GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 684
transience | Posted 4/20/2009 9:15:58 PM | message detail |
okay, SOTN looks safe. wonder who wins the day. probably RE. --- xyzzy |
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:16:07 PM | message detail |
Hahahaha. Super Mario 64's doing fine. Might even break 50%! --- |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 4/20/2009 9:16:13 PM | message detail |
name change time for a massive SotN update You were saying? SotN just dropped by 0.11%. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but still not as cool as FastFalcon05, Guru Champ! |
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/20/2009 9:16:27 PM | message detail |
Great post, Luster! --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/20/2009 9:16:55 PM | message detail |
RE has this confirmed --- Starcraft >= Diablo 2 > The Lost Vikings 2 >> trash >>>> World of Warcraft |
red sox 777 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:17:06 PM | message detail |
SOTN is at 56.36% on RE right now. Time to break out the Crono/Vincent 2007 comparisons? --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 4/20/2009 9:17:20 PM | message detail |
That pink ball is doing a lot better than I thought. I figured 10% would be a decent outing for him. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:17:20 PM | message detail |
Question now is how long will it be until SM64 doubles SotN? It took
FF7 I think 40 minutes to double MK64. Can SM64 do it faster to SotN? --- |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 4/20/2009 9:17:32 PM | message detail |
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator] |
LJ Bad89 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:17:40 PM | message detail |
I never in a hundred years thought I would be tied for first and have
the 1 rank in this contest. I'm very happy to have done so well this
far. My rank will probably change after this match. I have SM64 > RE
instead of SM64 > C:SotN. D= --- Current master of the Harvest Moon 64 Board |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/20/2009 9:17:57 PM | message detail |
From: BlAcK TuRtLe | #109 and you wonder why people call you a troll --- Starcraft >= Diablo 2 > The Lost Vikings 2 >> trash >>>> World of Warcraft |
Karma Hunter | Posted 4/20/2009 9:18:18 PM | message detail |
Yeah, SotN probably has this - RE's only gonna catch up much
percentage-wise at this rate, and it has the best night vote in the
contest to look forward to. Still, what a drop for SotN to be forced so close to it, even counting the arguments I put forth beforehand. Not to mention both games' proximity to a SFFed KSS. --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 4/20/2009 9:19:14 PM | message detail |
39 points I think this is the worst I've ever done in one of these so far. --- Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1 |
red sox 777 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:19:35 PM | message detail |
Once we get out of this power hour, Mario and Kirby are going to
freefall all night long. SOTN and RE (especially RE) will end up
looking much better relative to the Nintendo games. --- Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests. |
transience | Posted 4/20/2009 9:19:49 PM | message detail |
I don't think this is SFF at all - I just thought Kirby was weak. it'll
get like 12% instead of 9-10%, it's not that big of a deal. I mean, we haven't seen SFF much at all this whole contest, why would a 2d platformer and a 3d platformer start now? --- xyzzy |
Master Moltar | Posted 4/20/2009 9:20:23 PM | message detail |
there's the update --- Moltar Status: you can't hide forever Match 15 - Bracket: SM64 > SotN - Vote: SM64 (42/56) |
Childproof | Posted 4/20/2009 9:20:31 PM | message detail |
aah, that's more like it night-ish trends --- Is GrapefruitKing Today's prediction: Mario 64 44.26% - Alucard's Plan 27.36% - RE 19.96% - Kirby 8.42% Status: Mediocre |
Lopen | Posted 4/20/2009 9:20:49 PM | message detail |
Kirby SS is probably reasonably strong. It's probably his most popular
game... you think the guy is all Smash Brothers or what? --- So I lost a bet to creativename (yeah...hardly shocking). Like usual, I should've known better! FACT: Halo 3 was 1000% responsible for Master Chief's boost. |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/20/2009 9:20:54 PM | message detail |
RE/Castlevania power hour --- Starcraft >= Diablo 2 > The Lost Vikings 2 >> trash >>>> World of Warcraft |
charmander6000 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:21:07 PM | message detail |
SotN finally woke up. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: SM64 > Castlevania: SotN Points: 41/56 |
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/20/2009 9:21:28 PM | message detail |
Yeah, I think SOTN's gonna be fine. RE's trends are similar to it, so I don't expect too much of a shift. Still, Mario 64's lookin' good and SOTN's lookin' like trash. KSS is holding up well though. Maybe our second match with the last place game over 10%! --- |
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:21:52 PM | message detail |
So SM64 and SotN are supposed to be close in the 2004 X-Stats, right?
Granted, Goldeneye may have held up to SFF better than SM64, making
SotN look better, and it is the Power Hour, but SM64 is still looking
great. --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/20/2009 9:22:08 PM | message detail |
It's probably his most popular game... you think the guy is all Smash Brothers or what? Not ALL, but... --- |
Childproof | Posted 4/20/2009 9:22:14 PM | message detail |
you think the guy is all Smash Brothers or what? I used to, before today's match --- Is GrapefruitKing Today's prediction: Mario 64 44.26% - Alucard's Plan 27.36% - RE 19.96% - Kirby 8.42% Status: Mediocre |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/20/2009 9:22:58 PM | message detail |
From: M_e_g_a_6_4 | #122 well SM64 was sff'd to death by OoT afterall --- Starcraft >= Diablo 2 > The Lost Vikings 2 >> trash >>>> World of Warcraft |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 4/20/2009 9:22:58 PM | message detail |
Kirby SS is probably reasonably strong. It's probably his most popular game... you think the guy is all Smash Brothers or what? Not ALL Smash, but... --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
MegatokyoEd | Posted 4/20/2009 9:24:17 PM | message detail |
Kirby SS is probably reasonably strong. It's probably his most popular game... you think the guy is all Smash Brothers or what? Kirby's main strength to me is not Smash but the innate appeal of his design. I think he's like the opposite of Dante and gets cute votes instead of cool votes. --- Demyx is better than Axel. |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/20/2009 9:25:27 PM | message detail |
How much better is 65.37% on C:SotN today (with room for the number to shrink a good bit) than 59.28% on C:SotN in 2004? --- Prototype Shorthand, do you speak it?! |
Karma Hunter | Posted 4/20/2009 9:25:38 PM | message detail |
But hey! - if there was no MGS/RE SFF then Mario 64 is looking to be =
MGS 2k4 mirite? Factor in that being MGS's worst year and that gives me
as plausible an excuse as any to hop off the Goldeneye parallel train
and latch on to this one! (never mind my constant disrespect of SM64 up to this point) --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/20/2009 9:26:12 PM | message detail |
Short answer: It's not comparable with this format, so it's not wise to make comparisons. Otherwise, you end up with Mario Kart 64 looking as strong as 2004 MGS. --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/20/2009 9:27:25 PM | message detail |
Uh, guys, the name changed back to Castlevania: Symphony. *checks* And now it's the full name again. --- |
Lopen | Posted 4/20/2009 9:28:00 PM | message detail |
I'll agree in thinking that Kirby's appeal is mostly design, part
Smash, and part his series, but I still don't think his strongest entry
is fodder. --- So I lost a bet to creativename (yeah...hardly shocking). Like usual, I should've known better! FACT: Halo 3 was 1000% responsible for Master Chief's boost. |
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:28:02 PM | message detail |
FF7 got 70.02% on MK64 compared to 71.30% on MGS in 2004. I'm liking that comparison! --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/20/2009 9:29:47 PM | message detail |
Yesterday's chart: Time | FFVII | M. Kart 64 | Star Fox 64 | Suikoden | Demographic EBV | 47.57% | 26.73% | 19.60% | 6.10% | (0:00-0:05) PHV | 51.15% | 24.59% | 17.47% | 6.78% | (0:00-1:00) FNV | 56.07% | 21.78% | 13.79% | 8.36% | (1:00-6:00) BSV | 55.31% | 24.43% | 13.41% | 6.86% | (6:00-9:00) DSV | 57.15% | 22.97% | 12.91% | 6.98% | (9:00-14:30) ASV | 53.83% | 24.64% | 15.57% | 5.96% | (14:30-22:00) SNV | 56.61% | 21.92% | 13.94% | 7.53% | (22:00-24:00) FFVII's board vote and Power Hour is as bad as ever, but it's got a powerful night vote and DSV. Dropped off a good bit during the ASV, but with two Nintendo games, that's to be expected. MK64 and SF64 both have big board votes, but SF64 moreso. That's a huge dropoff between Power Hour and the rest of the match, even with the noticeable jump it made during the ASV. Suikoden is best at night and worst during the ASV, just like most cult games. --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/20/2009 9:30:25 PM | message detail |
Yesterday's stats: Final Fantasy VII – 50.00% Mario Kart 64 – 29.98% Star Fox 64 – 20.86% Suikoden – 11.10% --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:30:56 PM | message detail |
Super Mario 64 is doing fine. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: SM64 > Castlevania: SotN Points: 41/56 |
Childproof | Posted 4/20/2009 9:31:02 PM | message detail |
hey, Kirby drop faster, plz --- Is GrapefruitKing Today's prediction: Mario 64 44.26% - Alucard's Plan 27.36% - RE 19.96% - Kirby 8.42% Status: Mediocre |
transience | Posted 4/20/2009 9:31:08 PM | message detail |
that update just screams "game". --- xyzzy |
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 4/20/2009 9:31:26 PM | message detail |
Ugh, bad update. --- Yoblazer: Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world! |
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:31:43 PM | message detail |
Well, this match is boring. I'm off to do more entertaining stuff. --- |
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/20/2009 9:32:24 PM | message detail |
Oh, and I imagine KSS is going to pull a Star Fox 64 and drop off big time after the Power Hour. --- |
Sonic_Factor | Posted 4/20/2009 9:33:03 PM | message detail |
cmon sotn go for 25%! --- Nominate Red XIII for the Character Battle VII! He's the Lion with a fire tail from Final Fantasy VII. |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 4/20/2009 9:33:14 PM | message detail |
Ugh, bad update. But a good update for SotN. I do like how Kirby is slowing down his bleeding. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but still not as cool as FastFalcon05, Guru Champ! |
Team Rocket Elite | Posted 4/20/2009 9:37:29 PM | message detail |
Just 7 people fell off the Top 50 today. JgCuBe, SonoMorte, menji76,
Icewall42, SabinSD, bakaorochizz and Gavin_Sykes did not have FF7 >
MK64 as yesterday's winners. 1 person managed to survive despite scoring half points. SlientShadow also did not have FF7 > MK64 as yesterday's winners. 1 person scored a single and survive. Former first place BinacaFreak had something vaguely similar to FF7 > MK64 as yesterday's winners. --- Shall I take you with me? To the place in this town where wishes come true... |
charmander6000 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:40:48 PM | message detail |
So how much does Resident Evil cut during the night? --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: SM64 > Castlevania: SotN Points: 41/56 |
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/20/2009 9:41:27 PM | message detail |
Probably sporadically. Castlevania has one of the best night votes around. --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/20/2009 9:42:29 PM | message detail |
we're almost out of the castlevania power hour --- Starcraft >= Diablo 2 > The Lost Vikings 2 >> trash >>>> World of Warcraft |
Fayt_Esteed | Posted 4/20/2009 9:43:39 PM | message detail |
And for lack of anything better to do (College is BOOOORRRRRING), I'll
see just how many R1 matches in 2007 had an entrant fail to get 10% of
the vote: Yoshi > Knux Cloud > Ocelot Mario > Big Boss Link > Bidoof Luigi > Mudkip MC > Yuna Ada > Flopthier Kirby > L-Block Snake > Nightmare Hayabusa > Riku Sora > Lara Sonic > Sub-Zero 2008 had only more R1 match with an entrant failing to break 10% than 2007 did. --- "Here I go! Divine judgment for an evil soul! Sacred Penance! Rest in peace." - Estellise Sidos Heurassein, Tales of Vesperia |
charmander6000 | Posted 4/20/2009 9:43:45 PM | message detail |
I can't wait until Super Mario 64 destroys everything in the morning. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: SM64 > Castlevania: SotN Points: 41/56 |
Mac Arrowny | Posted 4/20/2009 9:45:15 PM | message detail |
Given Zelda's popularity in the US and FFVII's relative lack of
popularity there, I think the chances of OoT beating FFVII in the
finals in America are pretty high. --- All the stars in the sky are waiting for you. |