GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 718
Master Moltar | Posted 5/17/2009 7:00:15 AM | message detail |
GS and MM winning the morning vote over RBY? 'well then' GS really holding up against RBY here. I'm more impressed with it than RBY. MGS is also going to fall like a rock after redeeming itself overnight...augh --- Moltar Status: complete global saturation Match 41 - Bracket: MGS > MM - Vote: MGS (131/192) |
Master Moltar | Posted 5/17/2009 7:02:31 AM | message detail |
Actually RBY doing better at the beginning makes sense because it's more nostalgia-driven with the older audience. Still, didn't think the kiddies preferred GS over it by this much though! --- Moltar Status: complete global saturation Match 41 - Bracket: MGS > MM - Vote: MGS (131/192) |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/17/2009 7:21:00 AM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/17/2009 7:21:49 AM | message detail |
better hope that it's not SFFing GSC (in fact, it may as well hope for
rSFF or something way outta left field like that). If it is indeed
SFFing the weaker game, it might not even be that far ahead of it
directly, which means it might not beat Metal Gear Solid in a
traditional match. Which means it might not be a Top 10er. I might be getting ahead of myself, but I certainly didn't expect a 57/43 split from the Pokes - I thought it would be closer to a tripling than that. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/17/2009 7:23:34 AM | message detail |
Uh, if you took out GS nearly all of its votes would go to RBY. It would probably be some ridiculous number like 90%. Hold on, let me do some comparisans. --- |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/17/2009 7:25:36 AM | message detail |
understand that point, but this split is still very weird. If GSC is
holding up this well now, I'm wondering why it couldn't beat MGS when
it had all the advantages last round. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/17/2009 7:44:22 AM | message detail |
not seeing what's so weird about this. RBY beating MGS was always
centered around it SFFing GS into the dirt. GS i just holding up far
better than anyone expected. If RBY and GS are splitting perfectly, then RBY gets 68.52% on MM and 57.21% on MGS. If 90% of GS' votes would've gone to RBY, with 5% each going to MM and MGS, then RBY gets 67.47% on MM and 55.89% on MGS. If 80% of GS' votes would've gone to RBY, with 10% each going to MM and MGS, then RBY gets 64.59% against MM and 53.66% against MGS. RBY is getting 57.55% against GS directly. Using the GS vs. MGS Round 1 comparisan, RBY gets 54.27% on MGS. None of this accounts for the fact that, upon removing MM, the majority of its votes (55-45, maybe 60-40) would go to RBY. Or that FF1 and FF4 combined couldn't beat FF1's Round 1 score against SMW, leading to a possibility of games in a series underperforming in a poll when together. Or that MGS stands out like nuts. Yeah, RBY is fine. --- |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 5/17/2009 7:45:30 AM | message detail |
G/S+R/B/Y combined at the moment is only nearly a 58-42 victory. Take
into account that RBY+GS combined is worth like 4% more on Majora's
Mask than RBY was alone in round one, so if you tone it down to make it
adjust, you'll probably end up again with a R/B/Y victory over MGS with
55% or less. I mean we don't really have anything pointing to MGS
losing by a LOT. It's not something that's impossible to overturn with
OoT, though I wouldn't count on it. Since... for OoT to hurt Pokemon,
it should mean Majora's Mask is too, so... er... X_X Oh well, stranger things have happened --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/17/2009 7:56:16 AM | message detail |
Why people thought RBY would get higher than 55% indirectly is beyond me. Which is why the top 10 (especially five) talk last round was rediculous. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS > FFT Points: 133/192 |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/17/2009 7:59:21 AM | message detail |
it is also ridiculous that I can't spell ridiculous --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS > FFT Points: 133/192 |
Master Moltar | Posted 5/17/2009 8:07:18 AM | message detail |
always figured that MGS/RBY would be fairly close, and that RBY could
still be a Top 10 game because MGS would be a Top 15 game. I wanted to believe in MGS! --- Moltar Status: complete global saturation Match 41 - Bracket: MGS > MM - Vote: MGS (131/192) |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:10:34 AM | message detail |
I don't think RBY is a top 10 game anymore with some of the performances we've seen, still top 15 is still possible. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS > FFT Points: 133/192 |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 5/17/2009 8:16:39 AM | message detail |
Time to predict tomorrow's match. Well, this is another hugely anticipated matchup, folks. Not only does the Best. Game. Ever. get to show its strength once again, but StarCraft is here. Half-Life should've been here, but oh well. Ocarina of Time will show that it's not the Best. Game. Ever. for nothing, and it will rock the house down. As such, I think 40% is a good mark to shoot for. Wait, didn't Super Mario 64 manage that against Chrono Trigger/Symphony of the Night/Yoshi's Island? Yeah, screw that. Then again, Chrono Trigger > Final Fantasy VIII, but StarCraft > Symphony of the Night (despite whatever the stupid list says) and Final Fantasy IX > Yoshi's Island. Let's go for 40%. At the same time, we have a major question; will StarCraft get to round 3 by taking advantage of two Final Fantasy games splitting? Uhm, no sir. The one case where vote totals can be used well to predict a match is with two games that were in the same match together even last round, and FFVIII managed 52k votes while StarCraft had 34k. Yeah, SC is toast. I still think it will be able to own an SFFd FFIX and go out in an honorable manner, though. I actually don't mind StarCraft losing to the ultimate love story anymore, to be honest. Final Fantasy VIII - 25%, StarCraft - 20%, Zelda: Ocarina of Time - 40%, Final Fantasy IX - 15% Prediction: Zelda: Ocarina of Time > Final Fantasy VIII Bracket: Zelda: Ocarina of Time > StarCraft Favorites: Zelda: Ocarina of Time > StarCraft Favorites Bracket: Zelda: Ocarina of Time > Half-Life May the most atmospheric (maybe aside from GoldenEye) and cinematic game for the N64 to crush every game not named Final Fantasy VII (more for strength purposes though; I wouldn't mind if it lost to Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil 4, Half-Life 2, Super Mario Galaxy, and/or tons of stuff on the top half of the bracket, including Final Fantasy VII). |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/17/2009 8:26:48 AM | message detail |
I'm not sure why this performance wouldn't include RBY in the Top 10, but whatever! --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:28:56 AM | message detail |
Unless you think MGS is number 11 or 12 I don't see how you think RBY would still be in the top 10. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS > FFT Points: 133/192 |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/17/2009 8:29:53 AM | message detail |
MGS is Top 15-20 easy. RBY getting 55% on it 1 on 1 is easy Top 10 inclusion, due to the Top 20 being so close in strength. --- |
Yesmar | Posted 5/17/2009 8:30:10 AM | message detail |
Time | Pokemon RBY Metal Gear Solid 01:00 | 48.34% | 51.66% 02:00 | 44.61% | 55.39% 03:00 | 44.88% | 55.12% 04:00 | 44.26% | 55.74% 05:00 | 39.76% | 60.24% 06:00 | 39.09% | 60.91% 07:00 | 37.76% | 62.24% 08:00 | 37.72% | 62.28% 09:00 | 42.40% | 57.60% 10:00 | 43.85% | 56.15% 11:00 | 43.88% | 56.12% Jeez. MGS was *killing* Pokemon from 4-8. --- FastFalcon owned me in the Guru Contest! |
__Smurf__ | Posted 5/17/2009 8:30:29 AM | message detail |
I reckon there's a bigger gap between RBY and MGS than that. --- (\__/) Meet Ziggy,the Evil Bunny who wants to take over the world and eat the flesh of the weak. (='.'=] Put Ziggy in your sig to support his cause. |
Lopen | Posted 5/17/2009 8:30:51 AM | message detail |
Nothing immediately strikes me as wrong about MGS being #11 or #12. --- No problem! This is a cute and pop genocide of love! |
LinkMarioSamus | Posted 5/17/2009 8:46:20 AM | message detail |
to analyze Super Mario 64's strength, and let's do so by seeing whether
games that finished ahead of it in the x-stats and list can beat it. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Wow, there's no effing way San Andreas is stronger than Mario 64 like the stupid list indicates. The Legend of Zelda - Wouldn't Mario 64 SFF it? Zelda: Wind Waker - See above. StarCraft - There's no way in hell that Mario 64 loses to this like the stupid x-stats indicate. Halo - How did this game make the top 10 in both the x-stats and the list? Its match indicates that it may not even be top 25. Super Mario 64 will oust Halo no problem. GoldenEye - Mario 64 should beat this no problem, with the way GoldenEye disappointed in round 1. Metal Gear Solid - Pretty much same as GoldenEye. Final Fantasy X - I think Mario 64 beats this now. Super Smash Bros. Melee - Maybe Super Mario 64 (r?)SFFs it. Final Fantasy VI - Same as GoldenEye/Metal Gear Solid. Chrono Trigger - What did we just see, folks? Crono was once able to beat Mario, and now Chrono Trigger can't beat what is likely not the most popular Mario game on this site. Super Mario Bros. 3 - I still think Mario 64 doesn't win against it. Zelda: A Link to the Past - Mario 64 may feel SFF heat. Zelda: Ocarina of Time - See above, except take out "may." Final Fantasy VII - I don't think Mario 64 is strong enough yet. BTW this is completely off topic but I find it funny that DOOM was coming off of being in the top 10 of two best game ever lists yet still lost in the first round. Of course, one of those lists had Perfect Dark, Okami, Contra, Metroid Prime, Knights of the Old Republic, BioShock, Soul Calibur, God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, Deus Ex, Gears of War, Half-Life, and SimCity in the top 50 as well, and that's in ascending order (meaning the last three were in the top 20!). |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/17/2009 8:52:59 AM | message detail |
starting to think G/S really is rSFFing RBY here. The amount of 'GS is
better, voters are nostalgia whores' whining on the board today is
ridiculous. --- |
RockMFR 5 | Posted 5/17/2009 8:54:40 AM | message detail |
think these results show that we may see something like a 55/45 split
between VIII and IX tomorrow. Definitely not going to be an SFF
beatdown. --- Be a good little washing machine, now... o_0 The Ohio State University: We are so much better than m*ch!g@n. |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/17/2009 9:03:24 AM | message detail |
What's better about GSC, anyway. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/17/2009 9:13:37 AM | message detail |
mechanics were greatly improved, and you got to visit the region from
RBY after beating the game. And you fight the main character of RBY as
the final boss. --- |
Master Moltar | Posted 5/17/2009 9:14:16 AM | message detail |
From: PartOfYourWorld | #173 Improves on RBY in almost every way. --- Moltar Status: complete global saturation Match 41 - Bracket: MGS > MM - Vote: MGS (131/192) |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/17/2009 9:18:51 AM | message detail |
I remember the last fight. I used my Steelix to beat all of his guys. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 5/17/2009 9:20:13 AM | message detail |
results mean absolutely nothing for tomorrow - or at least, no more
than FFI/FFIV's performance did. Stop trying to take something from
them. -_- --- All the stars in the sky are waiting for you. |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 5/17/2009 10:01:20 AM | message detail |
I got bored and started making match pics for next year. *sigh* --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
ffmasterjose | Posted 5/17/2009 10:18:18 AM | message detail | Duke > Morrigan (TJF!) Duke looks like Ron Perlman --- 138/192 points - The Best. Game. Ever 2009 Contest NP: Metal Gear Solid > Zelda: MM | |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/17/2009 10:26:30 AM | message detail |
Why would GS rSFF RBY? GS is a solid game in its own right and would not be SFF as badly as Yoshi's Island. Just face it guys you underestimated GS's indirect strength against RBY. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS > FFT Points: 133/192 |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 5/17/2009 10:47:34 AM | message detail |
Out of bordem: Anybody got any match pics they want me to make? --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
ffmasterjose | Posted 5/17/2009 10:58:09 AM | message detail |
Out of bordem: Anybody got any match pics they want me to make? Sub-Zero/Jack Shephard/Seifer/Naked Snake *Bearded Jack if applicable. This is the task we give to you Zen --- 138/192 points - The Best. Game. Ever 2009 Contest NP: Metal Gear Solid > Zelda: MM | |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 5/17/2009 11:07:59 AM | message detail |
This needs to happen: --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 11:07:59 AM | message detail |
honestly, after the first hour, MGS looked pretty bad. Now, I think
it's looking pretty good. It's getting 56% on RBY, 61% on MM, and 63%
on GS. I still say RBY wins directly, but it's not a blowout. I agree
with Moltar in this being more impressive for GS than for RBY at this
point. RBY hasn't even made any serious movement with the day vote yet. But like with FFI/FFIV, you can't draw TOO much from a SFF match. There are too many unknowns. MGS still looking like a solid (haha, get it) top 15-20 game here. I guess what you think of it determines what you think of RBY. It's amazing how everyone last night was "Man, MGS sucks!" and now they're all like, "Yeah, I think MGS could be right outside the top ten!" --- |
RPGuy96 | Posted 5/17/2009 11:13:30 AM | message detail |
I didn't expect RBY to be so power hour fueled - nearly all of MGS's
gains since the power hour have come at RBY's expense, and it's MM and
GS that are moving with the day. RBY still has a good argument for top
ten status, but it's on the lower edge after we've seen Mario games
kill this round. This makes FFT look really bad, though, since Majora's Mask is beating it on MGS with two Pokeymanz in the poll. A moral victory for MGS > MM people, I suppose. --- Mustache...and Green... |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 11:14:06 AM | message detail |
A moral victory for MGS > MM people, I suppose. Whoo! That's like the only victory I get nowadays! --- |
BDawg | Posted 5/17/2009 11:14:22 AM | message detail |
it's just me but putting up 33% in a triple SFF match really isn't
impressing me at all. Yeah MGS won easily but it was mostly because G/S
held up better than anybody thought it would. --- Should I start running now? |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 11:15:27 AM | message detail |
the record, a direct Majora's Mask comparison puts RBY at 53.58% on
MGS. I'm not sure how reliable that is, but it's the most reliable
thing we have at this point. --- |
RPGuy96 | Posted 5/17/2009 11:18:55 AM | message detail |
and since Ocarina/FFVIII/Melee/FFX looks increasingly likely...which
game takes second there? I'm going to reserve judgment until we see
FFVIII deal with what should be a much weaker split with FFIX
tomorrow...but I kinda like Melee for now. (Which means KHII has a path to the finals what the) --- Mustache...and Green... |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 11:19:57 AM | message detail |
like whoever comes out on top between FFVIII and FFX. I'll favor the
game that gets the better end of the split (which Melee certainly won't
against OoT), and I doubt either one is very far from Melee to begin
with. --- |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 5/17/2009 11:23:58 AM | message detail | --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
ffmasterjose | Posted 5/17/2009 11:34:21 AM | message detail | XD, that looks even more insane than what I had pictured in my head. Desktop'ed. --- 138/192 points - The Best. Game. Ever 2009 Contest NP: Metal Gear Solid > Zelda: MM | |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 11:34:50 AM | message detail |
Argh, if Seifer ever makes a contest and Bacon gives him that pic, that'd be awful. --- |
transience | Posted 5/17/2009 11:36:07 AM | message detail |
jeeze, RBY died. this is a weird match -- everyone
looks bad. well, except Majora I guess. I think I'll have to backpedal
on my RBY rating - when it looked like it could 60/40 MGS I was behind
it, but now it looks more like a 55-45 and that's not that good. so how do we feel about Starcraft? we're talking a 64/36 match to a 53/47 match with Majora's Mask here. --- xyzzy "Actually, fire didn't make Sephiroth awesome. Sephiroth made fire awesome." -Karma Hunter |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 11:38:44 AM | message detail |
more like 55/45 for RBY here, but I still like FFVIII, but nothing's
really going to change my mind on that. MM could be beating RBY right
now and I'd still say FFVIII wins tomorrow! --- |
transience | Posted 5/17/2009 11:40:31 AM | message detail |
I expect that from you! --- yzzyx |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/17/2009 11:41:42 AM | message detail |
Speaking of Seifer are we running the NRT after this contest? --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS > FFT Points: 133/192 |
LeonhartFour | Posted 5/17/2009 11:43:15 AM | message detail |
think there's really no need for another Nomination Rally Tournament. I
mean, what other characters are there to rally for at this point that
are worth it? If you can list me several characters, I'd be for it, but
I can't think of many. --- |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 5/17/2009 11:45:29 AM | message detail |
Might as well post this now: Who is Morrigan? Morrigan is the face of the Darkstalkers series; let's consult Wikipedia for more! Morrigan is a succubus and the adopted daughter of Belial Aensland. When she was born, Morrigan was extremely powerful, so much so that Belial sealed away part of her power, one-third in himself to be returned upon his death, and one-third in a pocket dimension, which eventually became a being of its own, a succubus named Lilith. Unaware of Belial's action, Morrigan grew up and found her life in the Aensland castle dull, so she frequently visited the human world to look for entertainment. Interested? Read on! Why Morrigan? Remember these matches? Yeah, yeah, "2002 isn't legitimate." Well, I guess we'll never get a good gauge on Morrigan's actual strength unless she gets into a new contest then, eh? I think she has the potential to make it out of round 1. With fodder like Frank West and Nathan Drake getting into the contest each year, she has a chance to land a decent placing and ride behind the coattails of a mid-to-high uppercarder. And let's not forget this poll: And that's without a pic showing off her, uh, features. Plus, we need more women in this contest. Women that won't stink up the contest. If anything, she'll get a pic like this: ...And will gain strength from that alone. If you're thinking "oh Zen must just want her in because she has huge boobies," well, you're partially right, because TJF does have an impact on the contests (not as much as it does now), and I do love the boobies, but the main reason is that Darkstalkers needs a rep in this contest. The series is under-appreciated outside of Board 8, and even if Morrigan doesn't get out of round 1, it'll be nice to see her on the front page again. Besides, would you rather have Morrigan or another Kaim Argonar? What do we have to lose, men (and nintendogirl)?! Morrigan Army ZenOfThunder Picture Gallery --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
The n00b Avenger | Posted 5/17/2009 11:45:39 AM | message detail |
Cid Highwind Yeah, more FF7 but come on we can't have a FF7 festival without Cid. Plus he has the Cid factor! --- A refusal of praise is a desire to be praised twice. |