GameFAQs Contests
Contest Stats and Discussion - Part 682
UltimaterializerX | Posted 4/18/2009 6:33:27 PM | message detail |
LAMB OF GOD CONCERT TOMORROW ~*creativename's contest site (all things contest!)*~ ~*The Board 8 Wiki (lots of useful contest and board information, including all past Post-Contest Analysis from Ulti, transience, Ed Bellis and others)*~ ~*NGamer64's Archive Sites (good stuff!) and (LOL) X-Stats Sim (some offensive language)*~ ~*Character Contest Histories (Thanks to Raven 2 for the info transfer)*~ ~*Simple Explanation of Extrapolated Standings*~ A = Strongest Character B = Character Weaker than A C = Character Weaker than B To figure out a character's Xsts Percentage ---> [(CvB)(BvA)]/50 = CvA To compare how C would do against B ---> [(CvA)/(BvA)]*50 = CvB To figure out how B would do against A ---> [(CvA)/(CvB)]*50 = BvA ~*All the match pics*~ ~*Acronyms and Percentages for Dummies*~ ~*Say What? Some Common Stat Topic Lingo Defined*~ SFF (Same Fanbase Factor) - Same Fanbase Factor is the theory that, if two contestants share a common fanbase, the weaker of the two options will underperform in a direct matchup. For instance, Link was expected to defeat Ganon with 65% of the vote in 2004, based on their 2003 values. Instead, Link collected near 88% of the vote, because the Zelda fanbase so clearly sided with him. However, take some SFF labels with a grain of salt, as many people will slap it onto any match that doesn't make total sense. This has caused a few SFF jokes, with LordOfDabu's "Some Frivolous Factor" being the funniest of them. X-Stats - Short form of Extrapolated Statistics, aka the mathematical "strength" of a contestant that can be determined based on their performance in any given matchup. See above for a detailed explanation of the x-stat process. rSFF (Reverse Same Fanbase Factor): An unproven theory that states that an SFF match will feature the expected weaker character receiving more benefit from SFF than the stronger character. For example, all evidence supports Samus being indirectly stronger than Mario, yet Mario blew Samus away during their 2005 match. That's rSFF in action, and the one case we have of the weaker statistical character winning with it. For other information, surf the contest sites a bit. They have everything. --- .,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.~*ST*~.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,. Now Playing: Etrian Odyssey 2, Lunar 2 |
LeonhartFour | Posted 4/18/2009 6:33:46 PM | message detail |
Don't play Earthbound. Play DKC2 instead! --- |
Mr3790 | Posted 4/18/2009 6:35:06 PM | message detail | --- AC:WW Code: Name:Mr.378 Town:Darkcity FC: 4210-5769-8462 GENO WHIRL! |
M_e_g_a_6_4 | Posted 4/18/2009 6:36:33 PM | message detail |
DKC2 is SMB1 with OMG GR4FX. Earthbound is Dragon Quest with OMG ORIGINALITY. But **** 'em both, play Dwarf Fortress instead. --- |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 4/18/2009 7:39:04 PM | message detail |
But **** 'em both, play Dwarf Fortress instead. ...Win. This thread is over, folks. |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/18/2009 8:05:11 PM | message detail |
Another division down, so..... FACT or FICTION: Super Mario Kart advances to Round Three. FACT or FICTION: Metroid Prime is the strongest Metroid game. FACT or FICTION: Donkey Kong Country > Mega Man X. FACT or FICTION: Secret of Mana > Doom. --- Prototype Shorthand, do you speak it?! |
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/18/2009 8:05:54 PM | message detail |
I'm predicting GoldenEye wins the bracket and board vote (more than
enough people here are cheerleading it)...then it loses to SMRPG. --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/18/2009 8:08:13 PM | message detail |
From: HaRRicH | #006 No, LTTP and SM are too much for SMK to handle. It'll be LTTP > SM to Round 3. No, SM is the strongest Metroid game then Prime No, MMX > DKC in a straight 1v1 match. No, but it would be close because Secret of Mana put on a surprisingly good performance this contest. --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 4/18/2009 8:10:49 PM | message detail |
FACT or FICTION: Super Mario Kart advances to Round Three. Fiction. Not in a million years unless it got turbofodder alongside it. FACT or FICTION: Metroid Prime is the strongest Metroid game. Fiction...maybe. SM is probably stronger, but it might depend on the match pic. FACT or FICTION: Donkey Kong Country > Mega Man X. Fiction. MMX wipes the floor with it. FACT or FICTION: Secret of Mana > Doom. Fact. SoM is a square game, and even an obscure square game would be able to give Doom a fight (we REALLY need to get Vagrant Story into the next contest...). |
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/18/2009 8:13:55 PM | message detail |
I really cannot wait until the later rounds
because I'm getting a little tired of all the turbofodder. Once we
start seeing two Zeldas and two FF games (replace FF or Zelda with any
other mega-franchise) in a four-pack then we will have something to
talk about. --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |
Karma Hunter | Posted 4/18/2009 8:15:00 PM | message detail |
Another division down, so..... FACT or FICTION: Super Mario Kart advances to Round Three. ...tentative FICTION, but that's only because I'm still shocked DKC held up at all against LttP. I don't buy for a second that SM is going to hold up better than SMK. FACT or FICTION: Metroid Prime is the strongest Metroid game. FACT. I've always been a proponent of this, and now it'd be eeeeeeasily. FACT or FICTION: Donkey Kong Country > Mega Man X. Eh... tentative FICTION, though I have no idea why I'm putting faith in MMX. Though I guess I'd take SMK and SM straight up on DKC as well... FACT or FICTION: Secret of Mana > Doom. FACT. Not too much else to say. --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/18/2009 8:16:50 PM | message detail |
Batman vs. Goku who wins --- |
KanzarisKelshen | Posted 4/18/2009 8:17:43 PM | message detail |
How much prep time are we talking about? If Batman gets access to psionic attacks, he should defeat Goku easily. |
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/18/2009 8:17:43 PM | message detail |
I actually just remembered that Doom's 2004 numbers happened months
before Doom 3's release and the MASSIVE disappointment and criticism
the game got afterwards. Now I'm entertaining the idea that DKC didn't so much hold up against LTTP so much as Doom has been sliding since Doom 3. --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |
Karma Hunter | Posted 4/18/2009 8:17:56 PM | message detail |
Oh, it seems I posted too late. You seem to think that the strength of a console somehow translates to the strengths of the individual games on it! Ha. What faulty logic. This is the only console poll that matters. Just when I think you can't possibly delve more into the depths of ludicrously illogical reasoning, you come up with this gem. Brilliant. Someone pin a gold star to this man's bare chest. --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/18/2009 8:18:09 PM | message detail |
From: MyWorldIsCrono | #012 Nobody --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |
MetricTrout | Posted 4/18/2009 8:22:46 PM | message detail |
I really thought we were done with this argument once the old thread
started. But it seems you have run out of arguments, anyway. So let us
keep this short. You think Twilight Princess would lose to Zelda 1. Zelda 1 The common factor here is Wind Waker. I am sorry, you must be either blind or delusional to think that Twilight Princess is not immensely stronger. It is really sad that you have to let your own biases get in the way of objective contest analysis. --- |
transience | Posted 4/18/2009 8:23:19 PM | message detail |
why are you guys lobbing insults at each other over favourite Zelda polls? --- xyzzy |
transience | Posted 4/18/2009 8:23:44 PM | message detail |
like seriously, why? --- yzzyx |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/18/2009 8:24:27 PM | message detail |
From: transience | #019 not much else to do till the exciting matches start --- |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 4/18/2009 8:25:09 PM | message detail |
You have to remember that the first poll was done months after
Windwaker's release. You also have to realize that Zelda 1 had more
competition than Wind Waker. I do believe TP is stronger than WW, personally anyway. --- *is Dranze* BGE2 - Today: Sonic 2 > MKII - Points: 30/44 Vote: Sonic 2 |
charmander6000 | Posted 4/18/2009 8:25:13 PM | message detail |
Match XIII: Donkey Kong Country 2 vs. GoldenEye 007 vs. Resident Evil 2 vs. Super Mario RPG Information: Name: Donkey Kong Country 2 Year: 1995 System: SNES 2004 Performance: Did not enter Name: GoldenEye 007 Year: 1997 System: N64 2004 Performance: 80.81% against Panzer Dragoon Saga, 59.28% against Castlevania: SotN, 26.95% against LoZ: Ocarina of Time Name: Resident Evil 2 Year: 1997 System: PS 2004 Performance: Did not enter Name: Super Mario RPG Year: 1996 System: SNES 2004 Performance: 56.24% against Street Fighter II, 32.94% against Chrono Trigger Analysis The fourth division brings the end of the SNES era (thankfully there’s no GEN games here) and the beginning of the PS/N64 era. As many know this was the beginning of Nintendo’s loss in dominance and Sony’s rise to power. Still both systems produced many great games which also include two of the strongest games of the bracket, though one of them is in the next division. Donkey Kong Country 2 was one of the Nomination Rally Tournament winners and still it needed the add/remove gimmick to enter the bracket replacing the original Fallout. In my opinion it was a good trade off seeing as Fallout was nothing, but dead weight in this match. However I don’t see it doing much here, not only do I see it being the weakest out of the four games, but it also has Super Mario RPG to contend with. It won’t be a crushing defeat and it could sneak third if one of the games here is being overestimated. Unlike most people I see GoldenEye 007 having a lot of strength and it’s not because of its performance on the Top 100 list. GoldenEye was one of the three must have games of the Nintendo 64 along with Super Mario 64 and LoZ: Ocarina of Time. Having such a small library compare to the Playstation being a must have game is really important. GoldenEye brought FPS to consoles and is still remembered today. Some people say that Super Mario RPG and Donkey Kong Country 2 will affect GoldenEye’s performance, but other than Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 I don’t see GoldenEye losing much support to make a difference in this match. For second place I’m surprised that Resident Evil 2 isn’t the favourite. Maybe it’s because Donkey Kong Country 2 was originally Fallout and people were too lazy to switch or consider the possibility that Resident Evil 2 can win. Since the release of Resident Evil 4 the entire series seemed to have gotten a boost though the last thing that gets boosted is other games from the series. Resident Evil 2 is also the odd ball game in this match though that didn’t do much for Doom in its match. Super Mario RPG had a great performance back in 2004 and with SFF and LFF being not as strong in this contest (or maybe there’s so much that it all cancels out) it has a great chance at defeating Resident Evil 2. The one thing that is stopping me from considering it the favourite over Resident Evil 2 was the performance of Street Fighter II earlier this contest. Still it seems that name value is very strong in this contest or at least in the earlier divisions and with the Mario name backing I’m supporting this upset, or guru favourite (how is RE2 not the favourite?). My faith in GoldenEye 007 is far too strong for me to see it lose in this round while Super Mario RPG and Resident Evil 2 should have an epic battle for second. It’s also nice to see that all four games will be getting at least 10% here; the last time we had that happen was all the way back in match two where Pong broke 10%. charmander6000’s Bracket: GoldenEye 007 > Super Mario RPG charmander6000’s Prediction: GoldenEye 007 – 38.69%, Super Mario RPG – 23.62%, Resident Evil 2 – 22.17%, Donkey Kong Country 2 – 15.52% --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: Sonic 2 > Mortal Kombat II Points: 29/44 |
HaRRicH | Posted 4/18/2009 8:25:36 PM | message detail |
Zelda-Polls: We help you say "**** you!" --- Prototype Shorthand, do you speak it?! |
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/18/2009 8:25:56 PM | message detail |
From: MyWorldIsCrono | #020 Pretty much, it's been pretty ho-hum all Round 1. Aside from some Guru picks not panning out and DK not being the choker everyone's been uneventful. --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |
MetricTrout | Posted 4/18/2009 8:26:17 PM | message detail |
No reason. This is stupid, and we need to drop it. --- |
Karma Hunter | Posted 4/18/2009 8:27:42 PM | message detail |
I don't see how I'm acting any differently than I normally do! (other than delving in the mediocrity-fest that is Zelda) As for the actual point, comparing Wind Waker at the height of its popularity and had placement as the newest Zelda title to Wind Waker now is silliness. LoZ would beat Wind Waker without a fuss today. I see no reason why TP wouldn't have its hands full and then some with it. --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
SonicRaptor | Posted 4/18/2009 8:29:32 PM | message detail |
From: MetricTrout | #025 Why? This is the stats topic hence we debate which game is stronger than which. Nobody is taking things personally here (I hope not) so I'm not seeing the huge issue. --- Today's Subliminal Thought Is: |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/18/2009 8:29:45 PM | message detail |
Though getting into the 32/64 bit matches should start to add some more excitement. --- |
charmander6000 | Posted 4/18/2009 8:33:15 PM | message detail |
Well the rest of this division seems boring though. Mario Kart 64 easily beats SF64. Resident Evil needs RE2 to outright win for it to have a chance against SotN. Earthbound is going to flop, again. --- Board 8 BOP: BGE2 - Today's Match: Sonic 2 > Mortal Kombat II Points: 29/44 |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/18/2009 8:34:48 PM | message detail |
1998-2009 should be fun almost every match, though --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/18/2009 8:35:01 PM | message detail |
OoT LTTP TP WW MM LoZ LA who cares --- |
Karma Hunter | Posted 4/18/2009 8:36:07 PM | message detail |
The actual results of these matches aren't necessarily the most
interesting things about them. Even if MMX/LA had turned out to be a
barnburner, I think I would've been more interested in FF6's
unimpressive percentage. I don't think Goldeneye can lose tomorrow, but
I'm very interested to see where it ends up. And of course, there's the
questions surrounding our reigning champion... --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
ZFS | Posted 4/18/2009 8:36:32 PM | message detail |
1998 division is killer -- FFVIII, Xenogears, MGS1, FFIX, FFT, Chrono Cross. Got some of the best games in that division! --- |
MnMZero | Posted 4/18/2009 8:36:55 PM | message detail |
What the hell happened in that last topic? Surely that entire thing
couldn't be arguing about Goldeneye and RE2, right? Are you guys bored? --- Currently playing: GTAIV, SSBB, MP3, Apollo Justice, FFIVDS, Dracula X |
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/18/2009 8:37:32 PM | message detail |
Nah. There was also a bit of ZELDA making people mad at each other. --- |
Karma Hunter | Posted 4/18/2009 8:41:17 PM | message detail |
Man, I can't believe so many people are worrying about the heated
debates. It's contest season, guys! Damn your foolish picks and
fanboyish arguments and go Snake and such --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
transience | Posted 4/18/2009 8:41:30 PM | message detail |
yeah, you're going to see the whining ramped up in the next few days because people care about most of these games. Goldeneye's percentage is something I'm staying up for.. I really want to see if the great hype is a bust or not. --- xyzzy |
MetricTrout | Posted 4/18/2009 8:46:10 PM | message detail |
I cannot see Goldeneye being as strong as it is in the 2004 contest. It
will not fall quite as much as Doom did, but the fact that it is not
part of a major franchise and has not been ported will probably hurt it
a bit. --- |
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/18/2009 8:46:56 PM | message detail |
Goldeneye still has an insane amount of nostalgia on this site, though, and nostalgia only gets better with age. --- |
MarioSuperstar | Posted 4/18/2009 8:47:11 PM | message detail |
Yeah, I'm thinkin' Goldeneye won't do so hot. --- *is Dranze* BGE2 - Today: Sonic 2 > MKII - Points: 30/44 Vote: Sonic 2 |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/18/2009 8:47:26 PM | message detail |
I dont think theres any doubt Goldeneye will be weaker (and it wasn't
very strong to begin with in 2004). Its just how much weaker its gotten --- |
ZFS | Posted 4/18/2009 8:49:13 PM | message detail |
Ha. When did everyone start doubting Goldeneye? I thought most people
here considered it one of the strongest games here. I've always been
skeptical of how strong it really is. Can't say I'd be too surprised if
SMRPG beats it. --- |
MetricTrout | Posted 4/18/2009 8:50:09 PM | message detail |
Actually, given how well everything with Mario in it has been doing
thus far, I might have to brace myself for another 2 point loss. Argh. --- |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/18/2009 8:50:47 PM | message detail |
Man this place is gonna erupt if its SMRPG > RE2 --- |
Karma Hunter | Posted 4/18/2009 8:51:03 PM | message detail |
Well, I'm not about to start doubting GE!
I'm gonna be on this I-told-you-so gravy train right up until we reach
the station or careen over a cliff in a
flaming-augh-how-damn-you-failing-nostalgia wreck. --- turnturnturn your brain in turnturnturn your brain in |
KamikazePotato | Posted 4/18/2009 8:53:57 PM | message detail |
Sign me up for that train, KH! I've built up an immunity to crashed trains by this point! --- |
MnMZero | Posted 4/18/2009 8:54:47 PM | message detail |
Like I said, I took GE > SMRPG without much though. Looking at RE2, I figured RE4 as an individual game
is popular on this site, but it still didn't do much for the series as
a whole (barely beating Street Fighter, which is basically SFII). GE
was the game on the N64 for a better part of a year until OoT game out. SMRPG is freakin' SMRPG.
I wouldn't take RE2 over either game, so unless you think there's gonna
be some extreme LFF with DKC2 in the match, I just didn't see GE or
SMRPG jobbing to RE2. I don't think any of the PS1 RE games are all
that popular on this site... We'll see in a few mins though. --- Currently playing: GTAIV, SSBB, MP3, Apollo Justice, FFIVDS, Dracula X |
-LusterSoldier- | Posted 4/18/2009 8:55:39 PM | message detail |
Man this place is gonna erupt if its SMRPG > RE2 That might be hard with Europe in the way. Geno did like crap in Europe despite the fact that Super Mario RPG was out on Wii's VC for about a month prior to his match. That was the first time Europe actually got the game. The original SNES version was never released in Europe, I think. --- Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~ Popular at school, but still not as cool as FastFalcon05, Guru Champ! |
MyWorldIsCrono | Posted 4/18/2009 8:56:21 PM | message detail |
That might be hard with Europe in the way. Well, I meant like in the power hour when most people pay attention. --- |
MetricTrout | Posted 4/18/2009 8:56:57 PM | message detail |
Back to the question, though. If SMRPG > GE007 for two rounds, which
game will hurt SM64 more relative to Chrono Trigger in the inevitable
match? --- |