GameFAQs Contests


Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 702

MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/4/2009 4:45:14 PM | message detail

From: The n00b Avenger | #249
Have there been any situations where a game with ~150,000 or less sales beat a game with over a million sales, and wasn't on a console that you can emulate easily?

I don't really care about sales and all but if you can't find an example for that you should probably stop saying they don't matter

I'm not sure, but fortunently thats not the case tomorrow since Persona 4 has 220k american sales
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/4/2009 4:47:21 PM | message detail
...I can't get over that Halo 2>ToS comment from earlier. There is nothing going for that.

Halo 1 vs. GTA3

ToS vs. San Andreas

WoW vs. Halo 2

GrapefruitKing | Posted 5/4/2009 4:50:42 PM | message detail
nice match pic all around
Today's prediction: Twilight 38.27% - Sky Pirate 23.89% - Half-Life 2 19.92% - Phoenix 17.92%
Status: crappy
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 5/4/2009 4:52:06 PM | message detail
Oh man, I take a nap and there's 2 pages of KamikazePotato making an ass of himself yet again while screaming from the roof tops how "h4dc0r3" his gaming tastes are.

Abandon topic.
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/4/2009 4:55:51 PM | message detail
I guess next will be Failsona?

That seems about the limits of your vocabulary.

MegatokyoEd | Posted 5/4/2009 4:56:41 PM | message detail
Phoenix Wright is a pretty bad Persona comparison. Persona 4's sold more in the U.S. and GameFAQs naturally loves JRPGs more than most genres anyway. I always figured Phoenix himself was far stronger than his game which seems true.
Demyx is better than Axel.
Master Moltar | Posted 5/4/2009 4:57:10 PM | message detail
stats topic more like p4 fanboyz zone
Moltar Status: ahh, there you are
Match 28 - Bracket: TP > FF12 - Vote: TP (75/108)
ZFS | Posted 5/4/2009 4:58:40 PM | message detail
persona freakz

a metal slime appears
charmander6000 | Posted 5/4/2009 4:59:02 PM | message detail
No, GTA4's sales are VERY good, reviews are (too) good, and I don't know what fanbase you're talking about that hates it. I addressed this already.

GTAIV was popular for a month then was largely ignored. It was smashed by Fallout 3 in the GotY poll. Even in the GTA fanbase it is often regarded as lower than SA, 3 and VC, not hated, but not popular. Also reviews more or less means nothing on GameFAQs.
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: LoZ: TP > HL2 Points: 77/108
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/4/2009 5:00:28 PM | message detail
the best part is that if P4 advances we totally get bragging rights

if it doesn't people will forget about it in a day


ZFS | Posted 5/4/2009 5:02:41 PM | message detail
forgetting about persona sounds like a plan !

a metal slime appears
charmander6000 | Posted 5/4/2009 5:03:24 PM | message detail
Persona 4 with under 10%!
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: LoZ: TP > HL2 Points: 77/108
Masato_Tanaka | Posted 5/4/2009 5:05:26 PM | message detail
Persona 4 needs to just be stronger than Phoenix Wright's performance. That's literally all I want out of it.
The Straight Up G
The Palace of Wisdom Hardcore Legend and Board 8er Masa/Hiko
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 5/4/2009 5:05:45 PM | message detail

More like Persucka
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/4/2009 5:07:39 PM | message detail
I still wanna know how people are b8 regulars but never heard of persona
RPGuy96 | Posted 5/4/2009 5:08:20 PM | message detail
I'd be surprised to see Persona 4 advance, but I don't think Symphonia has too many advantages on it and it's going against games that should be in the same general area. While Phoenix was always desperately out of his league here, I don't think the same can be said for Persona 4.
Mustache...and Green...
XxSoulxX | Posted 5/4/2009 5:08:50 PM | message detail
Ok, before you guys embarrass yourselves more, let's change the topic.

Left4Dead just got a new expansion, and people are flocking to it like crazy because of so. Do you think this will help out its chances in its match?
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
XxSoulxX | Posted 5/4/2009 5:09:56 PM | message detail
I'd be surprised to see Persona 4 advance, but I don't think Symphonia has too many advantages on it and it's going against games that should be in the same general area. While Phoenix was always desperately out of his league here, I don't think the same can be said for Persona 4.

Phoenix Wright 1 would kill the entire Persona series. ToS would kill the entire Persona series. Please, stop trying to argue over impossible results.
Good Times,
Great Memories
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/4/2009 5:10:26 PM | message detail
...Says the person talking up Left 4 Dead.

Let's not get hostile, k?

charmander6000 | Posted 5/4/2009 5:13:15 PM | message detail
This is becoming worse than those Earthbound fans thinking it had a chance.
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: LoZ: TP > HL2 Points: 77/108
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/4/2009 5:15:43 PM | message detail
okay then, let's get hostile

your mothers argue Tanner over Link

hochiminhX | Posted 5/4/2009 5:16:28 PM | message detail
Persona has no chance of advancing, you people are ridiculous sometimes.
I will bury you.
ZFS | Posted 5/4/2009 5:18:01 PM | message detail
Well since we're all making fanboy picks...

final fantasy iv to beat super mario world next round 'book it'

a metal slime appears
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/4/2009 5:18:24 PM | message detail
Wait, with FF1 in the poll?

Let's do this.

hochiminhX | Posted 5/4/2009 5:19:50 PM | message detail
I'll give you an upset.

Call of Duty 4 > Super Mario Galaxy.

I will bury you.
HaRRicH | Posted 5/4/2009 5:30:14 PM | message detail
Talking about L4D, I really enjoyed goofing around with it a few weeks ago...but is it worth a full purchase if I get it on PC? I didn't get the feeling that the game goes much more in-depth after the first two or three levels (though that could be easily wrong). Is the replay value strong with it? I also enjoyed Portal by Valve too...though they're very different games!
Shorthand, do you speak it?!
Chaotic Mind | Posted 5/4/2009 5:30:52 PM | message detail

From: MegatokyoEd | #256
Phoenix Wright is a pretty bad Persona comparison. Persona 4's sold more in the U.S.

Actually, PW: Ace Attorney sold 120k more than P4 in the US and 60k more in Japan. There's no sales figures for anywhere else so i can only assume it wasn't released in Europe, yet PW still beat P4's total sales by 160k.
Flash runs alongside Balefire watching marshmallows stop existing. - WarThaNemesis2
RPGuy96 | Posted 5/4/2009 5:31:04 PM | message detail
Fanboy? I've never played Persona 4. And I don't think it'll advance. But GTA hasn't been doing well and GTAIV could well be the weakest GTA in the bracket. SFII did rather poorly and SFIV will probably be a lot weaker than that. And random RPGs that we didn't think were going to be worth much - Symphonia, Oblivion, KotOR - have been beating much more mainstream titles. There's an argument to be made.
Mustache...and Green...
XxSoulxX | Posted 5/4/2009 5:37:04 PM | message detail
...Says the person talking up Left 4 Dead.

L4D is, you know, actually known. It did sell more then a million copies, and you can actually go around and ask gamers what their opinion on it is. Try doing that for Persona and 99/100 times you'd get a "what the hell is that?".

Despite that point, L4D's opponents are much more weaker then whoever Persona is facing. Fallout 3 will most likely place, and then the only other opponent to worry about is Halo 3. Halo hasn't performed well this contest, so there is a chance for L4D. I'm not saying it's one I would take, but I want to know if anyone else would think this is possible.
Good Times,
Great Memories
KamikazePotato | Posted 5/4/2009 5:37:52 PM | message detail
L4D is mostly repetition. Very fun repetition, but if you get bored of that quickly you probably shouldn't get it.

charmander6000 | Posted 5/4/2009 5:40:13 PM | message detail
Fanboy? I've never played Persona 4. And I don't think it'll advance. But GTA hasn't been doing well and GTAIV could well be the weakest GTA in the bracket. SFII did rather poorly and SFIV will probably be a lot weaker than that. And random RPGs that we didn't think were going to be worth much - Symphonia, Oblivion, KotOR - have been beating much more mainstream titles. There's an argument to be made.

Like with Earthbound no there's not. If it does Brawl will have 60%. Book it.
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: LoZ: TP > HL2 Points: 77/108
XxSoulxX | Posted 5/4/2009 5:40:27 PM | message detail
And random RPGs that we didn't think were going to be worth much - Symphonia, Oblivion, KotOR -

You people think Fallout 3 will perform will, yet doubt Oblivion's strength? Oblivion was going to be strong, just people thought GTA would be stronger. Same case with KotOR, just we didn't really think it would be as strong as it was. ToS is the only case so far of a cult game performing well here.

With that said, ToS is more popular here and worldwide then Persona 4, so I have no idea why people think P4 has a chance here.
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/4/2009 5:45:30 PM | message detail
Think about it this way

Persona 4 is a dating sim, and how many Gamefaq users actually have girlfriends? Its their best way to simulate it, so it should be a big hit on Gamefaqs.
Big Bob | Posted 5/4/2009 5:48:12 PM | message detail
Also, how many people here knew who "Zack Fair" was before the bracket was released? I sure didn't.
Want to help out a cult classic doomed to failure in this contest?
XxSoulxX | Posted 5/4/2009 5:48:12 PM | message detail
Persona 4 is a dating sim, and how many Gamefaq users actually have girlfriends? Its their best way to simulate it, so it should be a big hit on Gamefaqs.

SimCity gives you a chance to play God. Every GameFAQs user is egotistical and arrogant so a game where they can do whatever they want would be a big hit on this site.

It lost to Monkey Island.
Good Times,
Great Memories
charmander6000 | Posted 5/4/2009 5:48:27 PM | message detail
Persona 4 is a dating sim, and how many Gamefaq users actually have girlfriends? Its their best way to simulate it, so it should be a big hit on Gamefaqs.

Oh you mean it will be like SimCity?
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: LoZ: TP > HL2 Points: 77/108
XxSoulxX | Posted 5/4/2009 5:49:56 PM | message detail
Speaking of which, weren't we all in agreement pre-contest that Persona 4 would be the weakest entity in the bracket? Just because a completely unrelated game does good does not mean every cult RPG will. See Earthbound for proof of this.
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/4/2009 5:50:37 PM | message detail
What does playing God have to do with a site full of virgins?
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/4/2009 5:51:54 PM | message detail

From: XxSoulxX | #287
Speaking of which, weren't we all in agreement pre-contest that Persona 4 would be the weakest entity in the bracket? Just because a completely unrelated game does good does not mean every cult RPG will. See Earthbound for proof of this.

Uhh I never heard that. I remember the talk was about the early divisional stuff being weakest, at least the later gen has games people have heard of.
XxSoulxX | Posted 5/4/2009 5:52:57 PM | message detail
Uhh I never heard that. I remember the talk was about the early divisional stuff being weakest, at least the later gen has games people have heard of.

Which is why a game that no one has heard of in the later divisions will perform so horribly.
ertyu is actually a language. For example, 'dum' is ertyunese for 'godly'. - Topaz Kitsune
Believe it or not, the Internet is serious business - Biolizard28
charmander6000 | Posted 5/4/2009 5:53:21 PM | message detail
Speaking of which, weren't we all in agreement pre-contest that Persona 4 would be the weakest entity in the bracket?

Weakest in this division, but not overall. Crystalis was the favourite for last.
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: LoZ: TP > HL2 Points: 77/108
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/4/2009 5:54:07 PM | message detail
Really, if Disgaea did 15%, and PErsona is the bigger game both sales and acclaim wise from Atlus, why would Persona 4 not get that at least?
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 5/4/2009 5:54:37 PM | message detail
Speaking of which, weren't we all in agreement pre-contest that Persona 4 would be the weakest entity in the bracket? Just because a completely unrelated game does good does not mean every cult RPG will. See Earthbound for proof of this.

I don't think so. I can't see many people taking something like Monkey Island, SimCity or Tecmo Super Bowl over Persona 4.
Shall I take you with me? To the place in this town where wishes come true...
redrocket | Posted 5/4/2009 5:58:45 PM | message detail
Is Persona actually bigger sales wise than Disgaea? What are the numbers?

From his looks Magus is Macho Man Randy Savage as an anime zombie. The black wind howls, and one of you will snap into a Slim Jim ooh yeeeah! -sonicblastpunch
creativename | Posted 5/4/2009 5:59:23 PM | message detail
Man, I don't care at all whether Persona advances or not but these Persona nuts have gotten annoying by this point. That doesn't happen in the stats topic all that often (not counting Albion anyway).

I think Persona has some chance just because GTA4 or SF4 or both could bomb horribly, but any stats vet want to 1 week sig bet me on Persona finishing 4th here? I'll bet that it finishes 4th. Riskier bet for me than saying it doesn't place but I want to be fair.

And random RPGs that we didn't think were going to be worth much - Symphonia, Oblivion, KotOR - have been beating much more mainstream titles.

Oblivion and KOTOR are sure as hell not random RPGs. Both were big-time hits.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/4/2009 6:03:50 PM | message detail

From: redrocket | #294
Is Persona actually bigger sales wise than Disgaea? What are the numbers?

I have no actual numbers on Disgaea, but I remember Atlus saying Persona 4 had become their best selling game yet, and they published Disgaea.
BDawg | Posted 5/4/2009 6:08:47 PM | message detail
Even if you put Persona a little above Disgaea, all Disgaea managed was to beat a horribly mangled Fire Emblem and get 15% in a match with 3 Nintendo games.
Should I start running now?
MarioSuperstar | Posted 5/4/2009 6:12:13 PM | message detail

From: MyWorldIsCrono | #292
Really, if Disgaea did 15%, and PErsona is the bigger game both sales and acclaim wise from Atlus, why would Persona 4 not get that at least?

Because that was in a Nintendo fest.
*is Dranze*
BGE2 - Today: TP > HL2 - Points: 78/108 Vote: PW
Big Bob | Posted 5/4/2009 6:17:09 PM | message detail
I'll take that bet, creativename.

Not like I'll have a use for this sig after tomorrow anyway.
Want to help out a cult classic doomed to failure in this contest?
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 5/4/2009 7:14:09 PM | message detail
Heh...They say that the most inconsequential matches are the most hyped...
"Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia