GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 728
ZFS | Posted 5/26/2009 7:37:34 PM | message detail |
agree with everyone else that Ocarina of Time is stronger than FFVII at
this point, enough to be a big favorite in a neutral match. Really,
unless the other two games in the final are both Nintendo, I don't see
much reason not to expect an Ocarina victory. --- a metal slime appears |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:39:08 PM | message detail |
Looks like the second night vote is going to Mario 3. It's got its biggest lead of the match. --- |
transients | Posted 5/26/2009 7:39:19 PM | message detail |
let's do it again MGS/FF8/RBY vs. Mario 64/CT/Goldeneye --- xyzzy |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:40:20 PM | message detail |
Those are probably pretty equal, I'd say. Mario 64 Chrono Trigger FFVIII RBY MGS GoldenEye Something like that... --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/26/2009 7:40:23 PM | message detail |
CT >> FF8 Mario 64 > RBY MGS > Goldeneye That adds up to a pretty easy win for FFVII's pack. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
Xuxon | Posted 5/26/2009 7:40:26 PM | message detail |
the latter, by a lot |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:40:50 PM | message detail |
CT >> FF8 Psh. --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/26/2009 7:43:02 PM | message detail |
Would you prefer if I did it this way? Mario 64 CT | RBY | FFVIII | MGS Goldeneye --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
Xuxon | Posted 5/26/2009 7:43:09 PM | message detail |
actually, scratch the "a lot". i'm pretty confident ff7's pack is stronger, but it's hard to say how much. |
RPGuy96 | Posted 5/26/2009 7:43:15 PM | message detail |
I think Ocarina's got the lighter fourpack this time around. CT and
Mario 64 are probably much stronger than anything in Ocarina's pack,
and 007 could hang with any of them. --- Mustache...and Green... |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:43:45 PM | message detail |
I still say "psh." --- |
transients | Posted 5/26/2009 7:44:11 PM | message detail |
think FF7's pack is tougher too, but it has some advantages there; n64
overlap in its favour and the possibility of beating CT down. Ocarina
can only say that in regards to RBY. --- xyzzy |
MetricTrout | Posted 5/26/2009 7:45:19 PM | message detail |
FF7's fourpack is much, much stronger. This is not even a debate. --- |
Karma Hunter | Posted 5/26/2009 7:45:39 PM | message detail |
on the merits, but I'm expecting OoT to overlap significantly with RBY,
enough to put CT/Goldeneye/Mario 64 ahead in practice. Of course, if
RBY actually goes ahead and advances in that match, I'll have to revise that perception. At this point, though, FF7 needs a bigger performance than OoT to give people faith in it again. Seeing as how the semifinals/finals are shaping up to be FF7 vs Nintendo that may not matter too much in the long run, but y'know. --- turnturnturn your brain in |
HaRRicH | Posted 5/26/2009 7:46:13 PM | message detail |
CT > FF8 SM64 > RBY MGS >= GE FF7's got the tougher pack, plus I figure CT will bother FF7 more than RBY bothers LoZ:OoT (SMB3/SMW, enough said). I'd expect to see a big difference in numbers between FF7 and LoZ:OoT. --- BT > Harrich lol me |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:47:00 PM | message detail |
Well, what do you think FFVII gets and what do you think OoT gets? --- |
RPGuy96 | Posted 5/26/2009 7:47:49 PM | message detail |
say FFVII/CT hurts FFVII a good deal more than Mario 64/007 hurt each
other. I could be wrong if CT collapses but I don't expect that, not
unless Mario 64 is dangerously close to FFVII. --- Mustache...and Green... |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/26/2009 7:48:02 PM | message detail |
don't think FFVIII/MGS will be far behind SM64/GE in terms of overlap.
Both pairs are the #2 and 3 games on their respective consoles. I guess
one could argue that SM64 and GE should overlap more just because N64
owners had less to choose from, but they're also extremely different
games. --- Meeks54's sig for a stupid pick that had no chance. I even had it coming in first. MWC>Yo Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be.....LIKE MWC!!! |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/26/2009 7:48:36 PM | message detail |
guess.....33% for FFVII and 38% for OOT. If FFVII wants to be seen as
equal to OOT 1v1, the gap needs to be a bit closer though. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
Shoenin_Kakashi | Posted 5/26/2009 7:48:54 PM | message detail |
I will be in complete shock if M64 is close to FF7 --- Ah, you know it's funny, these people, they go to sleep. They think everything's fine, everything's good... They wake up the next day and they're on fire. |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/26/2009 7:49:27 PM | message detail |
Ocarina is shooting for 40%+! --- Meeks54's sig for a stupid pick that had no chance. I even had it coming in first. MWC>Yo Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be.....LIKE MWC!!! |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:49:37 PM | message detail |
The only similarity between FFVIII and MGS is the heavy emphasis on story, honestly. --- |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 5/26/2009 7:50:00 PM | message detail |
Ulti wanted to see my bracket because I've been on the leaderboard so long: --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:50:09 PM | message detail |
Well, and the fact that Squall and Snake are very similar characters, I suppose. --- |
transients | Posted 5/26/2009 7:50:34 PM | message detail |
already seen Goldeneye SFF the hell out of a Nintendo game. MGS/FF8
might have some overlap (it's the reason I'm tentatively backing RBY),
but it's got nothing on Goldeneye and Mario 64. --- xyzzy |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:51:34 PM | message detail |
we've also seen GoldenEye get SFF'd by Ocarina of Time. If Ocarina of
Time bothers GoldenEye and Mario 64, what's stopping GoldenEye and
Mario 64 from affecting each other? --- |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 5/26/2009 7:52:20 PM | message detail |
From: ZenOfThunder | Posted: 5/26/2009 10:50:00 PM | #223 I hope you win if I don't, I'll say that much. MGS getting that far would rock face. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸,.·´ "You are the king of derailing topics, by the way." -Lucid |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:53:16 PM | message detail |
has a realistic shot at the finals if that happens (or if MGS4 doesn't
make it into the semifinals), but TP getting past Brawl isn't TOO
likely at this point. --- |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/26/2009 7:53:29 PM | message detail |
will absolutely be splitting. I'm hoping Mario 64 utilizes that to
squash Goldeneye. Like I said before, Nintendo fans have proven to be
pretty reliable at stuff like that. --- Meeks54's sig for a stupid pick that had no chance. I even had it coming in first. MWC>Yo Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be.....LIKE MWC!!! |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/26/2009 7:53:40 PM | message detail |
a pretty big difference between universal games like SMB3/SMW and N64
games like SM64 and Goldeneye. N64 games ARE NOT universal; it was a
minority system with very few games. And yeah, we've seen OOT SFF both
Mario 64 and Goldeneye pretty hard. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:54:28 PM | message detail |
just don't see Mario 64 "squashing" GoldenEye. I think it's too tough
for that. 27% on OoT ain't bad, especially compared to 23%. --- |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 5/26/2009 7:55:59 PM | message detail |
From: LeonhartFour | Posted: 5/26/2009 10:53:16 PM | #228 I don't think TP can get close to Brawl. That Galaxy blowout was impressive. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸,.·´ "You are the king of derailing topics, by the way." -Lucid |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/26/2009 7:56:20 PM | message detail |
on that. If this were round 5, and Mario 64 was getting bandwagoned, it
might squash Goldeneye, but we're not yet at that stage of the contest
where bandwagoning really comes into play yet, and Goldeneye did better
against OOT. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:56:26 PM | message detail |
It was impressive, but it told me more about Galaxy than it did about Brawl. --- |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/26/2009 7:56:35 PM | message detail |
not using 2004 stats, though. Mario 64 is clearly the stronger Nintendo
option, and it's going up against "the big one." I think it'll really
galvanize itself some Nintendo support. --- Meeks54's sig for a stupid pick that had no chance. I even had it coming in first. MWC>Yo Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be.....LIKE MWC!!! |
transients | Posted 5/26/2009 7:56:38 PM | message detail |
OOT MGS Brawl MGS4 hell yes --- xyzzy |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 7:58:12 PM | message detail |
64 is not going to SFF GoldenEye harder than OoT did. Honestly, how
much more than 27% do you expect GE to get on OoT? Maybe 33-35%? --- |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/26/2009 7:59:48 PM | message detail |
Mario 64 is not going to SFF GoldenEye harder than OoT did Of course it will. --- Meeks54's sig for a stupid pick that had no chance. I even had it coming in first. MWC>Yo Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be.....LIKE MWC!!! |
PegasusLover123 | Posted 5/26/2009 8:00:50 PM | message detail |
Looking at the upcoming match, some may wonder if this match will pull a similar stunt like SMB3 and SMW did. Will the 2 Zeldas split their power evenly, or will one attempt to subdue the other for its votes? FF6 and Super Metroid's odd pretty much depends on how the 2 zeldas affect each other. If they split evenly like Mario did, there's no chance on Metroid or FF6 advancing. If LTTP does start draining LA badly, then who do you think has the better chance to sneak into 2nd, Super Metroid or FF6? --- "If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh." -Magus |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/26/2009 8:01:06 PM | message detail |
higher than 33-35% without SFF, I think. It just got 33% against FFVII
last round with 2 Nintendo games in the poll. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/26/2009 8:01:11 PM | message detail |
...Huh. --- |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 5/26/2009 8:02:09 PM | message detail |
LTTP will undoubtedly maim Link's Awakening, this isn't even in question. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸,.·´ "You are the king of derailing topics, by the way." -Lucid |
UltimaterializerX | Posted 5/26/2009 8:02:34 PM | message detail |
From: KamikazePotato | Posted: 5/26/2009 11:01:11 PM | #241 I'm convinced Bacon lurks this board. --- `·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´`·.,¸¸,.·´ "You are the king of derailing topics, by the way." -Lucid |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 5/26/2009 8:02:38 PM | message detail |
Pierce Brosnan time FFVII stands out the least there. --- All the stars in the sky are waiting for you. |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/26/2009 8:03:03 PM | message detail |
good! Mario vs. Crono is always epic, 007 looks good, and I'm glad they
used FFVII art for Cloud instead of this awful KH or AC stuff that's
dominated his pictures the past few years! --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 8:03:05 PM | message detail |
All right, KP! GoldenEye resisting LFF confirmed. --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/26/2009 8:03:39 PM | message detail |
I'm glad they used FFVII art for Cloud instead of this awful KH or AC stuff that's dominated his pictures the past few years! That's kinda not an option there, I'd think. --- |
MetricTrout | Posted 5/26/2009 8:03:55 PM | message detail |
CT/FF7 and SM64/Goldeneye SFF are overrated. CT has demonstrated in
every opportunity which it meets FF7 that it can hold up fairly well.
And while Goldeneye is an N64 game, it could not be any more different
that SM64. We have already shown that RE4/TP SFF is fairly minimal, and
while I do believe SM64/Goldeneye SFF is greater, it is not the huge
force that everyone seems to say it is. --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/26/2009 8:04:09 PM | message detail |
Thanks! I really liked this pic. Pierce Brosnan to propel Goldeneye>FF7 --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/26/2009 8:04:20 PM | message detail |
Yeah, that's true I guess. But I certainly wouldn't put it past Bacon to do it anyway. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |