GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 726
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 5/24/2009 8:55:27 AM | message detail |
No way does Mario Kart deserve any kind of turd for last round. I'd sooner give it to Chrono Trigger before MK. --- No matter what, no matter how, I know I'll make it through somehow. |
KleenexTissue50 | Posted 5/24/2009 8:56:27 AM | message detail |
Hell, Mario Kart 64 was more of a turd than Super was. --- In-de-structable. Nothing's gonna stop me now. |
transients | Posted 5/24/2009 9:13:56 AM | message detail |
round 2 analysis - real quick-like edition star: Mario 64 - two Mario games in the poll? ain't no thing. CT's undefeated record against Mario games (including the one we all assume is stronger than Mario 64)? not anymore. Mario 64 has gone from being in a debate with Mario World for second strongest Mario title to beating the game that got 60% against Mario World. not bad. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Brawl has gone from being overrated to underrated in a matter of 12 months. now it might be overrated again because it beat down a weak Mario game and a FPS that was overrated. who knows with Brawl anymore? what we do know is that this was far beyond what most people expected. Super Mario World - this is a candidate for flukiest performance of the contest. Something Weird happened here and I have no idea what, but 54% against two Final Fantasy games is just sick. Ocarina of Time would struggle to do that. Ocarina of Time - speaking of which! Ocarina of Time's pack was tougher than FF7's and yet it put up a bigger percentage. maybe our expectations were wrong.. or maybe Ocarina of Time is just stronger than FF7 now. Diablo 2 - holy crap, not a Nintendo game! Starcraft got hammered, Warcraft stunk it up, and Diablo 2.. did really well, winning updates against Melee? in all honestly, it didn't do THAT well - most people pegged it in the low 20s and it got 25. but when you cut Melee, you get people's attention. turd: Super Mario Galaxy - blah, too easy. I almost want to excuse it because it was placed in an SFF match.. but then, some people thought it would actually beat Brawl, making this the Samus > Mario pick for 2009. too bad Galaxy's the Samus this time. Mario Kart 64 - again, an SFF match. but MK64 got hammered by (presumably) Goldeneye, going from 30% on FF7 to 20%. not a good performance by any stretch. Zelda 1 - I don't know whether to praise Mario 1, bury Zelda 1 or do a little bit of both. in reality, Mario 1 > Zelda 1 is common sense and this isn't unusual at all. but for a site that seems to breathe Zelda, seeing Mario go to town on it is a little offsetting, and quite frankly, a little embarrassing. Fallout 3 - this really isn't that bad of a performance - I think most people had Fallout 3 in the high 20s and it'll get about 26. if anything, Portal is outperforming its round 1 showing and making Fallout 3 look bad in the process. but Fallout 3 got something like 46% on MGS4 in the GOTY polls and now it's got 41%. not a great performance. Call of Duty 4 - I don't know if this match was really a dud -- more like it was overrated and finally got a chance to be exposed. but still, it wasn't even close. Pac-Man - old-school arcade SFF with Tetris! hahaha okay I'm done here --- xyzzy |
transients | Posted 5/24/2009 9:22:28 AM | message detail |
go go Tetris Mega Man 2 Zelda 1 Mario 1 Mario 3 Sonic 1 Mario World Final Fantasy IV Zelda LTTP Super Metroid Final Fantasy VI Link's Awakening Final Fantasy VII Goldeneye Mario 64 Chrono Trigger Metal Gear Solid Pokemon RBY Zelda Ocarina of Time Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy X Kingdom Hearts Super Smash Bros. Melee Diablo 2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Oblivion Zelda TP Resident Evil 4 Super Smash Bros. Brawl Call of Duty 4 Metal Gear Solid 4 Fallout 3 --- xyzzy |
Master Moltar | Posted 5/24/2009 9:48:13 AM | message detail |
I'd sooner give MK64 the turd of the quarter over SotN (which just
underperformed by a little) or SMK (which...didn't really do bad at
all). Great stuff from MGS4 today. I was worried it would let me down like Galaxy yesterday. Most of us figured that Fallout wouldn't be as strong as it indicated in the GotY polls, but this is slightly more that I thought (I had Fallout getting 42% on MGS4 in my analysis, and a bit more for my Oracle). I knew that performance against Halo 3 last round (which is looking pretty awful here) was a bad sign for it. I think it's the fact that Fallout is that close to Portal that says alot here. Good performance from Portal! --- Moltar Status: complete global saturation Match 48 - Bracket: MGS4 > F3 - Vote: MGS4 (167/248) |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/24/2009 10:09:40 AM | message detail |
What's the likelihood we'll see anything mildly exciting during tonight's match. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/24/2009 10:23:10 AM | message detail |
Not very high. Just another easy win by SMB --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/24/2009 10:23:54 AM | message detail |
Oh and seems like Halo and Portal just wanna stall all day at 2700 --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 5/24/2009 10:27:55 AM | message detail |
might be fun to watch compete while being destroyed, SMB may be closer
to LoZ this time if MM2 can hold up better than Metroid (although it's
weaker than Metroid), we may see SMB go to town since it's an enemy-pic
and Goombas are by far the most recognizable enemy used... ...there are some small possibilities, but otherwise, I mean, we've seen these matches already. As for today, YES GO PORTAL GO! MGS4 is kicking ass, too; I wanted to blame FO3 bombing at first, but it's doing a bit better on Halo 3 than R1 and is handling Portal well enough, so I don't think it's to blame. Unless there is some FPS-perspective SFF (the hot new factor, trust me), FO3 should not be in contention when SSBB and MGS4 meet up once again. --- BT > Harrich lol me |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/24/2009 10:28:58 AM | message detail |
much sooner give turd to SOTN than Mario Kart 64. MK64 had reason to
collapse; it was in a triple SFF situation. SOTN went from 33% to 26%
on Mario 64- that's the difference between making Mario 64 look around
where we thought it was and making it look like FFVII. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/24/2009 10:29:55 AM | message detail |
Stars and Turds of Round 2: 1998-2000 & 2001-2003 Star of the Quarter: Kingdom Hearts The game was supposed to be SFF by Final Fantasy X to let Metroid... I mean Metal Gear Solid 2 through. Kingdom Hearts resisted SFF pretty well and ended up closer to Final Fantasy X than Metal Gear Solid 2. Also to add insult to those who doubted the game it proceeded to shave off 500 votes from Final Fantasy X during the ASV despite being down by 5000. Kingdom Hearts may have been the turd of the contest in 2004, but it’s doing pretty well for itself here. Runner-Up: Pokemon GS The expectation was that GS was going to be SFF in order for RBY to do well. RBY did do well in the match, but at the same time GS pretty much avoided SFF completely turning this mostly into a LFF match. There were calls for rSFF since GS outperformed their expectations for an indirect match between the two. Like I’ve always said RBY is powerful, but GS is no slouch either. If we ever have a non-generation games contest we need to add Crystal and bring back both Pokemon games. Turd of the Quarter: Halo: Combat Evolved So much for benefitting from the removal of KotOR giving Halo more Xbox support and a better chance against Diablo II, not only did it fail to do that it failed to defeat Wind Waker despite Melee being in the same poll. I’m not a big fan of Melee/Halo SFF and I’d rather call this pulling a Halo. This was Halo’s best chance at getting a game from the series to round 3 and it blew it Runner-Up: Starcraft After round one Starcraft never really had a chance at advancing, but it could have put a good performance when Final Fantasy IX was added to the poll. It only did a couple of percent better despite Final Fantasy IX holding up pretty well against Final Fantasy VIII. We all knew Starcraft wasn’t as strong as what the previous contest indicated, but I really did thought it had some strength. Imagine the power of Starcraft’s rallying in this format. That could have won the contest. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS4 > Fallout 3 Points: 163/248 |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/24/2009 10:32:19 AM | message detail |
tomorrow, I'm hoping for some classic/respect/etc LFF between SMB and
Tetris to let LoZ make it look more respectable this time. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 5/24/2009 10:34:18 AM | message detail |
Packed-in games SFF LoZ victory here we come --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/24/2009 10:39:10 AM | message detail |
Round 2 Mario Power Zone ending, Round 3 Mario Deboost here we come! --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/24/2009 10:41:18 AM | message detail |
Tetris/MM2 might be fun to watch compete while being destroyed, Two games struggling for 10% is never fun. Tomorrow's match is probably a competitor for most boring of the contest. It will literally tell us nothing we don't already know. SMB may be closer to LoZ this time if MM2 can hold up better than Metroid (although it's weaker than Metroid) ...Why does that affect SMB more than LoZ? It's not like we haven't seen Link go to town on Mega Man before. --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 5/24/2009 10:42:24 AM | message detail | There's a decent argument that you can SFF some games enough to over-perform against non-related games in the same poll. Why did SMW beat the FF-games worse than FF by itself? How many of us saw SM64 beating CT? What's up with SSBB barely losing percentage from R1? It's like adding weak Nintendo games (or MM3!) to matches allows strong Nintendo games to do better in general. Great performances, absolutely no doubt, but there's a good chance to see all three under-perform next round if this is a legit theory. --- BT > Harrich lol me |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/24/2009 10:42:33 AM | message detail |
If SMW can hold up as well as I think it can though, the match after tomorrow should be a good one ... ! --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 5/24/2009 10:43:59 AM | message detail |
might affect SMB more due to them being platformers, but it's unlikely
at best. I was just trying to throw some ideas out for possible things. --- BT > Harrich lol me |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/24/2009 10:44:00 AM | message detail |
And MGS4 is doing pretty badly with the day vote. Too bad Halo 3 is the only one taking advantage of it! --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/24/2009 10:47:38 AM | message detail |
Didn't expect Fallout to take advantage of it, seeing as how its a night game anyway. -checks his bracket- Ugh SMB1 > MM2 tomorrow. Why did you have to fail so much MM2.. --- |
ZFS | Posted 5/24/2009 10:48:00 AM | message detail |
Tomorrow should be a lot like today. SMB > Zelda 1 with Tetris and MM2 getting killed is pretty much guaranteed. Better set of games, though, so that's always good ! --- a metal slime appears |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/24/2009 10:48:17 AM | message detail |
Fallout's a pretty balanced game overall. The first hour is the only time it's bad.. --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/24/2009 10:51:44 AM | message detail |
gained like 4% over night last round, and fell 1% during the day.
Granted there was a Halo there, but it still fell off pretty well. Not
to mention like I said, it took the lead from SSBB in that 3 way Goty
poll in the very deep night hours then folded to it during day. --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/24/2009 10:55:35 AM | message detail |
Though to be fair, Fallout 3 taking the lead over SSBB was partially due to a 4chan rally that spammed this pic everywhere: --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/24/2009 10:56:33 AM | message detail |
Stars and Turds of Round 2: 2004-2006 & 2007-2009 Star of the Quarter: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Sometimes the board hyping up a match can cloud my judgement. At the beginning of the contest I thought Brawl had this eight-pack sealed, but the hype of Call of Duty 4 made me reconsider things. Still Brawl was able to destroy its match even worse than I expected before the hype began. Brawl is looking good to be the strongest Wii game and if it happens a match against Melee could be very interesting. Runner-Up: Resident Evil 4 People were spelling out doom for Resident Evil 4 after round 1 expecting Twilight Princess to SFF/LFF it below Kingdom Hearts II. Any talk about notable overlap is gone with Resident Evil 4 performing almost exactly the same against Kingdom Hearts II one round later. Also as a bonus Resident Evil 4 was able to keep up with Twilight Princess erasing any doubt that the game is weak and setting up the semi-final train again. Turd of the Quarter: Super Mario Galaxy Maybe we’re a little harsh on Galaxy, but fans are starting to run out of excuses for the game. After the upset last round people hyped that Galaxy would drag Brawl down giving us a Call of Duty 4 win. Not only did Call of Duty 4 failed to come anywhere close Galaxy was SFF and lost to Grand Theft Auto IV which wasn’t performing as well as last round either. It’s kind of weird that Galaxy was the only Mario game to have flopped; sure Yoshi’s Island and Paper Mario were nothing special at least they didn’t lay an egg. Runner-Up: World of Warcraft This isn’t so much that World of Warcraft lost, but the way it lost. After the upset last round Oblivion had a chance against World of Warcraft and many knew that, though they decided to back Tales of Symphonia for whatever reason. Oblivion won in a close match and World of Warcraft did nothing to prevent it. For a game that had so much rallying potential you’d think it would have used it. Oblivion didn’t really start to make its push until the ASV meaning World of Warcraft had more than half a day to rally and build up some sort of buffer before taking over again during the SNV. Instead nothing happened and World of Warcraft more or less rolled over and died. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS4 > Fallout 3 Points: 163/248 |
maximumbarmage | Posted 5/24/2009 10:57:00 AM | message detail |
Glad to see Halo 3 in last where it belongs. That garbage should never have been allowed to get this far in the first place. --- No. of broken down 360s to date: 4 and counting |
Yesmar | Posted 5/24/2009 11:04:22 AM | message detail |
Why's everyone so down on Galaxy? Did anyone honestly expect it to do much better? --- FastFalcon owned me in the Guru Contest! |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/24/2009 11:04:38 AM | message detail |
From: Yesmar | #077 It lost to GTA4. --- |
Yesmar | Posted 5/24/2009 11:06:14 AM | message detail |
It lost to GTA4. Maybe I'm out of the loop, but people didn't see that coming? After it's 1st Round performance and being SFF/LFFd by SSBB in this round, SSBB >= COD4 > GTA4 > SMG, should have been a fairly logical prediction. --- FastFalcon owned me in the Guru Contest! |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 5/24/2009 11:06:58 AM | message detail |
think it did worse than even Black Turtle had predicted. Who was the
biggest proponent of Galaxy being overrated crap and Brawl getting an
easy victory that I can think of off hand --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/24/2009 11:07:36 AM | message detail |
Even Black Turtle didn't call for more then a doubling. And it got like... 27% on Brawl I think? --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/24/2009 11:09:38 AM | message detail |
hyped that Galaxy was still worth something and began calling Call of
Duty 4 > Brawl this round. As you can see that was no where close to
happening. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS4 > Fallout 3 Points: 163/248 |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/24/2009 11:11:06 AM | message detail |
I couldn't imagine Galaxy being THAT weak, so CoD4 musta had some
strength, and I also expected a fair share of overlap between SSBB and
Galaxy. The fact that SSBB totally manhandled it and made it a joke
makes it not only turd of that division, but turd of the entire contest
imho. --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 5/24/2009 11:21:18 AM | message detail |
Yeah, SMG fell on its face and broke every bone in the fall. This really makes Mario > Cloud from 2002 even more incredible -- SMG failed to do much of anything while Nintendo's #1, yet SMS lit Mario on fire during SquareFAQs for what I still consider the match of his career? Blasphemy! --- BT > Harrich lol me |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/24/2009 11:24:13 AM | message detail |
SMS came out on the day of the match, people didn't have time to notice that it wasn't the greatest thing ever. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS4 > Fallout 3 Points: 163/248 |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/24/2009 11:29:18 AM | message detail |
Stars and Turds of Round 2: Overall Star of the Round: Super Mario 64 As well as any other game performed I don’t think any could compete with Super Mario 64. Chrono Trigger has a history of defeating Mario games including Super Mario Bros. 3. This would have been the fifth game in two contests that Chrono Trigger would have defeated, but Super Mario 64 had other ideas. The Super Six that was created in 2004 and later revised in 2005 couldn’t even survive two rounds before falling in four-way. It’ll be fun to watch Super Mario 64 try that again in an attempt to remove Chrono Trigger from the contest. Runner-Up: Super Mario Bros. Well I’m happy to know that Super Mario Bros. is now getting the recognition it deserves. Defeating The Legend of Zelda is a feat in itself, but it went all the way by putting Super Mario Bros. 3 like numbers. No longer is this game a distant fourth on the Mario totem pole. Tomorrow we’re going to relive that match in more or less the same fashion. Runner-Up 2: Super Mario World What can I tell you, this was really the round of Mario. Super Mario World’s performance almost puts it in line to be the strongest game of the bracket. Of course it was an over performance, but that doesn’t change the fact that Super Mario World was able to put up those numbers on half decent opponents. Can Super Mario World challenge Super Mario Bros. 3 for the Mario title? We’re about to find out. Turd of the Round: Halo: Combat Evolved You’d think two Xbox games splitting with each other would support each other if one was to be eliminated. I wouldn’t have mind if Halo still lost to Diablo II in the same fashion as round 1, but trying to up one itself in terms of terrible performances it goes and loses to Wind Waker who is being SFF by Melee. Diablo II on the other hand goes off and does a decent performance on Melee. I don’t really believe in the Melee/Halo SFF, but something weird did happen. Runner-Up: Super Mario Galaxy Halo’s bombing saved it from being the turd of the round, but Galaxy is looking really good to become the turd of the contest. It would take a massive bombing from another game to steal it from Galaxy. It’s also weird to see that Mario could become the star series of the contest while Galaxy will be the turd of the contest. Maybe people will underestimate it so much next contest that it will look good. Runner-Up 2: Final Fantasy Too bad the original couldn’t retain any strength when it’s in the face of another Final Fantasy. The game would have lost to Mega Man 3 if it wasn’t for Super Mario World SFF it. Both of Final Fantasy’s matches give it a very different strength; it should be interesting to see which one Final Fantasy is actually closer to. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS4 > Fallout 3 Points: 163/248 |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/24/2009 11:30:32 AM | message detail |
over SMG? But then again I didn't expect Halo to stand a chance in
round 2, so I guess I wasn't as surprised it failed, but SMGs flop was
of epic purportions. --- |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 5/24/2009 11:35:04 AM | message detail |
as an outside observer, SMG bombed much harder than Halo. The Halo
series as a whole tanked, but the Mario series looked golden this
round, which makes SMG's bomb so much worse. |
HaRRicH | Posted 5/24/2009 11:38:21 AM | message detail |
Right, plus Planet Gamecube linked and that was a big deal. Still, it's crazy. It's the end of R2, so... FACT or FICTION: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow resists SFF in R3. FACT or FICTION: Resident Evil 4 reaches the championship. FACT or FICTION: Super Mario Galaxy is the weakest 3D-Nintendo game in the bracket. FACT or FICTION: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time beats Final Fantasy 7 one-on-one. --- BT > Harrich lol me |
Lopen | Posted 5/24/2009 11:38:30 AM | message detail |
have SMW over SMB for star of the round-- heck I might not even have
SMB as a star of the round all things considered. Otherwise I agree,
though. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/24/2009 11:40:35 AM | message detail |
FACT or FICTION: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow resists SFF in R3. Fact. FACT or FICTION: Resident Evil 4 reaches the championship. Fiction. FACT or FICTION: Super Mario Galaxy is the weakest 3D-Nintendo game in the bracket. Fact. FACT or FICTION: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time beats Final Fantasy 7 one-on-one. Fact. --- |
Lopen | Posted 5/24/2009 11:41:23 AM | message detail |
FACT or FICTION: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow resists SFF in R3. - yup FACT or FICTION: Resident Evil 4 reaches the championship. - it's got a nice SFF filled path to swath through. FACT or FICTION: Super Mario Galaxy is the weakest 3D-Nintendo game in the bracket. - Metroid Prime FACT or FICTION: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time beats Final Fantasy 7 one-on-one. - I've seen no reason to think Zelda will win yet. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
HaRRicH | Posted 5/24/2009 11:42:48 AM | message detail |
also plenty Turd-capable. LoZ:WW/Halo was supposed to be a great match
in BGE1, now Halo's losing to LoZ:WW being SFF'd by SSBM. That's pretty
terrible. Halo/SMG are pretty comparable in that regard, though at
least we saw the Halo series pretty regularly sucked this contest; SMG
broke trends to suck. --- BT > Harrich lol me |
Smurf FAQs | Posted 5/24/2009 11:42:53 AM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
Smurf FAQs | Posted 5/24/2009 11:43:15 AM | message detail |
never mind, I just noticed the 3-D. >_> --- Smurf 60% of the time he's awesome every time. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/24/2009 11:43:36 AM | message detail |
FACT or FICTION: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow resists SFF in R3. FACT or FICTION: Resident Evil 4 reaches the championship. FACT or FICTION: Super Mario Galaxy is the weakest 3D-Nintendo game in the bracket. FACT or FICTION: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time beats Final Fantasy 7 one-on-one. 1. False, I see a beatdown from OoT 2. Probably false, but it can happen. 3. Fact. Its probably the weakest main line Mario game in the contest. 4. Fact. --- |
KingBartz | Posted 5/24/2009 11:44:17 AM | message detail |
FICTION: Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow resists SFF in R3. FACT: Resident Evil 4 reaches the championship. FACT: Super Mario Galaxy is the weakest 3D-Nintendo game in the bracket. FACT: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time beats Final Fantasy 7 one-on-one. --- Check out my Guru bracket: |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/24/2009 11:44:21 AM | message detail |
Halo was a turd, but was anyone really that surprised when it stunk it up? it's Halo. Super Mario Galaxy has no excuses, especially after Mario games tore up R2. --- |
RPGuy96 | Posted 5/24/2009 11:49:50 AM | message detail |
- I don't think Majora's Mask did too much, but this is Ocarina we're
talking about. After FFVIII's meh performance, though, I think it could
get SFF'd a bit and still eke out a win. I wouldn't bet on that, though. FICTION - It's probably the game with the #2 shot, but it has to either be outright stronger than FFX (or VIII) or hope those two games knock each other out. I don't think the chances of that are enough to say fact here. FACT - Galaxy looks worse than Prime. Possibly-LFF'd -by-PM Prime works out to 34% on FFX and possibly-LFF'd-by-DP Galaxy (based on Brawl/CoD4 and CoD4/Galaxy, so no Brawl SFF) got 34% on Brawl. Gimme FFX > Brawl (for now!). FACT - FFVII has looked unremarkable while Ocarina has twice beaten down its fourpacks. Compare tripling StarCraft to not quite tripling Mario RPG with two other Nintendo games around, one of them with Mario in the title. Ocarina has just looked better for two rounds now. --- Mustache...and Green... |
hochiminhX | Posted 5/24/2009 11:53:00 AM | message detail |
Hochi's Trash and Treasure of Round 2 Treasure: Monkey Island: Despite much tougher competition, Monkey Island barely went down in percent. Not bad. Super Mario World: Not that impressive when you take account of the fact that despite irregularities this match despite whatever you may have thought was benefitted from two final fantasies. same thing with OoT. Next round we get a better idea for both games. FFVII: Good performance against 3 mid-carders FFVIII: Depsite being drained by FFIX it still beat Starcraft Trash: Legend of Zelda: No excuse here, what an embarassment Mega Man 3: Holy crap Mega Man is awful Final Fantasy VI: There is no excuse for letting an obscure, crappy Gameboy Zelda get 45% on you. Twilight Princess: Yes, it won but it only got like 51% on RE4 and 52% on Kingdom Hearts II. Very pathetic Super Mario Galaxy Why was this piece of **** game even allowed in the contest? Hopefully we never see it again. I'd take a crappy game like Animal Crossing over SMG. Starcraft: Should never be allowed in a contest again Chrono Trigger: Really? You lost to an obscure Mario game that was being drained upon? CT has no strength here anymore. --- I will bury you. |