GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 690
red sox 777 | Posted 4/24/2009 9:48:28 PM | message detail |
Crono/Vincent comparisons? I'm not making any of those as long as I still believe Starcraft has a chance, however small it is! --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
transience | Posted 4/24/2009 9:49:41 PM | message detail |
pfft, what good are you if you're not giving me realtime Crono/Vincent updates? --- xyzzy |
ZFS | Posted 4/24/2009 9:51:06 PM | message detail |
Need to see a lot more before deciding what happens in round 2 on, but
FFVIII's done a good enough job here to be in the running to get out of
the division. Think I'd still like it to get out of round 2 even if
FFIX's there, but we'll have to see what happens tomorrow. --- |
Gaddswell | Posted 4/24/2009 9:51:31 PM | message detail |
Whoa, either Starcraft's flopping or FF8 is a BEAST! It's probably the former. Things are looking up for RBY escaping the division! --- Hail FastFalcon, our new guru overlord! |
transience | Posted 4/24/2009 9:52:23 PM | message detail |
yeah, FF8/FF9/Starcraft's a good match, with OOT's domination being the wild card. after that, FF8's good until it hits FF10. but I think I'd take MGS over FF8, and if both are there I lean towards RBY. --- yzzyx |
transience | Posted 4/24/2009 9:53:15 PM | message detail |
after that, we're looking at a likely OOT/RBY/SSBM/FF10 match which
would likely be a FF10 cakewalk. assuming all this happens, of course. --- yzzyx |
ZFS | Posted 4/24/2009 9:54:21 PM | message detail |
FFX for first book it --- |
Karma Hunter | Posted 4/24/2009 9:56:31 PM | message detail |
I'll believe RBY stands up to OoT when I see it. This isn't some random
Nintendo game - it's *the* holy grail of all Nintendo games. It's not
like you can really predict what happens there to any appreciable
degree, but I just can't bring myself to believe RBY doesn't get
disproportionately hurt at ALL there. --- turnturnturn your brain in |
RPGuy96 | Posted 4/24/2009 9:59:02 PM | message detail |
Metal Gear Solid got 53.3% on Gold/Silver. Final Fantasy VIII has 55.7% on StarCraft. So, Gold/Silver or StarCraft? Or, hell, throw these in too, since they're similar: Super Mario World got 55.5% on Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy VI got 56% on Link's Awakening. GoldenEye got 53.1% on Super Mario RPG. If you rank the games on the right, you more or less rank the games on the left! --- Mustache...and Green... |
transience | Posted 4/24/2009 10:09:21 PM | message detail |
I understand the RBY skepticism in regards to OOT. but pick any match
involving Pokemon and find me one that's unfavourable in an SFF
situation. not the strongest evidence, but when MGS struggles with
second-tier Pokemon I've gotta give RBY the edge heads-up, meaning MGS
has to rely on big SFF *and* avoid FF8. I guess this leaves FF8, if it is stronger than MGS, as the 'savior' of the Pokecraze. --- yzzyx |
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/24/2009 10:10:08 PM | message detail |
More like ruiner. --- |
ZFS | Posted 4/24/2009 10:12:29 PM | message detail |
save_us.squall --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/24/2009 10:13:43 PM | message detail |
...Whatever. --- |
medicority | Posted 4/24/2009 10:15:11 PM | message detail |
I wonder if wow is going bring up the vote count by a lot. I'll probably vote for it just to see what kind of upheaval it can cause. |
therealmnm | Posted 4/24/2009 10:18:18 PM | message detail |
Wait... so this result is surprising in this topic? --- Currently playing: GTAIV, SSBB, MP3, Apollo Justice, FFIVDS, Dracula X |
hochiminhX | Posted 4/24/2009 10:21:08 PM | message detail |
Well, I was not expecting FFVIII to be so
powerful. Though if Squall = Auron, it makes sense FFVIII = FFX. SC can
still pull through next round but only if FFIX wins. Even then, SC
could still, in theory, lose because it's doing poorly here.
ffmasterjose, you may give me my sig. I was decimating people left and
right in sig bets and lost sight of myself. --- The corpse's bitter crimson tears flow and mingle with the endless sand, feeding the chaos within me and making me stronger. |
Karma Hunter | Posted 4/24/2009 10:22:23 PM | message detail |
hochi is so gracious I say he should be allowed to pick his new sig who's with me --- turnturnturn your brain in |
KingBartz | Posted 4/24/2009 10:22:51 PM | message detail |
Great, now I'm imagining Albion furiously clicking Create New Topic
as fast as possible on as many forums as he can. Possibly with the
Rocky theme playing in the background. That would make a great montage. --- Check out my Guru bracket: |
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/24/2009 10:23:27 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] |
masseffect90 | Posted 4/24/2009 10:24:29 PM | message detail |
Hochi, your grammar is as bad as your predicting skills. I'm pretty sure you've never "decimated" anyone here, unless you literally selected people here by lot, and killed every tenth one. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/24/2009 10:24:37 PM | message detail |
No one can surpass Lord Hochi. Don't be silly, KH. --- |
Tarrot | Posted 4/24/2009 10:28:33 PM | message detail |
Eh, I'm still taking Starcraft to the Division. Logically, the next round should be OoT, CC, FFVIII, and SC. OoT will win easily there, I'm thinking 40%+ of the vote. FFVIII vs. CC, I'd wager FFVIII 55-45 based on the name, but it would be close. Here, both are going to be splitting votes with each other, and I'm not sure if they will have enough votes to match the vote total of OoT. Pretty much, all Starcraft has to do is get about 23-25% of the votes next round, as a PC RTS with a hardcore fanbase vs. 2 RPGs and a Zelda game all on console systems. I don't think that's entirely unreasonable. Then its just a matter of if it can ride the L-Block Factor (which ought to be the Starcraft factor since it did it first) to sneaking by each round against solid competition. I will say this though: Starcraft most likely in 04 would've went 50/50 with Soul Calibur, or around those parts. With more Soul Calibur games out, and a theoretical expansion of the series name, Starcraft is more than doubling it right now. I think the results point to FFVIII being much stronger than anticipated over SC having its bottom fall out from underneath it. |
hochiminhX | Posted 4/24/2009 10:29:36 PM | message detail |
Hochi, your grammar is as bad as your predicting skills. I'm pretty
sure you've never "decimated" anyone here, unless you literally
selected people here by lot, and killed every tenth one. Knave, you don't know just how good my predicting skills are. I won one hundred dollars in money two years ago. Who are you? Nobody can answer that. You walk the path of obscurity. I, on the other hand, walk the path of divinity. --- The corpse's bitter crimson tears flow and mingle with the endless sand, feeding the chaos within me and making me stronger. |
masseffect90 | Posted 4/24/2009 10:30:41 PM | message detail |
FF9 will beat CC. |
hochiminhX | Posted 4/24/2009 10:31:01 PM | message detail |
Logically, the next round should be OoT, CC, FFVIII, and SC Uh, no. CC gets dead last tomorrow. Probably doesn't even break 10%. The battle is between FFIX and HL. --- The corpse's bitter crimson tears flow and mingle with the endless sand, feeding the chaos within me and making me stronger. |
KingBartz | Posted 4/24/2009 10:31:44 PM | message detail |
lol at CC making it out of that 4pak --- Check out my Guru bracket: |
Karma Hunter | Posted 4/24/2009 10:32:00 PM | message detail |
A hundred dollars in money I can't believe that knave dared to insult grammatical flourishes like that --- turnturnturn your brain in |
The Real Truth | Posted 4/24/2009 10:36:02 PM | message detail |
Xenogears hurts FF8 more than FF9 does I think. I have Starcraft taking
second next round however, because I believe that OoT is going to hurt
FF8. With how well FF8 is doing right now though, I'm not sure if a
combination of OoT and FF9 (If it even gets through Half-Life) would
stop it. --- GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC |
Lieutenant Kettch | Posted 4/24/2009 10:37:25 PM | message detail |
FFVIII is going on a tear now, and during Starcraft's best hours from
2k4. Big difference between a FF game and Halo/KH/WW/SSBM though, so it
might actually end up doing slightly better during the day. --- FastFalcon and Solid Snake snapped my neck in the guru contest. |
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/24/2009 10:37:28 PM | message detail |
Xenogears hurts FF8 more than FF9 does I think. Care to back this up? --- |
hochiminhX | Posted 4/24/2009 10:37:48 PM | message detail |
CC: 10% FFIX: 20% HL: 20% OoT: 50% That is my prediction for tomorrow. I expect HL and FFIX to be epic. OoT needs 50%. Anything under and OoT has disappointed. Anything over and I still don't care because Zelda is just awful in general. --- The corpse's bitter crimson tears flow and mingle with the endless sand, feeding the chaos within me and making me stronger. |
The Real Truth | Posted 4/24/2009 10:38:38 PM | message detail |
It's just a hunch with no data to back it up. Everything we've seen
from FF9 has been awful, outside of Vivi. We'll see how it does next
round. --- GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 4/24/2009 10:40:30 PM | message detail |
We've only seen Zidane and Vivi, and I still can' accurately explain Vivi. --- *is Dranze* BGE2 - Today: SC > FF8 - Points: 51/72 Vote: FF8 |
LordLockeRA | Posted 4/24/2009 10:41:20 PM | message detail |
In 2k4 people still cared about Soul Calibur. Nobody else was putting
out any decent fighting games (what about Virtua Fighter?) that the
mainstream gamer gave a damn about. (Oh...) Soul Calibur 2 was pretty
much the alpha and the omega of modern mainstream fighting games then. It's 2k9 now, baby. SC4 hit and... yeah. Nobody cared, because STHD came out not too much later and beat what following it had off the XBL/PSN play charts with one grand Shinkuu Hadoken. And then there's this little game called Street Fighter 4. We have a handful of other fighters that have either come out or are coming out that are actually worth sitting up and taking notice of, both for the hardcore and the mainstream gamer. 2k4 was a drought for fighting games, and 2k8/2k9 is pretty much the start of a flood warning. You'd think this being the Best GAME contest people would wake up and remember what Soul Calibur 1 was back then, and heck, how good the game still is now (Even not having a Dreamcast is no excuse- it's on XBLA now!) and it'd get some rep here. But as Mario/Zelda/Final Fantasy have gone and shown us, franchise voting's in full effect and Soul Calibur just can't match up with the big boys, one of which is currently in the process of a mighty blowout on it. (Plus Soul Calibur 3 hit the series cred hard. I'm a die-hard SC fan and I have a hard time giving the series universal praise anymore since that'd be lumping in that turkey of a game with the rest of 'em.) --- Meeh. Whatever. |
The Real Truth | Posted 4/24/2009 10:41:36 PM | message detail |
OoT - 58% (I almost want to go higher) HL - 18% Chrono Cross - 12% FF9 - 10% --- GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC |
redrocket | Posted 4/24/2009 10:41:50 PM | message detail |
Hochi, your grammar is as bad as your predicting skills. I'm pretty
sure you've never "decimated" anyone here, unless you literally
selected people here by lot, and killed every tenth one. dec⋅i⋅mate 1. to destroy a great number or proportion of: The population was decimated by a plague. 2. to select by lot and kill every tenth person of. 3. Obsolete. to take a tenth of or from. --- From his looks Magus is Macho Man Randy Savage as an anime zombie. The black wind howls, and one of you will snap into a Slim Jim ooh yeeeah! -sonicblastpunch |
ZFS | Posted 4/24/2009 10:42:50 PM | message detail |
Part of Vivi's strength comes from his appeal and design. Black Mages are about as Final Fantasy as Chocobos and Moogles. --- |
ExquisiteSamurai | Posted 4/24/2009 10:50:48 PM | message detail |
Xenogears hurts FF8 more than FF9 does I think ...seriously? --- Awaiting Final Fantasy XIII |
ExquisiteSamurai | Posted 4/24/2009 10:51:23 PM | message detail |
What are you guys pegging OoT's % for tomorrow? --- Awaiting Final Fantasy XIII |
ZenOfThunder | Posted 4/24/2009 10:52:50 PM | message detail |
9001%. Give or take. --- (|| ' ' ||) Not changing my sig until EBA2/Ouendan 3 is announced. (4/22/08) . /|_|\ |
The Real Truth | Posted 4/24/2009 10:53:21 PM | message detail |
I think there's more love for Xenogears than there
is for FF9. Xenogears is just more cult. I think people that have
actually played Xenogears, will vote for it over almost anything.
Whereas FF9 gets name recognition but still manages to do poorly, and
will likely be decimated by games like 8, 6, 7 and X. --- GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC |
red sox 777 | Posted 4/24/2009 10:53:28 PM | message detail |
Cut!!! Starcraft cuts 3 votes off the lead, just when it looked like FFVIII was pulling away with this night vote. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
LordLockeRA | Posted 4/24/2009 10:55:17 PM | message detail |
51%-55% should be pretty good with a Final Fantasy and Half-Life in the
mix. I get the feeling HL1's gonna get squished between the franchise
votes though, and if HL goes weaker then I'm thinking it'll mostly be
in OoT's favor (The strongest Zelda game vs one of the weakest FFs) If
HL completely crumbles OoT could possibly shoot as high as 60% --- Meeh. Whatever. |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 4/24/2009 10:57:24 PM | message detail |
uh.. 60% is just reaching now. The only weak game in its fourpack is
Chrono Cross; the rest are at least decent enough to come close to 20%.
Let's not get carried away as FF7 couldn't even break 60% against games
most likely weaker (or as weak). --- *is Dranze* BGE2 - Today: SC > FF8 - Points: 51/72 Vote: FF8 |
red sox 777 | Posted 4/24/2009 10:59:08 PM | message detail |
OOT will be lucky to break 50%. FFIX/Half-Life/Chrono Cross is much sterner competition than Mario Kart 64/Starfox 64/Suikoden. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
The Real Truth | Posted 4/24/2009 10:59:40 PM | message detail |
Mario Kart and Star Fox would beat any of the games in OoT's match in a
1vs1. I'd really love to see FF9 in a 1vs1 match with a game like that.
I think that's where it would shine most. --- GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC |
LordLockeRA | Posted 4/24/2009 10:59:50 PM | message detail |
60% is only if HL1 completely folds, which I'm not ruling out quite
yet. If HL shows any signs of strength I think OoT's going to be
restricted to the low 50%. --- Meeh. Whatever. |
red sox 777 | Posted 4/24/2009 11:00:39 PM | message detail |
You'd take Mario Kart 64 over FFIX? Would you take it over FF1? --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
The Real Truth | Posted 4/24/2009 11:03:00 PM | message detail |
Half Life is getting somewhere between 15-20%. If it gets less, I'll be surprised. And would I take which over FF1? I'd take Mario Kart without a thought and FF9 should beat it as well. Lets wait until the next match to see what happens. --- GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC |
The Real Truth | Posted 4/24/2009 11:03:42 PM | message detail |
Yeah I guess you asked a simple question. I'm a little tired. --- GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC |