GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 731
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 6:22:36 PM | message detail |
From: transients | #248 It has done plenty. We still don't know FF8s true strength. Starcraft turned otu to be a massive flop, so that first round match doesn't impress me much anymore. FF9 would have beaten Starcraft in round 2 if not LFF'd. FF8 will be proven to be the fraud it is in a couple hours --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:22:36 PM | message detail |
I kind of stopped following this match ever since the ASV, is Chrono
Trigger making any kind of comeback? If not, is there any chance of a
23rd hour swing for second? :D No and no. --- |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:23:39 PM | message detail |
So much for Mario 64 being a top Mario game if we're talking about FFVIII being above CT! --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:23:45 PM | message detail |
Just being curious, but does anyone think CT is being SFF here? --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: FFVII > CT Points: 211/304 |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 6:24:39 PM | message detail |
From: charmander6000 | #254 Yeah, but its very minimal. No more then Goldeneye is hurting Mario. --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:24:44 PM | message detail |
So much for Mario 64 being a top Mario game if we're talking about FFVIII being above CT! After the first contest Super Mario 64 vs. Final Fantasy VIII was a hyped match. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: FFVII > CT Points: 211/304 |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:24:48 PM | message detail |
but Melee got 37% on FFVII back in the day. I don't know how much more
than that CT gets legitimately. If anything, its 41% in the first
contest was an overperformance. --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:25:06 PM | message detail |
no, that would just be silly. Mario 64 though, yeah, that's a definite possibility, especially if you believe that Yoshi's Island hurt it. --- xyzzy |
ffmasterjose | Posted 5/28/2009 6:25:52 PM | message detail |
No and no Rats :( Yes Jecht Yessss --- 210/304 points - The Best. Game. Ever 2009 Contest NP: Final Fantasy VII > Chrono Trigger | |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:26:37 PM | message detail |
not saying Mario 64 vs. FFVIII wouldn't be a (potentially) good match,
but you're not getting me to believe there are Mario games under it but
above FFVIII, if we're saying it's equal or better than CT. --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:27:08 PM | message detail |
And I agree. If Mario 64 is struggling with FFVIII, it's not beating Mario 3. --- |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 5/28/2009 6:27:59 PM | message detail |
could a game that scored SEVEN PERCENT weaken SM64 more than a game
that got double than that? YI wasn't strong enough to apply LFF, so it
was just a SFF victory that resulted in a ton of extra votes for Mario
64. Not that I'm complaining, since that game is pretty much the one
that opened the gates for 3D, but place a PSX midcarder in YI's place,
for example, and SM64 drops down drastically. |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:28:20 PM | message detail |
well, Mario 64 is kinda held back in both CT matches - first Yoshi's Island, now Goldeneye. or at least that's how I see it. not the best comparison, but Squall vs. Crono - who wins? --- xyzzy |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:28:46 PM | message detail |
Squall. (Keep in mind who's saying this) --- |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:29:23 PM | message detail |
Crono > L-Block > Kirby > Sonic > Squall tbqh --- I can feel it coming over me; I feel it all around me. |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:29:41 PM | message detail |
don't believe Mario 64's being held back in any meaningful way today or
last round. How much do you think Mario 64 wins by 1v1? --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:29:47 PM | message detail |
Squall already beat Kirby! --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:30:20 PM | message detail |
I dunno, 55/45? --- xyzzy |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 5/28/2009 6:30:32 PM | message detail |
"not the best comparison, but Squall vs. Crono - who wins?" Depends on how much the effects of CT's remake have faded. Going by the last contest, and assuming no SFF, Crono, hands down. If you go with, say, 2007 or 2006 Crono against a modern Squall, I'd give it to Squall. It depends on how fast people forget about Crono's game, really. |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:30:59 PM | message detail |
And Sonic beat Crono! ...wait. --- I'm gonna keep on going, I know I'll be strong. |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:31:44 PM | message detail |
I'm trying to give red sox an aneurysm here and I think I'm succeeding --- xyzzy |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:31:57 PM | message detail |
Mario 64 couldn't even manage 52% last round, and it's got 51.3% now. I
don't think it's getting LFF'd badly enough for that. I'd say 53% max. --- |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:33:34 PM | message detail |
SM64 vs. FFVIII? Just not buying Mario 64 being a top Mario game, and
the top 10 being filled with them, and then not including FFVIII if
we're gonna put it above CT. Fittin' in way too games into a small
place for my liking. --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:34:06 PM | message detail |
think this format is conducive to CT, too. make more people choose
between the two and the well-known, well-liked Mario game wins out. --- xyzzy |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:34:20 PM | message detail |
And that's not even to mention Final Fantasy X -- do you think that's weaker than CT? --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:35:09 PM | message detail |
think this format is conducive to CT, too. make more people choose
between the two and the well-known, well-liked Mario game wins out. I'm not sure this format is really more conducive to any particular game or character more than the other. We've argued that before, but we haven't really seen any evidence of it. --- |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 5/28/2009 6:36:35 PM | message detail |
this point, the Top 10 is a goddamned mess. We won't be able to say
anything about it before tomorrow, because one of the big contenders is
going to fall. If it's RBY, we can probably erase FFX or put it at 10.
If its FF8, we might be able to eliminate a few Mario games and call
their performances as flukes. |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:36:42 PM | message detail |
I never said FF8 was stronger than CT. I said it was equal. and I'm
more or less posturing here to get people to realize that CT is not
untouchable by second-tier RPGs. but yeah, I'd pick FF10 > CT = FF8. I'd pick CT over FF8 at gunpoint. --- xyzzy |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:37:24 PM | message detail |
let me ask this -- what does FF10 get on OOT 1v1? --- xyzzy |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:37:38 PM | message detail |
55% --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:38:26 PM | message detail |
dammit --- xyzzy |
RPGuy96 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:38:42 PM | message detail |
Gotta include KH (II?) in that discussion if FFX is stronger than CT by any significant margin. If you asked me to order FFVI, FFVIII, FFX, CT, KH, and KHII I'd have no idea how to do it. --- Mustache...and Green... |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:38:53 PM | message detail |
all I'm saying is that if we're gonna say that, we either have to put
these games into the top 10, or we have to rethink how strong Mario 64
honestly is. It can't be top 10, or a top tier Mario game, and not
include, say, FFX or CT or FFVIII. Something's gotta give there. --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:39:29 PM | message detail |
Man, the thought of KH beating CT is just weird to me. I don't think I could pick it, even if KH somehow beat Melee this round. --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 6:39:45 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 5/28/2009 6:40:13 PM | message detail |
"let me ask this -- what does FF10 get on OOT 1v1?" What are its trends? I'd peg it at 35 1v1, but it could get beaten worse or slightly less depending on what are its good times. |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:40:31 PM | message detail |
being given top 10 status doesn't mean much because #20 might get 48%
on #10. there is VERY little separation there. we all know this. hell,
#20 might get 45% on #3. there is a huge jumble there. make a 64 entry 1v1 bracket with no FF7 and OOT directly after this contest and you will have NO idea how it goes. --- xyzzy |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:40:45 PM | message detail |
How about we say screw top 10 and just go FF7/OoT/LttP and call it a day. --- In-de-structable. Nothing's gonna stop me now. |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:41:03 PM | message detail |
I wouldn't include FFVI in that group, personally. At the least, it's at the end of the line, strength-wise. --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:41:10 PM | message detail |
I still say we need a Game of the Decade Contest next year. --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:41:19 PM | message detail |
I'd peg it at 35 1v1 Chrono Trigger has 34% on FF7. since people seem to like to put FF7 and OOT as being essentially equal, that means FF10 and CT is a debatable match. --- xyzzy |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 5/28/2009 6:41:56 PM | message detail | Oh man, that match picture says "Link" in the Zelda part of the match picture. Time to test out my "Link" theory, to see whether or not having "Link" in a match picture actually makes the game itself perform stronger. Only problem is that there are 4 match pictures, so if there is an OoT overperformance, it won't be as severe as expected. Because last round, I proposed that Link's Awakening was very strong because the game's name has "Link" in it. And with Link being our contest god, you can imagine anyone would vote for it because the game's name has "Link" in it or has Link in the match picture. I keep forgetting the US is a two party system. There are two major parties, but there are dozens of minor parties. The candidates from the minor parties that run for president end up being fodder anyways. Out of all of the third party candidates, the candidates for the Prohibition Party do the worst. The Prohibition Party is practically a joke in the US, because in the 2008 election, the candidate for that party got 0.00005% of all the votes (653 votes out of 131257328 votes). --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but still not as cool as FastFalcon05, Guru Champ! |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 6:42:07 PM | message detail |
Oh wait, I forgot about KH Square heiarchy: 1. FF7 2. CT 3. FF10 4. KH1 5. FF6 6. KH2 7. FF8 --- |
transients | Posted 5/28/2009 6:42:15 PM | message detail |
thank you Luster --- xyzzy |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:43:18 PM | message detail |
Link's Awakening is pegged at around 40% on Link to the Past based on FFVI, but there's LFF there, so... --- |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 5/28/2009 6:43:23 PM | message detail | This game would be unstoppable. --- In-de-structable. Nothing's gonna stop me now. |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 5/28/2009 6:45:27 PM | message detail |
"1. FF7 2. CT 3. FF10 4. KH1 5. FF6 6. KH2 7. FF8" I'd put FFX over CT at this point, but there's NO WAY KH is stronger than FF8 or FF6. The two KH games are probably the weakest in the hierarchy, and, depending on FF8's performance tomorrow, it could end up above CT or below FF6. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/28/2009 6:45:43 PM | message detail |
It's Albion. --- |
ZFS | Posted 5/28/2009 6:46:00 PM | message detail |
being given top 10 status doesn't mean much because #20 might get 48%
on #10. there is VERY little separation there. we all know this. hell,
#20 might get 45% on #3. there is a huge jumble there. All I'm saying is that unless you want to have a whole bunch of games being equal to each other the top 10 you posted a little earlier and the idea of FFX > CT, or FFVIII = CT, just won't work. Here's a better way -- what does everyone think the top 20 strongest games are this contest, given what we've seen up until this point? --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/28/2009 6:46:33 PM | message detail |
FF8 hasn't done anything to prove its an elite square game yet, and right now, KH has impressed me a tiny bit more then FF6 has. --- |