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Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 682

MnMZero | Posted 4/18/2009 9:04:49 PM | message detail
How does Ulti manage a lol Goldeneye out of this? RE2 is up against 3 Nintendo games and is still getting trashed.
Currently playing: GTAIV, SSBB, MP3, Apollo Justice, FFIVDS, Dracula X
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/18/2009 9:04:54 PM | message detail
Oh wait, you're talking about RE2! Never played it. Carry on.
Lieutenant Kettch | Posted 4/18/2009 9:05:02 PM | message detail
Alright, well, this is just confusing now. I'm gonna stop guessing at what Donkey Kong is going to do next entirely. Crushed by LoZ, stands up to LttP, crushed by Goldeneye/Mario RPG?
FastFalcon and Solid Snake snapped my neck in the guru contest.
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/18/2009 9:05:03 PM | message detail
God damn, DKC2 is just getting killed here.
Today's Subliminal Thought Is:
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 4/18/2009 9:05:22 PM | message detail
Goldeneye is good for another round. Final Fantasy VII takes RPG support. Mario Kart takes GODDAMNED FRANCHISE SUPPORT.

This level of augh is augh.
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
charmander6000 | Posted 4/18/2009 9:05:24 PM | message detail
GoldenEye with a 5 vote lead.
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: GoldenEye 007 > SMRPG Points: 33/48
transience | Posted 4/18/2009 9:05:25 PM | message detail
so, who's got Mario RPG > Mario 64?

yeah, thought so.
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/18/2009 9:05:28 PM | message detail
Yeah, Goldeneye has probably got this. Did you see that board vote? 100% SMRPG.

Karma Hunter | Posted 4/18/2009 9:05:47 PM | message detail
Bah how did SFII drop that match to Sonic 1? I refuse to believe Sonic has strength so someone better come up with something!
turnturnturn your brain in
turnturnturn your brain in
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 4/18/2009 9:05:53 PM | message detail
Donkey Kong Country 2 9.27% 118
GoldenEye 007 36.37% 463
Resident Evil 2 19.87% 253
Super Mario RPG 34.49% 439

The freeze has kicked in. GoldenEye was pulling away from SMRPG during that last minute. It was pretty close for the first 4 minutes or so.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but still not as cool as FastFalcon05, Guru Champ!
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/18/2009 9:05:55 PM | message detail
Next round I have FF7 > GoldenEye so it works out.
Today's Subliminal Thought Is:
charmander6000 | Posted 4/18/2009 9:05:57 PM | message detail
Opps forgot to refresh, make that 24.
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: GoldenEye 007 > SMRPG Points: 33/48
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/18/2009 9:06:04 PM | message detail
Goldeneye I'm sure had heavy bracket support, I don't think this is over yet. Have to see a couple more updates.
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/18/2009 9:06:14 PM | message detail
and DKC2 bombs, figured this was coming after DKC impressed

Honestly, anyone who expected DKC2 to be stronger than DKC was just asking to be disappointed.

And this is coming from someone who loves DKC2 to death.
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/18/2009 9:06:15 PM | message detail
Further proof that Board 8's taste sucks.

I want to see DKC2 do worse than SoR2!
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/18/2009 9:06:18 PM | message detail
And the Earthbound upset is officially dead. This franchise voting is just ridiculous.

MarioSuperstar | Posted 4/18/2009 9:06:20 PM | message detail
Street Fighter II sucks.
*is Dranze*
BGE2 - Today: GE007 > SMRPG - Points: 34/48 Vote: SMRPG
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/18/2009 9:06:54 PM | message detail
I am still shocked RE2 can be this weak -.-
ZFS | Posted 4/18/2009 9:06:57 PM | message detail
Street Fighter II sucks.

This is probably a good bet.

Chaotic Mind | Posted 4/18/2009 9:07:05 PM | message detail
Man lol DKC2 and RE2... looks like i way overestimated them in the oracle. Glad to see SMRPG hanging strong with GE though the gap is likely to be a lot bigger by the end of the match.
Flash runs alongside Balefire watching marshmallows stop existing. - WarThaNemesis2
transience | Posted 4/18/2009 9:07:29 PM | message detail
let Mario RPG stabilize before making any snap decisions. Mario RPG has one hell of a board vote traditionally. -- check out Geno.
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/18/2009 9:07:31 PM | message detail

From: MarioSuperstar | #117
Street Fighter II sucks.

Actually, this reinforces its strength, which has been doubted several times


ugh none of this makes sense
MarioSuperstar | Posted 4/18/2009 9:07:34 PM | message detail

From: KamikazePotato | #116
And the Earthbound upset is officially dead. This franchise voting is just ridiculous.

I never really relied on franchise voting for my pick, tbh.

I still don't think this is franchise voting however, but EB's chances are looking slimmer by the day.
*is Dranze*
BGE2 - Today: GE007 > SMRPG - Points: 34/48 Vote: SMRPG
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 4/18/2009 9:07:42 PM | message detail

From: MyWorldIsCrono | #113
Goldeneye I'm sure had heavy bracket support, I don't think this is over yet. Have to see a couple more updates.

I would imagine Mario RPG had more support as most people figured Goldeneye to be leading decisively.
Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1
MnMZero | Posted 4/18/2009 9:07:53 PM | message detail

either way, SMRPG probably loses some RPG support when FF7 joins the poll, so I'd feel good about Goldeneye advancing regardless.

Also MK64. I looked at that more when I took Goldeneye. I still consider SMRPG a "Mario" game more than an RPG. I'd be willing to bet more of its popularity comes from being a Mario game more than it being an RPG or being developed by Square. I certainly don't hear these types of comparisons when people talk about the Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi games, and SMRPG certainly has more in common with those games than typical RPGs...
Currently playing: GTAIV, SSBB, MP3, Apollo Justice, FFIVDS, Dracula X
Lopen | Posted 4/18/2009 9:07:56 PM | message detail
Why is this match franchise voting again? I would believe these are legit strengths with perhaps DKC2 being a bit SFFed.
So I lost a bet to creativename (yeah...hardly shocking). Like usual, I should've known better!
FACT: Halo 3 was 1000% responsible for Master Chief's boost.
RPGuy96 | Posted 4/18/2009 9:08:01 PM | message detail
This is waaaay lower than I expected for 007. I suspect there was a lot of board vote there for SMRPG but I really doubt it recovers to where I thought it would be. It's probably good for next round regardless, but this is a pretty disappointing start.

But man RE2 is getting creamed. Another LFF "beneficiary" bites the dust.
Mustache...and Green...
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 4/18/2009 9:08:20 PM | message detail

From: KamikazePotato | #116
And the Earthbound upset is officially dead. This franchise voting is just ridiculous.

Something has to be alive before it can be considered dead.
Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1
charmander6000 | Posted 4/18/2009 9:08:37 PM | message detail
32.34% / 42.94%
30.33% / 46.54%

lol MKII was the favourite.

I think the site hates Sonic.
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: GoldenEye 007 > SMRPG Points: 33/48
transience | Posted 4/18/2009 9:08:38 PM | message detail
oh, and RE2's gonna look a lot better soon. I wouldn't even be amazed if it got close to SMRPG overnight.
Dilated Chemist | Posted 4/18/2009 9:08:44 PM | message detail
I bet half the people voting for SMRPG haven't even played it.

paulg235 | Posted 4/18/2009 9:08:53 PM | message detail
Well, this makes me slightly more confident in M64/RE1/SoTN/KSS now. With Resident Evil supposively going to score about 18% in that match, all we need now is some of that Kirby rSSF followed by Alucard's slow decline over the years for my M64>KSS upset to work.
The Gamer In Me
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/18/2009 9:08:58 PM | message detail
Not gonna bother comparing the games 1v1 yet. Honestly, what the hell would be the best point of reference here? DKC2's an unknown, RE2's not very good thanks to RE's sticky situation in 2004, and it's hard to tell whether they're both at Goldeneye's level or SMRPG's level here.
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 4/18/2009 9:09:00 PM | message detail
Let's see how well the match's BEST GAME rebounds before the day vote wipes it a second time.

This must be how all those Shining Force And Stuff fans feel.
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/18/2009 9:09:04 PM | message detail
Yeah, Goldeneye has probably got this. Did you see that board vote? 100% SMRPG.

Yeah, but if Mario RPG can survive until morning, it's OVER.

And after seeing Mario RPG this close to GoldenEye, we can surmise one of several things:

1. GoldenEye didn't actually get SFF'd after all and its high placing on The List was due to the format and the smaller audience
2. Street Fighter II has weakened since 2004
3. Super Mario RPG has gotten stronger since 2004 (which makes sense, honestly, since this site is still more Nintendo-oriented than it was back then, even though less so than 2 years ago)
4. It's pointless to compare these matches to old matches because everything ends up making no sense anyway
Lieutenant Kettch | Posted 4/18/2009 9:09:23 PM | message detail
Perhaps first in the series games do get a substantial boost? Might explain Sonic 1 doing so well, along with DKC being far more impressive than DKC2. Maybe the FF1/FFIV match will be more interesting than I thought.
FastFalcon and Solid Snake snapped my neck in the guru contest.
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/18/2009 9:10:00 PM | message detail

From: MyWorldIsCrono | #113
Goldeneye I'm sure had heavy bracket support, I don't think this is over yet. Have to see a couple more updates.

It did have tremendous support on Board 8, I was expecting it to have huge bracket support. But it's so damn close that if SMRPG takes the day vote or ASV, then GoldenEye is in trouble.
Today's Subliminal Thought Is:
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/18/2009 9:10:07 PM | message detail

No matter how much sonic goes down, UK is always there for him!
Master Moltar | Posted 4/18/2009 9:10:14 PM | message detail
there's the start of the fall
Moltar Status: you can't hide forever
Match 13 - Bracket: GoldenEye > RE2 - Vote: GE (36/48)
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/18/2009 9:10:24 PM | message detail
It's over.
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 4/18/2009 9:10:37 PM | message detail
Mario RPG is hereby dubbed the "Killer of Superior Games."

Shame on everything.
Watch and you'll see... someday I'll be... part of your world!
charmander6000 | Posted 4/18/2009 9:10:40 PM | message detail
Yup RPG had the board vote.
Board 8 BOP:
BGE2 - Today's Match: GoldenEye 007 > SMRPG Points: 33/48
BlAcK TuRtLe | Posted 4/18/2009 9:11:01 PM | message detail

From: Dilated Chemist | #131
I bet half the people voting for SMRPG haven't even played it.

People say this in every match and I don't understand where it comes from.

Mario RPG is an excellent game and sold a metric ****ton. It has been widely emulated, and recently got a Virtual Console release. Stop talking out of your ass because your crappy boring-ass "survival horror" game is getting the ass kicking it deserves. The Resident Evil franchise is one huge steaming pile of crap.
Like Darth Maul, the bastard child of Michael Flatley and Hellboy. -trancer1
Chaotic Mind | Posted 4/18/2009 9:11:01 PM | message detail
New update and GE's lead is still growing. Fairly sure that's not gonna change.
Flash runs alongside Balefire watching marshmallows stop existing. - WarThaNemesis2
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/18/2009 9:11:08 PM | message detail
Oh, and 5. RE wasn't SFF'd by MGS either

Plus, stop this "franchise voting" nonsense! Mario RPG is awesome!

oh, and RE2's gonna look a lot better soon. I wouldn't even be amazed if it got close to SMRPG overnight.

Even if that's true, Mario RPG's day vote will bury it.

GoldenEye lookin' to be in the clear now though.
red sox 777 | Posted 4/18/2009 9:11:14 PM | message detail
Goldeneye has this. Mario RPG is going to die as badly as Chrono Trigger does in Europe.
Link he come to town to win the Gamefaqs Contests.
ZFS | Posted 4/18/2009 9:11:15 PM | message detail
It's still pretty early, but I'm feeling good about Goldeneye winning here.

Childproof | Posted 4/18/2009 9:11:41 PM | message detail
FACT: If Pierce Brosnan was a playable character in SMRPG, it would have 101% of the votes right now
Is GrapefruitKing
Today's prediction: Pierce Brosnan 32.91% - SMRPG 26.35% - RE2 24.15% - DKC2 16.59%- Status:
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/18/2009 9:12:04 PM | message detail
Mario RPG is hereby dubbed the "Killer of Superior Games."

Shame on everything.

To my knowledge, Mario RPG has yet to face a game that is better than it is, with the possible exception of DKC2.
PartOfYourWorld | Posted 4/18/2009 9:12:19 PM | message detail
What is up with this disgusting level of smug hatred.
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