GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 699
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 9:51:06 PM | message detail |
Halos second best time is the Power hour, after ASV typically if you look at Chief and Halo 1. --- |
Gaddswell | Posted 5/1/2009 9:52:00 PM | message detail |
Okami cut! --- Hail FastFalcon, our new guru overlord! |
transience | Posted 5/1/2009 9:52:36 PM | message detail |
I expect Okami to take the lead overnight before Halo blasts it come daylight. --- xyzzy |
WarThaHedgehog | Posted 5/1/2009 9:52:47 PM | message detail |
Just when you think Halo can't outdo GTA.... --- |
hochiminhX | Posted 5/1/2009 9:52:57 PM | message detail |
cut over 2000 off Diablo from a 4000 deficit while in with another XBOX
game and another decent day vote game (GTA). WoW won't get as much as
Diablo II did and Halo will do much better with the day vote since it
gets it all to itself. However, it is a fact that Halo 2 is going to
have to stall WoW better overnight. Right now I am not impressed. --- I may be fine and divine, but sometimes even contest know-nothings like Jose make better predictions than I...though not often |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 5/1/2009 9:55:36 PM | message detail |
Don't really buy WoW doing great in Europe based on that Hogger poll, but it should be comfortably above Halo there at least. I really don't know to expect from Europe when it comes to WoW. When games do bad in Europe, it's because of the UK since they are contributing about 40% of all the Europeans. The mainland European countries (Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, etc) generally seem to have a different gaming taste than the UK. A good example is Mega Man 2: 19.86% in the UK, 38.33% in the Netherlands, 47.86% in Germany, 26.67% in Italy, 56.84% in Finland, 60.90% in Sweden Mega Man 2 did worst in the UK, did slightly bad in Italy, great performance in Germany, and godly performances in Finland and Sweden. Though on the subject of WoW, here was how our other two Blizzard PC games did in various European countries: Starcraft: 12.61% in the UK, 23.18% in the Netherlands, 23.74% in Germany, 14.69% in Italy, 25.63% in Finland, 40.17% in Sweden Diablo II: 14.24% in the UK, 28.04% in the Netherlands, 42.87% in Germany, 35.86% in Italy, 35.34% in Finland, 40.65% in Sweden Both of our other Blizzard PC games sucked in the UK, but they don't suck in most of the remaining parts of Europe. Starcraft sucked pretty badly in Italy, for unknown reasons. Starcraft did decent in the Netherlands, Germany, and Finland, but won first place in Sweden. Diablo II was around average in the Netherlands, but did great in Germany, Italy, Finland, and Sweden. Not sure how WoW will play out in the UK. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but still not as cool as FastFalcon05, Guru Champ! |
WarThaHedgehog | Posted 5/1/2009 9:56:33 PM | message detail |
Now what the hell was that Halo. --- |
Gaddswell | Posted 5/1/2009 9:57:28 PM | message detail |
Guess Albion stopped rallying! --- Hail FastFalcon, our new guru overlord! |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 9:57:37 PM | message detail |
Heh, seems like Halo isn't just gonna give up after all! --- |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/1/2009 9:57:52 PM | message detail |
Albion went to make himself a sandwich relax. --- I, like clockwork, have been humiliated by hochiminh Hochiminh is better than me. I was a numbskull for thinking I could defy Him. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 9:58:12 PM | message detail |
I haven't rallied at all yet tbqh --- |
hochiminhX | Posted 5/1/2009 10:00:16 PM | message detail |
I haven't rallied at all yet tbqh You'll need to. I, Hochiminh, am declaring a state of emergency in regards to the chances World of Warcraft has of winning. --- I may be fine and divine, but sometimes even contest know-nothings like Jose make better predictions than I...though not often |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:00:57 PM | message detail |
Hmm....Chief cut 800 votes off of Kirby from 2300 down on a Saturday. This may come down to rallying again. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 10:00:59 PM | message detail |
Oh I will tonight to kill off Halo, but I wanted to see how WoW fared without helping it rally for a bit. --- |
WarThaHedgehog | Posted 5/1/2009 10:01:20 PM | message detail |
there is currently rallying going on at mmo champion, so even if it
isn't you, Halo holding up decently despite that site being rallied.
>_> --- |
transience | Posted 5/1/2009 10:02:23 PM | message detail |
yeah, a topic by Albion went up there at like 12:00:01 am. cracked me up. --- xyzzy |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 10:02:40 PM | message detail |
From: WarThaHedgehog | #115 Its also a topic with no replies and apparently 65 views even though it was made 20 minutes ago. --- |
Gaddswell | Posted 5/1/2009 10:02:51 PM | message detail |;topicseen#new Who knows. This may be an albion alt! --- Hail FastFalcon, our new guru overlord! |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 10:03:05 PM | message detail |
From: transience | #116 That wasn't me. --- |
WarThaHedgehog | Posted 5/1/2009 10:03:10 PM | message detail |
That's because one went up at midnight and pissed people off. --- |
therealmnm | Posted 5/1/2009 10:04:12 PM | message detail |
Well this is redemption for my first zero pointer. I picked mgs3 > wow without much thought. --- Currently playing: GTAIV, SSBB, MP3, Apollo Justice, FFIVDS, Dracula X |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 10:04:37 PM | message detail |
Believe me, if I was rallying, I'd brag about it. --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:05:39 PM | message detail |
At the 1 hour mark: Halo 2's current percentage against World of Warcraft: 47.69% Halo's percentage against Diablo 2: 47.45% Halo's final percentage against Diablo 2: 48.49% Projection based on Halo/Diablo 2: World of Warcraft wins with 51.27%. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
WarThaHedgehog | Posted 5/1/2009 10:09:00 PM | message detail |
I just realized that in WoW's entire potential path it will probably
run into one, maybe two games at most that I actually care about. I really need to get into these GameStations and Play-Boxes you people talk about. --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 5/1/2009 10:09:08 PM | message detail |
BS that's not you, Albion. --- Prototype Shorthand, do you speak it?! |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 10:10:00 PM | message detail |
I love how when I brag about rallying, you all say I'm just bragging. And when I say I'm not, you're calling me a liar. Make up your minds! lol --- |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:10:32 PM | message detail |
I thought you'd been hyping this match among the WoW fanbase for weeks, Albion. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 10:11:18 PM | message detail |
Uh, no? I don't even play WoW anymore. --- |
transience | Posted 5/1/2009 10:11:26 PM | message detail |
it's pretty clearly him, but it's also pretty clear that it doesn't really make much of a difference. gogogo Okami --- yzzyx |
HaRRicH | Posted 5/1/2009 10:12:54 PM | message detail |
Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think you're behind a lot of WoW's votes, but that's still you rallying on MMO. --- Prototype Shorthand, do you speak it?! |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 10:13:58 PM | message detail |
Kay. --- |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/1/2009 10:14:11 PM | message detail |
Heh, poor Albion. "Yes you rally the entire 24 hours but you only draw like three votes." Prove them wrong. For the Horde! --- I, like clockwork, have been humiliated by hochiminh Hochiminh is better than me. I was a numbskull for thinking I could defy Him. |
transience | Posted 5/1/2009 10:22:04 PM | message detail |
if WOW can't do better than this it could be interesting. I'd be curious to see those Halo/D2 comparisons again, red sox, if you don't mind! (insert Crono/Vincent joke here) --- xyzzy |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 10:23:42 PM | message detail |
Btw you know how GTA does so good in Europe? Check those Europe hours in this match. --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:26:45 PM | message detail |
rallies are no better than anyone else's so whether or not he rallies
doesn't matter. Especially if the site he intends on rallying on
already has rallies. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS3 > Halo 2 Points: 71/100 |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:28:02 PM | message detail |
At this point Diablo II had a lead of 542 against Halo. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS3 > Halo 2 Points: 71/100 |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 10:28:03 PM | message detail |
just going by trends, WoW should easily beat Halo 2 even withotu
rallies. It should be up a couple thousand by the time the morning hits
(especially with the longer night vote due to saturday) --- |
HaRRicH | Posted 5/1/2009 10:29:01 PM | message detail |
the record, WoW's currently getting 39.83% on MGS3. Compare that to
Morrowind getting 38.02% on MGS2 and FFT getting 28.07% on MGS. FFT Morrowind WoW Go. --- Prototype Shorthand, do you speak it?! |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:29:45 PM | message detail |
WoW > FFT > Morrowind --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS3 > Halo 2 Points: 71/100 |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:32:31 PM | message detail |
Halo 2 is holding much better than I thought, but the real night vote is about to begin soon. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS3 > Halo 2 Points: 71/100 |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:33:01 PM | message detail |
Trend Comparisons, 1:30 AM Edition Halo 2's current percentage against World of Warcraft: 47.49% Halo's percentage against Diablo 2: 46.35% Halo's final percentage against Diablo 2: 48.49% Projection based on Halo/Diablo 2: World of Warcraft wins with 50.37%. World of Warcraft is not rocketing upward like Diablo did- its projection is almost a percent less than where it was half an hour ago. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/1/2009 10:33:14 PM | message detail |
the record, WoW's currently getting 39.83% on MGS3. Compare that to
Morrowind getting 38.02% on MGS2 and FFT getting 28.07% on MGS. Wait, FFT didn't do that poorly... --- I, like clockwork, have been humiliated by hochiminh Hochiminh is better than me. I was a numbskull for thinking I could defy Him. |
HaRRicH | Posted 5/1/2009 10:34:15 PM | message detail | bad. --- Prototype Shorthand, do you speak it?! |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 10:35:26 PM | message detail |
From: red sox 777 | #141 Remember, DAy vote isn't as prevelant on Saturdays as it is on school days. --- |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 5/1/2009 10:35:45 PM | message detail |
2 has actually gained a tiny bit since the Power Hour ended, while Halo
1 dropped significantly. There's no way those games have differing
trends, so I'd chalk this up to a more drawn out early vote thanks to
the weekend. --- I, like clockwork, have been humiliated by hochiminh Hochiminh is better than me. I was a numbskull for thinking I could defy Him. |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:36:01 PM | message detail |
Then switch FFT and WoW. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS3 > Halo 2 Points: 71/100 |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:37:16 PM | message detail |
Remember, DAy vote isn't as prevelant on Saturdays as it is on school days. The day vote becomes a morning vote stretched to the afternoon. Halo 2's gains will be smaller than Halo's, but they'll still exist. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS3 > Halo 2 Points: 71/100 |
red sox 777 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:38:25 PM | message detail |
of Warcraft should still be the favorite even it falls below 50% in the
projection (and of course, it has different trends than Diablo does).
I'll grant it the ability to rally 2000 votes if needed in the final
hours, what Starcraft demonstrated in 2004. The ceiling for rallying is
higher, of course. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 5/1/2009 10:39:09 PM | message detail |
WoW likely has a better ASV then Diablo too, since its a popular casual game that many kids play. --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 5/1/2009 10:40:14 PM | message detail |
WoW should be the favourite though at this rate I can see Halo 2 leading at some point in this match. *watch WoW destroy Halo 2 next update* --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: MGS3 > Halo 2 Points: 71/100 |