GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 718
PegasusLover123 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:04:35 PM | message detail |
surprised that the next match analysis isn't posted yet. Usually
Charmander has it up before the final hour of the current match. --- "If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh." -Magus |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 5/17/2009 8:05:32 PM | message detail |
I'm gonna say FACT! DUH. --- [ FINAL FOUR ] FFVII / SMB3 / LoZ: OoT / MGS |
MetricTrout | Posted 5/17/2009 8:07:15 PM | message detail |
Also, FF8 will not SFF the hell out of FF9. You know why? A lot of people prefer FF9 over FF8. A lot of people prefer Pokemon GSC over Pokemon RBY Not many people prefer FF1 over FF2 Not many people cared much about Yoshi's Island to begin with. See a pattern here? --- |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 5/17/2009 8:09:13 PM | message detail |
Alot of people have bad taste. --- [ FINAL FOUR ] FFVII / SMB3 / LoZ: OoT / MGS |
PegasusLover123 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:10:20 PM | message detail |
I dunno, FF9 just didn't hook me like FF8 did. Then again i don't represent the common gamer of my age group either..... --- "If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh." -Magus |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/17/2009 8:10:40 PM | message detail |
BOLD PREDICTION: FFIX leads for a whole five seconds! --- |
hochiminhX | Posted 5/17/2009 8:10:40 PM | message detail |
Ocarina needs 40% to prove itself. After the debacle last round, OoT needs to redeem itself. --- I will bury you. |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:12:27 PM | message detail |
Match XLII: Final Fantasy VIII vs. Starcraft vs. LoZ: Ocarina of Time vs. Final Fantasy IX Last Round: Final Fantasy VIII – 43.91% Starcraft – 27.89% Soul Calibur – 15.40% Xenogears – 12.80% LoZ: Ocarina of Time – 53.79% Final Fantasy IX – 21.33% Half-Life – 14.56% Chrono Cross – 10.32% Analysis Part two of our LFF division brings us to the other company GameFAQs favours, Square. Again despite the overlap the match should go as predicted with only a slight chance of an upset. Sometimes it’s funny to watch the board support one upset because the underdog it one of their favourite games yet ignore or dismiss other upsets even though they have roughly the same chance of happening. Ocarina of Time was very lucky to be put in this half of the bracket as it has no competition, even giving it its worst case scenario and it will still likely win that match. For the most part Ocarina of Time will be largely ignored and will only serve to take a large portion of the percent. Like Final Fantasy VII it has potential to break 50% though it will probably miss that point by a couple of percent. Final Fantasy IX was impressive in that it was able to destroy Half-Life when many thought it had a chance at advancing, yet it is no up against its little brother and has no chance. Final Fantasy VIII may have been hated at first, but like Pokemon it is a respected game. Final Fantasy IX on the other hand may have not been hated, but with the release of the game at the end of the Playstation life-cycle. It will be interesting to see how it holds up against SFF though getting anything but last would be a long-shot. Like today’s match even in the face of LFF Final Fantasy VIII is the favourite at getting second. Its performance against Starcraft last round was quite impressive. Final Fantasy IX may hold its ground, but the buffer region it has to work with is rather large plus it has Xenogears from last round to work with to offset some of the damage Final Fantasy IX will do. Due to the LFF not much can be used to predict the next round though if Final Fantasy VIII performs well despite Final Fantasy IX we could have our favourite going in the division finals. I like Starcraft as much as the next guy on the board, but there is a small group of people that still think Starcraft has a chance in this match despite watching last round. 60%+ wins are very hard to turn around using just LFF; even SFF in some cases would have trouble causing that much damage. Take a look at today’s match as an example, Pokemon RBY is currently undergoing its worst case scenario, maximum LFF with minimum SFF and it is still comfortably defeating Majora’s Mask. You could argue that GS is affecting Majora’s Mask, but I don’t see it being any worse than what Perfect Dark and Banjo-Kazooie did last round. If you put Starcraft in Majora’s Mask position and make RBY equal to Final Fantasy VIII Starcraft would not be winning that match. So what chance does Starcraft have against two games that will have less overlap than RBY and GS? Even at worst case scenario Final Fantasy VIII will win plus it had Xenogears last round. The only way Starcraft could win is if Final Fantasy IX decides to rSFF, a massive rally happens or the anomaly from FFIV/FF repeats itself which wouldn’t make it an anomaly. We may see the poll start off close, but as the board vote wears out Starcraft will be crushed throughout the night. I’m not sure whether the 95-97 division or the 98-00 division will have a better division final, but both matches should be pretty interesting. Like last round the peak of the round will be this match giving us a bit of a plateau before descending like mad for the final division. charmander6000’s Bracket: LoZ: Ocarina of Time > Starcraft charmander6000’s Prediction: LoZ: Ocarina of Time – 45.73%, Final Fantasy VIII – 21.53%, Starcraft – 18.62%, Final Fantasy IX – 14.12% |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:12:57 PM | message detail |
surprised that the next match analysis isn't posted yet. Usually
Charmander has it up before the final hour of the current match. Nice to know that people read those. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS > FFT Points: 133/192 |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 5/17/2009 8:14:52 PM | message detail |
This match shall be known as Starcraft vs. FFIX because that's the only thing worth watching in this match. --- [ FINAL FOUR ] FFVII / SMB3 / LoZ: OoT / MGS |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/17/2009 8:15:38 PM | message detail |
*takes your post to be implying that FF8 gets last* I agree. --- |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 5/17/2009 8:18:25 PM | message detail |
Looks like I'll 141 points in my bracket and 155 for predictions by the time today is better. |
hochiminhX | Posted 5/17/2009 8:19:17 PM | message detail |
There are a few scenarios that could occur. I will now reveal them. 1. Starcraft doesn't fall too much from Round 1 and takes advantage of FF8/FF9 split propelling into second place 2. FF8 takes second, SC takes third and FFIX takes fourth 3. FF8 takes second and Starcraft REALLY sucks so FF9 gets 3rd and SC gets 4th Bascially we have FF8 > SC > FF9 (60%) SC > FF8 > FF9 (45%) FF8 > FF9 > SC (4%) SC > FF9 > CT (1%) --- I will bury you. |
PegasusLover123 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:20:52 PM | message detail |
You know what i just thought of something. We all know that Starcraft is capable of rallying. However, the situation would require both FF8 & 9 to have near the exact same percentage split. Now i know that situation is pretty much impossible, we thought pokemon GSC would be totally drained of its % by RBY yet that didn't happen, it held pretty well. So if we look at the potential amount of votes Starcraft can get in a rally, just how close would it need to be to FF8 to convince people that Starcraft has a chance? --- "If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh." -Magus |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 5/17/2009 8:21:35 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/17/2009 8:23:17 PM | message detail |
Who the hell didn't beat the Sky Temple? It had the best boss fight in the game! --- |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 5/17/2009 8:23:32 PM | message detail |
Zen Analyzes the Match Pic! Because nobody else gives a ****! FFVIII: Oh hey, it's Squall and Seifer doing their little sissy fight at the beginning of FFVIII! You think it's some big epic showdown, but it turns out they're really training! And then Seifer knocks Squall out and he wakes up in a hospital! Easily the best introduction for any lead character ever. StarCraft: What the hell is going on? It looks like a giant lobster fighting one of those aliens from the War of the Worlds remake while everything is being pelted by exploding blue plasma grenades from Halo. Awesome. Ocarina of Time: I remember when I first got the Triforce from the Sky Temple! Good times. But as I recall, not many people got up to that, so I suppose this is a bad pic for working up nostalgia. FFIX: FIRE VIVI FFFFFFFFF ADVANTAGE: FFIX --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:24:40 PM | message detail |
managed 2000 votes against Wind Waker with a half hour to spare and a
200 vote cushion, so it's probably in range as long as it's within 2500
with 6 hours to go. That's if SC still has the kind of rallying power
it had 5 years ago though, which may very well not be true. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
MetricTrout | Posted 5/17/2009 8:24:50 PM | message detail |
is a question. According to FF8/FF9 split 56/44.
And Gold/Silver is holding up remarking well here. Why does everyone
this that FF9 will not hold up well here? Is there some mysterious
Ocarina/FF9 overlap that I am not aware of? --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:24:51 PM | message detail |
if we look at the potential amount of votes Starcraft can get in a
rally, just how close would it need to be to FF8 to convince people
that Starcraft has a chance? Less than a 1000 will get the best results though people will keep on trying if it's below 2000. Basically the closer to 0 the better. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS > FFT Points: 133/192 |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:25:49 PM | message detail |
But Nintendo said you can find the Triforce! There were 3 different ways you could do it! --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 5/17/2009 8:25:50 PM | message detail |
know it's old at the moment, but the 2004 x-stats basically called the
whole Vice City/Metroid Prime fiasco. Vice City did like 0.06% worse
than what its projection called for. Am I the only one who doesn't think Metroid Prime disappointed a whole lot? |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 5/17/2009 8:26:34 PM | message detail |
I think it's pretty safe to assume that 8 would take more votes from 7 than 9 would in that poll --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:27:18 PM | message detail |
No, FFIX should hold up pretty well I think. But SFF and Last Place Factor are unpredictable, for every RBY/GS you have an FF4/FF1. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:28:08 PM | message detail |
is a question. According to FF8/FF9 split 56/44.
And Gold/Silver is holding up remarking well here. Why does everyone
this that FF9 will not hold up well here? Is there some mysterious
Ocarina/FF9 overlap that I am not aware of? The problem is we don't know where FFVII/FFX's votes will go to from that poll. Also my prediction has FFVIII with 60/40, which seems about right. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS > FFT Points: 133/192 |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:29:06 PM | message detail |
Also, I think we've learned our lesson about PotDs enough times. Yoshi > Mario right? --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 5/17/2009 8:29:39 PM | message detail |
Isn't that Ocarina of Time pic from the end of the game, when Link
defeats Ganon and gets his hands on the triforce? I thought that was an
iconic screenshot. |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 5/17/2009 8:29:52 PM | message detail |
Yoshi > Mario can still happen, we've never seen them against each other yet! --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
MetricTrout | Posted 5/17/2009 8:30:00 PM | message detail |
Yeah, but who prefers FF1 over FF2? Not too many, apparently. And why would FF9 get hit with Last Place Factor when Starcraft is the one getting last place? --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:30:22 PM | message detail |
know it's old at the moment, but the 2004 x-stats basically called the
whole Vice City/Metroid Prime fiasco. Vice City did like 0.06% worse
than what its projection called for. Am I the only one who doesn't think Metroid Prime disappointed a whole lot? I didn't, but I thought VC would do much better. MP was overrated based on the stats so even if VC fell I thought it still had it. Also Paper Mario was in the same poll. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS > FFT Points: 133/192 |
xp1337 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:30:48 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 8:32:04 PM | message detail |
Easily the best introduction for any lead character ever. Darn right! --- |
Dilated Chemist | Posted 5/17/2009 8:32:29 PM | message detail |
Final Fantasy VIII - 28% Starcraft - 21% Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 37% Final Fantasy IX - 14% --- [ FINAL FOUR ] FFVII / SMB3 / LoZ: OoT / MGS |
PegasusLover123 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:33:08 PM | message detail |
the fact that FF8 was quite different from FF9 is another possible
factor that can affect the vote outcome. FF9 went back to the
traditional fantasy that many knew back in the super nes and gameboy
days. FF8 was rather different since it went with a more Sci-fi style theme rather than pure fantasy. Also the story in FF8 i found to be considerably more mature than most other FF games (FFT for the ps1 was another example of a mature storyline). Then theres the issue of how well the games age, we've seen it happen with Pokemon after all the hate subsided, FF8 used to be frowned upon but now people take a second look at it and go "you know, sometimes being different is good after all". --- "If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh." -Magus |
creativename | Posted 5/17/2009 8:39:51 PM | message detail |
Heh, I don't remember him getting knocked out. I'll have to youtube that. FF9 should have a good board vote...which just means FF8's board vote will suck worse than normal. Could start off 4th here. FFIX: FIRE VIVI FFFFFFFFF I've seen this f's thing before - what's this mean anyway? --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 8:41:22 PM | message detail |
game doesn't show Squall getting KO'd or anything. The cutscene ends
with him slashing back at Seifer, and then the game starts with him in
the clinic. --- |
PegasusLover123 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:43:52 PM | message detail |
Uh not quite Leon. The last scene shows Rinoa jumping at Squall after he had dealt that retaliation slash across his face. Just before Rinoa lands in Squall's arms, that's when he wakes up in the clinic. --- "If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh." -Magus |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 8:44:24 PM | message detail |
Well, yeah, there's a quick flash of a bunch of cutscenes of the game. I was referring to the end of the duel. --- |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 5/17/2009 8:46:28 PM | message detail |
I don't need to justify these numbers OoT 43% Starcraft 25sssssssss% FF8 22% FF9 10% --- |
PegasusLover123 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:46:39 PM | message detail |
Another little question i got. Do you think that Squall and Seifer's presence in Kingdom Hearts 2 helped out FF8? --- "If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh." -Magus |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 8:46:56 PM | message detail |
I don't need to justify these numbers True, you'll be proven wrong in 15 minutes, so no need. --- |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 5/17/2009 8:47:53 PM | message detail |
From: PegasusLover123 | #440 No, though it most certainly helped Squall --- |
MoogleKupo141 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:48:00 PM | message detail |
oot: 42 ff8: 18 ff9: 18 scraft: 22 count on it --- For your health. This is my Chocomander, FastFalcon05 |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 5/17/2009 8:49:21 PM | message detail |
If FF9 comes anywhere near FF8 I'll eat my hat --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 8:50:12 PM | message detail |
Define "anywhere near." --- |
creativename | Posted 5/17/2009 8:50:52 PM | message detail |
I just saw a vid and one of the top comments mentioned how the intro
touched on many of the games themes, including Squalls "overall
punk-***** ness" - awesome --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:55:55 PM | message detail |
you're setting the bar too low for OOT at 40% if you want to proclaim
its failures. On the other hand, if it really does fail to make
40%.....bring on the Zelda has fallen off a cliff discussion! --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
Cecil XIX | Posted 5/17/2009 8:56:27 PM | message detail |
Karma Hunter Posted 5/17/2009 9:30:52 PM message detail Who the hell goes when you talk about Pokemon, "Aw yeah remember that Trainer? He was totally badass." Everyone knows the Trainer - but c'mon, no one cares. Peach syndrome. Pokemon Trainer > Jill confirmed. Seriously though, I think the Pokemon Trainer has a decent range and could be worthwhile. I wouldn't be surprised to see him get to round two in this format. I'm not sure there's actually a character called 'Pokemon Trainer' though. There's Red (The guy in Brawl), Blue, Dawn, Lucas and who ever the protagonists in the 2nd and 3rd generations are. If it weren't for Brawl, it's be like entering a character named "Final Fantasy Protaganist". --- Wow, an intelligent criticism of Zeta. Never thought I'd see the day. - AmuroNT1 Congrats to FastFalcon05 for his well-deserved victory. |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 8:57:01 PM | message detail |
Or Fighter. --- |
hochiminhX | Posted 5/17/2009 8:57:01 PM | message detail |
Fine, if OoT doesn't match what FF7 got it sucks and nobody likes it --- I will bury you. |