28/2009 7:04:58 PM | message detail |
LttP on its own tier imho --- I'm gonna keep on going, I know I'll be strong. |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/28/2009 7:12:09 PM | message detail |
Match LIII: Metal Gear Solid vs. Pokemon RBY vs. LoZ: Ocarina of Time vs. Final Fantasy VIII Last Round: Metal Gear Solid – 33.22% Pokemon RBY – 26.27% LoZ: Majora’s Mask – 21.58% Pokemon GS – 18.93% LoZ: Ocarina of Time – 49.36% Final Fantasy VIII – 21.10% Starcraft – 16.63% Final Fantasy IX – 12.91% Analysis Like the last match all four of these games deserve to be in the top 20. This match is the one everyone has been waiting for since the first round. Sure first place is locked up, but second is open for any of the other three games. By looking at previous rounds and the variety of these games this will likely have the highest vote total of the contest with maybe the final being the only match in contention. With an impressive two rounds Ocarina of Time should take this match rather easily, though even if it was unimpressive it would have done the same. Final Fantasy VII is doing rather well today and now it’s Ocarina of Time’s turn to show off its dominance. Breaking 40% here will be impressive though failing it won’t hurt its chances in the finals too much. It’s always been a contest tradition to watch the dominant entrants try to push the other to the limit. Between the three games Pokemon RBY has the lowest chance at advancing. RBY may resist SFF because the game is on a handheld system, but it is not immune to it. Using Majora’s Mask or GS puts RBY at less than 55% against Metal Gear Solid. So unless there was some rSFF Pokemon can’t really take too much SFF before falling below Metal Gear Solid. The game does have a chance at taking second, but if one game is able to SFF Pokemon it would be Ocarina of Time. After round one Final Fantasy VIII became the huge favourite at coming in second, however after round two and Starcraft’s performance that has gone into question. Easily defeating Starcraft was impressive, but when that same game goes on to get 25% on Ocarina of Time maybe it wasn’t as strong as we thought. Using Starcraft, Final Fantasy VIII getting about 32% on Ocarina of Time indirectly is pretty good, but when you are going up against some of the strongest games in the bracket that may not be enough. Metal Gear Solid is the only one between the three games that haven’t had an impressive performance, but that’s because it has been surrounded by games over performing to people’s expectations. Still in all this dust Metal Gear Solid has been a solid game this contest and can very well take second. I may be a bit stubborn, but I don’t see Final Fantasy VIII being that strong and would rather give that performance to Starcraft being weak. Also Pokemon has Ocarina of Time to deal with and as any Nintendo game in this half of the bracket knows it will probably be the downfall of that game. I may be giving my support to Metal Gear Solid, but the other two games all have reasons to take second in this match. Like I said expect high vote totals, we may even break 140k by the end. With Final Fantasy VII waking up Ocarina of Time is on the line to perform better. In the end the winner will probably be determined on which games are in the finals affecting Final Fantasy VII and Ocarina of Time. charmander6000’s Bracket: LoZ: Ocarina of Time > Metal Gear Solid charmander6000’s Prediction: LoZ: Ocarina of Time – 40.73%, Metal Gear Solid – 21.52%, Final Fantasy VIII – 19.64%, Pokemon RBY – 18.11% --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: FFVII > CT Points: 211/304 |
creativename | Posted 5/28/2009 7:28:11 PM | message detail |
CHRONO TRIGGER SPOILERS Youll never know how I watched you from the shadows as a child, Youll never know how it feels to get so close and be denied, Its a gold and honey trap I've got for you tonight, Revenge is a kiss this time I wont miss, Now I've got you in my sight.. It's remarkable how much this sounds exactly like something Magus would say to Lavos in the 10,000 BC confrontation. --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 7:34:12 PM | message detail |
have no idea what to expect from RBY trends here. Last round we
expected it to have a great day vote but it did nothing, and even round
1 without another pokemon game there, it didnt rise during the day --- |
paulg235 | Posted 5/28/2009 7:36:41 PM | message detail |
I actually posted those lyrics in mind of the CT/SM64 rematch. Though I was thinking about Magus. --- The Gamer In Me |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 5/28/2009 7:38:49 PM | message detail |
wonder how much more OoT can hurt RBY than what it faced last round. I
mean, obviously OoT is a good deal stronger than MM + GSC, but those
two games probably pulled a ton from RBY. We'll find out in 80 minutes,
I guess. --- hey look i'm war and i'm stupid - WVI |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 7:42:22 PM | message detail |
So...if FFVIII is in second at the freeze, is it pretty much over? --- |
WarThaNemesis2 | Posted 5/28/2009 7:43:34 PM | message detail |
Maybe for OoT, but RBY will still be doubling it! --- hey look i'm war and i'm stupid - WVI |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 7:44:34 PM | message detail |
Not sure I'd say it's completely over, but that would probably look good for FFVIII if it could jump out to a lead early. --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/28/2009 7:44:49 PM | message detail |
Pokemon RBY has a stronger night vote than the average Nintendo game, mostly because the other continents love it more than NA. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: FFVII > CT Points: 211/304 |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 7:45:32 PM | message detail |
Pokemon basically died after the Power Hour last round. --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/28/2009 7:46:07 PM | message detail |
So...if FFVIII is in second at the freeze, is it pretty much over? It'd be over for RBY, but MGS would still have a chance. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: FFVII > CT Points: 211/304 |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/28/2009 7:47:35 PM | message detail |
Pokemon basically died after the Power Hour last round. Power hour is a bad use for night trends, try looking at the morning/day vote. Also I said compare to other Nintendo games, not overall. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: FFVII > CT Points: 211/304 |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 7:48:16 PM | message detail |
we got alot of pokeyhaters here --- |
Master Moltar | Posted 5/28/2009 7:50:14 PM | message detail |
snake roasting some pokemon tonight MGS bow down --- Moltar Status: complete global saturation Match 52 - Bracket: FF7 > CT - Vote: Goldeneye (215/304) |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/28/2009 7:54:24 PM | message detail |
If either RBY or MGS are losing to FF8 early on, they aren't winning. Period. --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 7:56:28 PM | message detail |
Power hour is a bad use for night trends, try looking at the morning/day vote. I know. I'm just stating a fact. Don't be surprised if it does it again. OoT could very well negate its day vote. G/S sure did. --- |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 5/28/2009 7:58:45 PM | message detail |
"If either RBY or MGS are losing to FF8 early on, they aren't winning. Period." What he said. FF8's board vote is just atrocious, isn't it? If it's winning in the first freeze, it won't just be an Ulti-style destruction, it'll be a total blowout. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 8:27:15 PM | message detail |
I wonder how much whining we can expect tomorrow. Today was pretty bad, heh. --- |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 5/28/2009 8:28:40 PM | message detail |
*Loads up flamethrower* :p Still, it's either going to be one heck of a match, or a gigantic dud, so the whining is guaranteed. I hope it goes down to the wire with a close win for FF8, but I'll be happy with anything that goes down as long as Squall's game wins. |